\documentclass{article}+ −
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\begin{document}+ −
+ −
\section*{Handout 1 (Security Engineering)}+ −
+ −
Much of the material and inspiration in this module is taken+ −
from the works of Bruce Schneier, Ross Anderson and Alex+ −
Halderman. I think they are the world experts in the area of+ −
security engineering. I especially like that they argue that a+ −
security engineer requires a certain \emph{security mindset}.+ −
Bruce Schneier for example writes:+ −
+ −
\begin{quote} + −
\it ``Security engineers --- at least the good ones --- see+ −
the world differently. They can't walk into a store without+ −
noticing how they might shoplift. They can't use a computer+ −
without wondering about the security vulnerabilities. They+ −
can't vote without trying to figure out how to vote twice.+ −
They just can't help it.''+ −
\end{quote}+ −
+ −
\begin{quote}+ −
\it ``Security engineering\ldots requires you to think+ −
differently. You need to figure out not how something works,+ −
but how something can be made to not work. You have to imagine+ −
an intelligent and malicious adversary inside your system+ −
\ldots, constantly trying new ways to+ −
subvert it. You have to consider all the ways your system can+ −
fail, most of them having nothing to do with the design+ −
itself. You have to look at everything backwards, upside down,+ −
and sideways. You have to think like an alien.''+ −
\end{quote}+ −
+ −
\noindent In this module I like to teach you this security+ −
mindset. This might be a mindset that you think is very+ −
foreign to you---after all we are all good citizens and not+ −
hack into things. I beg to differ: You have this mindset+ −
already when in school you were thinking, at least+ −
hypothetically, about ways in which you can cheat in an exam+ −
(whether it is by hiding notes or by looking over the+ −
shoulders of your fellow pupils). Right? To defend a system,+ −
you need to have this kind mindset and be able to think like+ −
an attacker. This will include understanding techniques that+ −
can be used to compromise security and privacy in systems.+ −
This will many times result in insights where well-intended+ −
security mechanisms made a system actually less+ −
secure.\medskip+ −
+ −
\noindent + −
{\Large\bf Warning!} However, don’t be evil! Using those+ −
techniques in the real world may violate the law or King’s+ −
rules, and it may be unethical. Under some circumstances, even+ −
probing for weaknesses of a system may result in severe+ −
penalties, up to and including expulsion, fines and+ −
jail time. Acting lawfully and ethically is your+ −
responsibility. Ethics requires you to refrain from doing+ −
harm. Always respect privacy and rights of others. Do not+ −
tamper with any of King's systems. If you try out a technique,+ −
always make doubly sure you are working in a safe environment+ −
so that you cannot cause any harm, not even accidentally.+ −
Don't be evil. Be an ethical hacker.\medskip+ −
+ −
\noindent In this lecture I want to make you familiar with the+ −
security mindset and dispel the myth that encryption is the+ −
answer to all security problems (it is certainly often a part+ −
of an answer, but almost always never a sufficient one). This+ −
is actually an important thread going through the whole+ −
course: We will assume that encryption works perfectly, but+ −
still attack ``things''. By ``works perfectly'' we mean that+ −
we will assume encryption is a black box and, for example,+ −
will not look at the underlying mathematics and break the+ −
algorithms.\footnote{Though fascinating this might be.}+ −
+ −
For a secure system, it seems, four requirements need to come+ −
together: First a security policy (what is supposed to be+ −
achieved?); second a mechanism (cipher, access controls,+ −
tamper resistance etc); third the assurance we obtain from the+ −
mechanism (the amount of reliance we can put on the mechanism)+ −
and finally the incentives (the motive that the people+ −
guarding and maintaining the system have to do their job+ −
properly, and also the motive that the attackers have to try+ −
to defeat your policy). The last point is often overlooked,+ −
but plays an important role. To illustrate this lets look at+ −
an example. + −
+ −
\subsubsection*{Chip-and-PIN is Surely More Secure?}+ −
+ −
The questions is whether the Chip-and-PIN system used with+ −
modern credit cards is more secure than the older method of+ −
signing receipts at the till. On first glance the answer seems+ −
obvious: Chip-and-PIN must be more secure and indeed improved+ −
security was the central plank in the ``marketing speak'' of+ −
the banks behind Chip-and-PIN. The earlier system was based on+ −
a magnetic stripe or a mechanical imprint on the cards and+ −
required customers to sign receipts at the till whenever they+ −
bought something. This signature authorised the transactions.+ −
Although in use for a long time, this system had some crucial+ −
security flaws, including making clones of credit cards and+ −
forging signatures. + −
+ −
Chip-and-PIN, as the name suggests, relies on data being+ −
stored on a chip on the card and a PIN number for+ −
authorisation. Even though the banks involved trumpeted their+ −
system as being absolutely secure and indeed fraud rates+ −
initially went down, security researchers were not convinced+ −
(especially not the group around Ross Anderson). To begin with,+ −
the Chip-and-PIN system introduced a ``new player'' into the+ −
system that needed to be trusted: the PIN terminals and their+ −
manufacturers. It was claimed that these terminals were+ −
tamper-resistant, but needless to say this was a weak link in+ −
the system, which criminals successfully attacked. Some+ −
terminals were even so skilfully manipulated that they+ −
transmitted skimmed PIN numbers via built-in mobile phone+ −
connections. To mitigate this flaw in the security of+ −
Chip-and-PIN, you need to be able to vet quite closely the+ −
supply chain of such terminals. This is something that is+ −
mostly beyond the control of customers who need to use these+ −
terminals.+ −
+ −
To make matters worse for Chip-and-PIN, around 2009 Ross+ −
Anderson and his group were able to perform man-in-the-middle+ −
attacks against Chip-and-PIN. Essentially they made the+ −
terminal think the correct PIN was entered and the card think+ −
that a signature was used. This is a kind of \emph{protocol+ −
failure}. After discovery, the flaw was mitigated by requiring+ −
that a link between the card and the bank is established at+ −
every time the card is used. Even later this group found+ −
another problem with Chip-and-PIN and ATMs which did not+ −
generate random enough numbers (nonces) on which the security+ −
of the underlying protocols relies. + −
+ −
The problem with all this is that the banks who introduced+ −
Chip-and-PIN managed with the new system to shift the+ −
liability for any fraud and the burden of proof onto the+ −
customer. In the old system, the banks had to prove that the+ −
customer used the card, which they often did not bother with.+ −
In effect, if fraud occurred the customers were either refunded+ −
fully or lost only a small amount of money. This+ −
taking-responsibility-of-potential-fraud was part of the+ −
``business plan'' of the banks and did not reduce their+ −
profits too much. + −
+ −
Since banks managed to successfully claim that their+ −
Chip-and-PIN system is secure, they were under the new system+ −
able to point the finger at the customer when fraud occurred:+ −
customers must have been negligent losing their PIN and+ −
customers had almost no way of defending themselves in such+ −
situations. That is why the work of \emph{ethical} hackers+ −
like Ross Anderson's group was so important, because they and+ −
others established that the banks' claim that their system is+ −
secure and it must have been the customer's fault, was bogus.+ −
In 2009 the law changed and the burden of proof went back to+ −
the banks. They need to prove whether it was really the+ −
customer who used a card or not.+ −
+ −
This is a classic example where a security design principle+ −
was violated: Namely, the one who is in the position to+ −
improve security, also needs to bear the financial losses if+ −
things go wrong. Otherwise, you end up with an insecure+ −
system. In case of the Chip-and-PIN system, no good security+ −
engineer would dare to claim that it is secure beyond+ −
reproach: the specification of the EMV protocol (underlying+ −
Chip-and-PIN) is some 700 pages long, but still leaves out+ −
many things (like how to implement a good random number+ −
generator). No human being is able to scrutinise such a+ −
specification and ensure it contains no flaws. Moreover, banks+ −
can add their own sub-protocols to EMV. With all the+ −
experience we already have, it is as clear as day that+ −
criminals were bound to eventually be able to poke holes into+ −
it and measures need to be taken to address them. However,+ −
with how the system was set up, the banks had no real+ −
incentive to come up with a system that is really secure.+ −
Getting the incentives right in favour of security is often a+ −
tricky business. From a customer point of view, the+ −
Chip-and-PIN system was much less secure than the old+ −
signature-based method. The customer could now lose+ −
significant amounts of money.+ −
+ −
\subsection*{Of Cookies and Salts}+ −
+ −
Let us look at another example which will help with+ −
understanding how passwords should be verified and stored.+ −
Imagine you need to develop a web-application that has the+ −
feature of recording how many times a customer visits a page.+ −
For example in order to give a discount whenever the customer+ −
has visited a webpage some $x$ number of times (say $x$ equal+ −
$5$). There is one more constraint: we want to store the+ −
information about the number of visits as a cookie on the+ −
browser. I think, for a number of years the webpage of the New+ −
York Times operated in this way: it allowed you to read ten+ −
articles per month for free; if you wanted to read more, you+ −
had to pay. My best guess is that it used cookies for+ −
recording how many times their pages was visited, because if I+ −
switched browsers I could easily circumvent the restriction+ −
about ten articles.+ −
+ −
To implement our web-application it is good to look under the+ −
hood what happens when a webpage is displayed in a browser. A+ −
typical web-application works as follows: The browser sends a+ −
GET request for a particular page to a server. The server+ −
answers this request with a webpage in HTML (for our purposes+ −
we can ignore the details about HTML). A simple JavaScript+ −
program that realises a server answering with a ``hello+ −
world'' webpage is as follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\lstinputlisting{../progs/ap0.js}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent The interesting lines are 4 to 7 where the answer to+ −
the GET request is generated\ldots in this case it is just a+ −
simple string. This program is run on the server and will be+ −
executed whenever a browser initiates such a GET request. You+ −
can run this program on your computer and then direct a+ −
browser to the address \pcode{localhost:8000} in order to+ −
simulate a request over the internet.+ −
+ −
+ −
For our web-application of interest is the feature that the+ −
server when answering the request can store some information+ −
on the client's side. This information is called a+ −
\emph{cookie}. The next time the browser makes another GET+ −
request to the same webpage, this cookie can be read again by+ −
the server. We can use cookies in order to store a counter+ −
that records the number of times our webpage has been visited.+ −
This can be realised with the following small program+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\lstinputlisting{../progs/ap2.js}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent The overall structure of this program is the same as+ −
the earlier one: Lines 7 to 17 generate the answer to a+ −
GET-request. The new part is in Line 8 where we read the+ −
cookie called \pcode{counter}. If present, this cookie will be+ −
send together with the GET-request from the client. The value+ −
of this counter will come in form of a string, therefore we+ −
use the function \pcode{parseInt} in order to transform it+ −
into an integer. In case the cookie is not present, we default+ −
the counter to zero. The odd looking construction \code{...||+ −
0} is realising this defaulting in JavaScript. In Line 9 we+ −
increase the counter by one and store it back to the client+ −
(under the name \pcode{counter}, since potentially more than+ −
one value could be stored). In Lines 10 to 15 we test whether+ −
this counter is greater or equal than 5 and send accordingly a+ −
specially grafted message back to the client.+ −
+ −
Let us step back and analyse this program from a security+ −
point of view. We store a counter in plain text on the+ −
client's browser (which is not under our control). Depending+ −
on this value we want to unlock a resource (like a discount)+ −
when it reaches a threshold. If the client deletes the cookie,+ −
then the counter will just be reset to zero. This does not+ −
bother us, because the purported discount will just not be+ −
granted. In this way we do not lose any (hypothetical) money.+ −
What we need to be concerned about is, however, when a client+ −
artificially increases this counter without having visited our+ −
web-page. This is actually a trivial task for a knowledgeable+ −
person, since there are convenient tools that allow one to set+ −
a cookie to an arbitrary value, for example above our+ −
threshold for the discount. + −
+ −
There seems to be no simple way to prevent this kind of+ −
tampering with cookies, because the whole purpose of cookies+ −
is that they are stored on the client's side, which from the+ −
the server's perspective is a potentially hostile environment.+ −
What we need to ensure is the integrity of this counter in+ −
this hostile environment. We could think of encrypting the+ −
counter. But this has two drawbacks to do with the keys for+ −
encryption. If you use a single, global key for all the+ −
clients that visit our site, then we risk that our whole+ −
``business'' might collapse in the event this key gets known+ −
to the outside world. Then all cookies we might have set in+ −
the past, can now be decrypted and manipulated. If, on the+ −
other hand, we use many ``private'' keys for the clients, then+ −
we have to solve the problem of having to securely store this+ −
key on our server side (obviously we cannot store the key with+ −
the client because then the client again has all data to+ −
tamper with the counter; and obviously we also cannot encrypt+ −
the key, lest we can solve an impossible chicken-and-egg+ −
problem). So encryption seems to not solve the problem we face+ −
with the integrity of our counter.+ −
+ −
Fortunately, \emph{hash functions} seem to be more suitable+ −
for our purpose. Like encryption, hash functions scramble data+ −
in such a way that it is easy to calculate the output of a+ −
hash function from the input. But it is hard (i.e.~practically+ −
impossible) to calculate the input from knowing the output.+ −
Therefore hash functions are often called \emph{one-way+ −
functions}\ldots you cannot go back from the output to the+ −
input (without some tricks, see below). There are several such+ −
hashing function. For example SHA-1 would hash the string+ −
\pcode{"hello world"} to produce the hash-value+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\pcode{2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent Another handy feature of hash functions is that if+ −
the input changes only a little, the output changes+ −
drastically. For example \pcode{"iello world"} produces under+ −
SHA-1 the output+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\pcode{d2b1402d84e8bcef5ae18f828e43e7065b841ff1}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent That means it is not predictable what the output+ −
will be from just looking at input that is ``close by''. + −
+ −
We can use hashes in our web-application and store in the+ −
cookie the value of the counter in plain text but together+ −
with its hash. We need to store both pieces of data in such a+ −
way that we can extract them again later on. In the code below+ −
I will just separate them using a \pcode{"-"}, for example+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\pcode{1-356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent for the counter \pcode{1}. If we now read back the+ −
cookie when the client visits our webpage, we can extract the+ −
counter, hash it again and compare the result to the stored+ −
hash value inside the cookie. If these hashes disagree, then+ −
we can deduce that the cookie has been tampered with.+ −
Unfortunately, if they agree, we can still not be entirely+ −
sure that not a clever hacker has tampered with the cookie.+ −
The reason is that the hacker can see the clear text part of+ −
the cookie, say \pcode{3}, and also its hash. It does not take+ −
much trial and error to find out that we used the SHA-1+ −
hashing function and then the hacker can graft a cookie+ −
accordingly. This is eased by the fact that for SHA-1 many+ −
strings and corresponding hash-values are precalculated. Type,+ −
for example, into Google the hash value for \pcode{"hello+ −
world"} and you will actually pretty quickly find that it was+ −
generated by input string \pcode{"hello world"}. Similarly for+ −
the hash-value for \pcode{1}. This defeats the purpose of a+ −
hashing function and thus would not help us with our+ −
web-applications and later also not with how to store+ −
passwords properly. + −
+ −
+ −
There is one ingredient missing, which happens to be called+ −
\emph{salts}. Salts are random keys, which are added to the+ −
counter before the hash is calculated. In our case we must+ −
keep the salt secret. As can be see in Figure~\ref{hashsalt},+ −
we need to extract from the cookie the counter value and its+ −
hash (Lines 19 and 20). But before hashing the counter again+ −
(Line 22) we need to add the secret salt. Similarly, when we+ −
set the new increased counter, we will need to add the salt+ −
before hashing (this is done in Line 15). Our web-application+ −
will now store cookies like + −
+ −
\begin{figure}[p]+ −
\lstinputlisting{../progs/App4.js}+ −
\caption{\label{hashsalt}}+ −
\end{figure}+ −
+ −
\begin{center}\tt+ −
\begin{tabular}{l}+ −
1 + salt - 8189effef4d4f7411f4153b13ff72546dd682c69\\+ −
2 + salt - 1528375d5ceb7d71597053e6877cc570067a738f\\+ −
3 + salt - d646e213d4f87e3971d9dd6d9f435840eb6a1c06\\+ −
4 + salt - 5b9e85269e4461de0238a6bf463ed3f25778cbba\\+ −
...\\+ −
\end{tabular}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent These hashes allow us to read and set the value of+ −
the counter, and also give us confidence that the counter has+ −
not been tampered with. This of course depends on being able+ −
to keep the salt secret. Once the salt is public, we better+ −
ignore all cookies and start setting them again with a new+ −
salt.+ −
+ −
There is an interesting and very subtle point to note with+ −
respect to the New York Times' way of checking the number+ −
visits. Essentially they have their `resource' unlocked at the+ −
beginning and lock it only when the data in the cookie states+ −
that the allowed free number of visits are up. As said before,+ −
this can be easily circumvented by just deleting the cookie or+ −
by switching the browser. This would mean the New York Times+ −
will lose revenue whenever this kind of tampering occurs. The+ −
quick fix to require that a cookie must always be present does+ −
not work, because then this newspaper will cut off any new+ −
readers, or anyone who gets a new computer. In contrast, our+ −
web-application has the resource (discount) locked at the+ −
beginning and only unlocks it if the cookie data says so. If+ −
the cookie is deleted, well then the resource just does not+ −
get unlocked. No mayor harm will result to us. You can see:+ −
the same security mechanism behaves rather differently+ −
depending on whether the ``resource'' needs to be locked or+ −
unlocked. Apart from thinking about the difference very+ −
carefully, I do not know of any good ``theory'' that could+ −
help with solving such security intricacies in any other way. + −
+ −
\subsection*{How to Store Passwords Properly?}+ −
+ −
While admittedly quite silly, the simple web-application in+ −
the previous section should help with the more important+ −
question of how passwords should be verified and stored. It is+ −
unbelievable that nowadays systems still do this with+ −
passwords in plain text. The idea behind such plain-text+ −
passwords is of course that if the user typed in+ −
\pcode{foobar} as password, we need to verify whether it+ −
matches with the password that is already stored for this user+ −
in the system. Why not doing this with plain-text passwords?+ −
Unfortunately doing this verification in plain text is really+ −
a bad idea. Alas, evidence suggests it is still a+ −
widespread practice. I leave you to think about why verifying+ −
passwords in plain text is a bad idea.+ −
+ −
Using hash functions, like in our web-application, we can do+ −
better. They allow us to not having to store passwords in+ −
plain text for verification whether a password matches or not.+ −
We can just hash the password and store the hash-value. And+ −
whenever the user types in a new password, well then we hash+ −
it again and check whether the hash-values agree. Just like+ −
in the web-application before.+ −
+ −
Lets analyse what happens when a hacker gets hold of such a+ −
hashed password database. That is the scenario we want to+ −
defend against.\footnote{If we could assume our servers can+ −
never be broken into, then storing passwords in plain text+ −
would be no problem. The point, however, is that servers are+ −
never absolutely secure.} The hacker has then a list of user names and+ −
associated hash-values, like + −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\pcode{urbanc:2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent For a beginner-level hacker this information is of+ −
no use. It would not work to type in the hash value instead of+ −
the password, because it will go through the hashing function+ −
again and then the resulting two hash-values will not match.+ −
One attack a hacker can try, however, is called a \emph{brute+ −
force attack}. Essentially this means trying out exhaustively+ −
all strings+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\pcode{a},+ −
\pcode{aa},+ −
\pcode{...},+ −
\pcode{ba},+ −
\pcode{...},+ −
\pcode{zzz},+ −
\pcode{...}+ −
\end{center} + −
+ −
\noindent and so on, hash them and check whether they match+ −
with the hash-values in the database. Such brute force attacks+ −
are surprisingly effective. With modern technology (usually+ −
GPU graphic cards), passwords of moderate length only need+ −
seconds or hours to be cracked. Well, the only defence we have+ −
against such brute force attacks is to make passwords longer+ −
and force users to use the whole spectrum of letters and keys+ −
for passwords. The hope is that this makes the search space+ −
too big for an effective brute force attack.+ −
+ −
Unfortunately, clever hackers have another ace up their+ −
sleeves. These are called \emph{dictionary attacks}. The idea+ −
behind dictionary attack is the observation that only few+ −
people are competent enough to use sufficiently strong+ −
passwords. Most users (at least too many) use passwords like+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\pcode{123456},+ −
\pcode{password},+ −
\pcode{qwerty},+ −
\pcode{letmein},+ −
\pcode{...}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent So an attacker just needs to compile a list as large+ −
as possible of such likely candidates of passwords and also+ −
compute their hash-values. The difference between a brute+ −
force attack, where maybe $2^{80}$ many strings need to be+ −
considered, is that a dictionary attack might get away with+ −
checking only 10 Million words (remember the language English+ −
``only'' contains 600,000 words). This is a drastic+ −
simplification for attackers. Now, if the attacker knows the+ −
hash-value of a password is+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\pcode{5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent then just a lookup in the dictionary will reveal+ −
that the plain-text password was \pcode{password}. What is+ −
good about this attack is that the dictionary can be+ −
precompiled in the ``comfort of the hacker's home'' before an+ −
actual attack is launched. It just needs sufficient storage+ −
space, which nowadays is pretty cheap. A hacker might in this+ −
way not be able to crack all passwords in our database, but+ −
even being able to crack 50\% can be serious damage for a+ −
large company (because then you have to think about how to+ −
make users to change their old passwords---a major hassle).+ −
And hackers are very industrious in compiling these+ −
dictionaries: for example they definitely include variations+ −
like \pcode{passw0rd} and also include rules that cover cases+ −
like \pcode{passwordpassword} or \pcode{drowssap} (password+ −
reversed).\footnote{Some entertaining rules for creating+ −
effective dictionaries are described in the book ``Applied+ −
Cryptography'' by Bruce Schneier (in case you can find it in+ −
the library), and also in the original research literature+ −
which can be accessed for free from+ −
\url{http://www.klein.com/dvk/publications/passwd.pdf}.}+ −
Historically, compiling a list for a dictionary attack is not+ −
as simple as it might seem. At the beginning only ``real''+ −
dictionaries were available (like the Oxford English+ −
Dictionary), but such dictionaries are not optimised for the+ −
purpose of cracking passwords. The first real hard data about actually+ −
used passwords was obtained when a company called RockYou+ −
``lost'' 32 Million plain-text passwords. With this data of+ −
real-life passwords, dictionary attacks took off. Compiling+ −
such dictionaries is nowadays very easy with the help of+ −
off-the-shelf tools.+ −
+ −
These dictionary attacks can be prevented by using salts.+ −
Remember a hacker needs to use the most likely candidates + −
of passwords and calculate their hash-value. If we add before+ −
hashing a password a random salt, like \pcode{mPX2aq},+ −
then the string \pcode{passwordmPX2aq} will almost certainly + −
not be in the dictionary. Like in the web-application in the+ −
previous section, a salt does not prevent us from verifying a + −
password. We just need to add the salt whenever the password + −
is typed in again. + −
+ −
There is a question whether we should use a single random salt+ −
for every password in our database. A single salt would+ −
already make dictionary attacks considerably more difficult.+ −
It turns out, however, that in case of password databases+ −
every password should get their own salt. This salt is+ −
generated at the time when the password is first set. + −
If you look at a Unix password file you will find entries like+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\pcode{urbanc:$6$3WWbKfr1$4vblknvGr6FcDeF92R5xFn3mskfdnEn...$...}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent where the first part is the login-name, followed by+ −
a field \pcode{$6$} which specifies which hash-function is+ −
used. After that follows the salt \pcode{3WWbKfr1} and after+ −
that the hash-value that is stored for the password (which+ −
includes the salt). I leave it to you to figure out how the+ −
password verification would need to work based on this data.+ −
+ −
There is a non-obvious benefit of using a separate salt for+ −
each password. Recall that \pcode{123456} is a popular+ −
password that is most likely used by several of your users+ −
(especially if the database contains millions of entries). If+ −
we use no salt or one global salt, all hash-values will be the+ −
same for this password. So if a hacker is in the business of+ −
cracking as many passwords as possible, then it is a good idea+ −
to concentrate on those very popular passwords. This is not+ −
possible if each password gets its own salt: since we assume+ −
the salt is generated randomly, each version of \pcode{123456}+ −
will be associated with a different hash-value. This will+ −
make the life harder for an attacker.+ −
+ −
Note another interesting point. The web-application from the+ −
previous section was only secure when the salt was secret. In+ −
the password case, this is not needed. The salt can be public+ −
as shown above in the Unix password file where it is actually+ −
stored as part of the password entry. Knowing the salt does+ −
not give the attacker any advantage, but prevents that+ −
dictionaries can be precompiled. While salts do not solve+ −
every problem, they help with protecting against dictionary+ −
attacks on password files. It protects people who have the+ −
same passwords on multiple machines. But it does not protect+ −
against a focused attack against a single password and also+ −
does not make poorly chosen passwords any better. Still the+ −
moral is that you should never store passwords in plain text.+ −
Never ever.+ −
+ −
\subsubsection*{Further Reading}+ −
+ −
A slightly different point of view about the economies of + −
password cracking:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
http://xkcd.com/538/+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
If you want to know more about passwords, I recommend viewing+ −
some youtube videos from the PasswordCon(ference) which takes+ −
place each year. The book by Bruce Schneier about Applied+ −
Cryptography is also recommendable, though quite expensive.+ −
There is also another expensive book about penetration+ −
testing, but the readable chapter about password attacks+ −
(Chapter 9) is free:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{http://www.nostarch.com/pentesting}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent Clearly, passwords are a technology that comes to+ −
the end of its usefulness, because brute force attacks become+ −
more and more powerful and it is unlikely that humans get any+ −
better in remembering (securely) longer and longer passwords.+ −
The big question is which technology can replace+ −
passwords\ldots + −
+ −
\end{document}+ −
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