author Christian Urban <>
Tue, 26 Sep 2017 10:36:19 +0100
changeset 531 35ffb7a7eafa
parent 521 34775227c84f
child 545 0697622fb181
permissions -rw-r--r--
fixed bug

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\newcommand{\HEADER}{{\bf Please submit your solutions to the
email address 7ccsmsen at gmail dot com. Please submit only one
homework per email. Please also submit only
ASCII text or PDFs (no .docs etc). Every solution should be preceded by the
corresponding question, like:

Q$n$: & \ldots a difficult question from me\ldots\\
A:    & \ldots an answer from you \ldots\\
Q$n+1$ & \ldots another difficult question\ldots\\
A:     & \ldots another brilliant answer from you\ldots

\noindent Solutions will only be accepted until
20th December! Submit with your partner a \underline{single} solution!}\bigskip}

{\bf (Optional)} This question is for you to provide 
regular feedback to me, for example 
what were the most interesting, least interesting, or confusing parts in this lecture?
Is there anything you like to have improved or explained in the handouts?
Please feel free to share any other questions or concerns.}