\documentclass{article}+ −
\usepackage{../style}+ −
\usepackage{../langs}+ −
\usepackage{../graphics}+ −
\usepackage{../data}+ −
+ −
\begin{document}+ −
\fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, 2014}+ −
+ −
\section*{Handout 3 (Buffer Overflow Attacks)}+ −
+ −
By far the most popular attack method on computers are buffer+ −
overflow attacks or variations thereof. The first Internet+ −
worm (Morris) exploited exactly such an attack. The popularity+ −
is unfortunate because we nowadays have technology in place to+ −
prevent them effectively. But these kind of attacks are still+ −
very relevant even today since there are many legacy systems+ −
out there and also many modern embedded systems often do not+ −
take any precautions to prevent such attacks. The plot below shows+ −
the percentage of buffer overflow attacks listed in the US National + −
Vulnerability Database.\footnote{Search for ``Buffer errors'' at + −
\url{http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/statistics}.}+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}+ −
\begin{axis}[+ −
xlabel={year},+ −
ylabel={\% of total attacks},+ −
ylabel style={yshift=-1em},+ −
enlargelimits=false,+ −
xtick={1997,1998,2000,...,2014},+ −
xmin=1996.5,+ −
xmax=2015,+ −
ymax=21,+ −
ytick={0,5,...,20},+ −
scaled ticks=false,+ −
axis lines=left,+ −
width=12cm,+ −
height=5cm,+ −
ybar,+ −
nodes near coords=+ −
{\footnotesize+ −
$\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=1,use comma]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/y}}$},+ −
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize,/pgf/number format/1000 sep={}}]+ −
\addplot+ −
table [x=Year,y=Percentage] {bufferoverflows.data};+ −
\end{axis}+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent This statistics indicates that in the last+ −
five years or so the number of buffer overflow attacks is+ −
around 10\% of all attacks (whereby the absolute numbers of+ −
attacks grow each year).+ −
+ −
+ −
To understand how buffer overflow attacks work, we have to have+ −
a look at how computers work ``under the hood'' (on the+ −
machine level) and also understand some aspects of the C/C+++ −
programming language. This might not be everyday fare for+ −
computer science students, but who said that criminal hackers+ −
restrict themselves to everyday fare? ...not to mention the+ −
free-riding script-kiddies who use this technology without+ −
even knowing what the underlying ideas are. If you want to be+ −
a good security engineer who needs to defend against such attacks, + −
then better you get to know the details too.+ −
+ −
For buffer overflow attacks to work, a number of innocent+ −
design decisions, which are really benign on their own, need+ −
to conspire against you. All these decisions were taken at a+ −
time when there was no Internet: C was introduced around 1973;+ −
the Internet TCP/IP protocol was standardised in 1982 by which+ −
time there were maybe 500 servers connected (and all users+ −
were well-behaved, mostly academics); Intel's first 8086 CPUs+ −
arrived around 1977. So nobody of the ``forefathers'' can+ −
really be blamed, but as mentioned above we should already be+ −
way beyond the point that buffer overflow attacks are worth a+ −
thought. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. I let you+ −
ponder why?+ −
+ −
One such ``benign'' design decision is how the memory is laid+ −
out into different regions for each process. + −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7]+ −
%\draw[step=1cm] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-2, -3) rectangle (2,3);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-2,1) -- (2,1);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-2,-1) -- (2,-1);+ −
\draw (0,2) node {\large\tt text};+ −
\draw (0,0) node {\large\tt heap};+ −
\draw (0,-2) node {\large\tt stack};+ −
+ −
\draw (-2.7,3) node[anchor=north east] {\tt\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}lower\\ address\end{tabular}};+ −
\draw (-2.7,-3) node[anchor=south east] {\tt\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}higher\\ address\end{tabular}};+ −
\draw[->, line width=1mm] (-2.5,3) -- (-2.5,-3);+ −
+ −
\draw (2.7,-2) node[anchor=west] {\tt grows};+ −
\draw (2.7,-3) node[anchor=south west] {\tt\footnotesize older};+ −
\draw (2.7,-1) node[anchor=north west] {\tt\footnotesize newer};+ −
\draw[|->, line width=1mm] (2.5,-3) -- (2.5,-1);+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent The text region contains the program code (usually+ −
this region is read-only). The heap stores all data the+ −
programmer explicitly allocates. For us the most interesting+ −
region is the stack, which contains data mostly associated+ −
with the control flow of the program. Notice that the stack+ −
grows from higher addresses to lower addresses (i.e.~from the+ −
back to the front). That means that older items on the stack+ −
will be stored behind, or after, newer items. Let's look a bit+ −
closer what happens with the stack when a program is running.+ −
Consider the following simple C program.+ −
+ −
\lstinputlisting[language=C]{../progs/example1.c} + −
+ −
\noindent The \code{main} function calls in Line 7 the+ −
function \code{foo} with three arguments. \code{Foo} creates+ −
two (local) buffers, but does not do anything interesting with+ −
them. The only purpose of this program is to illustrate what+ −
happens behind the scenes with the stack. The interesting+ −
question is what will the stack be after Line 3 has been+ −
executed? The answer can be illustrated as follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{center} + −
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65]+ −
\draw[gray!20,fill=gray!20] (-5, 0) rectangle (-3,-1);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-5,-1.2) -- (-5,0.2);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-3,-1.2) -- (-3,0.2);+ −
\draw (-4,-1) node[anchor=south] {\tt main};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-5,0) -- (-3,0);+ −
+ −
\draw[gray!20,fill=gray!20] (3, 0) rectangle (5,-1);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (3,-1.2) -- (3,0.2);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (5,-1.2) -- (5,0.2);+ −
\draw (4,-1) node[anchor=south] {\tt main};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (3,0) -- (5,0);+ −
+ −
%\draw[step=1cm] (-3,-1) grid (3,8);+ −
\draw[gray!20,fill=gray!20] (-1, 0) rectangle (1,-1);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,-1.2) -- (-1,7.4);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] ( 1,-1.2) -- ( 1,7.4);+ −
\draw (0,-1) node[anchor=south] {\tt main};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);+ −
\draw (0,0) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_3$=3};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,1) -- (1,1);+ −
\draw (0,1) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_2$=2};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,2) -- (1,2);+ −
\draw (0,2) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_1$=1};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,3) -- (1,3);+ −
\draw (0,3.1) node[anchor=south] {\tt ret};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,4) -- (1,4);+ −
\draw (0,4) node[anchor=south] {\small\tt last sp};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,5) -- (1,5);+ −
\draw (0,5) node[anchor=south] {\tt buf$_1$};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,6) -- (1,6);+ −
\draw (0,6) node[anchor=south] {\tt buf$_2$};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,7) -- (1,7);+ −
+ −
\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (1,4.5) -- (1.8,4.5) -- (1.8, 0) -- (1.1,0); + −
\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (1,3.5) -- (2.5,3.5);+ −
\draw (2.6,3.1) node[anchor=south west] {\tt back to main()};+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center} + −
+ −
\noindent On the left is the stack before \code{foo} is+ −
called; on the right is the stack after \code{foo} finishes.+ −
The function call to \code{foo} in Line 7 pushes the arguments+ −
onto the stack in reverse order---shown in the middle.+ −
Therefore first 3 then 2 and finally 1. Then it pushes the+ −
return address onto the stack where execution should resume+ −
once \code{foo} has finished. The last stack pointer+ −
(\code{sp}) is needed in order to clean up the stack to the+ −
last level---in fact there is no cleaning involved, but just+ −
the top of the stack will be set back to this address. So the+ −
last stack pointer also needs to be stored. The two buffers+ −
inside \pcode{foo} are on the stack too, because they are+ −
local data within \code{foo}. Consequently the stack in the+ −
middle is a snapshot after Line 3 has been executed. In case+ −
you are familiar with assembly instructions you can also read+ −
off this behaviour from the machine code that the \code{gcc}+ −
compiler generates for the program above:\footnote{You can+ −
make \pcode{gcc} generate assembly instructions if you call it+ −
with the \pcode{-S} option, for example \pcode{gcc -S out+ −
in.c}\;. Or you can look at this code by using the debugger.+ −
How to do this will be explained later.}+ −
+ −
\begin{center}\small+ −
\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}c@{\hspace{8mm}}c@{}}+ −
{\lstinputlisting[language={[x86masm]Assembler},+ −
morekeywords={movl},xleftmargin=5mm]+ −
{../progs/example1a.s}} &+ −
{\lstinputlisting[language={[x86masm]Assembler},+ −
morekeywords={movl,movw},xleftmargin=5mm]+ −
{../progs/example1b.s}} + −
\end{tabular}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent On the left you can see how the function+ −
\pcode{main} prepares in Lines 2 to 7 the stack before calling+ −
the function \pcode{foo}. You can see that the numbers 3, 2, 1+ −
are stored on the stack (the register \code{$esp} refers to+ −
the top of the stack; \pcode{$0x1}, \pcode{$0x2} \pcode{$0x3}+ −
are the encodings for \pcode{1} to \pcode{3}). On the right+ −
you can see how the function \pcode{foo} stores the two local+ −
buffers onto the stack and initialises them with the given+ −
data (Lines 2 to 9). Since there is no real computation going+ −
on inside \pcode{foo}, the function then just restores the+ −
stack to its old state and crucially sets the return address+ −
where the computation should resume (Line 9 in the code on the+ −
left-hand side). The instruction \code{ret} then transfers+ −
control back to the function \pcode{main} to the the+ −
instruction just after the call to \pcode{foo}, that is Line+ −
9.+ −
+ −
Another part of the ``conspiracy'' of buffer overflow attacks+ −
is that library functions in C look typically as follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\lstinputlisting[language=C,numbers=none]{../progs/app5.c}+ −
\end{center} + −
+ −
\noindent This function copies data from a source \pcode{src}+ −
to a destination \pcode{dst}. The important point is that it+ −
copies the data until it reaches a zero-byte (\code{"\\0"}). + −
This is a convention of the C language which assumes all+ −
strings are terminated by such a zero-byte.+ −
+ −
The central idea of the buffer overflow attack is to overwrite+ −
the return address on the stack. This address decides where+ −
the control flow of the program should resume once the+ −
function at hand has finished its computation. So if we + −
can control this address, then we can modify the control+ −
flow of a program. To launch an attack we need + −
somewhere in a function a local a buffer, say+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\code{char buf[8];}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent which is filled by some user input. The+ −
corresponding stack of such a function will look as follows+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65]+ −
%\draw[step=1cm] (-3,-1) grid (3,8);+ −
\draw[gray!20,fill=gray!20] (-1, 0) rectangle (1,-1);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,-1.2) -- (-1,6.4);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] ( 1,-1.2) -- ( 1,6.4);+ −
\draw (0,-1) node[anchor=south] {\tt main};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);+ −
\draw (0,0) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_3$=3};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,1) -- (1,1);+ −
\draw (0,1) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_2$=2};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,2) -- (1,2);+ −
\draw (0,2) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_1$=1};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,3) -- (1,3);+ −
\draw (0,3.1) node[anchor=south] {\tt ret};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,4) -- (1,4);+ −
\draw (0,4) node[anchor=south] {\small\tt last sp};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,5) -- (1,5);+ −
\draw (0,5.1) node[anchor=south] {\tt buf};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,6) -- (1,6);+ −
\draw (2,5.1) node[anchor=south] {\code{$esp}};+ −
\draw[<-,line width=0.5mm] (1.1,6) -- (2.5,6);+ −
+ −
\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (1,4.5) -- (2.5,4.5);+ −
\draw (2.6,4.1) node[anchor=south west] {\code{??}};+ −
+ −
\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (1,3.5) -- (2.5,3.5);+ −
\draw (2.6,3.1) node[anchor=south west] {\tt jump to \code{\\x080483f4}};+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent We need to fill this buffer over its limit of 8+ −
characters so that it overwrites the stack pointer and then+ −
also overwrites the return address. If, for example, we want+ −
to jump to a specific address in memory, say,+ −
\pcode{\\x080483f4} then we can fill the buffer with the data+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\code{char buf[8] = "AAAAAAAABBBB\\xf4\\x83\\x04\\x08";}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent The first eight \pcode{A}s fill the buffer to the+ −
rim; the next four \pcode{B}s overwrite the stack pointer+ −
(with what data we overwrite this part is usually not+ −
important); then comes the address we want to jump to. Notice+ −
that we have to give the address in the reverse order. All+ −
addresses on Intel CPUs need to be given in this way. Since+ −
the string is enclosed in double quotes, the C convention is+ −
that the string internally will automatically be terminated by+ −
a zero-byte. If the programmer uses functions like+ −
\pcode{strcpy} for filling the buffer \pcode{buf}, then we can+ −
be sure it will overwrite the stack in this manner---since it+ −
will copy everything up to the zero-byte. Notice that this+ −
overwriting of the buffer only works since the newer item, the+ −
buffer, is stored on the stack before the older items, like+ −
return address and arguments. If it had be the other way+ −
around, then such an overwriting by overflowing a local buffer+ −
would just not work. Had the designers of C had just been able+ −
to foresee what headaches their way of arranging the stack+ −
caused in the time where computers are accessible from+ −
everywhere?+ −
+ −
What the outcome of such an attack is can be illustrated with+ −
the code shown in Figure~\ref{C2}. Under ``normal operation''+ −
this program ask for a login-name and a password. Both of+ −
which are stored in \code{char} buffers of length 8. The+ −
function \pcode{match} tests whether two such buffers contain+ −
the same content. If yes, then the function lets you ``in''+ −
(by printing \pcode{Welcome}). If not, it denies access (by+ −
printing \pcode{Wrong identity}). The vulnerable function is+ −
\code{get_line} in Lines 11 to 19. This function does not take+ −
any precautions about the buffer of 8 characters being filled+ −
beyond its 8-character-limit. Let us suppose the login name+ −
is \pcode{test}. Then the buffer overflow can be triggered+ −
with a specially crafted string as password:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\code{AAAAAAAABBBB\\x2c\\x85\\x04\\x08\\n}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent The address at the end happens to be the one for the+ −
function \pcode{welcome()}. This means even with this input+ −
(where the login name and password clearly do not match) the+ −
program will still print out \pcode{Welcome}. The only+ −
information we need for this attack to work is to know where+ −
the function \pcode{welcome()} starts in memory. This+ −
information can be easily obtained by starting the program+ −
inside the debugger and disassembling this function. + −
+ −
\begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none,language={[x86masm]Assembler},+ −
morekeywords={movl,movw}]+ −
$ gdb C2+ −
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.2-ubuntu+ −
(gdb) disassemble welcome+ −
\end{lstlisting}+ −
+ −
\noindent \pcode{C2} is the name of the program and+ −
\pcode{gdb} is the name of the debugger. The output will be+ −
something like this+ −
+ −
\begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none,language={[x86masm]Assembler},+ −
morekeywords={movl,movw}]+ −
0x0804852c <+0>: push %ebp+ −
0x0804852d <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp+ −
0x0804852f <+3>: sub $0x4,%esp+ −
0x08048532 <+6>: movl $0x8048690,(%esp)+ −
0x08048539 <+13>: call 0x80483a4 <puts@plt>+ −
0x0804853e <+18>: movl $0x0,(%esp)+ −
0x08048545 <+25>: call 0x80483b4 <exit@plt>+ −
\end{lstlisting}+ −
+ −
\noindent indicating that the function \pcode{welcome()}+ −
starts at address \pcode{0x0804852c} (top address in the + −
left column).+ −
+ −
\begin{figure}[p]+ −
\lstinputlisting[language=C]{../progs/C2.c}+ −
\caption{A vulnerable login implementation.\label{C2}}+ −
\end{figure}+ −
+ −
This kind of attack was very popular with commercial programs+ −
that needed a key to be unlocked. Historically, hackers first + −
broke the rather weak encryption of these locking mechanisms.+ −
After the encryption had been made stronger, hackers used+ −
buffer overflow attacks as shown above to jump directly to+ −
the part of the program that was intended to be only available+ −
after the correct key was typed in. + −
+ −
\subsection*{Payloads}+ −
+ −
Unfortunately, much more harm can be caused by buffer overflow+ −
attacks. This is achieved by injecting code that will be run+ −
once the return address is appropriately modified. Typically+ −
the code that will be injected starts a shell. This gives the+ −
attacker the ability to run programs on the target machine and+ −
to have a good look around, provided the attacked process was not+ −
already running as root.\footnote{In that case the attacker+ −
would already congratulate him or herself to another+ −
computer under full control.} In order to be send as part of+ −
the string that is overflowing the buffer, we need the code to+ −
be represented as a sequence of characters. For example+ −
+ −
\lstinputlisting[language=C,numbers=none]{../progs/o1.c}+ −
+ −
\noindent These characters represent the machine code for+ −
opening a shell. It seems obtaining such a string requires+ −
``higher-education'' in the architecture of the target system. But+ −
it is actually relatively simple: First there are many such+ −
string ready-made---just a quick Google query away. Second,+ −
tools like the debugger can help us again. We can just write+ −
the code we want in C, for example this would be the program+ −
for starting a shell:+ −
+ −
\lstinputlisting[language=C,numbers=none]{../progs/shell.c} + −
+ −
\noindent Once compiled, we can use the debugger to obtain + −
the machine code, or even the ready-made encoding as character+ −
sequence. + −
+ −
While easy, obtaining this string is not entirely trivial+ −
using \pcode{gdb}. Remember the functions in C that copy or+ −
fill buffers work such that they copy everything until the+ −
zero byte is reached. Unfortunately the ``vanilla'' output+ −
from the debugger for the shell-program above will contain+ −
such zero bytes. So a post-processing phase is needed to+ −
rewrite the machine code in a way that it does not contain any+ −
zero bytes. This is like some works of literature that have+ −
been written so that the letter e, for example, is avoided.+ −
The technical term for such a literature work is+ −
\emph{lipogram}.\footnote{The most famous example of a+ −
lipogram is a 50,000 words novel titled Gadsby, see+ −
\url{https://archive.org/details/Gadsby}, which avoids the + −
letter `e' throughout.} For rewriting the+ −
machine code, you might need to use clever tricks like+ −
+ −
\begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none,language={[x86masm]Assembler}]+ −
xor %eax, %eax+ −
\end{lstlisting}+ −
+ −
\noindent This instruction does not contain any zero-byte when+ −
encoded as string, but produces a zero-byte on the stack when+ −
run. + −
+ −
Having removed the zero-bytes we can craft the string that+ −
will be send to the target computer. This of course requires+ −
that the buffer we are trying to attack can at least contain+ −
the shellcode we want to run. But as you can see this is only+ −
47 bytes, which is a very low bar to jump over. More+ −
formidable is the choice of finding the right address to jump+ −
to. The string is typically of the form+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6]+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-2, -1) rectangle (2,3);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-2,1.9) -- (2,1.9);+ −
\draw (0,2.5) node {\large\tt shell code};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm,fill=black] (0.3, -1) rectangle (2,-0.7);+ −
\draw[->,line width=0.3mm] (1.05, -1) -- (1.05,-1.7) --+ −
(-3,-1.7) -- (-3, 3.7) -- (-1.9, 3.7) -- (-1.9, 3.1);+ −
\draw (-2, 3) node[anchor=north east] {\LARGE \color{codegreen}{``}};+ −
\draw ( 2,-0.9) node[anchor=west] {\LARGE\color{codegreen}{''}};+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent where we need to be very precise with the address+ −
with which we will overwrite the buffer. It has to be+ −
precisely the first byte of the shellcode. While this is easy+ −
with the help of a debugger (as seen before), we typically+ −
cannot run anything, including a debugger, on the machine yet+ −
we target. And the address is very specific to the setup of+ −
the target machine. One way of finding out what the right+ −
address is is to try out one by one every possible+ −
address until we get lucky. With the large memories available+ −
today, however, the odds are long. And if we try out too many+ −
possible candidates too quickly, we might be detected by the+ −
system administrator of the target system.+ −
+ −
We can improve our odds considerably by following a clever + −
trick. Instead of adding the shellcode at the beginning of the+ −
string, we should add it at the end, just before we overflow + −
the buffer, for example+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6]+ −
\draw[gray!50,fill=gray!50] (-2,0.3) rectangle (2,3);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-2, -1) rectangle (2,3);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-2,0.3) -- (2,0.3);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-2,-0.7) -- (2,-0.7);+ −
\draw (0,-0.2) node {\large\tt shell code};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm,fill=black] (0.3, -1) rectangle (2,-0.7);+ −
\draw [line width=0.5,decoration={brace,amplitude=2mm},decorate] + −
(2.3,3) -- (2.3,0.3);+ −
\draw[line width=0.3mm] (1.05, -1) -- (1.05,-1.7) --+ −
(3,-1.7) -- (3,1.65) -- (2.6, 1.65);+ −
\draw (-2, 3) node[anchor=north east] {\LARGE \color{codegreen}{``}};+ −
\draw ( 2,-0.9) node[anchor=west] {\LARGE\color{codegreen}{''}};+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent Then we can fill up the grey part of the string with+ −
\pcode{NOP} operations. The code for this operation is+ −
\code{\\0x90}. It is available on every architecture and its+ −
purpose in a CPU is to do nothing apart from waiting a small+ −
amount of time. If we now use an address that lets us jump to+ −
any address in the grey area we are done. The target machine+ −
will execute these \pcode{NOP} operations until it reaches the+ −
shellcode. That is why this NOP-part is often called+ −
\emph{NOP-sledge}. A moment of thought should convince you+ −
that this trick can hugely improve our odds of finding the+ −
right address---depending on the size of the buffer, it might+ −
only take a few tries to get the shellcode to run. And then we+ −
are in. The code for such an attack is shown in+ −
Figure~\ref{C3}. It is directly taken from the original paper+ −
about ``Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit'' (see pointer+ −
given at the end).+ −
+ −
\begin{figure}[p]+ −
\lstinputlisting[language=C]{../progs/C3.c}+ −
\caption{Overwriting a buffer with a string containing a+ −
payload.\label{C3}}+ −
\end{figure}+ −
+ −
By the way you might have the question how do attackers find+ −
out about vulnerable systems? Well, the automated version uses+ −
\emph{fuzzers}, which throw randomly generated user input at+ −
applications and observe the behaviour. If an application+ −
seg-faults (throws a segmentation error) then this is a good+ −
indication that a buffer overflow vulnerability can be+ −
exploited.+ −
+ −
+ −
\subsubsection*{Format String Attacks}+ −
+ −
Another question might arise, where do we get all this+ −
information about addresses necessary for mounting a buffer+ −
overflow attack without having yet access to the system? The+ −
answer are \emph{format string attacks}. While technically+ −
they are programming mistakes (and they are pointed out as+ −
warning by modern compilers), they can be easily made and+ −
therefore an easy target. Let us look at the simplest version+ −
of a vulnerable program.+ −
+ −
\lstinputlisting[language=C]{../progs/C4.c}+ −
+ −
\noindent The intention is to print out the first argument+ −
given on the command line. The ``secret string'' is never to+ −
be printed. The problem is that the C function \pcode{printf}+ −
normally expects a format string---a schema that directs how a+ −
string should be printed. This would be for example a proper+ −
invocation of this function:+ −
+ −
\begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none,language=C]+ −
long n = 123456789;+ −
printf("This is a long %lu!", n);+ −
\end{lstlisting}+ −
+ −
\noindent In the program above, instead, the format string+ −
has been forgotten and only \pcode{argv[1]} is printed.+ −
Now if we give on the command line a string such as+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\code{"foo \%s"}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent then \pcode{printf} expects a string to + −
follow. But there is no string that follows, and how+ −
the argument resolution works in C will in fact print out + −
the secret string! This can be handily exploited by + −
using the format string \code{"\%x"}, which reads out the + −
stack. So \code{"\%x....\%x"} will give you as much + −
information from the stack as you need and over the + −
Internet.+ −
+ −
While the program above contains clearly a programming + −
mistake (forgotten format string), things are not as simple+ −
when the application reads data from the user and prompts+ −
responses containing the user input. Consider the slight+ −
variant of the program above+ −
+ −
\lstinputlisting[language=C]{../progs/C5.c}+ −
+ −
\noindent Here the programmer actually tried to take extra+ −
care to not fall pray to a buffer overflow attack, but in the+ −
process made the program susceptible to a format string+ −
attack. Clearly the \pcode{printf} function in Line 7 contains+ −
now an explicit format string, but because the commandline+ −
input is copied using the function \pcode{snprintf} the result+ −
will be the same---the string can be exploited by embedding+ −
format strings into the user input. Here the programmer really+ −
cannot be blamed (much) because by using \pcode{snprintf} he+ −
or she tried to make sure only 10 characters get copied into+ −
the local buffer---in this way avoiding the obvious buffer+ −
overflow attack.+ −
+ −
\subsubsection*{Caveats and Defences}+ −
+ −
How can we defend against these attacks? Well, a reflex could+ −
be to blame programmers. Precautions should be taken by them+ −
so that buffers cannot been overfilled and format strings+ −
should not be forgotten. This might actually be slightly+ −
simpler nowadays since safe versions of the library functions+ −
exist, which always specify the precise number of bytes that+ −
should be copied. Compilers also nowadays provide warnings+ −
when format strings are omitted. So proper education of+ −
programmers is definitely a part of a defence against such+ −
attacks. However, if we leave it at that, then we have the+ −
mess we have today with new attacks discovered almost daily. + −
+ −
There is actually a quite long record of publications+ −
proposing defences against buffer overflow attacks. One method+ −
is to declare the stack data as not executable. In this way it+ −
is impossible to inject a payload as shown above which is then+ −
executed once the stack is smashed. But this needs hardware+ −
support which allows one to declare certain memory regions to+ −
be not executable. Such a feature was not introduced before+ −
the Intel 386, for example. Also if you have a JIT+ −
(just-in-time) compiler it might be advantageous to have+ −
the stack containing executable data. So it is definitely a + −
trade-off.+ −
+ −
Anyway attackers have found ways around this defence: they+ −
developed \emph{return-to-lib-C} attacks. The idea is to not+ −
inject code, but already use the code that is present at the+ −
target computer. The lib-C library, for example, already+ −
contains the code for spawning a shell. With+ −
\emph{return-to-lib-C} one just has to find out where this+ −
code is located. But attackers can make good guesses. In my+ −
examples I took a shortcut and always made the stack+ −
executable. + −
+ −
Another defence is called \emph{stack canaries}. The advantage + −
is that they can be automatically inserted into compiled code+ −
and do not need any hardware support. Though they will make+ −
your program run slightly slower. The idea behind \emph{stack+ −
canaries} is to push a random number onto the stack just + −
before local data is stored. For our very first function the+ −
stack would with a \emph{stack canary} look as follows+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65]+ −
%\draw[step=1cm] (-3,-1) grid (3,8);+ −
\draw[gray!20,fill=gray!20] (-1, 0) rectangle (1,-1);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,-1.2) -- (-1,7.4);+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] ( 1,-1.2) -- ( 1,7.4);+ −
\draw (0,-1) node[anchor=south] {\tt main};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);+ −
\draw (0,0) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_3$=3};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,1) -- (1,1);+ −
\draw (0,1) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_2$=2};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,2) -- (1,2);+ −
\draw (0,2) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_1$=1};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,3) -- (1,3);+ −
\draw (0,3.1) node[anchor=south] {\tt ret};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,4) -- (1,4);+ −
\draw (0,4) node[anchor=south] {\small\tt last sp};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,5) -- (1,5);+ −
\draw (0,5.1) node[anchor=south] {\tt\small\textcolor{red}{\textbf{random}}};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,6) -- (1,6);+ −
\draw (0,6) node[anchor=south] {\tt buf};+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1,7) -- (1,7);+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent The idea behind this random number is that when the+ −
function finishes, it is checked that this random number is+ −
still intact on the stack. If not, then a buffer overflow has+ −
occurred. Although this is quite effective, but requires + −
suitable support for generating random numbers. This is always+ −
hard to get right and attackers are happy to exploit the + −
resulting weaknesses.+ −
+ −
Another defence is \emph{address space randomisation}. This+ −
defence tries to make it harder for an attacker to guess + −
addresses where code is stored. It turns out that addresses+ −
where code is stored is rather predictable. Randomising the+ −
place where programs are stored mitigates this problem + −
somewhat.+ −
+ −
As mentioned before, modern operating systems have these+ −
defences enabled by default and make buffer overflow attacks+ −
harder, but not impossible. Indeed, I as an amateur attacker+ −
had to explicitly switch off these defences. I run my example+ −
under an Ubuntu version ``Maverick Meerkat'' from October + −
2010 and the gcc 4.4.5. I have not tried whether newer versions+ −
would work as well. I tested all examples inside a virtual + −
box\footnote{\url{https://www.virtualbox.org}} insulating my main + −
system from any harm. When compiling the programs I called + −
the compiler with the following options:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{1mm}}l}+ −
\pcode{/usr/bin/gcc} & \pcode{-ggdb -O0}\\+ −
& \pcode{-fno-stack-protector}\\+ −
& \pcode{-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2}\\+ −
& \pcode{-z execstack} + −
\end{tabular}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent The first two are innocent as they instruct the+ −
compiler to include debugging information and also produce+ −
non-optimised code (the latter makes the output of the code a+ −
bit more predictable). The third is important as it switches+ −
off defences like the stack canaries. The fourth again makes it+ −
a bit easier to read the code. The final option makes the+ −
stack executable, thus the the example in Figure~\ref{C3}+ −
works as intended. While this might be considered+ −
cheating....since I explicitly switched off all defences, I+ −
hope I was able convey that this is actually not too far from+ −
realistic scenarios. I have shown you the classic version of+ −
the buffer overflow attacks. Updated variants do exist. Also+ −
one might argue buffer-overflow attacks have been solved on+ −
computers (desktops or servers) but the computing landscape of+ −
nowadays is wider than ever. The main problem nowadays are+ −
embedded systems against which attacker can equally cause a+ −
lot of harm and which are much less defended. Anthony Bonkoski+ −
makes a similar argument in his security blog:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{http://jabsoft.io/2013/09/25/are-buffer-overflows-solved-yet-a-historical-tale/}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
+ −
There is one more rather effective defence against buffer + −
overflow attacks: Why not using a safe language? Java at its + −
inception was touted as a safe language because it hides+ −
all explicit memory management from the user. This definitely+ −
incurs a runtime penalty, but for bog-standard user-input+ −
processing applications, speed is not of such an essence + −
anymore. There are of course also many other programming + −
languages that are safe, i.e.~immune to buffer overflow+ −
attacks.+ −
\bigskip+ −
+ −
\subsubsection*{Further Reading}+ −
+ −
If you want to know more about buffer overflow attacks, the+ −
original Phrack article ``Smashing The Stack For Fun And+ −
Profit'' by Elias Levy (also known as Aleph One) is an+ −
engaging read:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{http://phrack.org/issues/49/14.html}+ −
\end{center} + −
+ −
\noindent This is an article from 1996 and some parts are+ −
not up-to-date anymore. The article called+ −
``Smashing the Stack in 2010''+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{http://www.mgraziano.info/docs/stsi2010.pdf}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent updates, as the name says, most information to 2010.+ −
There is another Phrack article about return-into-lib(c) exploits + −
from 2012:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{http://phrack.org/issues/58/4.html}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
The main topic is about getting around the non-executability of stack+ −
data (in case it is protected). This article gives some further+ −
pointers into the recent literature about buffer overflow attacks.+ −
+ −
Buffer overflow attacks are not just restricted to Linux and + −
``normal'' computers. There is a book+ −
+ −
\begin{quote}\rm + −
``iOS Hacker's Handbook'' by Miller et al, Wiley, 2012+ −
\end{quote}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
which seem to describe buffer overflow attacks on iOS. A book from the+ −
same publisher exists also for Android (from 2014) which seem to also+ −
feature buffer overflow attacks. Alas I do not own copies of these+ −
books.+ −
+ −
+ −
\subsubsection*{A Crash-Course for GDB}+ −
+ −
If you want to try out the examples from KEATS it might be+ −
helpful to know about the following commands of the GNU + −
Debugger:+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item \texttt{(l)ist n} -- lists the source file from line + −
\texttt{n}, the number can be omitted + −
\item \texttt{disassemble fun-name} -- show the assembly code + −
of a function+ −
\item \texttt{run args} -- starts the program, potential + −
arguments can be given+ −
\item \texttt{(b)reak line-number} -- sets break point+ −
\item \texttt{(c)ontinue} -- continue execution until next + −
breakpoint+ −
\item \texttt{x/nxw addr} -- prints out \texttt{n} words starting + −
from address \pcode{addr}, the address could be \code{$esp} + −
for looking at the content of the stack+ −
\item \texttt{x/nxb addr} -- prints out \texttt{n} bytes + −
\end{itemize}+ −
+ −
+ −
\bigskip\bigskip \noindent \end{document}+ −
+ −
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