changeset 529 9b01bb695b22
parent 528 c9f28c80bb08
--- a/hws/hw01.tex	Sun Sep 24 17:51:31 2017 +0100
+++ b/hws/hw01.tex	Sun Sep 24 18:03:21 2017 +0100
@@ -56,31 +56,6 @@
       prevented? Hint: Consider the fact that every person
       uses approximately 120l of water every day.
-%\item And another one: Nowadays everybody and their
-%      grandmother seems to be scared about a bomb going off at
-%      a big event, say a football game. To mitigate such a
-%      threat, you order expensive metal detectors and hire a
-%      security team that will staff these detectors at each
-%      game. Think whether people are really safer at a
-%      football game with metal detectors or not. Hint: People
-%      certainly might *\emph{feel}* safer by going through
-%      metal detectors, but the question is whether they
-%      *\emph{are}* safer. Hint: Consider how people arrive at
-%      such an event: within a relative short amount of time,
-%      thousands, if not more, spectators will arrive at your
-%      football game.
-%% CYA security - cover-your-ass
-% It's an attitude I've seen before: "Something must 
-% be done. This is something. Therefore, we must do it." 
-% Never mind if the something makes any sense or not.
-%\item Imagine there was recently a break in where computer criminals
-%  stole a large password database containing 
 \item Explain what hashes and salts are. Describe how they can be used
   for ensuring data integrity and storing password information.