--- a/handouts/ho05.tex Tue Oct 28 16:33:53 2014 +0000
+++ b/handouts/ho05.tex Wed Oct 29 13:08:11 2014 +0000
@@ -7,27 +7,170 @@
\section*{Handout 5 (Protocols)}
+Protocols are the computer science equivalent to fractals and
+the Mandelbrot set in mathematics. With the latter you have a
+simple formula which you just iterate and then you test
+whether a point is inside or outside a region, and voila
+something magically
+\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set}} Protocols
+are similar: they are simple exchanges of messages, but in the
+end something ``magical'' can happen---for example a secret
+channel has been established or two entities have
+authenticated themselves to each other. The problem with magic
+is of course it is poorly understood and even experts often
+got, and get, it wrong with protocols.
+To have an idea what kind of protocols we are interested, let
+us look at a few examples. One example are (wireless) key
+fobs which operate the central locking system and the
+ignition in a car.
+\noindent The point of these key fobs is that everything is
+done over the ``air''---there is no physical connection
+between the key, doors and engine. So we must achieve security
+by exchanging certain messages between the key fob on one side
+and doors and engine on the other. Clearly what we like to
+achieve is that I can get into my car and start it, but that
+thieves are kept out. The problem is that everybody can
+``overhear'' or skim the exchange of messages between the key
+fob and car. In this scenario the simplest attack you need to
+defend against is a person-in-the-middle attack. Imagine you
+park your car in front of a supermarket. One thief follows you
+with a strong transmitter. A second thief ``listens'' to the
+signal from the car and wirelessly transmits it to the
+``colleague'' who followed you and who silently enquires about
+the answer from the key fob. The answer is then send back to
+the thief at the car, which then dutifully opens and possibly
+starts. No need to steal your key anymore.
+But there are many more such protocols we like to consider.
+Other examples are wifi---you might sit at a Starbucks and
+talk wirelessly to the free access point there and from there
+talk with your bank, for example. Also even if your have to
+touch your Oyster card at the reader each time you enter and
+exit the Tube, it actually operates wirelessly and with
+appropriate equipment over some quite large distance. But
+there are many many more examples (Bitcoins, mobile
+phones,\ldots). The common characteristics of the protocols we
+are interested in here is that an adversary or attacker is
+assumed to be in complete control over the network or channel
+over which you exchanging messages. An attacker can install a
+packet sniffer on a network, inject packets, modify packets,
+replay old messages, or fake pretty much everything. In this
+hostile environment, the purpose of protocols (that is
+exchange of messages) is to achieve some security goal, for
+example only allow the owner of the car in but everybody else
+should be kept out.
The protocols we are interested here are generic descriptions
of how to exchange messages in order to achieve a goal, be it
establishing a mutual secure connection or being able to
-authenticate to a system. Our notion of protocol is
-deliberately quite general: it includes situations like the
-messages send between a key fob and a car in order to open
-doors or the messages that participants need to exchange in
-order to mine Bitcoins (which is often already called Bitcoin
+authenticate to a system. Unlike the distant past where for
+example we had to meet a person in order to authenticate him
+or her (via a passport for example), the problem we are facing
+on the Internet is that we cannot easily be sure who we are
+``talking'' to. The obvious reason is that only some electrons
+arrive at our computer; we do not see the person, or computer,
+behind the incoming electrons (messages).
+To start, let us look at one of the simplest protocols that
+are part of the TCP protocol (which underlies the Internet).
+This protocol does not do anything security relevant, it just
+establishes a ``hello'' from a client to a server which the
+server answers with ``I heard you'' and the client answers
+in turn with something like ``thanks''. This protocol
+is often called a \emph{three-way handshake}. Graphically it
+can be illustrated as follows
+\noindent On the left-hand side is a client, say Alice, on the
+right-hand side is a server, say. Time is running from top to
+bottom. Alice initial SYN message needs some time to travel to
+the server. The server answers with SYN-ACK, which will
+require some time to arrive at Alice. Her answer ACK will
+again take some time to arrive at the server. After the
+messages are exchanged Alice and the server simply have
+established a channel to communicate over. Alice does
+not know whether she is really talking to the server (somebody
+else on the network might have intercepted her message
+and replied in place of the server). Similarly, the
+server has no idea who it is talking to. That this can be
+established depends on what is exchanged next and is the
+point of the protocols we want to study in more detail.
+Before we start in earnest, we need to fix a more
+convenient notation for protocols. Drawing pictures like
+the one above would be awkward in the long-run. The
+notation already abstracts away from a few details we are
+not interested in: for example the time the messages
+need to travel between endpoints. What we are interested
+in is in which order the messages are sent. For the SYN-ACK
+protocol we will therefore use the notation
-Unlike the distant past where for example we had to meet a
-person in order to authenticate him or her (via a passport for
-example), the problem we are facing is that on the Internet we
-cannot easily be sure who we are ``talking'' to. The obvious
-reason is that only some electrons arrive at our computer; we
-do not see the person, or computer, behind the incoming
-electrons. Often there are is also no person behind the
-messages, rather than a computer system.
+$A \to S$: & $SYN$\\
+$S \to A$: & $SYN\_ACK$\\
+$A \to S$: & $ACK$\\
+\noindent The left-hand side specifies who is the sender and
+who is the receiver of the message. On the right of the colon
+is the message that is send. The order from top to down
+specifies in which order the messages are sent. We also
+have the convention that messages like above $SYN$ are send
+in clear-text over the network. If we want that a message is
+encrypted, then we use the notation
+\noindent for messages. The curly braces indicate a kind of
+envelope which can only be opened if you know the key $K_{AB}$
+with which the message has been encrypted. We always assume
+that an attacker, say Eve, cannot get the content of the
+message, unless she is also in the possession of the key. We
+explicitly exclude in our study that the encryption can be
+broken.\footnote{\ldots{}which of course is what a good
+protocol designer needs to ensure and more often than not
+protocols are broken. For example Oyster cards contain a very
+weak encryption mechanism which has been attacked.} It is also
+possible that an encrypted message contains several parts. In
+this case we would write something like
+\{msg_1, msg_2\}_{K_{AB}}
+\noindent But again Eve would not be able to know
+this unless she also has the key. We also allow the
+possibility that a message is encrypted twice under
+different keys. In this case we write
+Note, however,
+while an attacker cannot obtain the content of the message
+without the key, this encrypted message can be observed
+and be recorded and then replayed at another time.
Keyfobs - protocol