--- a/slides/slides07.tex Mon Nov 25 20:31:01 2013 +0000
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-\frametitle{Privacy, Anonymity et al}
-Some terminology:
-\item \alert{secrecy} is the mechanism used to limit the number of
-principals with access to information (eg, cryptography or access controls)
-\item \alert{confidentiality} is the obligation to protect the secrets of other people
-or organizations (secrecy for the benefit of an organisation)
-\item \alert{anonymity} is the ability to leave no evidence of an activity (eg, sharing a secret)
-\item \alert{privacy} is the ability or right to protect your personal secrets
-(secrecy for the benefit of an individual)
-\frametitle{Privacy vs Anonymity}
-\item everybody agrees that anonymity has its uses (e.g., voting, whistleblowers, peer-review)
-But privacy?\bigskip\bigskip
-``You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it.''\\
-\hfill{}Scott Mcnealy (CEO of Sun)\bigskip\\
-If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
-private data can be often used against me
-\item if my location data becomes public, thieves will switch off their phones and help themselves in my home
-\item if supermarkets can build a profile of what I buy, they can use it to their advantage (banks - mortgages)
-\item my employer might not like my opinions\bigskip\pause
-\item one the other hand, Freedom-of-Information Act
-\item medical data should be private, but medical research needs data
-\frametitle{Privacy Problems}
-\item Apple takes note of every dictation (send over the Internet to Apple)
-\item markets often only work, if data is restricted (to build trust)
-\item Social network can reveal data about you
-\item have you tried the collusion extension for FireFox?
-\item I do use Dropbox and store cards\bigskip
-\item next week: anonymising data
-\small Gattaca (1997)
-\item we \alert{do} want that government data is made public (free maps for example)
-\item we \alert{do not} want that medical data becomes public (similarly tax data, school
-records, job offers)\bigskip
-\item personal information can potentially lead to fraud
-(identity theft)
-{\bf ``The reality'':}
-\item London Health Programmes lost in June last year unencrypted details of more than 8 million people
-(no names, but postcodes and details such as gender, age and ethnic origin)
-\item also in June last year, Sony got hacked: over 1M users' personal information, including passwords, email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth, and all Sony opt-in data associated with their accounts.
-\frametitle{Privacy and Big Data}
-Selected sources of ``Big Data'':\smallskip{}
-\item Facebook
-\item 40+ Billion photos (100 PB)
-\item 6 Billion messages daily (5 - 10 TB)
-\item 900 Million users
-\item Common Crawl
-\item covers 3.8 Billion webpages (2012 dataset)
-\item 50 TB of data
-\item Google
-\item 20 PB daily (2008)
-\item Twitter
-\item 7 Million users in the UK
-\item a company called Datasift is allowed to mine all tweets since 2010
-\item they charge 10k per month for other companies to target advertisement
-``We have published a new cookie policy. It explains what cookies are
-and how we use them on our site. To learn more about cookies and
-their benefits, please view our cookie policy.\medskip
-If you'd like to disable cookies on this device, please view our information
-pages on 'How to manage cookies'. Please be aware that parts of the
-site will not function correctly if you disable cookies. \medskip
-By closing this
-message, you consent to our use of cookies on this device in accordance
-with our cookie policy unless you have disabled them.''
-\frametitle{Scare Tactics}
-The actual policy reads:\bigskip
-``As we explain in our Cookie Policy, cookies help you to get the most
-out of our websites.\medskip
-If you do disable our cookies you may find that certain sections of our
-website do not work. For example, you may have difficulties logging in
-or viewing articles.''
-\frametitle{Netflix Prize}
-Anonymity is \alert{necessary} for privacy, but \alert{not} enough!\bigskip
-\item Netflix offered in 2006 (and every year until 2010) a 1 Mio \$ prize for improving their movie rating algorithm
-\item dataset contained 10\% of all Netflix users (appr.~500K)
-\item names were removed, but included numerical ratings as well as times of rating
-\item some information was \alert{perturbed} (i.e., slightly modified)
-\hfill{\bf\alert{All OK?}}
-\frametitle{Re-identification Attack}
-Two researchers analysed the data:
-\item with 8 ratings (2 of them can be wrong) and corresponding dates that can have a margin 14-day error, 98\% of the
-records can be identified
-\item for 68\% only two ratings and dates are sufficient (for movie ratings outside the top 500)\bigskip\pause
-\item they took 50 samples from IMDb (where people can reveal their identity)
-\item 2 of them uniquely identified entries in the Netflix database (either by movie rating or by dates)
-\item Birth data, postcode and gender (unique for\\ 87\% of the US population)
-\item Preferences in movies (99\% of 500K for 8 ratings)
-Therefore best practices / or even law (HIPAA, EU):
-\item only year dates (age group for 90 years or over),
-\item no postcodes (sector data is OK, similarly in the US)\\
-\textcolor{gray}{no names, addresses, account numbers, licence plates}
-\item disclosure information needs to be retained for 5 years
-\frametitle{How to Safely Disclose Information?}
-\item Assume you make a survey of 100 randomly chosen people.
-\item Say 99\% of the surveyed people in the 10 - 40 age group have seen the
-Gangnam video on youtube.\bigskip
-\item What can you infer about the rest of the population?
-\item Is it possible to re-identify data later, if more data is released. \bigskip\bigskip\pause
-\item Not even releasing only aggregate information prevents re-identification attacks.
-(GWAS was a public database of gene-frequency studies linked to diseases;
-you only needed partial DNA information in order
-to identify whether an individual was part of the study --- DB closed in 2008)
-\frametitle{Differential Privacy}
-tell me \bl{$f(x)$} $\Rightarrow$\\
-$\Leftarrow$ \bl{$f(x) + \text{noise}$}
-\bl{$x_1, \ldots, x_n$}
-\item \bl{$f(x)$} can be released, if \bl{$f$} is insensitive to
-individual entries \bl{$x_1, \ldots, x_n$}\\
-\item Intuition: whatever is learned from the dataset would be learned regardless of whether
-\bl{$x_i$} participates\bigskip\pause
-\item Noised needed in order to prevent queries:\\ Christian's salary $=$
-\bl{\large$\Sigma$} all staff $-$ \bl{\large$\Sigma$} all staff $\backslash$ Christian
-\frametitle{Adding Noise}
-Adding noise is not as trivial as one would wish:
-\item If I ask how many of three have seen the Gangnam video and get a result
-as follows
-Alice & yes\\
-Bob & no\\
-Charlie & yes\\
-then I have to add a noise of \bl{$1$}. So answers would be in the
-range of \bl{$1$} to \bl{$3$}
-\item But if I ask five questions for all the dataset (has seen Gangnam video, is male, below 30, \ldots),
-then one individual can change the dataset by \bl{$5$}
-\frametitle{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}Take Home Point\end{tabular}}
-According to Ross Anderson: \bigskip
-\item Privacy in a big hospital is just about doable.\medskip
-\item How do you enforce privacy in something as big as Google
-or complex as Facebook? No body knows.\bigskip
-Similarly, big databases imposed by government