changeset 230 603cbd28e988
parent 229 ea921d6a1819
child 232 abc45724b267
--- a/handouts/ho03.tex	Thu Oct 09 23:12:10 2014 +0100
+++ b/handouts/ho03.tex	Fri Oct 10 11:26:23 2014 +0100
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
 programmer explicitly allocates. For us the most interesting
 region is the stack, which contains data mostly associated
 with the control flow of the program. Notice that the stack
-grows from a higher addresses to lower addresses. That means
-that older items on the stack will be stored behind, or after,
-newer items. Let's look a bit closer what happens with the
-stack when a program is running. Consider the following simple
-C program.
+grows from higher addresses to lower addresses (i.e.~from the
+back to the front). That means that older items on the stack
+will be stored behind, or after, newer items. Let's look a bit
+closer what happens with the stack when a program is running.
+Consider the following simple C program.
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 \pcode{gcc} generate assembly instructions if you call it with
 the \pcode{-S} option, for example \pcode{gcc -S out in.c}\;.
 Or you can look at this code by using the debugger. How to do
-this will be explained later.}.
+this will be explained later.}
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@
 to the function \pcode{main} to the the instruction just after
 the call to \pcode{foo}, that is Line 9.
-Another part of the ``conspiracy'' is that library functions
-in C look typically as follows:
+Another part of the ``conspiracy'' of buffer overflow attacks
+is that library functions in C look typically as follows:
@@ -182,19 +182,23 @@
 \noindent This function copies data from a source \pcode{src}
 to a destination \pcode{dst}. The important point is that it
 copies the data until it reaches a zero-byte (\code{"\\0"}). 
+This is a convention of the C language which assumes all
+strings are terminated by such a zero-byte.
 The central idea of the buffer overflow attack is to overwrite
-the return address on the stack which designates where the
-control flow of the program should resume once the function at
-hand has finished its computation. So if we have somewhere in
-a function a local a buffer, say
+the return address on the stack. This address decides where
+the control flow of the program should resume once the
+function at hand has finished its computation. So if we 
+can control this address, then we can modify the control
+flow of a program. To launch an attack we need 
+somewhere in a function a local a buffer, say
 \code{char buf[8];}
-then the corresponding stack will look as follows
+\noindent which is filled by some user input. The
+corresponding stack of such a function will look as follows
@@ -253,19 +257,22 @@
 buffer, is stored on the stack before the older items, like
 return address and arguments. If it had be the other way
 around, then such an overwriting by overflowing a local buffer
-would just not work.
+would just not work. If the designers of C had just been able
+to foresee what headaches their way of arranging the stack
+caused in the time where computers are accessible from
 What the outcome of such an attack is can be illustrated with
 the code shown in Figure~\ref{C2}. Under ``normal operation''
 this program ask for a login-name and a password. Both of
 which are stored in \code{char} buffers of length 8. The
 function \pcode{match} tests whether two such buffers contain
-the same. If yes, then the function lets you ``in'' (by
-printing \pcode{Welcome}). If not, it denies access (by
+the same content. If yes, then the function lets you ``in''
+(by printing \pcode{Welcome}). If not, it denies access (by
 printing \pcode{Wrong identity}). The vulnerable function is
 \code{get_line} in Lines 11 to 19. This function does not take
 any precautions about the buffer of 8 characters being filled
-beyond this 8-character-limit. Let us suppose the login name
+beyond its 8-character-limit. Let us suppose the login name
 is \pcode{test}. Then the buffer overflow can be triggered
 with a specially crafted string as password:
@@ -277,10 +284,10 @@
 function \pcode{welcome()}. This means even with this input
 (where the login name and password clearly do not match) the
 program will still print out \pcode{Welcome}. The only
-information we need for this attack is to know where the
-function \pcode{welcome()} starts in memory. This information
-can be easily obtained by starting the program inside the
-debugger and disassembling this function. 
+information we need for this attack to work is to know where
+the function \pcode{welcome()} starts in memory. This
+information can be easily obtained by starting the program
+inside the debugger and disassembling this function. 
@@ -310,7 +317,7 @@
-\caption{A suspicious login implementation.\label{C2}}
+\caption{A vulnerable login implementation.\label{C2}}
 This kind of attack was very popular with commercial programs
@@ -326,15 +333,14 @@
 Unfortunately, much more harm can be caused by buffer overflow
 attacks. This is achieved by injecting code that will be run
 once the return address is appropriately modified. Typically
-the code that will be injected is for running a shell. This
-gives the attacker the ability to run programs on the target
-machine and have a good look around, provided the attacked
-process was not already running as root.\footnote{In that case
-the attacker would do already congratulate him or herself to
-another computer under full control.} In order to be send as
-part of the string that is overflowing the buffer, we need the
-code to be represented as a sequence of characters. For
+the code that will be injected starts a shell. This gives the
+attacker the ability to run programs on the target machine and
+to have a good look around, provided the attacked process was not
+already running as root.\footnote{In that case the attacker
+would already congratulate him or herself to another
+computer under full control.} In order to be send as part of
+the string that is overflowing the buffer, we need the code to
+be represented as a sequence of characters. For example
@@ -345,7 +351,7 @@
 string ready-made---just a quick Google query away. Second,
 tools like the debugger can help us again. We can just write
 the code we want in C, for example this would be the program
-for starting a shell
+for starting a shell:
@@ -361,22 +367,31 @@
 post-processing phase is needed to rewrite the machine code in
 a way that it does not contain any zero bytes. This is like
 some works of literature that have been written so that the
-letter 'i', for example, is avoided. For rewriting the machine
-code, you might need to use clever tricks like
+letter e, for example, is avoided. The technical term for such
+a literature work is \emph{lipogram}.\footnote{The most
+famous example of a lipogram is a 50,000 words novel titled
+Gadsby, see \url{https://archive.org/details/Gadsby}.} For
+rewriting the machine code, you might need to use clever
+tricks like
 xor %eax, %eax
-\noindent This instruction does not contain any zero byte when
-encoded, but produces a zero byte on the stack when run. 
+\noindent This instruction does not contain any zero-byte when
+encoded as string, but produces a zero-byte on the stack when
-Having removed the zero bytes we can craft the string that 
-will be send to the target computer. It is typically of the 
+Having removed the zero-bytes we can craft the string that
+will be send to the target computer. This of course requires
+that the buffer we are trying to attack can at least contain
+the shellcode we want to run. But as you can see this is only
+47 bytes, which is a very low bar to jump over. More
+formidable is the choice of finding the right address to jump
+to. The string is typically of the form
-  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7]
+  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6]
   \draw[line width=1mm] (-2, -1) rectangle (2,3);
   \draw[line width=1mm] (-2,1.9) -- (2,1.9);
   \draw (0,2.5) node {\large\tt shell code};
@@ -388,22 +403,18 @@
-\noindent This of course requires that the buffer we are
-trying to attack can at least contain the shellcode we want to
-run. But as you can see this is only 47 bytes, which is a very
-low bar to jump over. More formidable is the choice of finding
-the right address to jump to. As indicated in the picture we
-need to be very precise with the address with which we will
-overwrite the buffer. It has to be precisely the first byte of
-the shellcode. While this is easy with the help of a debugger
-(as seen before), we typically cannot run anything on the
-machine yet we target. And the address is very specific to the
-setup of the target machine. One way of finding out what the
-right address is is to try out one by one until we get lucky.
-With the large memories available today, however, the odds are
-long. And if we try out too many possible candidates too
-quickly, we might be detected by the system administrator of
-the target system.
+\noindent where we need to be very precise with the address
+with which we will overwrite the buffer. It has to be
+precisely the first byte of the shellcode. While this is easy
+with the help of a debugger (as seen before), we typically
+cannot run anything, including a debugger, on the machine yet
+we target. And the address is very specific to the setup of
+the target machine. One way of finding out what the right
+address is is to try out one by one every possible
+address until we get lucky. With the large memories available
+today, however, the odds are long. And if we try out too many
+possible candidates too quickly, we might be detected by the
+system administrator of the target system.
 We can improve our odds considerably by following a clever 
 trick. Instead of adding the shellcode at the beginning of the
@@ -411,10 +422,12 @@
 the buffer, for example
-  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7]
+  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6]
+  \draw[gray!50,fill=gray!50] (-2,0.3) rectangle (2,3);
   \draw[line width=1mm] (-2, -1) rectangle (2,3);
-  \draw[line width=1mm] (-2,1.9) -- (2,1.9);
-  \draw (0,2.5) node {\large\tt shell code};
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-2,0.3) -- (2,0.3);
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-2,-0.7) -- (2,-0.7);
+  \draw (0,-0.2) node {\large\tt shell code};
   \draw[line width=1mm,fill=black] (0.3, -1) rectangle (2,-0.7);
   \draw (-2, 3) node[anchor=north east] {\LARGE \color{codegreen}{``}};
   \draw ( 2,-0.9) node[anchor=west] {\LARGE\color{codegreen}{''}};
@@ -422,16 +435,23 @@
 \noindent Then we can fill up the gray part of the string with
-a \pcode{NOP} operation. The code for this operation is
+\pcode{NOP} operations. The code for this operation is
 \code{\\0x90}. It is available on every architecture and its
-purpose it to to nothing apart from waiting a small amount of
-time. If we now use an address that lets us jump to any
-address in the gray area we are done. The target machine will 
-execute these \pcode{NOP} operations until it reaches the
+purpose in a CPU is to do nothing apart from waiting a small
+amount of time. If we now use an address that lets us jump to
+any address in the gray area we are done. The target machine
+will execute these \pcode{NOP} operations until it reaches the
 shellcode. A moment of thought can convince you that this
-trick can hugely improve our odds of finding the right 
-address---depending on the size of the buffer, it might
-only take a few tries to get the shellcode to run.
+trick can hugely improve our odds of finding the right
+address---depending on the size of the buffer, it might only
+take a few tries to get the shellcode to run. And then
+we are in. The code for such an attack is show in 
+\caption{Overwriting a buffer with a paylod.\label{overflow}}
 \subsubsection*{A Crash-Course for GDB}