1 import scala.language.implicitConversions |
2 import scala.language.reflectiveCalls |
3 import scala.util._ |
4 |
5 abstract class Term |
6 case class Var(s: String) extends Term |
7 case class Const(s: String) extends Term |
8 case class Fun(s: String, ts: List[Term]) extends Term |
9 |
10 abstract class Form |
11 case object True extends Form |
12 case object False extends Form |
13 case class Pred(s: String, ts: List[Term]) extends Form |
14 case class Imp(f1: Form, f2: Form) extends Form |
15 case class Says(p: String, f: Form) extends Form |
16 case class And(f1: Form, f2: Form) extends Form |
17 case class Or(f1: Form, f2: Form) extends Form |
18 case class Sends(p: String, q: String, f: Form) extends Form |
19 case class Enc(f1: Form, f2: Form) extends Form |
20 |
21 case class Judgement(gamma: Set[Form], f: Form) { |
22 def lhs = gamma |
23 def rhs = f |
24 } |
25 |
26 // some syntactic sugar |
27 implicit def FormOps(f1: Form) = new { |
28 def -> (f2: Form) = Imp(f1, f2) |
29 } |
30 implicit def StringOps(p: String) = new { |
31 def says (f: Form) = Says(p, f) |
32 } |
33 implicit def SetFormOps(gamma: Set[Form]) = new { |
34 def |- (f: Form) : Judgement = Judgement(gamma, f) |
35 } |
36 |
37 val Admin = "Admin" |
38 val Bob = "Bob" |
39 val Del = Pred("del_file", Nil) |
40 |
41 val Gamma: Set[Form] = |
42 Set( (Admin says Del) -> Del, |
43 Admin says ((Bob says Del) -> Del), |
44 Bob says Del ) |
45 |
46 val goal = Gamma |- Del // request: provable or not? |
47 |
48 def partitions[A](s: Set[A]): Set[(A, Set[A])] = |
49 s.map (e => (e, s - e)) |
50 |
51 |
52 def prove(j: Judgement, sc: () => Unit) : Unit = { |
53 if (j.lhs.contains(j.rhs)) sc () // Axiom rule |
54 else { |
55 prove1(j, sc); |
56 for ((f, lhs_rest) <- partitions(j.lhs)) prove2(f, lhs_rest, j.rhs, sc) |
57 } |
58 } |
59 |
60 def prove1(j: Judgement, sc: () => Unit) : Unit = |
61 j.rhs match { |
62 case True => sc () |
63 case False => () |
64 case Imp(f1, f2) => prove(j.lhs + f1 |- f2, sc) |
65 case Says(p, Enc(f1, f2)) => |
66 prove(j.lhs |- Says(p, f1), |
67 () => prove(j.lhs |- Says(p, f2), sc)) |
68 case Says(p, f1) => prove(j.lhs |- f1, sc) |
69 case Or(f1, f2) => |
70 { prove(j.lhs |- f1, sc); |
71 prove(j.lhs |- f2, sc) } |
72 case And(f1, f2) => |
73 prove(j.lhs |- f1, |
74 () => prove(j.lhs |- f2, sc)) |
75 case Sends(p, q, f) => prove(j.lhs + (p says f) |- (q says f), sc) |
76 case _ => () |
77 } |
78 |
79 def prove2(f: Form, lhs_rest: Set[Form], rhs: Form, sc: () => Unit) : Unit = |
80 f match { |
81 case True => prove(lhs_rest |- rhs, sc) |
82 case False => sc () |
83 case And(f1, f2) => |
84 prove(lhs_rest + f1 + f2 |- rhs, sc) |
85 case Imp(f1, f2) => |
86 prove(lhs_rest |- f1, |
87 () => prove(lhs_rest + f2 |- rhs, sc)) |
88 case Sends(p, q, f) => |
89 prove(lhs_rest |- (p says f), |
90 () => prove(lhs_rest + (q says f) |- rhs, sc)) |
91 case Enc(f1, f2) => |
92 prove(lhs_rest |- f1, |
93 () => prove(lhs_rest + f2 |- rhs, sc)) |
94 case Or(f1, f2) => |
95 prove(lhs_rest + f1 |- rhs, |
96 () => prove(lhs_rest + f2 |- rhs, sc)) |
97 case Says(p, Enc(f1, f2)) => |
98 prove(lhs_rest |- Says(p, f2), |
99 () => prove(lhs_rest + Says(p, f1) |- rhs, sc)) |
100 case Says(p, Imp(f1, f2)) => |
101 prove(lhs_rest |- Says(p, f1), |
102 () => prove(lhs_rest + Says(p, f2) |- rhs, sc)) |
103 |
104 case _ => () |
105 } |
106 |
107 // function that calls prove and returns immediately once a proof is found |
108 def run (j : Judgement) : Unit = { |
109 def sc () = { println ("Yes!"); throw new Exception } |
110 Try(prove(j, sc)) getOrElse () |
111 } |
112 |
113 run (goal) |
114 |
115 run (Set[Form]() |- False -> Del) |
116 run (Set[Form]() |- True -> Del) |
117 run (Set[Form]() |- Del -> True) |
118 run (Set[Form]() |- Del -> Del) |
119 run (Set[Form]() |- Del -> Or(False, Del)) |
120 |
121 |
122 val Gamma1 : Set[Form] = |
123 Set( Admin says ((Bob says Del) -> Del), |
124 Bob says Del ) |
125 |
126 val goal1 = Gamma1 |- Del // not provable |
127 run (goal1) |
128 |
129 |
130 val f1 = "P" says Pred("F1", Nil) |
131 val f2 = "Q" says Pred("F2", Nil) |
132 run (Set[Form](And(f1, f2)) |- And(f2, f1)) |
133 |
134 |
135 val Chr = "Christian" |
136 val HoD = "Peter" |
137 val Email = Pred("may_obtain_email", List(Const(Chr))) |
138 val AtLib = Pred("is_at_library", List(Const(Chr))) |
139 val Chr_Staff = Pred("is_staff", List(Const(Chr))) |
140 |
141 val Policy_HoD = (HoD says Chr_Staff) -> Chr_Staff |
142 val Policy_Lib = And(Chr_Staff, AtLib) -> Email |
143 val HoD_says = HoD says Chr_Staff |
144 |
145 run (Set[Form](AtLib, Policy_HoD, Policy_Lib) |- Email) |
146 |
147 println("Server Example") |
148 |
149 def Connect(p: String, q: String) : Form = |
150 Pred("Connect", List(Var(p), Var(q))) |
151 |
152 |
153 val A = "A" |
154 val B = "B" |
155 val S = "S" |
156 val CAB = Connect(A, B) |
157 val Msg = Pred("Msg", Nil) |
158 val KAS = Pred("Kas", Nil) |
159 val KBS = Pred("Kbs", Nil) |
160 val KAB = Pred("Kab", Nil) |
161 |
162 val Gamma_big : Set[Form] = |
163 Set( A says CAB, |
164 Sends(A, S, CAB), |
165 S says (CAB -> Enc(KAB, KAS)), |
166 S says (CAB -> Enc(Enc(KAB, KBS), KAS)), |
167 Sends(S, A, Enc(KAB, KAS)), |
168 Sends(S, A, Enc(Enc(KAB, KBS), KAS)), |
169 Sends(A, B, Enc(KAB, KBS)), |
170 Sends(A, B, Enc(Msg, KAB)), |
171 A says KAS, |
172 B says KBS, |
173 S says KAS, |
174 A says (Enc(Msg, KAB)) |
175 ) |
176 |
177 run (Gamma_big |- (B says Msg)) |
178 |
179 |