2013-12-18 chunhan Enrich
2013-11-20 chunhan add conflict of p fd as file_fd & socket
2013-11-20 chunhan simplifing model, by changing current_proc_fds to proc_file_fds in the Clone & Execve cases of os_grant
2013-11-20 chunhan simplifing model, by changing sectxt_of_obj s' (O_proc p) of None \<Rightarrow> False
2013-11-19 chunhan update grant_check
2013-10-30 chunhan update
2013-10-21 chunhan appropriate object for taintable
2013-10-08 chunhan bug in tainted
2013-08-27 chunhan find bugs in os_grant, case RecvMsg
2013-07-09 chunhan Info_flow_shm_attach_prop
2013-06-24 chunhan finished info_flow_shm(simple def) simpset
2013-06-24 chunhan wrong of info-flow-shm, it is a inductive(transitive) notion, not a simple relation just between 2 nodes, more information, see 5.7 of ideas_of_selinux.txt
2013-06-09 chunhan locale of tainting for seeds when same shm/inode bugs
2013-06-08 chunhan info_flow_shm bug & update
2013-06-06 chunhan reprove the top-level dynamic2static
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