2013-06-24 | chunhan | wrong of info-flow-shm, it is a inductive(transitive) notion, not a simple relation just between 2 nodes, more information, see 5.7 of ideas_of_selinux.txt | file | diff | annotate |
2013-06-16 | chunhan | info_flow_shm is wrongly defined: p -flow-> p'; p' -flow-> p'' ==> p -flow-> p'', this property cannot be infered by current definition. we should use inductive | file | diff | annotate |
2013-06-09 | chunhan | locale of tainting for seeds when same shm/inode bugs | file | diff | annotate |
2013-06-08 | chunhan | info_flow_shm bug & update | file | diff | annotate |
2013-06-06 | chunhan | reprove the top-level dynamic2static | file | diff | annotate |
2013-06-04 | chunhan | info_flow did NOT guarantee in current_procs | file | diff | annotate |