remove duplicated pre-condition of current_files in OS_grant, since it is property if is_file/is_dir.
theory Static_type
imports Main OS_type_def Flask_type OS_type_def
(* option: if some \<rightarrow> initial else none \<rightarrow> new created
* the constructor each is one-to-one according to security_class_t
* but dynamic-special objects are not included, such as:
* 1. file-descriptor: C_fd
* 2. network node : C_node
* 3.
(* Init \<rightarrow> exists in the initial state; Only: the only static object(cannot be cloned, e.g.)
* Many \<rightarrow> Many instantiation of this static object in the dynamic world
* tainted under:
* Init \<rightarrow> this init obj is tainted
* Only \<rightarrow> this new created is tainted
* Many \<rightarrow> at least one of them is tainted or all of them can be tainted
datatype 'a Instance =
Init 'a
| Created (* new created *)
| Only (* for process, cannot clone(that means no childprocesses in ss!);
for file, renamed init-file(still keeps Init fname!)) *)
| Many
(* (fi, file sectxt, parent file's sectxt, ancestral files' sectxts) *)
type_synonym t_sfile = "(t_file Instance) \<times> security_context_t \<times> (security_context_t option) \<times> (security_context_t set)"
type_synonym t_sfn = "(t_fname Instance) \<times> security_context_t"
type_synonym t_sfile = "t_sfn list" (* apparently, "sfile set" is not a finite set! *)
(* Sroot si sectxt : root sfile
* Sfile si sectxt Sdir : normal sfile *)
datatype t_sfile =
Sroot "t_file Instance" "security_context_t"
| Sfile "t_file Instance" "security_context_t" "t_sfile"
(* This is not finite set! think it as nature numbers
lemma finite_sfile_set: "finite (UNIV::(t_sfile set))"
apply (rule finite.intros)
unfolding UNIV_def
apply (induct x rule:t_sfile.induct)
apply (simp add:UNIV_def)
done *)
(* the flags tells the sfile is a file or dir: NO!
* here sfile means sfd is opened to a sfile that has that "type", it is associated with all dynamic
* files that according to this sfile. When we need to give such a file instance, we can give any dynamic
* file in that state which according to this sfd's "creating static_state", so we might record ss in fds??
* that means our static is a "(static-state list) set"?? *)
type_synonym t_sfd = "(security_context_t \<times> t_open_flags \<times> t_sfile)"
type_synonym t_sshm = "(t_shm Instance \<times> security_context_t)"
type_synonym t_sproc_sshm = "(t_sshm \<times> t_shm_attach_flag)"
(* (si, sectxt, sectxts of fds, sectxt of attached shms) *)
type_synonym t_sproc =
"t_process Instance \<times> security_context_t \<times> (t_sfd set) \<times> (t_sproc_sshm set)"
(* here is a exception, the tainted-flag is in this type, case, msgq will not be-tainted *)
type_synonym t_smsg = "t_msg Instance \<times> security_context_t \<times> bool"
(* (qmi, sectxt, sectxt of queue) *)
type_synonym t_smsgq = "t_msgq Instance \<times> security_context_t \<times> (t_smsg list)"
(* O_fd, O_*_sock, O_shm, O_msgq are all that can not be tainted *)
datatype t_sobject =
S_proc "t_sproc" "bool"
| S_file "t_sfile set" "bool" (* here sfile set is for "linking", tainted is the inode *)
| S_dir "t_sfile"
| S_msgq "t_smsgq"
| S_shm "t_sshm"
| S_msg "t_smsgq" "t_smsg"
datatype t_tainted_sobj =
TS_proc "t_sproc" "bool"
| TS_file "t_sfile set" "bool"
| TS_msg "t_smsgq" "t_smsg"
(* the static state is the current static objects
* But, how to record the static fds ??? fd is a dynamic concept !!!
type_synonym t_static_state = "t_sobject set"