author chunhan
Mon, 23 Dec 2013 19:47:17 +0800
changeset 82 0a68c605ae79
parent 74 271e9818b6f6
permissions -rwxr-xr-x

theory Static
imports Static_type OS_type_def Flask_type Flask

locale tainting_s = tainting 


definition init_sectxt_of_file:: "t_file \<Rightarrow> security_context_t option"
  "init_sectxt_of_file f \<equiv> 
     if (is_init_file f) then init_sectxt_of_obj (O_file f)
     else if (is_init_dir f) then init_sectxt_of_obj (O_dir f)
     else None"

definition sroot :: "t_sfile"
  "sroot \<equiv> (Init [], sec_of_root, None, {})"

definition init_cf2sfile :: "t_file \<Rightarrow> t_sfile option"
  "init_cf2sfile f \<equiv> 
     case (parent f) of 
       None \<Rightarrow> Some sroot
     | Some pf \<Rightarrow> if (is_init_file f) then 
 (case (init_sectxt_of_obj (O_file f), init_sectxt_of_obj (O_dir pf), get_parentfs_ctxts [] pf) of
    (Some sec, Some psec, Some aseclist) \<Rightarrow> Some (Init f, sec, Some psec, set aseclist)
  | _ \<Rightarrow> None)    else 
 (case (init_sectxt_of_obj (O_dir f), init_sectxt_of_obj (O_dir pf), get_parentfs_ctxts [] pf) of
    (Some sec, Some psec, Some aseclist) \<Rightarrow> Some (Init f, sec, Some psec, set aseclist)
  | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

definition init_cf2sfiles :: "t_file \<Rightarrow> t_sfile set"
  "init_cf2sfiles f \<equiv> {sf. \<exists>f' \<in> init_same_inode_files f. init_cf2sfile f' = Some sf}"

definition init_cfd2sfd :: "t_process \<Rightarrow> t_fd \<Rightarrow> (security_context_t \<times> t_open_flags \<times> t_sfile) option"
  "init_cfd2sfd p fd = 
     (case (init_file_of_proc_fd p fd, init_oflags_of_proc_fd p fd, init_sectxt_of_obj (O_fd p fd)) of
        (Some f, Some flags, Some sec) \<Rightarrow> (case (init_cf2sfile f) of 
                                             Some sf \<Rightarrow> Some (sec, flags, sf)
                                           | _ \<Rightarrow> None)
      | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

definition init_cfds2sfds :: "t_process \<Rightarrow> (security_context_t \<times> t_open_flags \<times> t_sfile) set"
  "init_cfds2sfds p \<equiv> { sfd. \<exists> fd \<in> init_proc_file_fds p. init_cfd2sfd p fd = Some sfd}"

definition init_ch2sshm :: "t_shm \<Rightarrow> t_sshm option"
  "init_ch2sshm h \<equiv> (case (init_sectxt_of_obj (O_shm h)) of
                       Some sec \<Rightarrow> Some (Init h, sec)
                     | _        \<Rightarrow> None)"

definition init_cph2spshs 
  :: "t_process \<Rightarrow> (t_sshm \<times> t_shm_attach_flag) set"
  "init_cph2spshs p \<equiv> {(sh, flag)| sh flag h. (p, flag) \<in> init_procs_of_shm h \<and> 
                                             init_ch2sshm h = Some sh}"

definition init_cp2sproc :: "t_process \<Rightarrow> t_sproc option"
  "init_cp2sproc p \<equiv> (case (init_sectxt_of_obj (O_proc p)) of 
       Some sec \<Rightarrow> Some (Init p, sec, (init_cfds2sfds p))
     | None     \<Rightarrow> None)"

(* acient files of init-file 
definition init_o2s_afs :: "t_file \<Rightarrow> security_context_t set"
  "init_o2s_afs f \<equiv> {sec. \<exists> f'. f' \<preceq> f \<and> init_sectxt_of_obj (O_dir f') = Some sec}" *)

definition init_cm2smsg :: "t_msgq \<Rightarrow> t_msg \<Rightarrow> t_smsg option"
  "init_cm2smsg q m \<equiv> (case (init_sectxt_of_obj (O_msg q m)) of 
                         Some sec \<Rightarrow> Some (Init m, sec, (O_msg q m) \<in> seeds)
                       | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

fun init_cqm2sms :: "t_msgq \<Rightarrow> t_msg list \<Rightarrow> (t_smsg list) option"
  "init_cqm2sms q []     = Some []"
| "init_cqm2sms q (m#ms) = 
     (case (init_cqm2sms q ms, init_cm2smsg q m) of 
        (Some sms, Some sm) \<Rightarrow> Some (sm # sms)
      | _        \<Rightarrow> None)"

definition init_cq2smsgq :: "t_msgq \<Rightarrow> t_smsgq option"
  "init_cq2smsgq q \<equiv> (case (init_sectxt_of_obj (O_msgq q), init_cqm2sms q (init_msgs_of_queue q)) of 
       (Some sec, Some sms) \<Rightarrow> Some (Init q, sec, sms)
     | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

fun init_obj2sobj :: "t_object \<Rightarrow> t_sobject option"
  "init_obj2sobj (O_proc p) = 
     (case (init_cp2sproc p) of 
       Some sp \<Rightarrow> Some (S_proc sp (O_proc p \<in> seeds))
     | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "init_obj2sobj (O_file f) = 
     (case (init_cf2sfile f) of
        Some sf \<Rightarrow> Some (S_file sf (O_file f \<in> seeds))
      | _       \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "init_obj2sobj (O_dir f) = 
     (case (init_cf2sfile f) of
           Some sf \<Rightarrow> Some (S_dir sf) 
         | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "init_obj2sobj (O_msgq q) = 
     (case (init_cq2smsgq q) of
       Some sq \<Rightarrow> Some (S_msgq sq)
     | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "init_obj2sobj (O_shm h) = 
     (case (init_ch2sshm h) of 
       Some sh \<Rightarrow> Some (S_shm sh)
     | _       \<Rightarrow> None)"  
| "init_obj2sobj (O_msg q m) = 
     (case (init_cq2smsgq q, init_cm2smsg q m) of 
        (Some sq, Some sm) \<Rightarrow> Some (S_msg sq sm)
      | _                  \<Rightarrow> None)" *)
| "init_obj2sobj _ = None"

  "init_static_state \<equiv> {sobj. \<exists> obj. init_alive obj \<and> init_obj2sobj obj = Some sobj}"

(**************** translation from dynamic to static *******************)

definition cf2sfile :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_file \<Rightarrow> t_sfile option"
  "cf2sfile s f \<equiv>
     case (parent f) of 
       None \<Rightarrow> Some sroot
     | Some pf \<Rightarrow> if (is_file s f) 
     then (case (sectxt_of_obj s (O_file f), sectxt_of_obj s (O_dir pf), get_parentfs_ctxts s pf) of
            (Some sec, Some psec, Some asecs) \<Rightarrow>
 Some (if (\<not> deleted (O_file f) s \<and> is_init_file f) then Init f else Created, sec, Some psec, set asecs)
          | _ \<Rightarrow> None) 
     else (case (sectxt_of_obj s (O_dir f), sectxt_of_obj s (O_dir pf), get_parentfs_ctxts s pf) of
            (Some sec, Some psec, Some asecs) \<Rightarrow>
 Some (if (\<not> deleted (O_dir f) s \<and> is_init_dir f) then Init f else Created, sec, Some psec, set asecs)
          | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

definition cf2sfiles :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_file \<Rightarrow> t_sfile set"
  "cf2sfiles s f \<equiv> {sf. \<exists> f' \<in> (same_inode_files s f). cf2sfile s f' = Some sf}"

(* here cf2sfile is passed with True, because, process' fds are only for files not dirs *)
definition cfd2sfd :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_process \<Rightarrow> t_fd \<Rightarrow> t_sfd option" 
  "cfd2sfd s p fd \<equiv> 
    (case (file_of_proc_fd s p fd, flags_of_proc_fd s p fd, sectxt_of_obj s (O_fd p fd)) of
      (Some f, Some flags, Some sec) \<Rightarrow> (case (cf2sfile s f) of 
                                          Some sf \<Rightarrow> Some (sec, flags, sf)
                                        | _       \<Rightarrow> None)
    | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

definition cpfd2sfds :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_process \<Rightarrow> t_sfd set"
  "cpfd2sfds s p \<equiv> {sfd. \<exists> fd \<in> proc_file_fds s p. cfd2sfd s p fd = Some sfd}"

definition ch2sshm :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_shm \<Rightarrow> t_sshm option"
  "ch2sshm s h \<equiv> (case (sectxt_of_obj s (O_shm h)) of
                    Some sec \<Rightarrow> 
 Some (if (\<not> deleted (O_shm h) s \<and> h \<in> init_shms) then Init h else Created, sec)
                  | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

definition cph2spshs :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_process \<Rightarrow> t_sproc_sshm set"
  "cph2spshs s p \<equiv> {(sh, flag)| sh flag h. (p, flag) \<in> procs_of_shm s h \<and> ch2sshm s h = Some sh}"

definition cp2sproc :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_process \<Rightarrow> t_sproc option"
  "cp2sproc s p \<equiv> (case (sectxt_of_obj s (O_proc p)) of 
                     Some sec \<Rightarrow> 
 Some (if (\<not> deleted (O_proc p) s \<and> p \<in> init_procs) then Init p else Created, sec, 
       cpfd2sfds s p)
                   | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

definition cm2smsg :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_msgq \<Rightarrow> t_msg \<Rightarrow> t_smsg option"
  "cm2smsg s q m \<equiv> (case (sectxt_of_obj s (O_msg q m)) of 
                      Some sec \<Rightarrow>
 Some (if (\<not> deleted (O_msg q m) s \<and> m \<in> set (init_msgs_of_queue q)) then Init m else Created,
       sec, O_msg q m \<in> tainted s)
                    | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

fun cqm2sms:: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_msgq \<Rightarrow> t_msg list \<Rightarrow> (t_smsg list) option"
  "cqm2sms s q [] = Some []"
| "cqm2sms s q (m#ms) = 
     (case (cqm2sms s q ms, cm2smsg s q m) of 
       (Some sms, Some sm) \<Rightarrow> Some (sm#sms) 
     | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

definition cq2smsgq :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_msgq \<Rightarrow> t_smsgq option"
  "cq2smsgq s q \<equiv> (case (sectxt_of_obj s (O_msgq q), cqm2sms s q (msgs_of_queue s q)) of 
                     (Some sec, Some sms) \<Rightarrow> 
 Some (if (\<not> deleted (O_msgq q) s \<and> q \<in> init_msgqs) then Init q else Created,
       sec, sms)
                   | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"

fun co2sobj :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_object \<Rightarrow> t_sobject option"
  "co2sobj s (O_proc p) = 
     (case (cp2sproc s p) of 
        Some sp \<Rightarrow> Some (S_proc sp (O_proc p \<in> tainted s))
      | _       \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "co2sobj s (O_file f) = 
     (case (cf2sfile s f) of 
        Some sf \<Rightarrow> Some (S_file sf (O_file f \<in> tainted s))
      | _       \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "co2sobj s (O_dir f) = 
     (case (cf2sfile s f) of
        Some sf  \<Rightarrow> Some (S_dir sf)
      | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "co2sobj s (O_msgq q) = 
     (case (cq2smsgq s q) of
        Some sq \<Rightarrow> Some (S_msgq sq)
      | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "co2sobj s (O_shm h) = 
     (case (ch2sshm s h) of 
        Some sh \<Rightarrow> Some (S_shm sh)
      | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "co2sobj s (O_msg q m) = 
     (case (cq2smsgq s q, cm2smsg s q m) of 
       (Some sq, Some sm) \<Rightarrow> Some (S_msg sq sm)
     | _ \<Rightarrow> None)"
| "co2sobj s _ = None"

definition s2ss :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_static_state"
  "s2ss s \<equiv> {sobj. \<exists> obj. alive s obj \<and> co2sobj s obj = Some sobj}"

(* ******************************************************** *)

fun is_init_sfile :: "t_sfile \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_init_sfile (Init _, sec, psec,asec) = True"
| "is_init_sfile _ = False"

fun is_many_sfile :: "t_sfile \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_many_sfile (Created, sec, psec, asec) = True"
| "is_many_sfile _ = False"

fun is_init_sproc :: "t_sproc \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_init_sproc (Init p, sec, fds) = True"
| "is_init_sproc _                  = False"

fun is_many_sproc :: "t_sproc \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_many_sproc (Created, sec,fds) = True"
| "is_many_sproc _                  = False"

fun is_many_smsg :: "t_smsg \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_many_smsg (Created,sec,tag) = True"
| "is_many_smsg _                 = False"

(* wrong def 
fun is_many_smsgq :: "t_smsgq \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_many_smsgq (Created,sec,sms) = (True \<and> (\<forall> sm \<in> (set sms). is_many_smsg sm))"
| "is_many_smsgq _                 = False"

fun is_many_smsgq :: "t_smsgq \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_many_smsgq (Created,sec,sms) = True"
| "is_many_smsgq _                 = False"

fun is_many :: "t_sobject \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_many (S_proc sp   tag) = is_many_sproc sp"
| "is_many (S_file sf   tag) = is_many_sfile sf"
| "is_many (S_dir  sf      ) = is_many_sfile sf"
| "is_many (S_msgq sq      ) = is_many_smsgq sq"

fun is_init_smsgq :: "t_smsgq \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_init_smsgq (Init q,sec,sms) = True"
| "is_init_smsgq _                = False"

fun is_init_sobj :: "t_sobject \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "is_init_sobj (S_proc sp tag ) = is_init_sproc sp"
| "is_init_sobj (S_file sf tag ) = is_init_sfile sf"
| "is_init_sobj (S_dir  sf     ) = is_init_sfile sf"
| "is_init_sobj (S_msgq sq     ) = is_init_smsgq sq"

fun update_ss_sp:: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sobject \<Rightarrow> t_sobject \<Rightarrow> t_static_state"
  "update_ss_sp ss (S_proc sp tag) (S_proc sp' tag') = 
     (if (is_many_sproc sp) then ss \<union> {S_proc sp' tag'} 
      else (ss - {S_proc sp tag}) \<union> {S_proc sp' tag'})"

fun update_ss_sd:: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sobject \<Rightarrow> t_sobject \<Rightarrow> t_static_state"
  "update_ss_sd ss (S_dir sf tag) (S_dir sf' tag') = 
     (if (is_many_sfile sf) then ss \<union> {S_dir sf' tag'} 
      else (ss - {S_dir sf tag}) \<union> {S_dir sf' tag'})"

fun sparent :: "t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile option"
  "sparent (Sroot si sec) = None"
| "sparent (Sfile si sec spf) = Some spf"

inductive is_ancesf :: "t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> bool" 
  "is_ancesf sf sf"
| "sparent sf = Some spf \<Longrightarrow> is_ancesf spf sf"
| "\<lbrakk>sparent sf = Some spf; is_ancesf saf spf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> is_ancesf saf sf"

definition sfile_reparent :: "t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile"
  "sfile_reparent (Sroot)"

(* sfds rename aux definitions *)
definition sfds_rename_notrelated 
  :: "t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfds_rename_notrelated sfds from to sfds' \<equiv> 
     (\<forall> sec flag sf. (sec,flag,sf) \<in> sfds \<and> (\<not> from \<preceq> sf) \<longrightarrow> (sec,flag,sf) \<in> sfds')"

definition sfds_rename_renamed
  :: "t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfds_rename_renamed sfds sf from to sfds' \<equiv> 
     (\<forall> sec flag sf'. (sec,flag,sf) \<in> sfds \<and> (sf \<preceq> sf') \<longrightarrow>
         (sec, flag, file_after_rename sf' from to) \<in> sfds' \<and> (sec,flag,sf) \<notin> sfds')"

definition sfds_rename_remain
  :: "t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfds_rename_remain sfds sf from to sfds' \<equiv> 
     (\<forall> sec flag sf'. (sec,flag,sf') \<in> sfds \<and> (sf \<preceq> sf') \<longrightarrow> 
         (sec, flag, sf') \<in> sfds' \<and> (sec,flag, file_after_rename sf' from to) \<notin> sfds')"

  (* for not many, choose on renamed or not *)
definition sfds_rename_choices
  :: "t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfds_rename_choices sfds sf from to sfds' \<equiv> 
     sfds_rename_remain sfds sf from to sfds' \<or> sfds_rename_renamed sfds sf from to sfds'"

(* for many, merge renamed with not renamed *)
definition sfds_rename_both
  :: "t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfds_rename_both sfds sf from to sfds' \<equiv> 
     (\<forall> sec flag sf'. (sec,flag,sf') \<in> sfds \<and> (sf \<preceq> sf') \<longrightarrow> 
         (sec, flag, sf') \<in> sfds' \<or> (sec,flag, file_after_rename sf' from to) \<in> sfds')"
(* added to the new sfds, are those only under the new sfile *)
definition sfds_rename_added
  :: "t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfds_rename_added sfds from to sfds' \<equiv> 
     (\<forall> sec' flag' sf' sec flag. (sec',flag',sf') \<in> sfds' \<and> (sec,flag,sf') \<notin> sfds \<longrightarrow> 
        (\<exists> sf. (sec,flag,sf) \<in> sfds \<and> sf' = file_after_rename from to sf))"

definition sproc_sfds_renamed
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sproc_sfds_renamed ss sf from to ss' \<equiv>
     (\<forall> pi sec sfds sshms tagp. S_proc (pi,sec,sfds,sshms) tagp \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> 
       (\<exists> sfds'. S_proc (pi,sec,sfds',sshms) tagp \<in> ss \<and> sfds_rename_renamed sfds sf from to sfds'))"

definition sproc_sfds_remain
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sproc_sfds_remain ss sf from to ss' \<equiv>
     (\<forall> pi sec sfds sshms tagp. S_proc (pi,sec,sfds,sshms) tagp \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> 
       (\<exists> sfds'. S_proc (pi,sec,sfds',sshms) tagp \<in> ss \<and> sfds_rename_remain sfds sf from to sfds'))"

(* for not many, choose on renamed or not *)
definition sproc_sfds_choices
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sproc_sfds_choices ss sf from to ss' \<equiv>
     (\<forall> pi sec sfds sshms tagp. S_proc (pi,sec,sfds,sshms) tagp \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> 
       (\<exists> sfds'. S_proc (pi,sec,sfds',sshms) tagp \<in> ss \<and> sfds_rename_choices sfds sf from to sfds'))"
(* for many, merge renamed with not renamed *)
definition sproc_sfds_both
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sproc_sfds_both ss sf from to ss' \<equiv>
     (\<forall> pi sec sfds sshms tagp. S_proc (pi,sec,sfds,sshms) tagp \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> 
       (\<exists> sfds'. S_proc (pi,sec,sfds',sshms) tagp \<in> ss \<and> sfds_rename_both sfds sf from to sfds'))"

(* remove (\<forall> sp tag. S_proc sp tag \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> S_proc sp tag \<in> ss'),
 * cause sfds contains sfs informations *)
definition ss_rename_notrelated 
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "ss_rename_notrelated ss sf sf' ss' \<equiv> 
     (\<forall> sq. S_msgq sq \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> S_msgq sq \<in> ss') \<and> 
     (\<forall> pi sec sfds sshms tagp. S_proc (pi,sec,sfds,sshms) tagp \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> sfds'.  
         S_proc (pi,sec,sfds',sshms) tagp \<in> ss'\<and> sfds_rename_notrelated sfds sf sf' sfds'))  \<and>
     (\<forall> sfs sf'' tag. S_file sfs tag \<in> ss \<and> sf'' \<in> sfs \<and> (\<not> sf \<preceq> sf'') \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> sfs'. 
         S_file sfs tag \<in> ss' \<and> sf'' \<in> sfs')) \<and>
     (\<forall> sf'' tag. S_dir sf'' tag \<in> ss \<and> (\<not> sf \<preceq> sf'') \<longrightarrow> S_dir sf'' tag \<in> ss')" 

(* rename from to, from should definited renamed if not many *)
definition all_descendant_sf_renamed 
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "all_descendant_sf_renamed ss sf from to ss' \<equiv>
     (\<forall> sfs sf' tagf. sf \<preceq> sf' \<and> S_file sfs tagf \<in> ss \<and> sf' \<in> sfs \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> sfs'. 
       S_file sfs' tagf \<in> ss' \<and> file_after_rename from to sf' \<in> sfs' \<and> sf' \<notin> sfs')) \<and> 
     (\<forall> sf' tagf. sf \<preceq> sf' \<and> S_dir sf' tagf \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> S_dir (file_after_rename from to sf') tagf \<in> ss' \<and> S_dir sf' tagf \<notin> ss') \<and>
     sproc_sfds_renamed ss sf from to ss'"

(* not renamed *)
definition all_descendant_sf_remain
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "all_descendant_sf_remain ss sf from to ss' \<equiv>
     (\<forall> sfs sf' tag'. sf \<preceq> sf' \<and> S_file sfs tag' \<in> ss \<and> sf' \<in> sfs \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> sfs'. 
       S_file sfs' tag' \<in> ss \<and> file_after_rename from to sf' \<notin> sfs' \<and> sf' \<in> sfs')) \<and> 
     (\<forall> sf' tag'. sf \<preceq> sf' \<and> S_dir sf' tag' \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> S_dir (file_after_rename from to sf') tag' \<notin> ss' \<and> S_dir sf' tag' \<in> ss') \<and>
     sproc_sfds_remain ss sf from to ss'"

definition all_descendant_sf_choices
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "all_descendant_sf_choices ss sf from to ss' \<equiv>
     all_descendant_sf_renamed ss sf from to ss' \<or> all_descendant_sf_remain ss sf from to ss'"

definition all_descendant_sf_both
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "all_descendant_sf_both ss sf from to ss' \<equiv>
     (\<forall> sfs sf' tag'. sf \<preceq> sf' \<and> S_file sfs tag' \<in> ss \<and> sf' \<in> sfs \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> sfs'. 
        S_file sfs' tag' \<in> ss \<and> file_after_rename from to sf' \<in> sfs' \<or> sf' \<in> sfs')) \<and> 
     (\<forall> sf' tag'. sf \<preceq> sf' \<and> S_dir sf' tag' \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> 
        S_dir (file_after_rename from to sf') tag' \<in> ss' \<or> S_dir sf' tag' \<in> ss') \<and>
     sproc_sfds_both ss sf from to ss'"

definition ss_renamed_file 
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "ss_renamed_file ss sf sf' ss' \<equiv> 
     (if (is_many_sfile sf) 
        then all_descendant_sf_choices ss sf sf sf' ss'
        else all_descendant_sf_renamed ss sf sf sf' ss')"

(* added to the new sfs, are those only under the new sfile *)
definition sfs_rename_added
  :: "t_sfile set \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile set \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfs_rename_added sfs from to sfs' \<equiv> 
     (\<forall> sf'. sf' \<in> sfs' \<and> sf' \<notin> sfs \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> sf. sf \<in> sfs \<and> sf' = file_after_rename from to sf))"

(* added to the new sfile, are those only under the new sfile *)
definition ss_rename_added
  :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "ss_rename_added ss from to ss' \<equiv> 
     (\<forall> pi sec fds fds' shms tagp. S_proc (pi, sec, fds,shms) tagp \<in> ss \<and> 
        S_proc (pi,sec,fds',shms) tagp \<in> ss' \<longrightarrow> sfds_rename_added fds from to fds') \<and>
     (\<forall> sq. S_msgq sq \<in> ss' \<longrightarrow> S_msgq sq \<in> ss) \<and>
     (\<forall> sfs sfs' tagf. S_file sfs' tagf \<in> ss' \<and> S_file sfs tagf \<in> ss \<longrightarrow> 
        sfs_rename_added sfs from to sfs') \<and>
     (\<forall> sf' tagf. S_dir sf' tagf \<in> ss' \<and> S_dir sf' tagf \<notin> ss \<longrightarrow> 
        (\<exists> sf. S_dir sf tagf \<in> ss \<and> sf' = file_after_rename from to sf))" 

definition sfile_alive :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfile_alive ss sf \<equiv> (\<exists> sfs tagf. sf \<in> sfs \<and> S_file sfs tagf \<in> ss)"

definition sf_alive :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sf_alive ss sf \<equiv> (\<exists> tagd. S_dir sf tagd \<in> ss) \<or> sfile_alive ss sf"

(* constrains that the new static state should satisfy *)
definition ss_rename:: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "ss_rename ss sf sf' ss' \<equiv> 
     ss_rename_notrelated ss sf sf' ss' \<and>
     ss_renamed_file ss sf sf' ss' \<and> ss_rename_added ss sf sf' ss' \<and>
     (\<forall> sf''. sf_alive ss sf'' \<and> sf \<prec> sf'' \<longrightarrow> 
       (if (is_many_sfile sf'') 
        then all_descendant_sf_choices ss sf'' sf sf' ss'
        else all_descendant_sf_both ss sf'' sf sf' ss'))"

(* two sfile, the last fname should not be equal *)
fun sfile_same_fname:: "t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfile_same_fname ((Init n, sec)#spf) ((Init n', sec')#spf') = (n = n')"
| "sfile_same_fname _                   _                      = False"

(* no same init sfile/only sfile in the target-to spf, should be in static_state addmissble check *)
definition ss_rename_no_same_fname:: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "ss_rename_no_same_fname ss from spf \<equiv>
    \<not> (\<exists> to. sfile_same_fname from to \<and> parent to = Some spf \<and> sf_alive ss to)" 

(* is not a function, is a relation (one 2 many)
definition update_ss_rename :: "t_static_state \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_static_state"
  "update_ss_rename ss sf sf' \<equiv> if (is_many_sfile sf) 
     then (ss \<union> {S_file (file_after_rename sf sf' sf'') tag | sf'' tag. sf \<preceq> sf'' \<and> S_file sf'' tag \<in> ss}
              \<union> {S_dir  (file_after_rename sf sf' sf'') tag | sf'' tag. sf \<preceq> sf'' \<and> S_dir sf'' tag \<in> ss})
     else (ss - {S_file sf'' tag | sf'' tag. sf \<preceq> sf'' \<and> S_file sf'' tag \<in> ss}
              - {S_dir  sf'' tag | sf'' tag. sf \<preceq> sf'' \<and> S_dir sf'' tag \<in> ss})
              \<union> {S_file (file_after_rename sf sf' sf'') tag | sf'' tag. sf \<preceq> sf'' \<and> S_file sf'' tag \<in> ss}
              \<union> {S_dir  (file_after_rename sf sf' sf'') tag | sf'' tag. sf \<preceq> sf'' \<and> S_dir sf'' tag \<in> ss}" 

fun sectxt_of_sproc :: "t_sproc \<Rightarrow> security_context_t"
  "sectxt_of_sproc (pi,sec,fds) = sec"

fun sectxt_of_sfile :: "t_sfile \<Rightarrow> security_context_t"
  "sectxt_of_sfile (fi,sec,psec,asecs) = sec"

fun asecs_of_sfile :: "t_sfile \<Rightarrow> security_context_t set"
  "asecs_of_sfile (fi,sec,psec,asecs) = asecs"

definition search_check_s :: "security_context_t \<Rightarrow> t_sfile \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "search_check_s pctxt sf if_file = 
    (if if_file 
      then search_check_ctxt pctxt (sectxt_of_sfile sf) (asecs_of_sfile sf) True
      else search_check_ctxt pctxt (sectxt_of_sfile sf) (asecs_of_sfile sf) False)"

definition sectxts_of_sfds :: "t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> security_context_t set"
  "sectxts_of_sfds sfds \<equiv> {ctxt. \<exists> flag sf. (ctxt, flag, sf) \<in> sfds}"

definition inherit_fds_check_s :: "security_context_t \<Rightarrow> t_sfd set \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "inherit_fds_check_s pctxt sfds \<equiv> inherit_fds_check_ctxt pctxt (sectxts_of_sfds sfds)"

fun smsg_related :: "t_msg \<Rightarrow> t_smsg list \<Rightarrow> bool" 
  "smsg_related m []                   = False" 
| "smsg_related m ((mi, sec, tag)#sms) =  
    (if (mi = Init m) then True else smsg_related m sms)" 

fun smsgq_smsg_related :: "t_msgq \<Rightarrow> t_msg \<Rightarrow> t_smsgq \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "smsgq_smsg_related q m (qi, sec, smsgslist) = ((qi = Init q) \<and> (smsg_related m smsgslist))"

fun smsg_relatainted :: "t_msg \<Rightarrow> t_smsg list \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "smsg_relatainted m []                     = False"
| "smsg_relatainted m ((mi, sec, tag)#sms) = 
    (if (mi = Init m \<and> tag = True) then True else smsg_relatainted m sms)"

fun smsgq_smsg_relatainted :: "t_msgq \<Rightarrow> t_msg \<Rightarrow> t_smsgq \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "smsgq_smsg_relatainted q m (qi, sec, smsgslist) = 
     ((qi = Init q) \<and> (smsg_relatainted m smsgslist))"

fun sfile_related :: "t_sfile \<Rightarrow> t_file \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sfile_related (fi,sec,psec,asecs) f = (fi = Init f)"
fun sproc_related :: "t_process \<Rightarrow> t_sproc \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "sproc_related p (pi, sec, fds, shms) = (pi = Init p)"
fun init_obj_related :: "t_sobject \<Rightarrow> t_object \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "init_obj_related (S_proc (pi, sec, fds) tag) (O_proc p') = (pi = Init p')"
| "init_obj_related (S_file sf tag) (O_file f) = (sfile_related sf f)"
| "init_obj_related (S_dir sf) (O_dir f) = (sfile_related sf f)"
| "init_obj_related (S_msgq (qi, sec, sms)) (O_msgq q') = (qi = Init q')"
| "init_obj_related (S_msg (qi, sec, sms) (mi, secm, tagm)) (O_msg q' m') = (qi = Init q' \<and> mi = Init m')"
| "init_obj_related _ _ = False"

(***************** for backward proof when Instancing static objects ******************)

definition next_nat :: "nat set \<Rightarrow> nat"
  "next_nat nset = (Max nset) + 1"

definition new_proc :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_process"
  "new_proc \<tau> = next_nat (current_procs \<tau>)"

definition new_inode_num :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> nat"
  "new_inode_num \<tau> = next_nat (current_inode_nums \<tau>)"

definition new_msgq :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_msgq"
  "new_msgq s = next_nat (current_msgqs s)"

definition new_msg :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_msgq \<Rightarrow> nat"
  "new_msg s q = next_nat (set (msgs_of_queue s q))"

definition new_proc_fd :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_process \<Rightarrow> t_fd"
  "new_proc_fd \<tau> p = next_nat (current_proc_fds \<tau> p)"

definition all_fname_under_dir:: "t_file \<Rightarrow> t_state \<Rightarrow> t_fname set"
  "all_fname_under_dir d \<tau> = {fn. \<exists> f. fn # d = f \<and> f \<in> current_files \<tau>}"

fun fname_all_a:: "nat \<Rightarrow> t_fname"
  "fname_all_a 0 = []" |
  "fname_all_a (Suc n) = ''a''@(fname_all_a n)"

definition fname_length_set :: "t_fname set \<Rightarrow> nat set"
  "fname_length_set fns = length`fns"

definition next_fname:: "t_file \<Rightarrow> t_state \<Rightarrow> t_fname"
  "next_fname pf \<tau> = fname_all_a ((Max (fname_length_set (all_fname_under_dir pf \<tau>))) + 1)"

definition new_childf:: "t_file \<Rightarrow> t_state \<Rightarrow> t_file"
  "new_childf pf \<tau> = next_fname pf \<tau> # pf"

