changeset 89 ded3f83f6cb9
parent 88 e832378a2ff2
child 90 003cac7b8bf5
equal deleted inserted replaced
88:e832378a2ff2 89:ded3f83f6cb9
     1 theory Enrich
     1 theory Enrich
     2 imports Main Flask Static Init_prop Valid_prop Tainted_prop Delete_prop Co2sobj_prop S2ss_prop S2ss_prop2
     2 imports Main Flask Static Init_prop Valid_prop Tainted_prop Delete_prop Co2sobj_prop S2ss_prop S2ss_prop2
     3  Temp
     3  Temp
     4 begin
     4 begin
     6 (* enriched objects, closely related to static objects, so are only 3 kinds *)
     7 datatype t_enrich_obj = 
     8   E_proc "t_process" "t_msgq" "t_msgq"
     9 | E_file_link "t_file"
    10 | E_file "t_file" "nat" 
    11  (*
    12 | E_fd   "t_process" "t_fd" 
    13 | E_inum "nat" *)
    14 | E_msgq "t_msgq"
    15 (*
    16 | E_msg  "t_msgq"    "t_msg"
    17 *)
     6 (* objects that need dynamic indexing, all nature-numbers *)
    20 (* objects that need dynamic indexing, all nature-numbers *)
     7 datatype t_enrich_obj = 
    21 datatype t_index_obj = 
     8   E_proc "t_process"
    22   I_proc "t_process" 
     9 | E_file "t_file"
    23 | I_file "t_file"
    10 | E_fd   "t_process" "t_fd"
    24 | I_fd   "t_process" "t_fd"
    11 | E_inum "nat"
    25 | I_inum "nat"
    12 | E_msgq "t_msgq"
    26 | I_msgq "t_msgq"
    13 | E_msg  "t_msgq"    "t_msg"
    27 | I_msg  "t_msgq"    "t_msg"
    15 context tainting_s begin
    29 context tainting_s begin
    17 fun no_del_event:: "t_event list \<Rightarrow> bool"
    31 fun no_del_event:: "t_event list \<Rightarrow> bool"
    18 where
    32 where
    71 | "all_files (Open p f flags fd opt # s) = (if opt = None then all_files s else (all_files s \<union> {f}))"
    85 | "all_files (Open p f flags fd opt # s) = (if opt = None then all_files s else (all_files s \<union> {f}))"
    72 | "all_files (Mkdir p f inum # s) = all_files s \<union> {f}"
    86 | "all_files (Mkdir p f inum # s) = all_files s \<union> {f}"
    73 | "all_files (LinkHard p f f' # s) = all_files s \<union> {f'}"
    87 | "all_files (LinkHard p f f' # s) = all_files s \<union> {f'}"
    74 | "all_files (e # s) = all_files s"
    88 | "all_files (e # s) = all_files s"
    90 (*
    76 fun notin_all:: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_enrich_obj \<Rightarrow> bool"
    91 fun notin_all:: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_enrich_obj \<Rightarrow> bool"
    77 where
    92 where
    78   "notin_all s (E_proc p)  = (p \<notin> all_procs s)"
    93   "notin_all s (E_proc p)  = (p \<notin> all_procs s)"
    79 | "notin_all s (E_file f)  = (f \<notin> all_files s \<and> (\<exists> pf. parent f = Some pf \<and> is_dir s pf))"
    94 | "notin_all s (E_file f)  = (f \<notin> all_files s \<and> (\<exists> pf. parent f = Some pf \<and> is_dir s pf))"
    80 | "notin_all s (E_fd p fd) = (fd \<notin> all_fds s p)"
    95 | "notin_all s (E_fd p fd) = (fd \<notin> all_fds s p)"
    81 | "notin_all s (E_inum i)  = (i \<notin> all_inums s)"
    96 | "notin_all s (E_inum i)  = (i \<notin> all_inums s)"
    82 | "notin_all s (E_msgq q)  = (q \<notin> all_msgqs s)"
    97 | "notin_all s (E_msgq q)  = (q \<notin> all_msgqs s)"
    83 | "notin_all s (E_msg q m) = (m \<notin> all_msgs s q)"
    98 | "notin_all s (E_msg q m) = (m \<notin> all_msgs s q)"
    99 *)
   101 fun nums_of_recvmsg:: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_process \<Rightarrow> nat"
   102 where
   103   "nums_of_recvmsg [] p' = 0"
   104 | "nums_of_recvmsg (RecvMsg p q m # s) p' = 
   105      (if p' = p then Suc (nums_of_recvmsg s p) else nums_of_recvmsg s p')"
   106 | "nums_of_recvmsg (e # s) p' = nums_of_recvmsg s p'"
   108 lemma nums_of_recv_0:
   109   "\<lbrakk>p \<notin> current_procs s; no_del_event s; valid s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> nums_of_recvmsg s p = 0"
   110 apply (induct s, simp)
   111 apply (frule vt_grant_os, frule vd_cons, case_tac a)
   112 apply (auto)
   113 done
   115 lemma new_msgq_1:
   116   "\<lbrakk>new_msgq s \<le> q; q \<le> new_msgq s - Suc 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> False"
   117 apply (subgoal_tac "new_msgq s \<noteq> 0")
   118 apply (simp, simp add:new_msgq_def next_nat_def)
   119 done
   121 fun notin_cur:: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_enrich_obj \<Rightarrow> bool"
   122 where
   123   "notin_cur s (E_proc p qmin qmax)  = 
   124     (p \<notin> current_procs s \<and> qmin = new_msgq s \<and> qmax = new_msgq s + (nums_of_recvmsg s p) - 1)"
   125 | "notin_cur s (E_file f inum)  = 
   126     (f \<notin> current_files s \<and> (\<exists> pf. parent f = Some pf \<and> is_dir s pf) \<and> inum \<notin> current_inode_nums s)"
   127 | "notin_cur s (E_file_link f)  = 
   128     (f \<notin> current_files s \<and> (\<exists> pf. parent f = Some pf \<and> is_dir s pf))"
   129 | "notin_cur s (E_msgq q)  = (q \<notin> current_msgqs s)"
    85 lemma not_all_procs_cons:
   131 lemma not_all_procs_cons:
    86   "p \<notin> all_procs (e # s) \<Longrightarrow> p \<notin> all_procs s"
   132   "p \<notin> all_procs (e # s) \<Longrightarrow> p \<notin> all_procs s"
    87 by (case_tac e, auto)
   133 by (case_tac e, auto)
   117 lemma not_all_msgqs_prop3:
   163 lemma not_all_msgqs_prop3:
   118   "p' \<notin> all_msgqs s \<Longrightarrow> p' \<notin> current_msgqs s"
   164   "p' \<notin> all_msgqs s \<Longrightarrow> p' \<notin> current_msgqs s"
   119 apply (induct s, simp)
   165 apply (induct s, simp)
   120 by (case_tac a, auto)
   166 by (case_tac a, auto)
   122 fun enrich_not_alive :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_enrich_obj \<Rightarrow> t_enrich_obj \<Rightarrow> bool"
   168 fun enrich_not_alive :: "t_state \<Rightarrow> t_enrich_obj \<Rightarrow> t_index_obj \<Rightarrow> bool"
   123 where
   169 where
   124   "enrich_not_alive s obj (E_file f)  = (f \<notin> current_files s \<and> obj \<noteq> E_file f)"
   170   "enrich_not_alive s obj (I_file f)  = 
   125 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (E_proc p)  = (p \<notin> current_procs s \<and> obj \<noteq> E_proc p)"
   171   (f \<notin> current_files s \<and> (\<forall> inum. obj \<noteq> E_file f inum) \<and> obj \<noteq> E_file_link f)"
   126 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (E_fd p fd) = 
   172 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (I_proc p)  = (p \<notin> current_procs s \<and> (\<forall> qmin qmax. obj \<noteq> E_proc p qmin qmax))"
   127   ((p \<in> current_procs s \<longrightarrow> fd \<notin> current_proc_fds s p) \<and> obj \<noteq> E_fd p fd \<and> obj \<noteq> E_proc p)"
   173 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (I_fd p fd) = 
   128 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (E_msgq q)  = (q \<notin> current_msgqs s \<and> obj \<noteq> E_msgq q)"
   174   ((p \<in> current_procs s \<longrightarrow> fd \<notin> current_proc_fds s p) \<and> (\<forall> qmin qmax. obj \<noteq> E_proc p qmin qmax))"
   129 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (E_inum i)  = (i \<notin> current_inode_nums s \<and> obj \<noteq> E_inum i)"
   175 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (I_msgq q)  = (q \<notin> current_msgqs s \<and> obj \<noteq> E_msgq q \<and> 
   130 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (E_msg q m) = 
   176      (case obj of
   131   ((q \<in> current_msgqs s \<longrightarrow> m \<notin> set (msgs_of_queue s q)) \<and> obj \<noteq> E_msg q m \<and> obj \<noteq> E_msgq q)"
   177         E_proc p qmin qmax \<Rightarrow> \<not> (q \<ge> qmin \<and> q \<le> qmax)
   178       | _        \<Rightarrow> True) )"
   179 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (I_inum i)  = (i \<notin> current_inode_nums s \<and> (\<forall> f. obj \<noteq> E_file f i))"
   180 | "enrich_not_alive s obj (I_msg q m) = 
   181   ((q \<in> current_msgqs s \<longrightarrow> m \<notin> set (msgs_of_queue s q)) \<and> obj \<noteq> E_msgq q \<and>
   182      (case obj of
   183         E_proc p qmin qmax \<Rightarrow> \<not> (q \<ge> qmin \<and> q \<le> qmax)
   184       | _        \<Rightarrow> True) )"
   133 lemma file_has_parent: "\<lbrakk>is_file s f; valid s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> pf. is_dir s pf \<and> parent f = Some pf"
   186 lemma file_has_parent: "\<lbrakk>is_file s f; valid s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> pf. is_dir s pf \<and> parent f = Some pf"
   134 apply (case_tac f)
   187 apply (case_tac f)
   135 apply (simp, drule root_is_dir', simp+)
   188 apply (simp, drule root_is_dir', simp+)
   136 apply (simp add:parentf_is_dir_prop2)
   189 apply (simp add:parentf_is_dir_prop2)
   308     and fflags_remain: "\<forall> p fd flags. flags_of_proc_fd s p fd = Some flags \<longrightarrow> flags_of_proc_fd s' p fd = Some flags"
   361     and fflags_remain: "\<forall> p fd flags. flags_of_proc_fd s p fd = Some flags \<longrightarrow> flags_of_proc_fd s' p fd = Some flags"
   309     and sms_remain: "\<forall> q. msgs_of_queue s' q = msgs_of_queue s q"
   362     and sms_remain: "\<forall> q. msgs_of_queue s' q = msgs_of_queue s q"
   310    (* and empty_remain: "\<forall> f. dir_is_empty s f \<longrightarrow> dir_is_empty s' f" *)
   363    (* and empty_remain: "\<forall> f. dir_is_empty s f \<longrightarrow> dir_is_empty s' f" *)
   311     and cfd2sfd: "\<forall> p fd. fd \<in> proc_file_fds s p \<longrightarrow> cfd2sfd s' p fd = cfd2sfd s p fd"
   364     and cfd2sfd: "\<forall> p fd. fd \<in> proc_file_fds s p \<longrightarrow> cfd2sfd s' p fd = cfd2sfd s p fd"
   312     and nodel: "no_del_event (e # s)"
   365     and nodel: "no_del_event (e # s)"
   313     and notin_all: "notin_all (e # s) obj'"
   366     and notin_cur: "notin_cur (e # s) obj'"
   314   shows "valid (e # s')"
   367   shows "valid (e # s')"
   315 proof-
   368 proof-
   316   from vd' have os: "os_grant s e" and grant: "grant s e" and vd: "valid s"
   369   from vd' have os: "os_grant s e" and grant: "grant s e" and vd: "valid s"
   317     by (auto dest:vt_grant_os vt_grant vd_cons)
   370     by (auto dest:vt_grant_os vt_grant vd_cons)
   318   show ?thesis
   371   show ?thesis
   370   next
   423   next
   371     case (Clone p p' fds)
   424     case (Clone p p' fds)
   372     have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
   425     have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
   373       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
   426       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
   374       by (auto simp:Clone)
   427       by (auto simp:Clone)
   375     have p'_not_in: "p' \<notin> current_procs s'" using  alive' notin_all os Clone
   428     have p'_not_in: "p' \<notin> current_procs s'" using  alive' notin_cur os Clone
   376       apply (erule_tac x = "E_proc p'" in allE)
   429       apply (erule_tac x = "I_proc p'" in allE)
   377       apply (auto dest:not_all_procs_prop3)
   430       apply (auto dest:not_all_procs_prop3 simp del:nums_of_recvmsg.simps)
   378       done
   431       done
   379     have fd_in: "fds \<subseteq> proc_file_fds s' p" using os alive ffd_remain
   432     have fd_in: "fds \<subseteq> proc_file_fds s' p" using os alive ffd_remain
   380       by (auto simp:Clone proc_file_fds_def)
   433       by (auto simp:Clone proc_file_fds_def)
   381     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in p'_not_in fd_in by (simp add:Clone)
   434     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in p'_not_in fd_in by (simp add:Clone)
   382     moreover have "grant s' e" 
   435     moreover have "grant s' e" 
   480         by (auto simp:Open None)
   533         by (auto simp:Open None)
   481       have f_in: "is_file s' f" using os alive
   534       have f_in: "is_file s' f" using os alive
   482         apply (erule_tac x = "O_file f" in allE)
   535         apply (erule_tac x = "O_file f" in allE)
   483         by (auto simp:Open None)
   536         by (auto simp:Open None)
   484       have fd_not_in: "fd \<notin> current_proc_fds s' p"
   537       have fd_not_in: "fd \<notin> current_proc_fds s' p"
   485         using os alive' p_in notin_all Open None
   538         using os alive' p_in notin_cur Open None
   486         apply (erule_tac x = "E_fd p fd" in allE)
   539         apply (erule_tac x = "I_fd p fd" in allE)
   487         apply (case_tac obj')
   540         apply (case_tac obj')
   488         apply (auto dest:not_all_procs_prop3)
   541         apply (auto dest:not_all_procs_prop3)
   489         done
   542         done
   490       have "os_grant s' e" using p_in f_in fd_not_in os
   543       have "os_grant s' e" using p_in f_in fd_not_in os
   491         by (simp add:Open None)
   544         by (simp add:Open None)
   528         apply (erule_tac x = "O_dir pf" in allE)
   581         apply (erule_tac x = "O_dir pf" in allE)
   529         by simp
   582         by simp
   530       have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
   583       have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
   531         apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
   584         apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
   532         by (auto simp:Open Some)
   585         by (auto simp:Open Some)
   533       have f_not_in: "f \<notin> current_files s'" using os alive' Open Some notin_all
   586       have f_not_in: "f \<notin> current_files s'" using os alive' Open Some notin_cur nodel
   534         apply (erule_tac x = "E_file f" in allE)
   587         apply (erule_tac x = "I_file f" in allE)
   535         apply (case_tac obj')
   588         by (case_tac obj', auto simp:current_files_simps)
   536         by auto
   537       have fd_not_in: "fd \<notin> current_proc_fds s' p"
   589       have fd_not_in: "fd \<notin> current_proc_fds s' p"
   538         using os alive' p_in Open Some notin_all
   590         using os alive' p_in Open Some notin_cur
   539         apply (erule_tac x = "E_fd p fd" in allE)
   591         apply (erule_tac x = "I_fd p fd" in allE)
   540         apply (case_tac obj', auto dest:not_all_procs_prop3)
   592         apply (case_tac obj', auto dest:not_all_procs_prop3)
   541         done
   593         done
   542       have inum_not_in: "inum \<notin> current_inode_nums s'"
   594       have inum_not_in: "inum \<notin> current_inode_nums s'"
   543         using os alive' Open Some notin_all
   595         using os alive' Open Some notin_cur nodel
   544         apply (erule_tac x = "E_inum inum" in allE)
   596         apply (erule_tac x = "I_inum inum" in allE)
   545         by (case_tac obj', auto)
   597         apply (case_tac obj', auto)
   598         apply (auto simp add:current_inode_nums_def current_file_inums_def split:if_splits)
   599         done
   546       have "os_grant s' e" using p_in pf_in parent f_not_in fd_not_in inum_not_in os
   600       have "os_grant s' e" using p_in pf_in parent f_not_in fd_not_in inum_not_in os
   547         by (simp add:Open Some hungs)
   601         by (simp add:Open Some hungs)
   548       moreover have "grant s' e"  
   602       moreover have "grant s' e"  
   549       proof-
   603       proof-
   550         from grant parent obtain up rp tp uf rf tf 
   604         from grant parent obtain up rp tp uf rf tf 
   778       apply (drule parentf_is_dir_prop1, auto)
   832       apply (drule parentf_is_dir_prop1, auto)
   779       done
   833       done
   780     from pf_in_s alive have pf_in: "is_dir s' pf"
   834     from pf_in_s alive have pf_in: "is_dir s' pf"
   781       apply (erule_tac x = "O_dir pf" in allE)
   835       apply (erule_tac x = "O_dir pf" in allE)
   782       by (auto simp:Rmdir)
   836       by (auto simp:Rmdir)
   783     have empty_in: "dir_is_empty s' f" using os Rmdir notin_all 
   837     have empty_in: "dir_is_empty s' f" using os Rmdir notin_cur 
   784       apply (clarsimp simp add:dir_is_empty_def f_in)
   838       apply (clarsimp simp add:dir_is_empty_def f_in)
   785       using alive'
   839       using alive'
   786       apply (erule_tac x = "E_file f'" in allE)
   840       apply (erule_tac x = "I_file f'" in allE)
   787       apply simp
   841       apply simp
   788       apply (erule disjE)
   842       apply (erule disjE)
   789       apply (erule_tac x = f' in allE, simp)
   843       apply (erule_tac x = f' in allE, simp)
   790       apply (case_tac obj', simp_all)
   844       apply (case_tac obj', simp_all)
   845       apply (clarsimp)
   846       apply (drule_tac f' = f in parent_ancen)
   847       apply (simp, rule notI, simp add:noJ_Anc)
   848       apply (case_tac "f = pf")
   849       using vd' Rmdir
   850       apply (simp_all add:is_dir_rmdir)
   851       apply (erule_tac x = pf in allE)
   852       apply (drule_tac f = pf in is_dir_in_current)
   853       apply (simp add:noJ_Anc)
   791       apply (clarsimp)
   855       apply (clarsimp)
   792       apply (drule_tac f' = f in parent_ancen)
   856       apply (drule_tac f' = f in parent_ancen)
   793       apply (simp, rule notI, simp add:noJ_Anc)
   857       apply (simp, rule notI, simp add:noJ_Anc)
   794       apply (case_tac "f = pf")
   858       apply (case_tac "f = pf")
   795       using vd' Rmdir
   859       using vd' Rmdir
   849       apply (erule_tac x = "O_dir pf" in allE)
   913       apply (erule_tac x = "O_dir pf" in allE)
   850       by simp
   914       by simp
   851     have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
   915     have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
   852       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
   916       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
   853       by (auto simp:Mkdir)
   917       by (auto simp:Mkdir)
   854     have f_not_in: "f \<notin> current_files s'" using os alive' Mkdir notin_all
   918     have f_not_in: "f \<notin> current_files s'"
   855       apply (erule_tac x = "E_file f" in allE)
   919       using os alive' Mkdir notin_cur
   856       by (auto)
   920       apply (erule_tac x = "I_file f" in allE)
   921       by (auto simp:current_files_simps)
   857     have inum_not_in: "inum \<notin> current_inode_nums s'"
   922     have inum_not_in: "inum \<notin> current_inode_nums s'"
   858       using os alive' Mkdir notin_all
   923       using os alive' Mkdir notin_cur
   859       apply (erule_tac x = "E_inum inum" in allE)
   924       apply (erule_tac x = "I_inum inum" in allE)
   860       by (auto)
   925       apply (auto simp:current_inode_nums_def current_file_inums_def split:if_splits)
   926       done
   861     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in pf_in parent f_not_in os inum_not_in
   927     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in pf_in parent f_not_in os inum_not_in
   862       by (simp add:Mkdir hungs)
   928       by (simp add:Mkdir hungs)
   863     moreover have "grant s' e"  
   929     moreover have "grant s' e"  
   864     proof-
   930     proof-
   865       from grant parent obtain up rp tp uf rf tf 
   931       from grant parent obtain up rp tp uf rf tf 
   901       apply (erule_tac x = "O_dir pf" in allE)
   967       apply (erule_tac x = "O_dir pf" in allE)
   902       by simp
   968       by simp
   903     have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
   969     have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
   904       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
   970       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
   905       by (auto simp:LinkHard)
   971       by (auto simp:LinkHard)
   906     have f'_not_in: "f' \<notin> current_files s'" using os alive' LinkHard notin_all
   972     have f'_not_in: "f' \<notin> current_files s'" 
   907       apply (erule_tac x = "E_file f'" in allE)
   973       using os alive' LinkHard notin_cur vd'
   908       by (auto simp:LinkHard)
   974       apply (erule_tac x = "I_file f'" in allE)
   975       apply (auto simp:LinkHard current_files_simps)
   976       done
   909     have f_in: "is_file s' f" using os alive
   977     have f_in: "is_file s' f" using os alive
   910       apply (erule_tac x = "O_file f" in allE)
   978       apply (erule_tac x = "O_file f" in allE)
   911       by (auto simp:LinkHard)
   979       by (auto simp:LinkHard)
   912     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in pf_in parent os f_in f'_not_in
   980     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in pf_in parent os f_in f'_not_in
   913       by (simp add:LinkHard hungs)
   981       by (simp add:LinkHard hungs)
  1002   next
  1070   next
  1003     case (CreateMsgq p q)
  1071     case (CreateMsgq p q)
  1004     have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
  1072     have p_in: "p \<in> current_procs s'" using os alive
  1005       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
  1073       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
  1006       by (auto simp:CreateMsgq)
  1074       by (auto simp:CreateMsgq)
  1007     have q_not_in: "q \<notin> current_msgqs s'" using os alive' CreateMsgq notin_all
  1075     have q_not_in: "q \<notin> current_msgqs s'" 
  1008       apply (erule_tac x = "E_msgq q" in allE)
  1076       using os alive' CreateMsgq notin_cur nodel vd
  1009       by auto
  1077       apply (erule_tac x = "I_msgq q" in allE)
  1078       apply (auto split:t_enrich_obj.splits)
  1079       apply (drule nums_of_recv_0, simp+)
  1080       apply (drule new_msgq_1, simp+)
  1081       done      
  1010     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in q_not_in by (simp add:CreateMsgq)
  1082     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in q_not_in by (simp add:CreateMsgq)
  1011     moreover have "grant s' e" 
  1083     moreover have "grant s' e" 
  1012     proof-
  1084     proof-
  1013       from grant obtain up rp tp 
  1085       from grant obtain up rp tp 
  1014         where p1: "sectxt_of_obj s (O_proc p) = Some (up, rp, tp)"
  1086         where p1: "sectxt_of_obj s (O_proc p) = Some (up, rp, tp)"
  1060       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
  1132       apply (erule_tac x = "O_proc p" in allE)
  1061       by (auto simp:SendMsg)
  1133       by (auto simp:SendMsg)
  1062     have q_in: "q \<in> current_msgqs s'" using os alive
  1134     have q_in: "q \<in> current_msgqs s'" using os alive
  1063       apply (erule_tac x = "O_msgq q" in allE)
  1135       apply (erule_tac x = "O_msgq q" in allE)
  1064       by (simp add:SendMsg)
  1136       by (simp add:SendMsg)
  1065     have m_not_in: "m \<notin> set (msgs_of_queue s' q)" using os alive' notin_all SendMsg q_in
  1137     have m_not_in: "m \<notin> set (msgs_of_queue s' q)" 
  1066       apply (erule_tac x = "E_msg q m" in allE)
  1138       using os alive' notin_cur SendMsg q_in nodel vd
  1139       apply (erule_tac x = "I_msg q m" in allE)
  1067       apply (case_tac obj', auto dest:not_all_msgqs_prop3)
  1140       apply (case_tac obj', auto dest:not_all_msgqs_prop3)
  1141       apply (drule nums_of_recv_0, simp+)
  1142       apply (drule new_msgq_1, simp+)
  1068       done
  1143       done
  1069     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in q_in m_not_in sms_remain os
  1144     have "os_grant s' e" using p_in q_in m_not_in sms_remain os
  1070       by (simp add:SendMsg)
  1145       by (simp add:SendMsg)
  1071     moreover have "grant s' e" 
  1146     moreover have "grant s' e" 
  1072     proof-
  1147     proof-