1 theory OS_type_def |
2 imports Main Flask_type |
3 begin |
4 |
5 (****************************** os files ***************************) |
6 |
7 datatype t_open_must_flag = |
10 | OF_RDWR |
11 |
12 datatype t_open_option_flag = |
14 | OF_CREAT |
15 (* |
16 | OF_TRUNC |
17 *) |
18 | OF_EXCL |
19 (* |
21 |
22 | OF_OTHER |
23 *) |
24 |
25 type_synonym t_open_flags = "t_open_must_flag \<times> t_open_option_flag set" |
26 |
27 definition is_read_flag :: "t_open_flags \<Rightarrow> bool" |
28 where |
29 "is_read_flag flag \<equiv> let (mflag, oflag) = flag in (mflag = OF_RDONLY \<or> mflag = OF_RDWR)" |
30 |
31 definition is_write_flag :: "t_open_flags \<Rightarrow> bool" |
32 where |
33 "is_write_flag flag \<equiv> let (mflag, oflag) = flag in (mflag = OF_WRONLY \<or> mflag = OF_RDWR)" |
34 |
35 definition is_excl_flag :: "t_open_flags \<Rightarrow> bool" |
36 where |
37 "is_excl_flag flag \<equiv> let (mflag, oflag) = flag in (OF_EXCL \<in> oflag)" |
38 |
39 definition is_creat_flag :: "t_open_flags \<Rightarrow> bool" |
40 where |
41 "is_creat_flag flag \<equiv> let (mflag, oflag) = flag in (OF_CREAT \<in> oflag)" |
42 |
43 definition is_creat_excl_flag :: "t_open_flags \<Rightarrow> bool" |
44 where |
45 "is_creat_excl_flag flag \<equiv> let (mflag, oflag) = flag in (OF_CREAT \<in> oflag \<and> OF_EXCL \<in> oflag)" |
46 (* |
47 definition is_trunc_flag :: "t_open_flags \<Rightarrow> bool" |
48 where |
49 "is_trunc_flag flag \<equiv> let (mflag, oflag) = flag in (OF_TRUNC \<in> oflag \<and> is_write_flag flag)" |
50 |
51 definition is_cloexec_flag :: "t_open_flags \<Rightarrow> bool" |
52 where |
53 "is_cloexec_flag flag \<equiv> let (mflag, oflag) = flag in (OF_CLOEXEC \<in> oflag)" |
54 *) |
55 definition is_append_flag :: "t_open_flags \<Rightarrow> bool" |
56 where |
57 "is_append_flag flag \<equiv> let (mflag, oflag) = flag in (OF_APPEND \<in> oflag)" |
58 |
59 (* |
60 definition is_dir_flag :: "t_open_flags \<Rightarrow> bool" |
61 where |
62 "is_dir_flag flag \<equiv> let (mflag, oflag) = flag in (OF_DIRECTORY \<in> oflag)" |
63 *) |
64 |
65 |
66 type_synonym t_fname = string |
67 |
68 (* listing of file path: |
69 * a#b#c:: b is a's parent and c is b's parent; |
70 * [] represents the root file |
71 *) |
72 type_synonym t_file = "t_fname list" |
73 |
74 type_synonym t_fd = "nat" (* given a fd, must has funs to tell its corresponding: "t_file \<times> t_open_flags \<times> t_inode" *) |
75 |
76 |
77 (* need not consideration, for rdonly transfer virus too |
78 datatype t_sharememo_flag = |
80 | SHM_OTHER |
81 |
82 type_synonym t_sharememo_flags = "t_sharememo_flag set" |
83 *) |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 (****************************** os sockets ***************************) |
88 |
89 datatype t_shutdown_how = |
90 SHUT_RD |
91 | SHUT_WR |
92 | SHUT_RDWR |
93 |
94 datatype t_zero_one = |
95 Z |
96 | O |
97 |
98 type_synonym t_inet_addr = "t_zero_one list" |
99 |
100 type_synonym t_socket_port = nat |
101 |
102 type_synonym t_netif = string |
103 |
104 (* |
105 datatype t_socket_af = |
106 AF_UNIX "t_file \<times> t_file" |
107 | AF_INET "t_inet_addr \<times> t_socket_port \<times> t_inet_addr \<times> t_socket_port \<times> t_netdev" |
108 *) |
109 |
110 datatype t_socket_af = |
111 (* AF_UNIX |
112 | *)AF_INET |
113 |
114 datatype t_socket_type = |
115 STREAM |
116 | DGRAM |
117 |
118 datatype t_sock_addr = |
119 INET_ADDR t_inet_addr t_socket_port(* |
120 | UNIX_ADDR t_file*) |
121 |
122 type_synonym t_node = t_inet_addr (* a endpoint in the netword *) |
123 |
124 datatype t_sock_trans_state = |
125 Trans_Recv |
126 | Trans_Send |
127 | Trans_RS |
128 | Trans_No |
129 |
130 datatype t_sock_state = |
131 SS_create |
132 | SS_bind |
133 | SS_connect |
134 | SS_listen |
135 | SS_accepted |
136 | SS_trans "t_sock_trans_state" |
137 |
138 |
139 (****************************** os other IPCs ***************************) |
140 |
141 datatype t_shm_attach_flag = |
143 | SHM_RDWR |
144 |
145 type_synonym t_shm = nat |
146 |
147 |
148 (* message queue is indexed by a nat, in OS |
149 * but logically it is a list, created as [], updated as a queue |
150 * so, it type should not be nat, but a t_msg list |
151 *) |
152 type_synonym t_msgq = nat |
153 |
154 (* a message of ID nat, but it has meaning under "in what message queue" *) |
155 type_synonym t_msg = "nat" |
156 |
157 (****************************** os inodes ***************************) |
158 |
159 type_synonym t_inode_num = nat |
160 |
161 (* |
162 datatype t_sock_af = |
163 Tag_AF_UNIX "(t_file option \<times> t_file option)" "t_socket_type" |
164 | Tag_AF_INET "(t_inet_addr \<times> t_socket_port) option \<times> (t_inet_addr \<times> t_socket_port) option \<times> t_netdev option" "t_socket_type" |
165 *) |
166 |
167 datatype t_inode_tag = |
168 Tag_FILE (* this inode is a file, and its file is: "t_file" :: no need to do that and another reason is link may add two or more files to the inode, so it should be a list, can the maintainment of this list is tough *) |
169 | Tag_DIR (* do not contain chs anymore, for more infomation see svn log |
170 "t_inode_num list" *) (* Tag_DIR inode number list: the inode number list of subchild files (direct son the file) , means: new created child file should add to this field. *) |
171 | Tag_TCP_SOCK (* information below is turn to seperative listener functions |
172 "(t_inet_addr \<times> t_socket_port) option \<times> (t_inet_addr \<times> t_socket_port) option \<times> t_netdev option" "t_socket_type" *) |
173 | Tag_UDP_SOCK |
174 |
175 (* type_synonym t_inode = "nat \<times> t_inode_tag" (* inode (id, tag) contains file internal id and directory tag attributes *) |
176 // not needed any more: for inode num and its tag now are seperated by two funcs. |
177 *) |
178 |
179 |
180 type_synonym t_process = nat |
181 |
182 type_synonym t_trunc_len = nat |
183 |
184 type_synonym t_socket = "t_process \<times> t_fd" |
185 |
186 (* each constructor is defined according to each security-class *) |
187 datatype t_object = |
188 O_proc "t_process" |
189 |
190 | O_file "t_file" |
191 | O_fd "t_process" "t_fd" |
192 | O_dir "t_file" |
193 |
194 | O_node "t_node" |
195 | O_tcp_sock "t_socket" |
196 | O_udp_sock "t_socket" |
197 |
198 | O_shm "t_shm" |
199 | O_msgq "t_msgq" |
200 | O_msg "t_msgq" "t_msg" |
201 |
202 (* |
203 datatype t_tainted_obj = |
204 TO_proc "t_process" |
205 | TO_file "t_file" |
206 | TO_msg "t_msgq" "t_msg" |
207 *) |
208 |
209 |
210 (* not needed anymore |
211 datatype t_clone_share_flag = |
212 | CF_share_ipc |
213 | CF_share_fd |
214 | CF_share_both |
215 | CF_no_share *) |
216 |
217 (* unformalised system calls: |
218 * 1. process management |
219 * 1.1 wait: nothing to do with tainting relation |
220 * 1.2 getpriority/setpriority/getsched/setsched: nothing to do with security |
221 * 1.3 getcap/setcap: "at this time that will not be done" |
222 * 1.4 getpgid/setpgid: ... |
223 *) |
224 datatype t_event = |
225 (* process management *) |
226 (* trace can be done trough tags of cloning and execving, but I ignore this. *) |
227 Execve "t_process" "t_file" "t_fd set" |
228 (* | Uselib "t_process" "t_file" *) |
229 | Clone "t_process" "t_process" "t_fd set" "t_shm set" (* "t_clone_share_flag" is not needed, as event should record the fds and shms that passed to childprocess *) |
230 | Kill "t_process" "t_process" |
231 | Ptrace "t_process" "t_process" |
232 | Exit "t_process" |
233 |
234 | Open "t_process" "t_file" "t_open_flags" "t_fd" "nat option" (* the last nat option : if create file, the is Some inode_num else None *) |
235 | ReadFile "t_process" "t_fd" |
236 | WriteFile "t_process" "t_fd" |
237 (* | Sendfile "t_process" "t_fd" "t_fd" |
238 can be modeled as readfile then writefile *) |
239 | CloseFd "t_process" "t_fd" |
240 | UnLink "t_process" "t_file" |
241 | Rmdir "t_process" "t_file" |
242 | Mkdir "t_process" "t_file" "nat" (* last nat: inode_num *) |
243 | LinkHard "t_process" "t_file" "t_file" |
244 | Truncate "t_process" "t_file" "t_trunc_len" |
245 (* | FTruncate "t_process" "t_fd" "t_trunc_len" *) |
246 (* |
247 | Rename "t_process" "t_file" "t_file" |
248 *) |
249 |
250 (* the message is in the msgq, so we must build a cache(list) |
251 * to store the unreceived msg yet. And the os_grant should |
252 * check if a message queue is empty before RecvMsg. |
253 *) |
254 | CreateMsgq "t_process" "t_msgq" |
255 | SendMsg "t_process" "t_msgq" "t_msg" |
256 | RecvMsg "t_process" "t_msgq" "t_msg" |
257 | RemoveMsgq "t_process" "t_msgq" |
258 |
259 | CreateShM "t_process" "t_shm" |
260 | Attach "t_process" "t_shm" "t_shm_attach_flag" |
261 | Detach "t_process" "t_shm" |
262 | DeleteShM "t_process" "t_shm" |
263 |
264 | CreateSock "t_process" "t_socket_af" "t_socket_type" "t_fd" "nat" (* last nat: inode_num *) |
265 | Bind "t_process" "t_fd" "t_sock_addr" |
266 | Connect "t_process" "t_fd" "t_sock_addr" |
267 | Listen "t_process" "t_fd" |
268 | Accept "t_process" "t_fd" "t_sock_addr" "nat" "t_fd" "nat" (* addr: remote socket address; nat: port num; last nat: inode_num *) |
269 | SendSock "t_process" "t_fd" |
270 | RecvSock "t_process" "t_fd" |
271 | Shutdown "t_process" "t_fd" "t_shutdown_how" |
272 |
273 (* the state of the system is decided by the initial state and the event trace*) |
274 type_synonym t_state = "t_event list" |
275 |
276 end |