2011-02-19 urbanc first two proofs in 2 direction
2011-02-19 urbanc first proof
2011-02-19 urbanc updated second direction
2011-02-19 urbanc included comments by Chunhan
2011-02-18 urbanc added comment from Larry
2011-02-18 urbanc updated bib
2011-02-18 urbanc polished everything
2011-02-17 urbanc more on the conclusion
2011-02-17 urbanc first ideas about conclusion
2011-02-17 urbanc completed first direction
2011-02-16 urbanc minor updated
2011-02-16 urbanc filled details in one place
2011-02-15 urbanc updated paper
2011-02-15 urbanc updated paper
2011-02-15 urbanc updated paper
2011-02-15 urbanc updated paper
2011-02-14 urbanc updated
2011-02-14 urbanc added definition of DERIV and delta
2011-02-14 urbanc updated paper
2011-02-14 urbanc updated
2011-02-13 zhang More into the second direction
2011-02-11 urbanc included comments by Xingyuan
2011-02-11 urbanc slightly streamlined the proof
2011-02-10 urbanc simplified a bit the proof
2011-02-10 urbanc more things
2011-02-10 urbanc latest on the paper
2011-02-10 urbanc more on the paper
2011-02-10 urbanc more on paper
2011-02-09 urbanc added Xingyuan's changes with the while combinator
2011-02-09 urbanc added an example
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