2011-04-21 urbanc a small change
2011-04-21 urbanc a few more changes
2011-04-19 urbanc removed experimental code from Matcher
2011-04-19 urbanc implemented most suggestions from the reviewers
2011-04-06 urbanc added literature about parsing
2011-03-25 urbanc MN via partial derivatives
2011-03-23 urbanc moved paper to correct place
2011-03-23 urbanc added paper by Antimirov
2011-03-23 urbanc added the most current versions of the theories.
2011-03-15 urbanc correct version
2011-03-15 urbanc deleted wrong version
2011-03-15 urbanc added chapter about regular expressions by Sakarovitch (interesting pages are 139 - 142)
2011-03-15 urbanc corrected small typo
2011-03-05 urbanc slight polishing of the bibliography
2011-03-05 urbanc formalisation of first direction is now only 780 loc
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