more on the derivatives section
Fri, 05 Aug 2011 05:34:11 +0000 (2011-08-05)
changeset 187 9f46a9571e37
parent 186 07a269d9642b
child 188 7483efa77ee8
more on the derivatives section
--- a/Closures.thy	Wed Aug 03 17:08:31 2011 +0000
+++ b/Closures.thy	Fri Aug 05 05:34:11 2011 +0000
@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@
 subsection {* Closure under left-quotients *}
+  "Ders_set A B \<equiv> \<Union>s \<in> A. Ders s B"
 lemma closure_left_quotient:
   assumes "regular A"
   shows "regular (Ders_set B A)"
@@ -150,7 +153,7 @@
   have fin: "finite (pders_set B r)" by (rule finite_pders_set)
   have "Ders_set B (lang r) = (\<Union> lang ` (pders_set B r))"
-    by (simp add: Ders_set_pders_set)
+    by (simp add: Ders_pders)
   also have "\<dots> = lang (\<Uplus>(pders_set B r))" using fin by simp
   finally have "Ders_set B A = lang (\<Uplus>(pders_set B r))" using eq
     by simp
--- a/Derivatives.thy	Wed Aug 03 17:08:31 2011 +0000
+++ b/Derivatives.thy	Fri Aug 05 05:34:11 2011 +0000
@@ -21,35 +21,15 @@
   "Ders s A \<equiv> {s'. s @ s' \<in> A}"
-  Ders_set :: "'a lang \<Rightarrow> 'a lang \<Rightarrow> 'a lang"
-  "Ders_set A B \<equiv> {s' | s s'. s @ s' \<in> B \<and> s \<in> A}"
-lemma Ders_set_Ders:
-  shows "Ders_set A B = (\<Union>s \<in> A. Ders s B)"
-unfolding Ders_set_def Ders_def
-by auto
-lemma Der_zero [simp]:
-  shows "Der c {} = {}"
-unfolding Der_def
-by auto
+  "Derss s A \<equiv> \<Union> (Ders s) ` A"
-lemma Der_one [simp]:
-  shows "Der c {[]} = {}"
-unfolding Der_def
-by auto
-lemma Der_atom [simp]:
-  shows "Der c {[d]} = (if c = d then {[]} else {})"
-unfolding Der_def
-by auto
-lemma Der_union [simp]:
-  shows "Der c (A \<union> B) = Der c A \<union> Der c B"
-unfolding Der_def
-by auto
+lemma Der_simps [simp]:
+  shows "Der c {} = {}"
+  and   "Der c {[]} = {}"
+  and   "Der c {[d]} = (if c = d then {[]} else {})"
+  and   "Der c (A \<union> B) = Der c A \<union> Der c B"
+unfolding Der_def by auto
 lemma Der_conc [simp]:
   shows "Der c (A \<cdot> B) = (Der c A) \<cdot> B \<union> (Delta A \<cdot> Der c B)"
@@ -60,7 +40,7 @@
   shows "Der c (A\<star>) = (Der c A) \<cdot> A\<star>"
 proof -
   have incl: "Delta A \<cdot> Der c (A\<star>) \<subseteq> (Der c A) \<cdot> A\<star>"
-    unfolding Der_def Delta_def 
+    unfolding Der_def Delta_def conc_def 
     apply(drule star_decom)
     apply(auto simp add: Cons_eq_append_conv)
@@ -69,7 +49,7 @@
   have "Der c (A\<star>) = Der c (A \<cdot> A\<star> \<union> {[]})"
     by (simp only: star_unfold_left[symmetric])
   also have "... = Der c (A \<cdot> A\<star>)"
-    by (simp only: Der_union Der_one) (simp)
+    by (simp only: Der_simps) (simp)
   also have "... = (Der c A) \<cdot> A\<star> \<union> (Delta A \<cdot> Der c (A\<star>))"
     by simp
   also have "... =  (Der c A) \<cdot> A\<star>"
@@ -77,19 +57,12 @@
   finally show "Der c (A\<star>) = (Der c A) \<cdot> A\<star>" . 
-lemma Ders_nil [simp]:
+lemma Ders_simps [simp]:
   shows "Ders [] A = A"
-unfolding Ders_def by simp
-lemma Ders_cons [simp]:
-  shows "Ders (c # s) A = Ders s (Der c A)"
+  and   "Ders (c # s) A = Ders s (Der c A)"
+  and   "Ders (s1 @ s2) A = Ders s2 (Ders s1 A)"
 unfolding Ders_def Der_def by auto
-lemma Ders_append [simp]:
-  shows "Ders (s1 @ s2) A = Ders s2 (Ders s1 A)"
-unfolding Ders_def by simp 
 subsection {* Brozowsky's derivatives of regular expressions *}
@@ -137,7 +110,7 @@
 subsection {* Antimirov's Partial Derivatives *}
-  "Times_set rs r \<equiv> {Times r' r | r'. r' \<in> rs}"
+  "Timess rs r \<equiv> {Times r' r | r'. r' \<in> rs}"
   pder :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a rexp \<Rightarrow> ('a rexp) set"
@@ -147,11 +120,11 @@
 | "pder c (Atom c') = (if c = c' then {One} else {Zero})"
 | "pder c (Plus r1 r2) = (pder c r1) \<union> (pder c r2)"
 | "pder c (Times r1 r2) = 
-    (if nullable r1 then Times_set (pder c r1) r2 \<union>  pder c r2 else Times_set (pder c r1) r2)"
-| "pder c (Star r) = Times_set (pder c r) (Star r)"
+    (if nullable r1 then Timess (pder c r1) r2 \<union>  pder c r2 else Timess (pder c r1) r2)"
+| "pder c (Star r) = Timess (pder c r) (Star r)"
-  "pder_set c rs \<equiv> \<Union>r \<in> rs. pder c r"
+  "pder_set c rs \<equiv> \<Union> pder c ` rs"
   pders :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a rexp \<Rightarrow> ('a rexp) set"
@@ -160,7 +133,7 @@
 | "pders (c # s) r = \<Union> (pders s) ` (pder c r)"
-  "pders_set A r \<equiv> \<Union>s \<in> A. pders s r"
+  "pderss s A \<equiv> \<Union> (pders s) ` A"
 lemma pders_append:
   "pders (s1 @ s2) r = \<Union> (pders s2) ` (pders s1 r)"
@@ -170,85 +143,113 @@
   shows "pders (s @ [c]) r = pder_set c (pders s r)"
 by (simp add: pders_append)
-lemma pders_set_lang:
-  shows "(\<Union> (lang ` pder_set c rs)) = (\<Union>r \<in> rs. (\<Union>lang ` (pder c r)))"
-unfolding image_def 
-by auto
-lemma pders_Zero [simp]:
+lemma pders_simps [simp]:
   shows "pders s Zero = {Zero}"
-by (induct s) (simp_all)
-lemma pders_One [simp]:
-  shows "pders s One = (if s = [] then {One} else {Zero})"
+  and   "pders s One = (if s = [] then {One} else {Zero})"
+  and   "pders s (Atom c) = (if s = [] then {Atom c} else (if s = [c] then {One} else {Zero}))"
+  and   "pders s (Plus r1 r2) = (if s = [] then {Plus r1 r2} else (pders s r1) \<union> (pders s r2))"
 by (induct s) (auto)
-lemma pders_Atom [simp]:
-  shows "pders s (Atom c) = (if s = [] then {Atom c} else (if s = [c] then {One} else {Zero}))"
-by (induct s) (auto)
+subsection {* Relating left-quotients and partial derivatives *}
+lemma Der_pder:
+  shows "Der c (lang r) = \<Union> lang ` (pder c r)"
+by (induct r) (auto simp add: Delta_nullable conc_UNION_distrib)
-lemma pders_Plus [simp]:
-  shows "pders s (Plus r1 r2) = (if s = [] then {Plus r1 r2} else (pders s r1) \<union> (pders s r2))"
-by (induct s) (auto)
+lemma Ders_pders:
+  shows "Ders s (lang r) = \<Union> lang ` (pders s r)"
+proof (induct s arbitrary: r)
+  case (Cons c s)
+  have ih: "\<And>r. Ders s (lang r) = \<Union> lang ` (pders s r)" by fact
+  have "Ders (c # s) (lang r) = Ders s (Der c (lang r))" by simp
+  also have "\<dots> = Ders s (\<Union> lang ` (pder c r))" by (simp add: Der_pder)
+  also have "\<dots> = Derss s (lang ` (pder c r))"
+    by (auto simp add:  Ders_def)
+  also have "\<dots> = \<Union> lang ` (pderss s (pder c r))"
+    using ih by auto
+  also have "\<dots> = \<Union> lang ` (pders (c # s) r)" by simp
+  finally show "Ders (c # s) (lang r) = \<Union> lang ` pders (c # s) r" .
+qed (simp add: Ders_def)
+subsection {* Relating derivatives and partial derivatives *}
+  shows "(\<Union> lang ` (pder c r)) = lang (der c r)"
+unfolding Der_der[symmetric] Der_pder by simp
+  shows "(\<Union> lang ` (pders s r)) = lang (ders s r)"
+unfolding Ders_ders[symmetric] Ders_pders by simp
+subsection {* There are only finitely many partial derivatives for a language *}
+  "pders_set A r \<equiv> \<Union>s \<in> A. pders s r"
 text {* Non-empty suffixes of a string *}
   "Suf s \<equiv> {v. v \<noteq> [] \<and> (\<exists>u. u @ v = s)}"
-lemma Suf:
+lemma Suf_snoc:
   shows "Suf (s @ [c]) = (Suf s) \<cdot> {[c]} \<union> {[c]}"
 unfolding Suf_def conc_def
 by (auto simp add: append_eq_append_conv2 append_eq_Cons_conv)
 lemma Suf_Union:
-  shows "(\<Union>v \<in> Suf s \<cdot> {[c]}. P v) = (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. P (v @ [c]))"
+  shows "(\<Union>v \<in> Suf s \<cdot> {[c]}. f v) = (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. f (v @ [c]))"
 by (auto simp add: conc_def)
+lemma pders_set_snoc:
+  shows "pders_set (Suf s \<cdot> {[c]}) r = (pder_set c (pders_set (Suf s) r))"
+by (simp add: Suf_Union pders_snoc)
 lemma pders_Times:
-  shows "pders s (Times r1 r2) \<subseteq> Times_set (pders s r1) r2 \<union> (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. pders v r2)"
+  shows "pders s (Times r1 r2) \<subseteq> Timess (pders s r1) r2 \<union> (pders_set (Suf s) r2)"
 proof (induct s rule: rev_induct)
   case (snoc c s)
-  have ih: "pders s (Times r1 r2) \<subseteq> Times_set (pders s r1) r2 \<union> (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. pders v r2)" 
+  have ih: "pders s (Times r1 r2) \<subseteq> Timess (pders s r1) r2 \<union> (pders_set (Suf s) r2)" 
     by fact
   have "pders (s @ [c]) (Times r1 r2) = pder_set c (pders s (Times r1 r2))" 
     by (simp add: pders_snoc)
-  also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> pder_set c (Times_set (pders s r1) r2 \<union> (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. pders v r2))"
+  also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> pder_set c (Timess (pders s r1) r2 \<union> (pders_set (Suf s) r2))"
     using ih by (auto) (blast)
-  also have "\<dots> = pder_set c (Times_set (pders s r1) r2) \<union> pder_set c (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. pders v r2)"
-    by (simp)
-  also have "\<dots> = pder_set c (Times_set (pders s r1) r2) \<union> (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. pder_set c (pders v r2))"
+  also have "\<dots> = pder_set c (Timess (pders s r1) r2) \<union> pder_set c (pders_set (Suf s) r2)"
     by (simp)
-  also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> pder_set c (Times_set (pders s r1) r2) \<union> (pder c r2) \<union> (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. pders (v @ [c]) r2)"
-    by (auto simp add: pders_snoc)
-  also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> Times_set (pder_set c (pders s r1)) r2 \<union> (pder c r2) \<union> (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. pders (v @ [c]) r2)"
-    by (auto simp add: if_splits) (blast)
-  also have "\<dots> = Times_set (pders (s @ [c]) r1) r2 \<union> (\<Union>v \<in> Suf (s @ [c]). pders v r2)"
-    by (auto simp add: pders_snoc Suf Suf_Union)
+  also have "\<dots> = pder_set c (Timess (pders s r1) r2) \<union> pders_set (Suf s \<cdot> {[c]}) r2"
+    by (simp add: pders_set_snoc)
+  also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> pder_set c (Timess (pders s r1) r2) \<union> pder c r2 \<union> pders_set (Suf s \<cdot> {[c]}) r2"
+    by auto
+  also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> Timess (pders (s @ [c]) r1) r2 \<union> pder c r2 \<union> pders_set (Suf s \<cdot> {[c]}) r2"
+    by (auto simp add: if_splits pders_snoc) (blast)
+  also have "\<dots> = Timess (pders (s @ [c]) r1) r2 \<union> pders_set (Suf (s @ [c])) r2"
+    by (auto simp add: Suf_snoc)  
   finally show ?case .
-qed (simp)
+qed (simp) 
 lemma pders_Star:
   assumes a: "s \<noteq> []"
-  shows "pders s (Star r) \<subseteq> (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. Times_set (pders v r) (Star r))"
+  shows "pders s (Star r) \<subseteq> (\<Union>v \<in> Suf s. Timess (pders v r) (Star r))"
 using a
 proof (induct s rule: rev_induct)
   case (snoc c s)
-  have ih: "s \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> pders s (Star r) \<subseteq> (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. Times_set (pders v r) (Star r))" by fact
+  have ih: "s \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> pders s (Star r) \<subseteq> (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. Timess (pders v r) (Star r))" by fact
   { assume asm: "s \<noteq> []"
     have "pders (s @ [c]) (Star r) = pder_set c (pders s (Star r))" by (simp add: pders_snoc)
-    also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> (pder_set c (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. Times_set (pders v r) (Star r)))"
-      using ih[OF asm] by blast
-    also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. pder_set c (Times_set (pders v r) (Star r)))"
+    also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> (pder_set c (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. Timess (pders v r) (Star r)))"
+      using ih[OF asm] by (auto) (blast)
+    also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. pder_set c (Timess (pders v r) (Star r)))"
       by simp
-    also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. (Times_set (pder_set c (pders v r)) (Star r) \<union> pder c (Star r)))"
+    also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. (Timess (pder_set c (pders v r)) (Star r) \<union> pder c (Star r)))"
       by (auto split: if_splits) 
-    also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. (Times_set (pder_set c (pders v r)) (Star r))) \<union> pder c (Star r)"
+    also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. (Timess (pder_set c (pders v r)) (Star r))) \<union> pder c (Star r)"
       using asm by (auto simp add: Suf_def)
-    also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. (Times_set (pders (v @ [c]) r) (Star r))) \<union> (Times_set (pder c r) (Star r))"
+    also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>v\<in>Suf s. (Timess (pders (v @ [c]) r) (Star r))) \<union> (Timess (pder c r) (Star r))"
       by (simp add: pders_snoc)
-    also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>v\<in>Suf (s @ [c]). (Times_set (pders v r) (Star r)))"
-      by (auto simp add: Suf Suf_Union pders_snoc)
+    also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>v\<in>Suf (s @ [c]). (Timess (pders v r) (Star r)))"
+      by (auto simp add: Suf_snoc Suf_Union pders_snoc)
     finally have ?case .
@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@
 using a unfolding UNIV1_def Suf_def by (auto)
 lemma pders_set_Times:
-  shows "pders_set UNIV1 (Times r1 r2) \<subseteq> Times_set (pders_set UNIV1 r1) r2 \<union> pders_set UNIV1 r2"
+  shows "pders_set UNIV1 (Times r1 r2) \<subseteq> Timess (pders_set UNIV1 r1) r2 \<union> pders_set UNIV1 r2"
 unfolding UNIV1_def
 apply(rule UN_least)
 apply(rule subset_trans)
@@ -298,7 +299,7 @@
 lemma pders_set_Star:
-  shows "pders_set UNIV1 (Star r) \<subseteq> Times_set (pders_set UNIV1 r) (Star r)"
+  shows "pders_set UNIV1 (Star r) \<subseteq> Timess (pders_set UNIV1 r) (Star r)"
 unfolding UNIV1_def
 apply(rule UN_least)
 apply(rule subset_trans)
@@ -308,9 +309,9 @@
-lemma finite_Times_set:
+lemma finite_Timess:
   assumes a: "finite A"
-  shows "finite (Times_set A r)"
+  shows "finite (Timess A r)"
 using a by (auto)
 lemma finite_pders_set_UNIV1:
@@ -326,11 +327,11 @@
 apply(rule finite_subset)
 apply(rule pders_set_Times)
-apply(simp only: finite_Times_set finite_Un)
+apply(simp only: finite_Timess finite_Un)
 apply(rule finite_subset)
 apply(rule pders_set_Star)
-apply(simp only: finite_Times_set)
+apply(simp only: finite_Timess)
 lemma pders_set_UNIV_UNIV1:
@@ -371,48 +372,6 @@
-subsection {* Relating left-quotients and partial derivatives *}
-lemma Der_pder:
-  shows "Der c (lang r) = \<Union> lang ` (pder c r)"
-by (induct r) (auto simp add: Delta_nullable conc_UNION_distrib)
-lemma Ders_pders:
-  shows "Ders s (lang r) = \<Union> lang ` (pders s r)"
-proof (induct s rule: rev_induct)
-  case (snoc c s)
-  have ih: "Ders s (lang r) = \<Union> lang ` (pders s r)" by fact
-  have "Ders (s @ [c]) (lang r) = Ders [c] (Ders s (lang r))"
-    by (simp add: Ders_append)
-  also have "\<dots> = Der c (\<Union> lang ` (pders s r))" using ih
-    by (simp)
-  also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>r\<in>pders s r. Der c (lang r))" 
-    unfolding Der_def image_def by auto
-  also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>r\<in>pders s r. (\<Union> lang `  (pder c r)))"
-    by (simp add: Der_pder)
-  also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>lang ` (pder_set c (pders s r)))"
-    by (simp add: pders_set_lang)
-  also have "\<dots> = (\<Union>lang ` (pders (s @ [c]) r))"
-    by (simp add: pders_snoc)
-  finally show "Ders (s @ [c]) (lang r) = \<Union> lang ` pders (s @ [c]) r" .
-qed (simp add: Ders_def)
-lemma Ders_set_pders_set:
-  shows "Ders_set A (lang r) = (\<Union> lang ` (pders_set A r))"
-by (simp add: Ders_set_Ders Ders_pders)
-subsection {* Relating derivatives and partial derivatives *}
-  shows "(\<Union> lang ` (pder c r)) = lang (der c r)"
-unfolding Der_der[symmetric] Der_pder by simp
-  shows "(\<Union> lang ` (pders s r)) = lang (ders s r)"
-unfolding Ders_ders[symmetric] Ders_pders by simp
 text {* Relating the Myhill-Nerode relation with left-quotients. *}
 lemma MN_Rel_Ders:
--- a/Journal/Paper.thy	Wed Aug 03 17:08:31 2011 +0000
+++ b/Journal/Paper.thy	Fri Aug 05 05:34:11 2011 +0000
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 abbreviation "ATOM \<equiv> Atom"
 abbreviation "PLUS \<equiv> Plus"
 abbreviation "TIMES \<equiv> Times"
-abbreviation "TIMESS \<equiv> Times_set"
+abbreviation "TIMESS \<equiv> Timess"
 abbreviation "STAR \<equiv> Star"
@@ -143,19 +143,18 @@
   wide range of textbooks on this subject, many of which are aimed at students
   and contain very detailed `pencil-and-paper' proofs (e.g.~\cite{Kozen97,
   HopcroftUllman69}). It seems natural to exercise theorem provers by
-  formalising the theorems and by verifying formally the algorithms.  A
-  popular choice for a theorem prover would be one based on Higher-Order Logic
-  (HOL), for example HOL4, HOLlight or Isabelle/HOL. For the development
+  formalising the theorems and by verifying formally the algorithms.  
+  A popular choice for a theorem prover would be one based on Higher-Order
+  Logic (HOL), for example HOL4, HOLlight or Isabelle/HOL. For the development
   presented in this paper we will use the latter. HOL is a predicate calculus
   that allows quantification over predicate variables. Its type system is
-  based on Church's Simple Theory of Types \cite{Church40}.  Although 
-  many mathematical concepts can be conveniently expressed in HOL, there are some
+  based on Church's Simple Theory of Types \cite{Church40}.  Although many
+  mathematical concepts can be conveniently expressed in HOL, there are some
   limitations that hurt badly, if one attempts a simple-minded formalisation
-  of regular languages in it.
-  The typical approach to regular languages is to introduce finite automata
-  and then define everything in terms of them \cite{Kozen97}.  For example, 
-  a regular language is normally defined as:
+  of regular languages in it.  The typical approach to regular languages is to
+  introduce finite automata and then define everything in terms of them
+  \cite{Kozen97}.  For example, a regular language is normally defined as:
   A language @{text A} is \emph{regular}, provided there is a 
@@ -252,7 +251,8 @@
   language as one for which there exists an automaton that recognises all its
   strings. This is because we cannot make a definition in HOL that is polymorphic in 
   the state type and there is no type quantification available in HOL (unlike 
-  in Coq, for example).
+  in Coq, for example).\footnote{Slind already pointed out this problem in an email 
+  to the HOL4 mailing list on 21st April 2005.}
   An alternative, which provides us with a single type for automata, is to give every 
   state node an identity, for example a natural
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
   problems as with graphs.  Composing, for example, two non-deterministic automata in parallel
   requires also the formalisation of disjoint unions. Nipkow \cite{Nipkow98} 
   dismisses for this the option of using identities, because it leads according to 
-  him to ``messy proofs''. Since he does not need to define what a regular
-  language is, Nipkow opts for a variant of \eqref{disjointunion} using bit lists, but writes 
+  him to ``messy proofs''. Since he does not need to define what regular
+  languages are, Nipkow opts for a variant of \eqref{disjointunion} using bit lists, but writes 
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
   of automata \cite{Brzozowski10}). Such side-conditions mean that if we define a regular
   language as one for which there exists \emph{a} finite automaton that
   recognises all its strings (see Def.~\ref{baddef}), then we need a lemma which
-  ensures that another equivalent can be found satisfying the
+  ensures that another equivalent one can be found satisfying the
   side-condition. Unfortunately, such `little' and `obvious' lemmas make
   a formalisation of automata theory a hair-pulling experience.
@@ -360,11 +360,12 @@
   certain tagging-functions, and another indirect proof using Antimirov's
   partial derivatives \cite{Antimirov95}. Again to our best knowledge, the
   tagging-functions have not been used before to establish the Myhill-Nerode
-  theorem. Derivatives of regular expressions have been recently used quite
-  widely in the literature about regular expressions. However, partial
-  derivatives are more suitable in the context of the Myhill-Nerode theorem,
-  since it is easier to establish formally their finiteness result.
+  theorem. Derivatives of regular expressions have been used recently quite
+  widely in the literature; partial derivatives, in contrast, attracted much
+  less attention. However, partial derivatives are more suitable in the
+  context of the Myhill-Nerode theorem, since it is easier to establish
+  formally their finiteness result. We have not found any proof that uses
+  either of them in order to prove the Myhill-Nerode theorem.
 section {* Preliminaries *}
@@ -398,10 +399,13 @@
   we will make use of the following properties of these constructions.
-  \begin{tabular}{@ {}ll}
+  \begin{tabular}{@ {}lp{10cm}}
   (i)   & @{thm star_unfold_left}     \\ 
   (ii)  & @{thm[mode=IfThen] pow_length}\\
   (iii) & @{thm conc_Union_left} \\ 
+  (iv)  & If @{thm (prem 1) star_decom} and @{thm (prem 2) star_decom} then
+          there exists an @{text "x\<^isub>p"} and @{text "x\<^isub>s"} with @{text "x = x\<^isub>p @ x\<^isub>s"} 
+          and @{term "x\<^isub>p \<noteq> []"} such that @{term "x\<^isub>p \<in> A"} and @{term "x\<^isub>s \<in> A\<star>"}.
@@ -1167,8 +1171,8 @@
   that means we take the image of @{text f} w.r.t.~all elements in the
   domain. With this we will be able to infer that the tagging-functions, seen
-  as relations, give rise to finitely many equivalence classes of @{const
-  UNIV}. Finally we will show that the tagging-relations are more refined than
+  as relations, give rise to finitely many equivalence classes. 
+  Finally we will show that the tagging-relations are more refined than
   @{term "\<approx>(lang r)"}, which implies that @{term "UNIV // \<approx>(lang r)"} must
   also be finite.  We formally define the notion of a \emph{tagging-relation}
   as follows.
@@ -1249,7 +1253,7 @@
   is that we need to establish that @{term "=(tag_Plus A B)="} refines @{term "\<approx>(A \<union> B)"}. 
   This amounts to showing @{term "x \<approx>A y"} or @{term "x \<approx>B y"} under the assumption
   @{term "x"}~@{term "=(tag_Plus A B)="}~@{term y}. As we shall see, this definition will 
-  provide us just the right assumptions in order to get the proof through.
+  provide us with just the right assumptions in order to get the proof through.
  \begin{proof}[@{const "PLUS"}-Case]
   We can show in general, if @{term "finite (UNIV // \<approx>A)"} and @{term "finite
@@ -1264,7 +1268,7 @@
   The @{const TIMES}-case is slightly more complicated. We first prove the
-  following lemma, which will aid the refinement-proofs.
+  following lemma, which will aid the proof about refinement.
   The relation @{text "\<^raw:$\threesim$>\<^bsub>tag\<^esub>"} refines @{term "\<approx>A"}, provided for
@@ -1274,15 +1278,21 @@
-  We therefore can clean information from how the strings @{text "x @ z"} are in @{text A}
-  and construct appropriate tagging-functions to infer that @{term "y @ z \<in> A"}.
-  For the @{const Times}-case we additionally need the notion of the set of all
-  possible partitions of a string
+  We therefore can analyse how the strings @{text "x @ z"} are in the language
+  @{text A} and then construct an appropriate tagging-function to infer that
+  @{term "y @ z"} are also in @{text A}.  For this we sill need the notion of
+  the set of all possible \emph{partitions} of a string
   @{thm Partitions_def}
+  \noindent
+  If we know that @{text "(x\<^isub>p, x\<^isub>s) \<in> Partitions x"}, we will
+  refer to @{text "x\<^isub>p"} as the \emph{prefix} of the string @{text x},
+  respectively to @{text "x\<^isub>s"} as the \emph{suffix}.
   Now assuming  @{term "x @ z \<in> A \<cdot> B"} there are only two possible ways of how to `split' 
   this string to be in @{term "A \<cdot> B"}:
@@ -1350,12 +1360,13 @@
   (second picture). In both cases we have to show that @{term "y @ z \<in> A \<cdot> B"}. The first case
   we will only go through if we know that  @{term "x \<approx>A y"} holds @{text "(*)"}. Because then 
   we can infer from @{term "x @ z\<^isub>p \<in> A"} that @{term "y @ z\<^isub>p \<in> A"} holds for all @{text "z\<^isub>p"}.
-  In the second case we only know that @{text "x\<^isub>p"} and @{text "x\<^isub>s"} is a possible partition
-  of the string @{text x}. So we have to know that both @{text "x\<^isub>p"} and the
+  In the second case we only know that @{text "x\<^isub>p"} and @{text "x\<^isub>s"} is one possible partition
+  of the string @{text x}. We have to know that both @{text "x\<^isub>p"} and the
   corresponding partition @{text "y\<^isub>p"} are in @{text "A"}, and that @{text "x\<^isub>s"} is `@{text B}-related' 
   to @{text "y\<^isub>s"} @{text "(**)"}. From the latter fact we can infer that @{text "y\<^isub>s @ z \<in> B"}.
+  This will solve the second case.
   Taking the two requirements, @{text "(*)"} and @{text "(**)"}, together we define the
-  tagging-function as:
+  tagging-function in the @{const Times}-case as:
   @{thm (lhs) tag_Times_def[where ?A="A" and ?B="B"]}~@{text "\<equiv>"}~
@@ -1363,27 +1374,32 @@
-  With this definition in place, we can discharge the @{const "Times"}-case as follows.
+  We have to make the assumption for all suffixes @{text "x\<^isub>s"}, since we do 
+  not know anything about how the string @{term x} is partitioned.
+  With this definition in place, let us prove the @{const "Times"}-case.
   \begin{proof}[@{const TIMES}-Case]
   If @{term "finite (UNIV // \<approx>A)"} and @{term "finite (UNIV // \<approx>B)"}
   then @{term "finite ((UNIV // \<approx>A) \<times> (Pow (UNIV // \<approx>B)))"} holds. The range of
   @{term "tag_Times A B"} is a subset of this product set, and therefore finite.
-  By Lemma \ref{refinement} we know
+  For the refinement of @{term "\<approx>(A \<cdot> B)"} and @{text "\<^raw:$\threesim$>\<^bsub>\<times>tag A B\<^esub>"}, 
+  we have by Lemma \ref{refinement} 
    @{term "tag_Times A B x = tag_Times A B y"}
-  and @{term "x @ z \<in> A \<cdot> B"}, and have to establish @{term "y @ z \<in> A \<cdot> B"}. As shown
-  above, there are two cases to be considered (see pictures above). First, 
-  there exists a @{text "z\<^isub>p"} and @{text "z\<^isub>s"} such that @{term "x @ z\<^isub>p \<in> A"} and @{text "z\<^isub>s \<in> B"}.
-  By the assumption about @{term "tag_Times A B"} we have
-  @{term "\<approx>A `` {x} = \<approx>A `` {y}"} and thus @{term "x \<approx>A y"}. Which means by the Myhill-Nerode
-  relation that @{term "y @ z\<^isub>p \<in> A"} holds. Using @{text "z\<^isub>s \<in> B"}, we can conclude in this case
-  with @{term "y @ z \<in> A \<cdot> B"}.
+  and @{term "x @ z \<in> A \<cdot> B"}, and have to establish @{term "y @ z \<in> A \<cdot>
+  B"}. As shown in the pictures above, there are two cases to be
+  considered. First, there exists a @{text "z\<^isub>p"} and @{text
+  "z\<^isub>s"} such that @{term "x @ z\<^isub>p \<in> A"} and @{text "z\<^isub>s
+  \<in> B"}.  By the assumption about @{term "tag_Times A B"} we have @{term "\<approx>A
+  `` {x} = \<approx>A `` {y}"} and thus @{term "x \<approx>A y"}. Hence by the Myhill-Nerode
+  relation @{term "y @ z\<^isub>p \<in> A"} holds. Using @{text "z\<^isub>s \<in> B"},
+  we can conclude in this case with @{term "y @ z \<in> A \<cdot> B"} (recall @{text
+  "z\<^isub>p @ z\<^isub>s = z"}).
   Second there exists a partition @{text "x\<^isub>p"} and @{text "x\<^isub>s"} with 
   @{text "x\<^isub>p \<in> A"} and @{text "x\<^isub>s @ z \<in> B"}. We therefore have
@@ -1403,7 +1419,7 @@
   This means there must be a partition @{text "y\<^isub>p"} and @{text "y\<^isub>s"}
   such that @{term "y\<^isub>p \<in> A"} and @{term "\<approx>B `` {x\<^isub>s} = \<approx>B ``
   {y\<^isub>s}"}. Unfolding the Myhill-Nerode relation and together with the
-  facts that @{text "x\<^isub>p \<in> A"} and @{text "x\<^isub>s @ z \<in> B"}, we
+  facts that @{text "x\<^isub>p \<in> A"} and \mbox{@{text "x\<^isub>s @ z \<in> B"}}, we
   obtain @{term "y\<^isub>p \<in> A"} and @{text "y\<^isub>s @ z \<in> B"}, as needed in
   this case.  We again can complete the @{const TIMES}-case by setting @{text
   A} to @{term "lang r\<^isub>1"} and @{text B} to @{term "lang r\<^isub>2"}.
@@ -1411,7 +1427,7 @@
   The case for @{const Star} is similar to @{const TIMES}, but poses a few
-  extra challenges.  To deal with them we define first the notion of a \emph{string
+  extra challenges.  To deal with them, we define first the notion of a \emph{string
   prefix} and a \emph{strict string prefix}:
@@ -1421,8 +1437,7 @@
-  \noindent
-  When we analyse the case of @{text "x @ z"} being an element in @{term "A\<star>"}
+  When analysing the case of @{text "x @ z"} being an element in @{term "A\<star>"}
   and @{text x} is not the empty string, we have the following picture:
@@ -1466,13 +1481,13 @@
   We can find a strict prefix @{text "x\<^isub>p"} of @{text x} such that @{term "x\<^isub>p \<in> A\<star>"},
   @{text "x\<^isub>p < x"} and the rest @{term "x\<^isub>s @ z \<in> A\<star>"}. For example the empty string 
-  @{text "[]"} would do.
+  @{text "[]"} would do (recall @{term "x \<noteq> []"}).
   There are potentially many such prefixes, but there can only be finitely many of them (the 
   string @{text x} is finite). Let us therefore choose the longest one and call it 
   @{text "x\<^bsub>pmax\<^esub>"}. Now for the rest of the string @{text "x\<^isub>s @ z"} we
-  know it is in @{term "A\<star>"} and it is not the empty string. By Prop.~\ref{langprops}@{text "(i)"}, 
+  know it is in @{term "A\<star>"} and cannot be the empty string. By Prop.~\ref{langprops}@{text "(iv)"}, 
   we can separate
-  this string into two parts, say @{text "a"} and @{text "b"}, such that @{text "a \<in> A"}
+  this string into two parts, say @{text "a"} and @{text "b"}, such that @{text "a \<noteq> []"}, @{text "a \<in> A"}
   and @{term "b \<in> A\<star>"}. Now @{text a} must be strictly longer than @{text "x\<^isub>s"},
   otherwise @{text "x\<^bsub>pmax\<^esub>"} is not the longest prefix. That means @{text a}
   `overlaps' with @{text z}, splitting it into two components @{text "z\<^isub>a"} and
@@ -1497,8 +1512,9 @@
   that @{term "x @ z \<in> A\<star>"} implies @{term "y @ z \<in> A\<star>"}.
   We first need to consider the case that @{text x} is the empty string.
-  From the assumption we can infer @{text y} is the empty string and
-  clearly have @{term "y @ z \<in> A\<star>"}. In case @{text x} is not the empty
+  From the assumption about strict prefixes in @{text "\<^raw:$\threesim$>\<^bsub>\<star>tag A\<^esub>"}, we 
+  can infer @{text y} is the empty string and
+  then clearly have @{term "y @ z \<in> A\<star>"}. In case @{text x} is not the empty
   string, we can divide the string @{text "x @ z"} as shown in the picture 
   above. By the tagging-function and the facts @{text "x\<^bsub>pmax\<^esub> \<in> A\<^isup>\<star>"} and @{text "x\<^bsub>pmax\<^esub> < x"}, 
   we have
@@ -1515,17 +1531,17 @@
-  and we know there exist partitions @{text "y\<^isub>p"} and @{text
+  From this we know there exist partitions @{text "y\<^isub>p"} and @{text
   "y\<^isub>s"} with @{term "y\<^isub>p \<in> A\<star>"} and also @{term "x\<^isub>s \<approx>A
   y\<^isub>s"}. Unfolding the Myhill-Nerode relation we know @{term
   "y\<^isub>s @ z\<^isub>a \<in> A"}. We also know that @{term "z\<^isub>b \<in> A\<star>"}.
   Therefore @{term "y\<^isub>p @ (y\<^isub>s @ z\<^isub>a) @ z\<^isub>b \<in>
   A\<star>"}, which means @{term "y @ z \<in> A\<star>"}. As the last step we have to set
-  @{text "A"} to @{term "lang r"} and complete the proof.
+  @{text "A"} to @{term "lang r"} and thus complete the proof.
-section {* Second Part based on Partial Derivatives *}
+section {* Second Part proved using Partial Derivatives *}
 text {*
@@ -1534,10 +1550,12 @@
   a more refined relation than @{term "\<approx>(lang r)"} for which we can
   show that there are only finitely many equivalence classes. So far we 
   showed this by induction on @{text "r"}. However, there is also 
-  an indirect method to come up with such a refined relation. Assume
-  the following two definitions for a left-quotient of a language, which 
-  we write as @{term "Der c A"} and @{term "Ders s A"} where 
-  @{text c} is a character and @{text s} a string:
+  an indirect method to come up with such a refined relation based on
+  derivatives of regular expressions \cite{Brzozowski64}. 
+  Assume the following two definitions for a \emph{left-quotient} of a language,
+  which we write as @{term "Der c A"} and @{term "Ders s A"} where @{text c}
+  is a character and @{text s} a string:
   \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l}
@@ -1547,6 +1565,14 @@
+  In order to aid readability, we shall also make use of the following abbreviation:
+  \begin{center}
+  @{abbrev "Derss s A"}
+  \end{center}
+  \noindent
   Clearly we have the following relation between the Myhill-Nerode relation
   (Def.~\ref{myhillneroderel}) and left-quotients
@@ -1555,20 +1581,20 @@
-  It is realtively easy to establish the following properties for left-quotients:
+  It is straightforward to establish the following properties for left-quotients:
   \mbox{\begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l}
-  @{thm (lhs) Der_zero}  & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_zero}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) Der_one}   & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_one}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) Der_atom}  & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_atom}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) Der_union} & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_union}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Der_simps(1)} & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_simps(1)}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Der_simps(2)} & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_simps(2)}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Der_simps(3)} & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_simps(3)}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Der_simps(4)} & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_simps(4)}\\
   @{thm (lhs) Der_conc}  & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_conc}\\
   @{thm (lhs) Der_star}  & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Der_star}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) Ders_nil}  & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Ders_nil}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) Ders_cons} & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Ders_cons}\\
-  %@{thm (lhs) Ders_append[where ?s1.0="s\<^isub>1" and ?s2.0="s\<^isub>2"]}  & $=$ 
-  %   & @{thm (rhs) Ders_append[where ?s1.0="s\<^isub>1" and ?s2.0="s\<^isub>2"]}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Ders_simps(1)} & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Ders_simps(1)}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Ders_simps(2)} & $=$ & @{thm (rhs) Ders_simps(2)}\\
+  %@{thm (lhs) Ders_simps(3)[where ?s1.0="s\<^isub>1" and ?s2.0="s\<^isub>2"]}  & $=$ 
+  %   & @{thm (rhs) Ders_simps(3)[where ?s1.0="s\<^isub>1" and ?s2.0="s\<^isub>2"]}\\
@@ -1603,10 +1629,10 @@
-  The last two lines extend @{const der} to strings (list of characters) where
-  list-cons is written \mbox{@{text "_ :: _"}}. The function @{term "nullable r"} needed 
-  in the @{const Times}-case tests whether a regular expression can recognise 
-  the empty string:
+  The last two clauses extend derivatives for characters to strings (list of
+  characters). The list-cons operator is written \mbox{@{text "_ :: _"}}. The
+  function @{term "nullable r"} needed in the @{const Times}-case tests
+  whether a regular expression can recognise the empty string:
   \begin{tabular}{c@ {\hspace{10mm}}c}
@@ -1639,8 +1665,8 @@
   The importance in the context of the Myhill-Nerode theorem is that 
-  we can use \eqref{mhders} and the equations above in order to 
-  establish that @{term "x \<approx>(lang r) y"} if and only if
+  we can use \eqref{mhders} and \eqref{Dersders} in order to 
+  establish that @{term "x \<approx>(lang r) y"} is equivalent to
   @{term "lang (ders x r) = lang (ders y r)"}. From this we obtain
@@ -1649,29 +1675,35 @@
-  Consequently, we can use as the tagging relation @{text
-  "\<^raw:$\threesim$>\<^bsub>(\<lambda>x. ders x r)\<^esub>"}, since it refines
-  @{term "\<approx>(lang r)"}. However, in order to be useful in the Myhill-Nerode
-  theorem, we have to show that for a language there are only finitely many
-  derivatives. Unfortunately, this is not true in general: Sakarovitch gives
-  an example with infinitely many derivatives
-  \cite[Page~141]{Sakarovitch09}. What Brzozowski \cite{Brzozowski64} proved is 
-  that for every language there \emph{are} finitely `dissimilar' derivatives for a
-  regular expression. Two regular expressions are said to be \emph{similar} 
-  provided they can be identified using the using the @{text "ACI"}-identities:
+  which means the right-hand side (seen as relation) refines the
+  Myhill-Nerode relation.  Consequently, we can use 
+  @{text "\<^raw:$\threesim$>\<^bsub>(\<lambda>x. ders x r)\<^esub>"} as a potential tagging-relation
+  for the regular expression @{text r}. However, in
+  order to be useful in the Myhill-Nerode theorem, we also have to show that
+  for the corresponding language there are only finitely many derivatives---ensuring
+  that there are only finitely many equivalence classes. Unfortunately, this
+  is not true in general. Sakarovitch gives an example where a regular
+  expression  has infinitely many derivatives w.r.t.~a language
+  \cite[Page~141]{Sakarovitch09}. What Brzozowski \cite{Brzozowski64} proved
+  is that for every language there \emph{are} only finitely `dissimilar'
+  derivatives for a regular expression. Two regular expressions are said to be
+  \emph{similar} provided they can be identified using the using the @{text
+  "ACI"}-identities:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{cl}
+  \begin{equation}\label{ACI}
+  \mbox{\begin{tabular}{cl}
   (@{text A}) & @{term "Plus (Plus r\<^isub>1 r\<^isub>2) r\<^isub>3"} $\equiv$ @{term "Plus r\<^isub>1 (Plus r\<^isub>2 r\<^isub>3)"}\\
   (@{text C}) & @{term "Plus r\<^isub>1 r\<^isub>2"} $\equiv$ @{term "Plus r\<^isub>2 r\<^isub>1"}\\
   (@{text I}) & @{term "Plus r r"} $\equiv$ @{term "r"}\\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
+  \end{tabular}}
+  \end{equation}
-  Carrying this idea through menas we now have to reasoning modulo @{text "ACI"}.
-  This can be done, but it is very painful in a theorem prover (since there is
-  no direct characterisation of the set of dissimlar derivatives).
+  Carrying this idea through, we must not consider the set of all derivatives,
+  but the ones modulo @{text "ACI"}.  In principle, this can be formally
+  defined, but it is very painful in a theorem prover (since there is no
+  direct characterisation of the set of dissimlar derivatives).
   Fortunately, there is a much simpler approach using \emph{partial
   derivatives}. They were introduced by Antimirov \cite{Antimirov95} and can be defined
@@ -1686,49 +1718,97 @@
      & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) pder.simps(4)[where ?r1.0="r\<^isub>1" and ?r2.0="r\<^isub>2"]}\\
   @{thm (lhs) pder.simps(5)[where ?r1.0="r\<^isub>1" and ?r2.0="r\<^isub>2"]}  
      & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{text "if"}~@{term "nullable r\<^isub>1"}~@{text "then"}~%
-       @{term "(Times_set (pder c r\<^isub>1) r\<^isub>2) \<union> (pder c r\<^isub>2)"}\\
+       @{term "(Timess (pder c r\<^isub>1) r\<^isub>2) \<union> (pder c r\<^isub>2)"}\\
      & & \phantom{@{text "if"}~@{term "nullable r\<^isub>1"}~}@{text "else"}~%  
-                    @{term "Times_set (pder c r\<^isub>1) r\<^isub>2"}\\ 
+                    @{term "Timess (pder c r\<^isub>1) r\<^isub>2"}\\ 
   @{thm (lhs) pder.simps(6)}  & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) pder.simps(6)}\smallskip\\
   @{thm (lhs) pders.simps(1)}  & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) pders.simps(1)}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) pders.simps(2)}  & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) pders.simps(2)}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) pders.simps(2)}  & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{text "\<Union> (pders s) ` (pder c r)"}\\
-  Unlike `simple' derivatives, these functions return a set of regular
-  expressions. In the @{const Times} and @{const Star} cases we use 
+  Again the last two clauses extend partial derivatives from characters to strings. 
+  Unlike `simple' derivatives, the functions for partial derivatives return sets of regular
+  expressions. In the @{const Times} and @{const Star} cases we therefore use the
+  auxiliary definition
   @{text "TIMESS rs r \<equiv> {TIMES r' r | r' \<in> rs}"}
-  in order to `sequence' a regular expressions with respect to a set of regular 
-  expresions. Note that in the last case we first build the set of partial derivatives
-  w.r.t~@{text c}, then build the image of this set under the function @{term "pders s"}
-  and finally `union up' all resulting sets. Note also that in some sense, partial 
-  derivatives have the @{text "ACI"}-identities already build in. Antimirov 
-  \cite{Antimirov95}
-  showed 
+  in order to `sequence' a regular expression with a set of regular
+  expressions. Note that in the last clause we first build the set of partial
+  derivatives w.r.t~the character @{text c}, then build the image of this set under the
+  function @{term "pders s"} and finally `union up' all resulting sets. It will be
+  convenient to introduce the following abbreviation
+  \begin{center}
+  @{abbrev "pderss s A"}
+  \end{center}
+  \noindent
+  which simplifies the last clause of @{const "pders"} to
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1.5mm}}l@ {}}
+  @{thm (lhs) pders.simps(2)}  & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) pders.simps(2)}\\
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  Partial derivatives can be seen as having the @{text "ACI"}-identities already built in: 
+  taking the partial derivatives of the
+  regular expressions in \eqref{ACI} gives us in each case
+  equal sets.  Antimirov \cite{Antimirov95} showed a similar result to
+  \eqref{Dersders} for partial derivatives:
-  \mbox{\begin{tabular}{c}
-  @{thm Der_pder}\\
-  @{thm Ders_pders}
+  \mbox{\begin{tabular}{lc}
+  @{text "(i)"}  & @{thm Der_pder}\\
+  @{text "(ii)"} & @{thm Ders_pders}
-  \end{equation}
+  \end{equation} 
+  \begin{proof}
+  The first fact is by a simple induction on @{text r}. For the second we slightly
+  modify Antimirov's proof by performing an induction on @{text s} where we
+  genaralise over all @{text r}. That means in the @{text "cons"}-case the 
+  induction hypothesis is
+  \begin{center}
+  @{text "(IH)"}\hspace{3mm}@{term "\<forall>r. Ders s (lang r) = \<Union> lang ` (pders s r)"}
+  \end{center}
-  and proved that for every language and regular expression there are only finitely
+  With this we can establish
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{1.5mm}}c@ {\hspace{1.5mm}}ll}
+  @{term "Ders (c # s) (lang r)"} 
+    & @{text "="} & @{term "Ders s (Der c (lang r))"} & by def.\\
+    & @{text "="} & @{term "Ders s (\<Union> lang ` (pder c r))"} & by @{text "(i)"}\\
+    & @{text "="} & @{term "\<Union> (Ders s) ` (lang ` (pder c r))"} & by def.~of @{text "Ders"}\\
+    & @{text "="} & @{term "\<Union> lang ` (\<Union> pders s ` (pder c r))"} & by IH\\
+    & @{text "="} & @{term "\<Union> lang ` (pders (c # s) r)"} & by def.\\
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  \noindent
+  In order to apply the induction hypothesis in the fourth step, we need the generalisation
+  over all regular expressions @{text r}. The case for the empty string is routine and omitted.
+  \end{proof}
+  Antimirov also proved that for every language and regular expression there are only finitely
   many partial derivatives.
 section {* Closure Properties *}
 text {*
-  The beautiful characteristics of regular languages is that they are closed
-  under many operations. Closure under union, sequencencing and Kleene-star
+  \noindent
+  The real beauty of regular languages is that they are closed
+  under almost all set operations. Closure under union, concatenation and Kleene-star
   are trivial to establish given our definition of regularity (Def.~\ref{regular}).
   More interesting is the closure under complement, because
   it seems difficult to construct a regular expression for the complement
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+++ b/Journal/document/root.bib	Fri Aug 05 05:34:11 2011 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
   author = {S.~Owens and J.~Reppy and A.~Turon},
   title = {{R}egular-{E}xpression {D}erivatives {R}e-{E}xamined},
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+++ b/Journal/document/root.tex	Fri Aug 05 05:34:11 2011 +0000
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 to formalise in HOL-based theorem provers. The reason is that
 they need to be represented as graphs, matrices or functions, none of which
 are inductive datatypes. Also convenient operations for disjoint unions of
-graphs and functions are not easily formalisiable in HOL. In contrast, regular
+graphs, matrices and functions are not easily formalisiable in HOL. In contrast, regular
 expressions can be defined conveniently as a datatype and a corresponding
 reasoning infrastructure comes for free. We show in this paper that a central
 result from formal language theory---the Myhill-Nerode theorem---can be
--- a/Myhill_2.thy	Wed Aug 03 17:08:31 2011 +0000
+++ b/Myhill_2.thy	Fri Aug 05 05:34:11 2011 +0000
@@ -101,21 +101,17 @@
 lemma tag_finite_imageD:
   assumes rng_fnt: "finite (range tag)" 
-  and same_tag_eqvt: "=tag=  \<subseteq> \<approx>A"
+  and     refined: "=tag=  \<subseteq> \<approx>A"
   shows "finite (UNIV // \<approx>A)"
 proof (rule_tac refined_partition_finite [of "=tag="])
   show "finite (UNIV // =tag=)" by (rule finite_eq_tag_rel[OF rng_fnt])
-  from same_tag_eqvt
-  show "=tag= \<subseteq> \<approx>A" .
+  show "=tag= \<subseteq> \<approx>A" using refined .
   show "equiv UNIV =tag="
-    unfolding equiv_def tag_eq_def refl_on_def sym_def trans_def
+  and  "equiv UNIV (\<approx>A)" 
+    unfolding equiv_def str_eq_def tag_eq_def refl_on_def sym_def trans_def
     by auto
-  show "equiv UNIV (\<approx>A)" 
-    unfolding equiv_def str_eq_def sym_def refl_on_def trans_def
-    by blast
@@ -139,18 +135,16 @@
   fix x
   assume "x \<in> UNIV // \<approx>{[]}"
-  then obtain y where h: "x = {z. (y, z) \<in> \<approx>{[]}}" 
+  then obtain y where h: "x = {z. y \<approx>{[]} z}" 
     unfolding quotient_def Image_def by blast
-  show "x \<in> {{[]}, UNIV - {[]}}"
-  proof (cases "y = []")
-    case True with h
-    have "x = {[]}" by (auto simp: str_eq_def)
-    thus ?thesis by simp
-  next
-    case False with h
-    have "x = UNIV - {[]}" by (auto simp: str_eq_def)
-    thus ?thesis by simp
-  qed
+  { assume "y = []"
+    with h have "x = {[]}" by (auto simp: str_eq_def)
+    then have "x \<in> {{[]}, UNIV - {[]}}" by simp }
+  moreover
+  { assume "y \<noteq> []"
+    with h have "x = UNIV - {[]}" by (auto simp: str_eq_def)
+    then have "x \<in> {{[]}, UNIV - {[]}}" by simp }
+  ultimately show "x \<in> {{[]}, UNIV - {[]}}" by blast
 lemma quot_one_finiteI [intro]:
@@ -408,7 +402,7 @@
   tag_Star :: "'a lang \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> ('a lang) set"
-  "tag_Star A \<equiv> (\<lambda>x. {\<approx>A `` {v} | u v. u < x \<and> u \<in> A\<star> \<and> (u, v) \<in> Partitions x})"
+  "tag_Star A \<equiv> \<lambda>x. {\<approx>A `` {v} | u v. u < x \<and> u \<in> A\<star> \<and> (u, v) \<in> Partitions x}"
 lemma tag_Star_non_empty_injI:
   assumes a: "tag_Star A x = tag_Star A y"
@@ -444,11 +438,13 @@
   and     c: "x @ z \<in> A\<star>"
   and     d: "x = []"
   shows "y @ z \<in> A\<star>"
-using assms
-apply(simp add: tag_Star_def strict_prefix_def)
-apply(auto simp add: prefix_def Partitions_def)
-by (metis Nil_in_star append_self_conv2)
+proof -
+  from a have "{} = tag_Star A y" unfolding tag_Star_def using d by auto 
+  then have "y = []"
+    unfolding tag_Star_def Partitions_def strict_prefix_def prefix_def
+    by (auto) (metis Nil_in_star append_self_conv2)
+  then show "y @ z \<in> A\<star>" using c d by simp
 lemma quot_star_finiteI [intro]:
   assumes finite1: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>A)"