Add new file for the new definition of the hard direction's simplification.
Tue, 14 Dec 2010 14:31:31 +0000 (2010-12-14)
changeset 27 90a57a533b0c
parent 26 b0cdf8f5a9af
child 28 cef2893f353b
Add new file for the new definition of the hard direction's simplification. Merging Operation is deleted All definitions are done. Proof still undone.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Myhill.thy	Tue Dec 14 14:31:31 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1421 @@
+theory MyhillNerode
+  imports "Main" "List_Prefix"
+text {* sequential composition of languages *}
+  Seq :: "string set \<Rightarrow> string set \<Rightarrow> string set" ("_ ;; _" [100,100] 100)
+  "L1 ;; L2 = {s1 @ s2 | s1 s2. s1 \<in> L1 \<and> s2 \<in> L2}"
+  Star :: "string set \<Rightarrow> string set" ("_\<star>" [101] 102)
+  for L :: "string set"
+  start[intro]: "[] \<in> L\<star>"
+| step[intro]:  "\<lbrakk>s1 \<in> L; s2 \<in> L\<star>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s1@s2 \<in> L\<star>" 
+theorem ardens_revised:
+  assumes nemp: "[] \<notin> A"
+  shows "(X = X ;; A \<union> B) \<longleftrightarrow> (X = B ;; A\<star>)"
+  assume eq: "X = B ;; A\<star>"
+  have "A\<star> =  {[]} \<union> A\<star> ;; A" sorry
+  then have "B ;; A\<star> = B ;; ({[]} \<union> A\<star> ;; A)" unfolding Seq_def by simp
+  also have "\<dots> = B \<union> B ;; (A\<star> ;; A)"  unfolding Seq_def by auto
+  also have "\<dots> = B \<union> (B ;; A\<star>) ;; A"  unfolding Seq_def
+    by (auto) (metis append_assoc)+
+  finally show "X = X ;; A \<union> B" using eq by auto
+  assume "X = X ;; A \<union> B"
+  then have "B \<subseteq> X" "X ;; A \<subseteq> X" by auto
+  show "X = B ;; A\<star>" sorry
+datatype rexp =
+| CHAR char
+| SEQ rexp rexp
+| ALT rexp rexp
+| STAR rexp
+consts L:: "'a \<Rightarrow> string set"
+overloading L_rexp \<equiv> "L::  rexp \<Rightarrow> string set"
+  L_rexp :: "rexp \<Rightarrow> string set"
+    "L_rexp (NULL) = {}"
+  | "L_rexp (EMPTY) = {[]}"
+  | "L_rexp (CHAR c) = {[c]}"
+  | "L_rexp (SEQ r1 r2) = (L_rexp r1) ;; (L_rexp r2)"
+  | "L_rexp (ALT r1 r2) = (L_rexp r1) \<union> (L_rexp r2)"
+  | "L_rexp (STAR r) = (L_rexp r)\<star>"
+  folds :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'a set \<Rightarrow> 'b"
+  "folds f z S \<equiv> SOME x. fold_graph f z S x"
+lemma folds_simp_null [simp]:
+  "finite rs \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> L (folds ALT NULL rs) \<longleftrightarrow> (\<exists>r \<in> rs. x \<in> L r)"
+apply (simp add: folds_def)
+apply (rule someI2_ex)
+apply (erule finite_imp_fold_graph)
+apply (erule fold_graph.induct)
+apply (auto)
+lemma [simp]:
+  shows "(x, y) \<in> {(x, y). P x y} \<longleftrightarrow> P x y"
+by simp
+  str_eq ("_ \<approx>_ _")
+  "x \<approx>Lang y \<equiv> (\<forall>z. x @ z \<in> Lang \<longleftrightarrow> y @ z \<in> Lang)"
+  str_eq_rel ("\<approx>_")
+  "\<approx>Lang \<equiv> {(x, y). x \<approx>Lang y}"
+section {* finite \<Rightarrow> regular *}
+  transitions :: "string set \<Rightarrow> string set \<Rightarrow> rexp set" ("_\<Turnstile>\<Rightarrow>_")
+  "Y \<Turnstile>\<Rightarrow> X \<equiv> {CHAR c | c. Y ;; {[c]} \<subseteq> X}"
+  transitions_rexp ("_ \<turnstile>\<rightarrow> _")
+  "Y \<turnstile>\<rightarrow> X \<equiv> folds ALT NULL (Y \<Turnstile>\<Rightarrow>X)"
+  "init_rhs CS X \<equiv> if X = {[]} 
+                   then {({[]}, EMPTY)} 
+                   else if ([] \<in> X)
+                        then insert ({[]}, EMPTY) {(Y, Y \<turnstile>\<rightarrow>X) | Y. Y \<in> CS}
+                        else {(Y, Y \<turnstile>\<rightarrow>X) | Y. Y \<in> CS}"
+overloading L_rhs \<equiv> "L:: (string set \<times> rexp) set \<Rightarrow> string set"
+fun L_rhs:: "(string set \<times> rexp) set \<Rightarrow> string set"
+  "L_rhs rhs = \<Union> {(Y;; L r) | Y r . (Y, r) \<in> rhs}"
+  "eqs CS \<equiv> (\<Union>X \<in> CS. {(X, init_rhs CS X)})"
+lemma [simp]:
+  shows "finite (Y \<Turnstile>\<Rightarrow> X)"
+unfolding transitions_def
+by auto
+lemma defined_by_str:
+  assumes "s \<in> X" 
+  and "X \<in> UNIV // (\<approx>Lang)"
+  shows "X = (\<approx>Lang) `` {s}"
+using assms
+unfolding quotient_def Image_def
+unfolding str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def
+by auto
+(************ arden's lemma variation ********************)
+  "rexp_of rhs X \<equiv> folds ALT NULL {r. (X, r) \<in> rhs}"
+  "arden_variate X rhs \<equiv> {(Y, SEQ r (STAR (rexp_of rhs X)))| Y r. (Y, r) \<in> rhs \<and> Y \<noteq> X}"
+(************* rhs/equations property **************)
+  "distinct_equas ES \<equiv> \<forall> X rhs rhs'. (X, rhs) \<in> ES \<and> (X, rhs') \<in> ES \<longrightarrow> rhs = rhs'"
+(*********** substitution of ES *************)
+text {* rhs_subst rhs X xrhs: substitude all occurence of X in rhs with xrhs *}
+  "rhs_subst rhs X xrhs \<equiv> {(Y, r) | Y r. Y \<noteq> X \<and> (Y, r) \<in> rhs} \<union> 
+                          {(X, SEQ r\<^isub>1 r\<^isub>2 ) | r\<^isub>1 r\<^isub>2. (X, r\<^isub>1) \<in> xrhs \<and> (X, r\<^isub>2) \<in> rhs}"
+  "eqs_subst ES X xrhs \<equiv> {(Y, rhs_subst yrhs X xrhs) | Y yrhs. (Y, yrhs) \<in> ES}"
+text {*
+  Inv: Invairance of the equation-system, during the decrease of the equation-system, Inv holds.
+  "ardenable ES \<equiv> \<forall> X rhs. (X, rhs) \<in> ES \<longrightarrow> ([] \<notin> L (rexp_of rhs X)) \<and> X = L rhs"
+  "non_empty ES \<equiv> \<forall> X rhs. (X, rhs) \<in> ES \<longrightarrow> X \<noteq> {}"
+  "self_contained ES \<equiv> \<forall> X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> ES 
+                             \<longrightarrow> (\<forall> Y r.(Y, r) \<in> xrhs \<and> Y \<noteq> {[]} \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> yrhs. (Y, yrhs) \<in> ES))"
+  "Inv ES \<equiv> finite ES \<and> distinct_equas ES \<and> ardenable ES \<and> non_empty ES \<and> self_contained ES"
+lemma wf_iter [rule_format]: 
+  fixes f
+  assumes step: "\<And> e. \<lbrakk>P e; \<not> Q e\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists> e'. P e' \<and>  (f(e'), f(e)) \<in> less_than)"
+  shows pe:     "P e \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> e'. P e' \<and>  Q e')"
+proof(induct e rule: wf_induct 
+           [OF wf_inv_image[OF wf_less_than, where f = "f"]], clarify)
+  fix x 
+  assume h [rule_format]: 
+    "\<forall>y. (y, x) \<in> inv_image less_than f \<longrightarrow> P y \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>e'. P e' \<and> Q e')"
+    and px: "P x"
+  show "\<exists>e'. P e' \<and> Q e'"
+  proof(cases "Q x")
+    assume "Q x" with px show ?thesis by blast
+  next
+    assume nq: "\<not> Q x"
+    from step [OF px nq]
+    obtain e' where pe': "P e'" and ltf: "(f e', f x) \<in> less_than" by auto
+    show ?thesis
+    proof(rule h)
+      from ltf show "(e', x) \<in> inv_image less_than f" 
+	by (simp add:inv_image_def)
+    next
+      from pe' show "P e'" .
+    qed
+  qed
+text {* ******BEGIN: proving the initial equation-system satisfies Inv ****** *}
+lemma init_ES_satisfy_Inv:
+  assumes finite_CS: "finite (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang))"
+  and X_in_eq_cls: "X \<in> (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang))"
+  shows "Inv (eqs (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang)))"
+proof -
+  have "finite (eqs (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang)))" using finite_CS
+    by (auto simp add:eqs_def)
+  moreover have "distinct_equas (eqs (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang)))"     
+    by (auto simp:distinct_equas_def eqs_def)
+  moreover have "ardenable (eqs (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang)))"
+  proof-
+    have "\<And> X rhs. (X, rhs) \<in> (eqs (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang))) \<Longrightarrow> ([] \<notin> L (rexp_of rhs X))"
+    proof 
+      apply (auto simp:eqs_def rexp_of_def)
+      sorry
+    moreover have "\<forall> X rhs. (X, rhs) \<in> (eqs (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang))) \<longrightarrow> X = L rhs"
+      sorry
+    ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add:ardenable_def)
+  qed
+  moreover have "non_empty (eqs (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang)))"
+    by (auto simp:non_empty_def eqs_def quotient_def Image_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def)
+  moreover have "self_contained (eqs (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang)))"
+    by (auto simp:self_contained_def eqs_def init_rhs_def)
+  ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add:Inv_def)
+text {* ****** BEGIN: proving every equation-system's iteration step satisfies Inv ***** *}
+lemma iteration_step: 
+  assumes Inv_ES: "Inv ES"
+  and    X_in_ES: "\<exists> xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> ES"
+  and    not_T: "card ES > 1"
+  shows "(\<exists> ES' xrhs'. Inv ES' \<and> (card ES', card ES) \<in> less_than \<and> (X, xrhs') \<in> ES')" 
+proof -
+lemma distinct_rhs_equations:
+  "(X, xrhs) \<in> equations (UNIV Quo Lang) \<Longrightarrow> distinct_rhs xrhs"
+by (auto simp: equations_def equation_rhs_def distinct_rhs_def empty_rhs_def dest:no_two_cls_inters)
+lemma every_nonempty_eqclass_has_strings:
+  "\<lbrakk>X \<in> (UNIV Quo Lang); X \<noteq> {[]}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> clist. clist \<in> X \<and> clist \<noteq> []"
+by (auto simp:quot_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+lemma every_eqclass_is_derived_from_empty:
+  assumes not_empty: "X \<noteq> {[]}"
+  shows "X \<in> (UNIV Quo Lang) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> clist. {[]};{clist} \<subseteq> X \<and> clist \<noteq> []"
+using not_empty
+apply (drule_tac every_nonempty_eqclass_has_strings, simp)
+by (auto intro:exI[where x = clist] simp:lang_seq_def)
+lemma equiv_str_in_CS:
+  "\<lbrakk>clist\<rbrakk>Lang \<in> (UNIV Quo Lang)"
+by (auto simp:quot_def)
+lemma has_str_imp_defined_by_str:
+  "\<lbrakk>str \<in> X; X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> X = \<lbrakk>str\<rbrakk>Lang"
+by (auto simp:quot_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+lemma every_eqclass_has_ascendent:
+  assumes has_str: "clist @ [c] \<in> X"
+  and     in_CS:   "X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang"
+  shows "\<exists> Y. Y \<in> UNIV Quo Lang \<and> Y-c\<rightarrow>X \<and> clist \<in> Y" (is "\<exists> Y. ?P Y")
+proof -
+  have "?P (\<lbrakk>clist\<rbrakk>Lang)" 
+  proof -
+    have "\<lbrakk>clist\<rbrakk>Lang \<in> UNIV Quo Lang"       
+      by (simp add:quot_def, rule_tac x = clist in exI, simp)
+    moreover have "\<lbrakk>clist\<rbrakk>Lang-c\<rightarrow>X" 
+    proof -
+      have "X = \<lbrakk>(clist @ [c])\<rbrakk>Lang" using has_str in_CS
+        by (auto intro!:has_str_imp_defined_by_str)
+      moreover have "\<forall> sl. sl \<in> \<lbrakk>clist\<rbrakk>Lang \<longrightarrow> sl @ [c] \<in> \<lbrakk>(clist @ [c])\<rbrakk>Lang"
+        by (auto simp:equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+      ultimately show ?thesis unfolding CT_def lang_seq_def
+        by auto
+    qed
+    moreover have "clist \<in> \<lbrakk>clist\<rbrakk>Lang" 
+      by (auto simp:equiv_str_def equiv_class_def)
+    ultimately show "?P (\<lbrakk>clist\<rbrakk>Lang)" by simp
+  qed
+  thus ?thesis by blast
+lemma finite_charset_rS:
+  "finite {CHAR c |c. Y-c\<rightarrow>X}"
+by (rule_tac A = UNIV and f = CHAR in finite_surj, auto)
+lemma l_eq_r_in_equations:
+  assumes X_in_equas: "(X, xrhs) \<in> equations (UNIV Quo Lang)"
+  shows "X = L xrhs"    
+proof (cases "X = {[]}")
+  case True
+  thus ?thesis using X_in_equas 
+    by (simp add:equations_def equation_rhs_def lang_seq_def)
+  case False 
+  show ?thesis
+  proof 
+    show "X \<subseteq> L xrhs"
+    proof
+      fix x
+      assume "(1)": "x \<in> X"
+      show "x \<in> L xrhs"          
+      proof (cases "x = []")
+        assume empty: "x = []"
+        hence "x \<in> L (empty_rhs X)" using "(1)"
+          by (auto simp:empty_rhs_def lang_seq_def)
+        thus ?thesis using X_in_equas False empty "(1)" 
+          unfolding equations_def equation_rhs_def by auto
+      next
+        assume not_empty: "x \<noteq> []"
+        hence "\<exists> clist c. x = clist @ [c]" by (case_tac x rule:rev_cases, auto)
+        then obtain clist c where decom: "x = clist @ [c]" by blast
+        moreover have "\<And> Y. \<lbrakk>Y \<in> UNIV Quo Lang; Y-c\<rightarrow>X; clist \<in> Y\<rbrakk>
+          \<Longrightarrow> [c] \<in> L (folds ALT NULL {CHAR c |c. Y-c\<rightarrow>X})"
+        proof -
+          fix Y
+          assume Y_is_eq_cl: "Y \<in> UNIV Quo Lang"
+            and Y_CT_X: "Y-c\<rightarrow>X"
+            and clist_in_Y: "clist \<in> Y"
+          with finite_charset_rS 
+          show "[c] \<in> L (folds ALT NULL {CHAR c |c. Y-c\<rightarrow>X})"
+            by (auto simp :fold_alt_null_eqs)
+        qed
+        hence "\<exists>Xa. Xa \<in> UNIV Quo Lang \<and> clist @ [c] \<in> Xa ; L (folds ALT NULL {CHAR c |c. Xa-c\<rightarrow>X})" 
+          using X_in_equas False not_empty "(1)" decom
+          by (auto dest!:every_eqclass_has_ascendent simp:equations_def equation_rhs_def lang_seq_def)
+        then obtain Xa where 
+          "Xa \<in> UNIV Quo Lang \<and> clist @ [c] \<in> Xa ; L (folds ALT NULL {CHAR c |c. Xa-c\<rightarrow>X})" by blast
+        hence "x \<in> L {(S, folds ALT NULL {CHAR c |c. S-c\<rightarrow>X}) |S. S \<in> UNIV Quo Lang}" 
+          using X_in_equas "(1)" decom
+          by (auto simp add:equations_def equation_rhs_def intro!:exI[where x = Xa])
+        thus "x \<in> L xrhs" using X_in_equas False not_empty unfolding equations_def equation_rhs_def
+          by auto
+      qed
+    qed
+  next
+    show "L xrhs \<subseteq> X"
+    proof
+      fix x 
+      assume "(2)": "x \<in> L xrhs"
+      have "(2_1)": "\<And> s1 s2 r Xa. \<lbrakk>s1 \<in> Xa; s2 \<in> L (folds ALT NULL {CHAR c |c. Xa-c\<rightarrow>X})\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s1 @ s2 \<in> X"
+        using finite_charset_rS
+        by (auto simp:CT_def lang_seq_def fold_alt_null_eqs)
+      have "(2_2)": "\<And> s1 s2 Xa r.\<lbrakk>s1 \<in> Xa; s2 \<in> L r; (Xa, r) \<in> empty_rhs X\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s1 @ s2 \<in> X"
+        by (simp add:empty_rhs_def split:if_splits)
+      show "x \<in> X" using X_in_equas False "(2)"         
+        by (auto intro:"(2_1)" "(2_2)" simp:equations_def equation_rhs_def lang_seq_def)
+    qed
+  qed
+lemma no_EMPTY_equations:
+  "(X, xrhs) \<in> equations CS \<Longrightarrow> no_EMPTY_rhs xrhs"
+apply (clarsimp simp add:equations_def equation_rhs_def)
+apply (simp add:no_EMPTY_rhs_def empty_rhs_def, auto)
+apply (subgoal_tac "finite {CHAR c |c. Xa-c\<rightarrow>X}", drule_tac x = "[]" in fold_alt_null_eqs, clarsimp, rule finite_charset_rS)+
+lemma init_ES_satisfy_ardenable:
+  "(X, xrhs) \<in> equations (UNIV Quo Lang)  \<Longrightarrow> ardenable (X, xrhs)"  
+  unfolding ardenable_def
+  by (auto intro:distinct_rhs_equations no_EMPTY_equations simp:l_eq_r_in_equations simp del:L_rhs.simps)
+lemma init_ES_satisfy_Inv:
+  assumes finite_CS: "finite (UNIV Quo Lang)"
+  and X_in_eq_cls: "X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang"
+  shows "Inv X (equations (UNIV Quo Lang))"
+proof -
+  have "finite (equations (UNIV Quo Lang))" using finite_CS
+    by (auto simp:equations_def)    
+  moreover have "\<exists>rhs. (X, rhs) \<in> equations (UNIV Quo Lang)" using X_in_eq_cls 
+    by (simp add:equations_def)
+  moreover have "distinct_equas (equations (UNIV Quo Lang))" 
+    by (auto simp:distinct_equas_def equations_def)
+  moreover have "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> equations (UNIV Quo Lang) \<longrightarrow>
+                 rhs_eq_cls xrhs \<subseteq> insert {[]} (left_eq_cls (equations (UNIV Quo Lang)))" 
+    apply (simp add:left_eq_cls_def equations_def rhs_eq_cls_def equation_rhs_def)
+    by (auto simp:empty_rhs_def split:if_splits)
+  moreover have "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> equations (UNIV Quo Lang) \<longrightarrow> X \<noteq> {}"
+    by (clarsimp simp:equations_def empty_notin_CS intro:classical)
+  moreover have "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> equations (UNIV Quo Lang) \<longrightarrow> ardenable (X, xrhs)"
+    by (auto intro!:init_ES_satisfy_ardenable)
+  ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add:Inv_def)
+text {* *********** END: proving the initial equation-system satisfies Inv ******* *}
+text {* ****** BEGIN: proving every equation-system's iteration step satisfies Inv ***** *}
+lemma not_T_aux: "\<lbrakk>\<not> TCon (insert a A); x = a\<rbrakk>
+       \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>y. x \<noteq> y \<and> y \<in> insert a A "
+apply (case_tac "insert a A = {a}")
+by (auto simp:TCon_def)
+lemma not_T_atleast_2[rule_format]:
+  "finite S \<Longrightarrow> \<forall> x. x \<in> S \<and> (\<not> TCon S)\<longrightarrow> (\<exists> y. x \<noteq> y \<and> y \<in> S)"
+apply (erule finite.induct, simp)
+apply (clarify, case_tac "x = a")
+by (erule not_T_aux, auto)
+lemma exist_another_equa: 
+  "\<lbrakk>\<not> TCon ES; finite ES; distinct_equas ES; (X, rhl) \<in> ES\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> Y yrhl. (Y, yrhl) \<in> ES \<and> X \<noteq> Y"
+apply (drule not_T_atleast_2, simp)
+apply (clarsimp simp:distinct_equas_def)
+apply (drule_tac x= X in spec, drule_tac x = rhl in spec, drule_tac x = b in spec)
+by auto
+lemma Inv_mono_with_lambda:
+  assumes Inv_ES: "Inv X ES"
+  and X_noteq_Y:  "X \<noteq> {[]}"
+  shows "Inv X (ES - {({[]}, yrhs)})"
+proof -
+  have "finite (ES - {({[]}, yrhs)})" using Inv_ES
+    by (simp add:Inv_def)
+  moreover have "\<exists>rhs. (X, rhs) \<in> ES - {({[]}, yrhs)}" using Inv_ES X_noteq_Y
+    by (simp add:Inv_def)
+  moreover have "distinct_equas (ES - {({[]}, yrhs)})" using Inv_ES X_noteq_Y
+    apply (clarsimp simp:Inv_def distinct_equas_def)
+    by (drule_tac x = Xa in spec, simp)    
+  moreover have "\<forall>X xrhs.(X, xrhs) \<in> ES - {({[]}, yrhs)} \<longrightarrow>
+                          ardenable (X, xrhs) \<and> X \<noteq> {}" using Inv_ES
+    by (clarify, simp add:Inv_def)
+  moreover 
+  have "insert {[]} (left_eq_cls (ES - {({[]}, yrhs)})) = insert {[]} (left_eq_cls ES)"
+    by (auto simp:left_eq_cls_def)
+  hence "\<forall>X xrhs.(X, xrhs) \<in> ES - {({[]}, yrhs)} \<longrightarrow>
+                          rhs_eq_cls xrhs \<subseteq> insert {[]} (left_eq_cls (ES - {({[]}, yrhs)}))"
+    using Inv_ES by (auto simp:Inv_def)
+  ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add:Inv_def)
+lemma non_empty_card_prop:
+  "finite ES \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>e. e \<in> ES \<longrightarrow> card ES - Suc 0 < card ES"
+apply (erule finite.induct, simp)
+apply (case_tac[!] "a \<in> A")
+by (auto simp:insert_absorb)
+lemma ardenable_prop:
+  assumes not_lambda: "Y \<noteq> {[]}"
+  and ardable: "ardenable (Y, yrhs)"
+  shows "\<exists> yrhs'. Y = L yrhs' \<and> distinct_rhs yrhs' \<and> rhs_eq_cls yrhs' = rhs_eq_cls yrhs - {Y}" (is "\<exists> yrhs'. ?P yrhs'")
+proof (cases "(\<exists> reg. (Y, reg) \<in> yrhs)")
+  case True
+  thus ?thesis 
+  proof 
+    fix reg
+    assume self_contained: "(Y, reg) \<in> yrhs"
+    show ?thesis 
+    proof -
+      have "?P (arden_variate Y reg yrhs)"
+      proof -
+        have "Y = L (arden_variate Y reg yrhs)" 
+          using self_contained not_lambda ardable
+          by (rule_tac arden_variate_valid, simp_all add:ardenable_def)
+        moreover have "distinct_rhs (arden_variate Y reg yrhs)" 
+          using ardable 
+          by (auto simp:distinct_rhs_def arden_variate_def seq_rhs_r_def del_x_paired_def ardenable_def)
+        moreover have "rhs_eq_cls (arden_variate Y reg yrhs) = rhs_eq_cls yrhs - {Y}"
+        proof -
+          have "\<And> rhs r. rhs_eq_cls (seq_rhs_r rhs r) = rhs_eq_cls rhs"
+            apply (auto simp:rhs_eq_cls_def seq_rhs_r_def image_def)
+            by (rule_tac x = "SEQ ra r" in exI, rule_tac x = "(x, ra)" in bexI, simp+)
+          moreover have "\<And> rhs X. rhs_eq_cls (del_x_paired rhs X) = rhs_eq_cls rhs - {X}"
+            by (auto simp:rhs_eq_cls_def del_x_paired_def)
+          ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add:arden_variate_def)
+        qed
+        ultimately show ?thesis by simp
+      qed
+      thus ?thesis by (rule_tac x= "arden_variate Y reg yrhs" in exI, simp)
+    qed
+  qed
+  case False
+  hence "(2)": "rhs_eq_cls yrhs - {Y} = rhs_eq_cls yrhs"
+    by (auto simp:rhs_eq_cls_def)
+  show ?thesis 
+  proof -
+    have "?P yrhs" using False ardable "(2)" 
+      by (simp add:ardenable_def)      
+    thus ?thesis by blast
+  qed
+lemma equas_subst_f_del_no_other:
+  assumes self_contained: "(Y, rhs) \<in> ES"
+  shows "\<exists> rhs'. (Y, rhs') \<in> (equas_subst_f X xrhs ` ES)" (is "\<exists> rhs'. ?P rhs'")
+proof -
+  have "\<exists> rhs'. equas_subst_f X xrhs (Y, rhs) = (Y, rhs')"
+    by (auto simp:equas_subst_f_def)
+  then obtain rhs' where "equas_subst_f X xrhs (Y, rhs) = (Y, rhs')" by blast
+  hence "?P rhs'" unfolding image_def using self_contained
+    by (auto intro:bexI[where x = "(Y, rhs)"])
+  thus ?thesis by blast
+lemma del_x_paired_del_only_x: 
+  "\<lbrakk>X \<noteq> Y; (X, rhs) \<in> ES\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (X, rhs) \<in> del_x_paired ES Y"
+by (auto simp:del_x_paired_def)
+lemma equas_subst_del_no_other:
+ "\<lbrakk>(X, rhs) \<in> ES; X \<noteq> Y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>rhs. (X, rhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y rhs')"
+unfolding equas_subst_def
+apply (drule_tac X = Y and xrhs = rhs' in equas_subst_f_del_no_other)
+by (erule exE, drule del_x_paired_del_only_x, auto)
+lemma equas_subst_holds_distinct:
+  "distinct_equas ES \<Longrightarrow> distinct_equas (equas_subst ES Y rhs')"
+apply (clarsimp simp add:equas_subst_def distinct_equas_def del_x_paired_def equas_subst_f_def)
+by (auto split:if_splits)
+lemma del_x_paired_dels: 
+  "(X, rhs) \<in> ES \<Longrightarrow> {Y. Y \<in> ES \<and> fst Y = X} \<inter> ES \<noteq> {}"
+by (auto)
+lemma del_x_paired_subset:
+  "(X, rhs) \<in> ES \<Longrightarrow> ES - {Y. Y \<in> ES \<and> fst Y = X} \<subset> ES"
+apply (drule del_x_paired_dels)
+by auto
+lemma del_x_paired_card_less: 
+  "\<lbrakk>finite ES; (X, rhs) \<in> ES\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> card (del_x_paired ES X) < card ES"
+apply (simp add:del_x_paired_def)
+apply (drule del_x_paired_subset)
+by (auto intro:psubset_card_mono)
+lemma equas_subst_card_less:
+  "\<lbrakk>finite ES; (Y, yrhs) \<in> ES\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> card (equas_subst ES Y rhs') < card ES"
+apply (simp add:equas_subst_def)
+apply (frule_tac h = "equas_subst_f Y rhs'" in finite_imageI)
+apply (drule_tac f = "equas_subst_f Y rhs'" in Finite_Set.card_image_le)
+apply (drule_tac X = Y and xrhs = rhs' in equas_subst_f_del_no_other,erule exE)
+by (drule del_x_paired_card_less, auto)
+lemma equas_subst_holds_distinct_rhs:
+  assumes   dist': "distinct_rhs yrhs'"
+  and     history: "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> ES \<longrightarrow> ardenable (X, xrhs)"
+  and     X_in :  "(X, xrhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y yrhs'"
+  shows "distinct_rhs xrhs"
+using X_in history
+apply (clarsimp simp:equas_subst_def del_x_paired_def)
+apply (drule_tac x = a in spec, drule_tac x = b in spec)
+apply (simp add:ardenable_def equas_subst_f_def)
+by (auto intro:rhs_subst_holds_distinct_rhs simp:dist' split:if_splits)
+lemma r_no_EMPTY_imp_seq_rhs_r_no_EMPTY:
+  "[] \<notin> L r \<Longrightarrow> no_EMPTY_rhs (seq_rhs_r rhs r)"
+by (auto simp:no_EMPTY_rhs_def seq_rhs_r_def lang_seq_def)
+lemma del_x_paired_holds_no_EMPTY:
+  "no_EMPTY_rhs yrhs \<Longrightarrow> no_EMPTY_rhs (del_x_paired yrhs Y)"
+by (auto simp:no_EMPTY_rhs_def del_x_paired_def)
+lemma rhs_subst_holds_no_EMPTY:
+  "\<lbrakk>no_EMPTY_rhs yrhs; (Y, r) \<in> yrhs; Y \<noteq> {[]}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> no_EMPTY_rhs (rhs_subst yrhs Y rhs' r)"
+apply (auto simp:rhs_subst_def intro!:no_EMPTY_rhss_imp_merge_no_EMPTY r_no_EMPTY_imp_seq_rhs_r_no_EMPTY del_x_paired_holds_no_EMPTY)
+by (auto simp:no_EMPTY_rhs_def)
+lemma equas_subst_holds_no_EMPTY:
+  assumes substor: "Y \<noteq> {[]}"
+  and history: "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> ES \<longrightarrow> ardenable (X, xrhs)"
+  and X_in:"(X, xrhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y yrhs'"
+  shows "no_EMPTY_rhs xrhs"
+  from X_in have "\<exists> (Z, zrhs) \<in> ES. (X, xrhs) = equas_subst_f Y yrhs' (Z, zrhs)"
+    by (auto simp add:equas_subst_def del_x_paired_def)
+  then obtain Z zrhs where Z_in: "(Z, zrhs) \<in> ES"
+                       and X_Z: "(X, xrhs) = equas_subst_f Y yrhs' (Z, zrhs)" by blast
+  hence dist_zrhs: "distinct_rhs zrhs" using history
+    by (auto simp:ardenable_def)
+  show ?thesis
+  proof (cases "\<exists> r. (Y, r) \<in> zrhs")
+    case True
+    then obtain r where Y_in_zrhs: "(Y, r) \<in> zrhs" ..
+    hence some: "(SOME r. (Y, r) \<in> zrhs) = r" using Z_in dist_zrhs
+      by (auto simp:distinct_rhs_def)
+    hence "no_EMPTY_rhs (rhs_subst zrhs Y yrhs' r)"
+      using substor Y_in_zrhs history Z_in
+      by (rule_tac rhs_subst_holds_no_EMPTY, auto simp:ardenable_def)
+    thus ?thesis using X_Z True some
+      by (simp add:equas_subst_def equas_subst_f_def)
+  next
+    case False
+    hence "(X, xrhs) = (Z, zrhs)" using Z_in X_Z
+      by (simp add:equas_subst_f_def)
+    thus ?thesis using history Z_in
+      by (auto simp:ardenable_def)
+  qed
+lemma equas_subst_f_holds_left_eq_right:
+  assumes substor: "Y = L rhs'"
+  and     history: "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> ES \<longrightarrow> distinct_rhs xrhs \<and> X = L xrhs"
+  and       subst: "(X, xrhs) = equas_subst_f Y rhs' (Z, zrhs)"
+  and     self_contained: "(Z, zrhs) \<in> ES"
+  shows "X = L xrhs"
+proof (cases "\<exists> r. (Y, r) \<in> zrhs")
+  case True
+  from True obtain r where "(1)":"(Y, r) \<in> zrhs" ..
+  show ?thesis
+  proof -
+    from history self_contained
+    have dist: "distinct_rhs zrhs" by auto
+    hence "(SOME r. (Y, r) \<in> zrhs) = r" using self_contained "(1)"
+      using distinct_rhs_def by (auto intro:some_equality)
+    moreover have "L zrhs = L (rhs_subst zrhs Y rhs' r)" using substor dist "(1)" self_contained
+      by (rule_tac rhs_subst_prop1, auto simp:distinct_equas_rhs_def)
+    ultimately show ?thesis using subst history self_contained
+      by (auto simp:equas_subst_f_def split:if_splits)
+  qed
+  case False
+  thus ?thesis using history subst self_contained
+    by (auto simp:equas_subst_f_def)
+lemma equas_subst_holds_left_eq_right:
+  assumes history: "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> ES \<longrightarrow> ardenable (X, xrhs)"
+  and     substor: "Y = L rhs'"
+  and     X_in :  "(X, xrhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y yrhs'"
+  shows "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y rhs' \<longrightarrow> X = L xrhs"
+apply (clarsimp simp add:equas_subst_def del_x_paired_def)
+using substor
+apply (drule_tac equas_subst_f_holds_left_eq_right)
+using history
+by (auto simp:ardenable_def)
+lemma equas_subst_holds_ardenable:
+  assumes substor: "Y = L yrhs'"
+  and history: "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> ES \<longrightarrow> ardenable (X, xrhs)"
+  and X_in:"(X, xrhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y yrhs'"
+  and dist': "distinct_rhs yrhs'"
+  and not_lambda: "Y \<noteq> {[]}"
+  shows "ardenable (X, xrhs)"
+proof -
+  have "distinct_rhs xrhs" using history X_in dist' 
+    by (auto dest:equas_subst_holds_distinct_rhs)
+  moreover have "no_EMPTY_rhs xrhs" using history X_in not_lambda
+    by (auto intro:equas_subst_holds_no_EMPTY)
+  moreover have "X = L xrhs" using history substor X_in
+  by (auto dest: equas_subst_holds_left_eq_right simp del:L_rhs.simps)
+  ultimately show ?thesis using ardenable_def by simp
+lemma equas_subst_holds_cls_defined:
+  assumes         X_in: "(X, xrhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y yrhs'"
+  and           Inv_ES: "Inv X' ES"
+  and            subst: "(Y, yrhs) \<in> ES"
+  and  cls_holds_but_Y: "rhs_eq_cls yrhs' = rhs_eq_cls yrhs - {Y}"
+  shows "rhs_eq_cls xrhs \<subseteq> insert {[]} (left_eq_cls (equas_subst ES Y yrhs'))"
+  have tac: "\<lbrakk> A \<subseteq> B; C \<subseteq> D; E \<subseteq> A \<union> B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> E \<subseteq> B \<union> D" by auto
+  from X_in have "\<exists> (Z, zrhs) \<in> ES. (X, xrhs) = equas_subst_f Y yrhs' (Z, zrhs)"
+    by (auto simp add:equas_subst_def del_x_paired_def)
+  then obtain Z zrhs where Z_in: "(Z, zrhs) \<in> ES"
+                       and X_Z: "(X, xrhs) = equas_subst_f Y yrhs' (Z, zrhs)" by blast
+  hence "rhs_eq_cls zrhs \<subseteq> insert {[]} (left_eq_cls ES)" using Inv_ES
+    by (auto simp:Inv_def)
+  moreover have "rhs_eq_cls yrhs' \<subseteq> insert {[]} (left_eq_cls ES) - {Y}" 
+    using Inv_ES subst cls_holds_but_Y
+    by (auto simp:Inv_def)
+  moreover have "rhs_eq_cls xrhs \<subseteq> rhs_eq_cls zrhs \<union> rhs_eq_cls yrhs' - {Y}"
+    using X_Z cls_holds_but_Y
+    apply (clarsimp simp add:equas_subst_f_def rhs_subst_def split:if_splits)
+    by (auto simp:rhs_eq_cls_def merge_rhs_def del_x_paired_def seq_rhs_r_def)
+  moreover have "left_eq_cls (equas_subst ES Y yrhs') = left_eq_cls ES - {Y}" using subst
+    by (auto simp: left_eq_cls_def equas_subst_def del_x_paired_def equas_subst_f_def
+             dest: equas_subst_f_del_no_other
+             split: if_splits)
+  ultimately show ?thesis by blast
+lemma iteration_step: 
+  assumes Inv_ES: "Inv X ES"
+  and    not_T: "\<not> TCon ES"
+  shows "(\<exists> ES'. Inv X ES' \<and> (card ES', card ES) \<in> less_than)" 
+proof -
+  from Inv_ES not_T have another: "\<exists>Y yrhs. (Y, yrhs) \<in> ES \<and> X \<noteq> Y" unfolding Inv_def
+    by (clarify, rule_tac exist_another_equa[where X = X], auto)
+  then obtain Y yrhs where subst: "(Y, yrhs) \<in> ES" and not_X: " X \<noteq> Y" by blast
+  show ?thesis (is "\<exists> ES'. ?P ES'")
+  proof (cases "Y = {[]}") 
+    case True
+      --"in this situation, we pick a \"\<lambda>\" equation, thus directly remove it from the equation-system"
+    have "?P (ES - {(Y, yrhs)})" 
+    proof 
+      show "Inv X (ES - {(Y, yrhs)})" using True not_X
+        by (simp add:Inv_ES Inv_mono_with_lambda)
+    next 
+      show "(card (ES - {(Y, yrhs)}), card ES) \<in> less_than" using Inv_ES subst
+        by (auto elim:non_empty_card_prop[rule_format] simp:Inv_def)
+    qed
+    thus ?thesis by blast
+  next
+    case False
+      --"in this situation, we pick a equation and using ardenable to get a 
+        rhs without itself in it, then use equas_subst to form a new equation-system"
+    hence "\<exists> yrhs'. Y = L yrhs' \<and> distinct_rhs yrhs' \<and> rhs_eq_cls yrhs' = rhs_eq_cls yrhs - {Y}" 
+      using subst Inv_ES
+      by (auto intro:ardenable_prop simp add:Inv_def simp del:L_rhs.simps)
+    then obtain yrhs' where Y'_l_eq_r: "Y = L yrhs'"
+      and dist_Y': "distinct_rhs yrhs'"
+      and cls_holds_but_Y: "rhs_eq_cls yrhs' = rhs_eq_cls yrhs - {Y}" by blast
+    hence "?P (equas_subst ES Y yrhs')"
+    proof -
+      have finite_del: "\<And> S x. finite S \<Longrightarrow> finite (del_x_paired S x)" 
+        apply (rule_tac A = "del_x_paired S x" in finite_subset)
+        by (auto simp:del_x_paired_def)
+      have "finite (equas_subst ES Y yrhs')" using Inv_ES 
+        by (auto intro!:finite_del simp:equas_subst_def Inv_def)
+      moreover have "\<exists>rhs. (X, rhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y yrhs'" using Inv_ES not_X
+        by (auto intro:equas_subst_del_no_other simp:Inv_def)
+      moreover have "distinct_equas (equas_subst ES Y yrhs')" using Inv_ES
+        by (auto intro:equas_subst_holds_distinct simp:Inv_def)
+      moreover have "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y yrhs' \<longrightarrow> ardenable (X, xrhs)"
+        using Inv_ES dist_Y' False Y'_l_eq_r
+        apply (clarsimp simp:Inv_def)
+        by (rule equas_subst_holds_ardenable, simp_all)
+      moreover have "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y yrhs' \<longrightarrow> X \<noteq> {}" using Inv_ES
+        by (clarsimp simp:equas_subst_def Inv_def del_x_paired_def equas_subst_f_def split:if_splits, auto)
+      moreover have "\<forall>X xrhs. (X, xrhs) \<in> equas_subst ES Y yrhs' \<longrightarrow>
+                               rhs_eq_cls xrhs \<subseteq> insert {[]} (left_eq_cls (equas_subst ES Y yrhs'))"
+        using Inv_ES subst cls_holds_but_Y
+        apply (rule_tac impI | rule_tac allI)+
+        by (erule equas_subst_holds_cls_defined, auto)
+      moreover have "(card (equas_subst ES Y yrhs'), card ES) \<in> less_than"using Inv_ES subst
+        by (simp add:equas_subst_card_less Inv_def)
+      ultimately show "?P (equas_subst ES Y yrhs')" by (auto simp:Inv_def)      
+    qed
+    thus ?thesis by blast
+  qed
+text {* ***** END: proving every equation-system's iteration step satisfies Inv ************** *}
+lemma iteration_conc: 
+  assumes history: "Inv X ES"
+  shows "\<exists> ES'. Inv X ES' \<and> TCon ES'" (is "\<exists> ES'. ?P ES'")
+proof (cases "TCon ES")
+  case True
+  hence "?P ES" using history by simp
+  thus ?thesis by blast
+  case False  
+  thus ?thesis using history iteration_step
+    by (rule_tac f = card in wf_iter, simp_all)
+lemma eqset_imp_iff': "A = B \<Longrightarrow> \<forall> x. x \<in> A \<longleftrightarrow> x \<in> B"
+apply (auto simp:mem_def)
+lemma set_cases2:
+  "\<lbrakk>(A = {} \<Longrightarrow> R A); \<And> x. (A = {x}) \<Longrightarrow> R A; \<And> x y. \<lbrakk>x \<noteq> y; x \<in> A; y \<in> A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R A"
+apply (case_tac "A = {}", simp)
+by (case_tac "\<exists> x. A = {x}", clarsimp, blast)
+lemma rhs_aux:"\<lbrakk>distinct_rhs rhs; {Y. \<exists>r. (Y, r) \<in> rhs} = {X}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>r. rhs = {(X, r)})"
+apply (rule_tac A = rhs in set_cases2, simp)
+apply (drule_tac x = X in eqset_imp_iff, clarsimp)
+apply (drule eqset_imp_iff',clarsimp)
+apply (frule_tac x = a in spec, drule_tac x = aa in spec)
+by (auto simp:distinct_rhs_def)
+lemma every_eqcl_has_reg: 
+  assumes finite_CS: "finite (UNIV Quo Lang)"
+  and X_in_CS: "X \<in> (UNIV Quo Lang)"
+  shows "\<exists> (reg::rexp). L reg = X" (is "\<exists> r. ?E r")
+  have "\<exists>ES'. Inv X ES' \<and> TCon ES'" using finite_CS X_in_CS
+    by (auto intro:init_ES_satisfy_Inv iteration_conc)
+  then obtain ES' where Inv_ES': "Inv X ES'" 
+                   and  TCon_ES': "TCon ES'" by blast
+  from Inv_ES' TCon_ES' 
+  have "\<exists> rhs. ES' = {(X, rhs)}"
+    apply (clarsimp simp:Inv_def TCon_def)
+    apply (rule_tac x = rhs in exI)
+    by (auto dest!:card_Suc_Diff1 simp:card_eq_0_iff)  
+  then obtain rhs where ES'_single_equa: "ES' = {(X, rhs)}" ..
+  hence X_ardenable: "ardenable (X, rhs)" using Inv_ES'
+    by (simp add:Inv_def)
+  from X_ardenable have X_l_eq_r: "X = L rhs"
+    by (simp add:ardenable_def)
+  hence rhs_not_empty: "rhs \<noteq> {}" using Inv_ES' ES'_single_equa
+    by (auto simp:Inv_def ardenable_def)
+  have rhs_eq_cls: "rhs_eq_cls rhs \<subseteq> {X, {[]}}"
+    using Inv_ES' ES'_single_equa
+    by (auto simp:Inv_def ardenable_def left_eq_cls_def)
+  have X_not_empty: "X \<noteq> {}" using Inv_ES' ES'_single_equa
+    by (auto simp:Inv_def)    
+  show ?thesis
+  proof (cases "X = {[]}")
+    case True
+    hence "?E EMPTY" by (simp)
+    thus ?thesis by blast
+  next
+    case False with  X_ardenable
+    have "\<exists> rhs'. X = L rhs' \<and> rhs_eq_cls rhs' = rhs_eq_cls rhs - {X} \<and> distinct_rhs rhs'"
+      by (drule_tac ardenable_prop, auto)
+    then obtain rhs' where X_eq_rhs': "X = L rhs'"
+      and rhs'_eq_cls: "rhs_eq_cls rhs' = rhs_eq_cls rhs - {X}" 
+      and rhs'_dist : "distinct_rhs rhs'" by blast
+    have "rhs_eq_cls rhs' \<subseteq> {{[]}}" using rhs_eq_cls False rhs'_eq_cls rhs_not_empty 
+      by blast
+    hence "rhs_eq_cls rhs' = {{[]}}" using X_not_empty X_eq_rhs'
+      by (auto simp:rhs_eq_cls_def)
+    hence "\<exists> r. rhs' = {({[]}, r)}" using rhs'_dist
+      by (auto intro:rhs_aux simp:rhs_eq_cls_def)
+    then obtain r where "rhs' = {({[]}, r)}" ..
+    hence "?E r" using X_eq_rhs' by (auto simp add:lang_seq_def)
+    thus ?thesis by blast     
+  qed
+text {* definition of a regular language *}
+  reg :: "string set => bool"
+  "reg L1 \<equiv> (\<exists>r::rexp. L r = L1)"
+theorem myhill_nerode: 
+  assumes finite_CS: "finite (UNIV Quo Lang)"
+  shows   "\<exists> (reg::rexp). Lang = L reg" (is "\<exists> r. ?P r")
+proof -
+  have has_r_each: "\<forall>C\<in>{X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang. \<forall>x\<in>X. x \<in> Lang}. \<exists>(r::rexp). C = L r" using finite_CS
+    by (auto dest:every_eqcl_has_reg)  
+  have "\<exists> (rS::rexp set). finite rS \<and> 
+                          (\<forall> C \<in> {X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang. \<forall>x\<in>X. x \<in> Lang}. \<exists> r \<in> rS. C = L r) \<and> 
+                          (\<forall> r \<in> rS. \<exists> C \<in> {X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang. \<forall>x\<in>X. x \<in> Lang}. C = L r)" 
+       (is "\<exists> rS. ?Q rS")
+  proof-
+    have "\<And> C. C \<in> {X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang. \<forall>x\<in>X. x \<in> Lang} \<Longrightarrow> C = L (SOME (ra::rexp). C = L ra)"
+      using has_r_each
+      apply (erule_tac x = C in ballE, erule_tac exE)
+      by (rule_tac a = r in someI2, simp+)
+    hence "?Q ((\<lambda> C. SOME r. C = L r) ` {X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang. \<forall>x\<in>X. x \<in> Lang})" using has_r_each
+      using finite_CS by auto
+    thus ?thesis by blast    
+  qed
+  then obtain rS where finite_rS : "finite rS"
+    and has_r_each': "\<forall> C \<in> {X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang. \<forall>x\<in>X. x \<in> Lang}. \<exists> r \<in> (rS::rexp set). C = L r"
+    and has_cl_each: "\<forall> r \<in> (rS::rexp set). \<exists> C \<in> {X \<in> UNIV Quo Lang. \<forall>x\<in>X. x \<in> Lang}. C = L r" by blast
+  have "?P (folds ALT NULL rS)"
+  proof
+    show "Lang \<subseteq> L (folds ALT NULL rS)" using finite_rS lang_eqs_union_of_eqcls[of Lang] has_r_each'
+      apply (clarsimp simp:fold_alt_null_eqs) by blast
+  next 
+    show "L (folds ALT NULL rS) \<subseteq> Lang" using finite_rS lang_eqs_union_of_eqcls[of Lang] has_cl_each
+      by (clarsimp simp:fold_alt_null_eqs)
+  qed
+  thus ?thesis by blast
+text {* tests by Christian *}
+(* Alternative definition for Quo *)
+  QUOT :: "string set \<Rightarrow> (string set) set"  
+  "QUOT Lang \<equiv> (\<Union>x. {\<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>Lang})"
+lemma test: 
+  "UNIV Quo Lang = QUOT Lang"
+by (auto simp add: quot_def QUOT_def)
+lemma test1:
+  assumes finite_CS: "finite (QUOT Lang)"
+  shows "reg Lang"
+using finite_CS
+unfolding test[symmetric]
+by (auto dest: myhill_nerode)
+lemma cons_one: "x @ y \<in> {z} \<Longrightarrow> x @ y = z"
+by simp
+lemma quot_lambda: "QUOT {[]} = {{[]}, UNIV - {[]}}"
+  show "QUOT {[]} \<subseteq> {{[]}, UNIV - {[]}}"
+  proof 
+    fix x 
+    assume in_quot: "x \<in> QUOT {[]}"
+    show "x \<in> {{[]}, UNIV - {[]}}"
+    proof -
+      from in_quot 
+      have "x = {[]} \<or> x = UNIV - {[]}"
+        unfolding QUOT_def equiv_class_def
+      proof 
+        fix xa
+        assume in_univ: "xa \<in> UNIV"
+           and in_eqiv: "x \<in> {{y. xa \<equiv>{[]}\<equiv> y}}"
+        show "x = {[]} \<or> x = UNIV - {[]}"
+        proof(cases "xa = []")
+          case True
+          hence "{y. xa \<equiv>{[]}\<equiv> y} = {[]}" using in_eqiv
+            by (auto simp add:equiv_str_def)
+          thus ?thesis using in_eqiv by (rule_tac disjI1, simp)
+        next
+          case False
+          hence "{y. xa \<equiv>{[]}\<equiv> y} = UNIV - {[]}" using in_eqiv
+            by (auto simp:equiv_str_def)
+          thus ?thesis using in_eqiv by (rule_tac disjI2, simp)
+        qed
+      qed
+      thus ?thesis by simp
+    qed
+  qed
+  show "{{[]}, UNIV - {[]}} \<subseteq> QUOT {[]}"
+  proof
+    fix x
+    assume in_res: "x \<in> {{[]}, (UNIV::string set) - {[]}}"
+    show "x \<in> (QUOT {[]})"
+    proof -
+      have "x = {[]} \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> QUOT {[]}"
+        apply (simp add:QUOT_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+        by (rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, auto)
+      moreover have "x = UNIV - {[]} \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> QUOT {[]}"
+        apply (simp add:QUOT_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+        by (rule_tac x = "''a''" in exI, auto)
+      ultimately show ?thesis using in_res by blast
+    qed
+  qed
+lemma quot_single_aux: "\<lbrakk>x \<noteq> []; x \<noteq> [c]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x @ z \<noteq> [c]"
+by (induct x, auto)
+lemma quot_single: "\<And> (c::char). QUOT {[c]} = {{[]}, {[c]}, UNIV - {[], [c]}}"
+proof - 
+  fix c::"char" 
+  have exist_another: "\<exists> a. a \<noteq> c" 
+    apply (case_tac "c = CHR ''a''")
+    apply (rule_tac x = "CHR ''b''" in exI, simp)
+    by (rule_tac x = "CHR ''a''" in exI, simp)  
+  show "QUOT {[c]} = {{[]}, {[c]}, UNIV - {[], [c]}}"
+  proof
+    show "QUOT {[c]} \<subseteq> {{[]},{[c]}, UNIV - {[], [c]}}"
+    proof 
+      fix x 
+      assume in_quot: "x \<in> QUOT {[c]}"
+      show "x \<in> {{[]}, {[c]}, UNIV - {[],[c]}}"
+      proof -
+        from in_quot 
+        have "x = {[]} \<or> x = {[c]} \<or> x = UNIV - {[],[c]}"
+          unfolding QUOT_def equiv_class_def
+        proof 
+          fix xa
+          assume in_eqiv: "x \<in> {{y. xa \<equiv>{[c]}\<equiv> y}}"
+          show "x = {[]} \<or> x = {[c]} \<or> x = UNIV - {[], [c]}"
+          proof-
+            have "xa = [] \<Longrightarrow> x = {[]}" using in_eqiv 
+              by (auto simp add:equiv_str_def)
+            moreover have "xa = [c] \<Longrightarrow> x = {[c]}"
+            proof -
+              have "xa = [c] \<Longrightarrow> {y. xa \<equiv>{[c]}\<equiv> y} = {[c]}" using in_eqiv
+                apply (simp add:equiv_str_def)
+                apply (rule set_ext, rule iffI, simp)
+                apply (drule_tac x = "[]" in spec, auto)
+                done   
+              thus "xa = [c] \<Longrightarrow> x = {[c]}" using in_eqiv by simp 
+            qed
+            moreover have "\<lbrakk>xa \<noteq> []; xa \<noteq> [c]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x = UNIV - {[],[c]}"
+            proof -
+              have "\<lbrakk>xa \<noteq> []; xa \<noteq> [c]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> {y. xa \<equiv>{[c]}\<equiv> y} = UNIV - {[],[c]}" 
+                apply (clarsimp simp add:equiv_str_def)
+                apply (rule set_ext, rule iffI, simp)
+                apply (rule conjI)
+                apply (drule_tac x = "[c]" in spec, simp)
+                apply (drule_tac x = "[]" in spec, simp)
+                by (auto dest:quot_single_aux)
+              thus "\<lbrakk>xa \<noteq> []; xa \<noteq> [c]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x = UNIV - {[],[c]}" using in_eqiv by simp
+            qed
+            ultimately show ?thesis by blast
+          qed
+        qed
+        thus ?thesis by simp
+      qed
+    qed
+  next
+    show "{{[]}, {[c]}, UNIV - {[],[c]}} \<subseteq> QUOT {[c]}"
+    proof
+      fix x
+      assume in_res: "x \<in> {{[]},{[c]}, (UNIV::string set) - {[],[c]}}"
+      show "x \<in> (QUOT {[c]})"
+      proof -
+        have "x = {[]} \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> QUOT {[c]}"
+          apply (simp add:QUOT_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+          by (rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, auto)
+        moreover have "x = {[c]} \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> QUOT {[c]}"
+          apply (simp add:QUOT_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+          apply (rule_tac x = "[c]" in exI, simp)
+          apply (rule set_ext, rule iffI, simp+)
+          by (drule_tac x = "[]" in spec, simp)
+        moreover have "x = UNIV - {[],[c]} \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> QUOT {[c]}"
+          using exist_another
+          apply (clarsimp simp add:QUOT_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)        
+          apply (rule_tac x = "[a]" in exI, simp)
+          apply (rule set_ext, rule iffI, simp)
+          apply (clarsimp simp:quot_single_aux, simp)
+          apply (rule conjI)
+          apply (drule_tac x = "[c]" in spec, simp)
+          by (drule_tac x = "[]" in spec, simp)     
+        ultimately show ?thesis using in_res by blast
+      qed
+    qed
+  qed
+lemma eq_class_imp_eq_str:
+  "\<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>lang = \<lbrakk>y\<rbrakk>lang \<Longrightarrow> x \<equiv>lang\<equiv> y"
+by (auto simp:equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+lemma finite_tag_image: 
+  "finite (range tag) \<Longrightarrow> finite (((op `) tag) ` S)"
+apply (rule_tac B = "Pow (tag ` UNIV)" in finite_subset)
+by (auto simp add:image_def Pow_def)
+lemma str_inj_imps:
+  assumes str_inj: "\<And> m n. tag m = tag (n::string) \<Longrightarrow> m \<equiv>lang\<equiv> n"
+  shows "inj_on ((op `) tag) (QUOT lang)"
+proof (clarsimp simp add:inj_on_def QUOT_def)
+  fix x y
+  assume eq_tag: "tag ` \<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>lang = tag ` \<lbrakk>y\<rbrakk>lang"
+  show "\<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>lang = \<lbrakk>y\<rbrakk>lang"
+  proof -
+    have aux1:"\<And>a b. a \<in> (\<lbrakk>b\<rbrakk>lang) \<Longrightarrow> (a \<equiv>lang\<equiv> b)"
+      by (simp add:equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+    have aux2: "\<And> A B f. \<lbrakk>f ` A = f ` B; A \<noteq> {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> a b. a \<in> A \<and> b \<in> B \<and> f a = f b"
+      by auto
+    have aux3: "\<And> a l. \<lbrakk>a\<rbrakk>l \<noteq> {}" 
+      by (auto simp:equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+    show ?thesis using eq_tag
+      apply (drule_tac aux2, simp add:aux3, clarsimp)
+      apply (drule_tac str_inj, (drule_tac aux1)+)
+      by (simp add:equiv_str_def equiv_class_def)
+  qed
+definition tag_str_ALT :: "string set \<Rightarrow> string set \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> (string set \<times> string set)"
+  "tag_str_ALT L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 x \<equiv> (\<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1, \<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2)"
+lemma tag_str_alt_range_finite:
+  assumes finite1: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>1)"
+  and finite2: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>2)"
+  shows "finite (range (tag_str_ALT L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2))"
+proof -
+  have "{y. \<exists>x. y = (\<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1, \<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2)} \<subseteq> (QUOT L\<^isub>1) \<times> (QUOT L\<^isub>2)"
+    by (auto simp:QUOT_def)
+  thus ?thesis using finite1 finite2
+    by (auto simp: image_def tag_str_ALT_def UNION_def 
+            intro: finite_subset[where B = "(QUOT L\<^isub>1) \<times> (QUOT L\<^isub>2)"])
+lemma tag_str_alt_inj:
+  "tag_str_ALT L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 x = tag_str_ALT L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 y \<Longrightarrow> x \<equiv>(L\<^isub>1 \<union> L\<^isub>2)\<equiv> y"
+apply (simp add:tag_str_ALT_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+by blast
+lemma quot_alt:
+  assumes finite1: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>1)"
+  and finite2: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>2)"
+  shows "finite (QUOT (L\<^isub>1 \<union> L\<^isub>2))"
+proof (rule_tac f = "(op `) (tag_str_ALT L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2)" in finite_imageD)
+  show "finite (op ` (tag_str_ALT L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2) ` QUOT (L\<^isub>1 \<union> L\<^isub>2))"
+    using finite_tag_image tag_str_alt_range_finite finite1 finite2
+    by auto
+  show "inj_on (op ` (tag_str_ALT L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2)) (QUOT (L\<^isub>1 \<union> L\<^isub>2))"
+    apply (rule_tac str_inj_imps)
+    by (erule_tac tag_str_alt_inj)
+(* list_diff:: list substract, once different return tailer *)
+fun list_diff :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" (infix "-" 51)
+  "list_diff []  xs = []" |
+  "list_diff (x#xs) [] = x#xs" |
+  "list_diff (x#xs) (y#ys) = (if x = y then list_diff xs ys else (x#xs))"
+lemma [simp]: "(x @ y) - x = y"
+apply (induct x)
+by (case_tac y, simp+)
+lemma [simp]: "x - x = []"
+by (induct x, auto)
+lemma [simp]: "x = xa @ y \<Longrightarrow> x - xa = y "
+by (induct x, auto)
+lemma [simp]: "x - [] = x"
+by (induct x, auto)
+lemma [simp]: "xa \<le> x \<Longrightarrow> (x @ y) - xa = (x - xa) @ y"
+by (auto elim:prefixE)
+definition tag_str_SEQ:: "string set \<Rightarrow> string set \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> (string set \<times> string set set)"
+  "tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 x \<equiv> if (\<exists> xa \<le> x. xa \<in> L\<^isub>1)
+                         then (\<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1, {\<lbrakk>(x - xa)\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2 | xa.  xa \<le> x \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1})
+                         else (\<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1, {})"
+lemma tag_seq_eq_E:
+  "tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 x = tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 y \<Longrightarrow>
+   ((\<exists> xa \<le> x. xa \<in> L\<^isub>1) \<and> \<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1 = \<lbrakk>y\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1 \<and> 
+    {\<lbrakk>(x - xa)\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2 | xa. xa \<le> x \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1} = {\<lbrakk>(y - ya)\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2 | ya. ya \<le> y \<and> ya \<in> L\<^isub>1} ) \<or>
+   ((\<forall> xa \<le> x. xa \<notin> L\<^isub>1) \<and> \<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1 = \<lbrakk>y\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1)"
+by (simp add:tag_str_SEQ_def split:if_splits, blast)
+lemma tag_str_seq_range_finite:
+  assumes finite1: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>1)"
+  and finite2: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>2)"
+  shows "finite (range (tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2))"
+proof -
+  have "(range (tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2)) \<subseteq> (QUOT L\<^isub>1) \<times> (Pow (QUOT L\<^isub>2))"
+    by (auto simp:image_def tag_str_SEQ_def QUOT_def)
+  thus ?thesis using finite1 finite2 
+    by (rule_tac B = "(QUOT L\<^isub>1) \<times> (Pow (QUOT L\<^isub>2))" in finite_subset, auto)
+lemma app_in_seq_decom[rule_format]:
+  "\<forall> x. x @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> xa \<le> x. xa \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (x - xa) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>2) \<or> 
+                            (\<exists> za \<le> z. (x @ za) \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (z - za) \<in> L\<^isub>2)"
+apply (induct z)
+apply (simp, rule allI, rule impI, rule disjI1)
+apply (clarsimp simp add:lang_seq_def)
+apply (rule_tac x = s1 in exI, simp)
+apply (rule allI | rule impI)+
+apply (drule_tac x = "x @ [a]" in spec, simp)
+apply (erule exE | erule conjE | erule disjE)+
+apply (rule disjI2, rule_tac x = "[a]" in exI, simp)
+apply (rule disjI1, rule_tac x = xa in exI, simp) 
+apply (erule exE | erule conjE)+
+apply (rule disjI2, rule_tac x = "a # za" in exI, simp)
+lemma tag_str_seq_inj:
+  assumes tag_eq: "tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 x = tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 y"
+  shows "(x::string) \<equiv>(L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2)\<equiv> y"
+proof -
+  have aux: "\<And> x y z. \<lbrakk>tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 x = tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 y; x @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2\<rbrakk> 
+                       \<Longrightarrow> y @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2"
+  proof (drule app_in_seq_decom, erule disjE)
+    fix x y z
+    assume tag_eq: "tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 x = tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 y"
+      and x_gets_l2: "\<exists>xa\<le>x. xa \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (x - xa) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>2"
+    from x_gets_l2 have "\<exists> xa \<le> x. xa \<in> L\<^isub>1" by blast
+    hence xy_l2:"{\<lbrakk>(x - xa)\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2 | xa. xa \<le> x \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1} = {\<lbrakk>(y - ya)\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2 | ya. ya \<le> y \<and> ya \<in> L\<^isub>1}"
+      using tag_eq tag_seq_eq_E by blast
+    from x_gets_l2 obtain xa where xa_le_x: "xa \<le> x"
+                               and xa_in_l1: "xa \<in> L\<^isub>1"
+                               and rest_in_l2: "(x - xa) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>2" by blast
+    hence "\<exists> ya. \<lbrakk>(x - xa)\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2 = \<lbrakk>(y - ya)\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2 \<and> ya \<le> y \<and> ya \<in> L\<^isub>1" using xy_l2 by auto
+    then obtain ya where ya_le_x: "ya \<le> y"
+                     and ya_in_l1: "ya \<in> L\<^isub>1"
+                     and rest_eq: "\<lbrakk>(x - xa)\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2 = \<lbrakk>(y - ya)\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>2" by blast
+    from rest_eq rest_in_l2 have "(y - ya) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>2" 
+      by (auto simp:equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+    hence "ya @ ((y - ya) @ z) \<in> L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2" using ya_in_l1
+      by (auto simp:lang_seq_def)
+    thus "y @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2" using ya_le_x 
+      by (erule_tac prefixE, simp)
+  next
+    fix x y z
+    assume tag_eq: "tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 x = tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 y"
+      and x_gets_l1: "\<exists>za\<le>z. x @ za \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> z - za \<in> L\<^isub>2"
+    from tag_eq tag_seq_eq_E have x_y_eq: "\<lbrakk>x\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1 = \<lbrakk>y\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1" by blast
+    from x_gets_l1 obtain za where za_le_z: "za \<le> z"
+                               and x_za_in_l1: "(x @ za) \<in> L\<^isub>1"
+                               and rest_in_l2: "z - za \<in> L\<^isub>2" by blast
+    from x_y_eq x_za_in_l1 have y_za_in_l1: "y @ za \<in> L\<^isub>1"
+      by (auto simp:equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+    hence "(y @ za) @ (z - za) \<in> L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2" using rest_in_l2
+      apply (simp add:lang_seq_def)
+      by (rule_tac x = "y @ za" in exI, rule_tac x = "z - za" in exI, simp)
+    thus "y @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2" using za_le_z
+      by (erule_tac prefixE, simp)
+  qed
+  show ?thesis using tag_eq
+    apply (simp add:equiv_str_def)
+    by (auto intro:aux)
+lemma quot_seq: 
+  assumes finite1: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>1)"
+  and finite2: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>2)"
+  shows "finite (QUOT (L\<^isub>1;L\<^isub>2))"
+proof (rule_tac f = "(op `) (tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2)" in finite_imageD)
+  show "finite (op ` (tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2) ` QUOT (L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2))"
+    using finite_tag_image tag_str_seq_range_finite finite1 finite2
+    by auto
+  show "inj_on (op ` (tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2)) (QUOT (L\<^isub>1 ; L\<^isub>2))"
+    apply (rule_tac str_inj_imps)
+    by (erule_tac tag_str_seq_inj)
+(****************** the STAR case ************************)
+lemma app_eq_elim[rule_format]:
+  "\<And> a. \<forall> b x y. a @ b = x @ y \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> aa ab. a = aa @ ab \<and> x = aa \<and> y = ab @ b) \<or>
+                                   (\<exists> ba bb. b = ba @ bb \<and> x = a @ ba \<and> y = bb \<and> ba \<noteq> [])"
+  apply (induct_tac a rule:List.induct, simp)
+  apply (rule allI | rule impI)+
+  by (case_tac x, auto)
+definition tag_str_STAR:: "string set \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> string set set"
+  "tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 x \<equiv> if (x = []) 
+                       then {}
+                       else {\<lbrakk>x\<^isub>2\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1 | x\<^isub>1 x\<^isub>2. x =  x\<^isub>1 @ x\<^isub>2 \<and> x\<^isub>1 \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> x\<^isub>2 \<noteq> []}"
+lemma tag_str_star_range_finite:
+  assumes finite1: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>1)"
+  shows "finite (range (tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1))"
+proof -
+  have "range (tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1) \<subseteq> Pow (QUOT L\<^isub>1)"
+    by (auto simp:image_def tag_str_STAR_def QUOT_def)
+  thus ?thesis using finite1
+    by (rule_tac B = "Pow (QUOT L\<^isub>1)" in finite_subset, auto)
+lemma star_prop[rule_format]: "x \<in> lang\<star> \<Longrightarrow> \<forall> y. y \<in> lang\<star> \<longrightarrow> x @ y \<in> lang\<star>"
+by (erule Star.induct, auto)
+lemma star_prop2: "y \<in> lang \<Longrightarrow> y \<in> lang\<star>"
+by (drule step[of y lang "[]"], auto simp:start)
+lemma star_prop3[rule_format]: "x \<in> lang\<star> \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>y . y \<in> lang \<longrightarrow> x @ y \<in> lang\<star>"
+by (erule Star.induct, auto intro:star_prop2)
+lemma postfix_prop: "y >>= (x @ y) \<Longrightarrow> x = []"
+by (erule postfixE, induct x arbitrary:y, auto)
+lemma inj_aux:
+  "\<lbrakk>(m @ z) \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>; m \<equiv>L\<^isub>1\<equiv> yb; xa @ m = x; xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>; m \<noteq> [];
+    \<forall> xa xb. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<longrightarrow> xb >>= m\<rbrakk> 
+  \<Longrightarrow> (yb @ z) \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
+  have "\<And>s. s \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<Longrightarrow> \<forall> m z yb. (s = m @ z \<and> m \<equiv>L\<^isub>1\<equiv> yb \<and> x = xa @ m \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> m \<noteq> [] \<and>  
+    (\<forall> xa xb. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<longrightarrow> xb >>= m) \<longrightarrow> (yb @ z) \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>)"    
+    apply (erule Star.induct, simp)
+    apply (rule allI | rule impI | erule conjE)+
+    apply (drule app_eq_elim)
+    apply (erule disjE | erule exE | erule conjE)+
+    apply simp
+    apply (simp (no_asm) only:append_assoc[THEN sym])
+    apply (rule step) 
+    apply (simp add:equiv_str_def)
+    apply simp
+    apply (erule exE | erule conjE)+    
+    apply (rotate_tac 3)
+    apply (frule_tac x = "xa @ s1" in spec)
+    apply (rotate_tac 12)
+    apply (drule_tac x = ba in spec)
+    apply (erule impE)
+    apply ( simp add:star_prop3)
+    apply (simp)
+    apply (drule postfix_prop)
+    apply simp
+    done
+  thus "\<lbrakk>(m @ z) \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>; m \<equiv>L\<^isub>1\<equiv> yb; xa @ m = x; xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>; m \<noteq> [];
+         \<forall> xa xb. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<longrightarrow> xb >>= m\<rbrakk> 
+        \<Longrightarrow> (yb @ z) \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>" by blast
+lemma min_postfix_exists[rule_format]:
+  "finite A \<Longrightarrow> A \<noteq> {} \<and> (\<forall> a \<in> A. \<forall> b \<in> A. ((b >>= a) \<or> (a >>= b))) 
+                \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> min. (min \<in> A \<and> (\<forall> a \<in> A. a >>= min)))"
+apply (erule finite.induct)
+apply simp
+apply simp
+apply (case_tac "A = {}")
+apply simp
+apply clarsimp
+apply (case_tac "a >>= min")
+apply (rule_tac x = min in exI, simp)
+apply (rule_tac x = a in exI, simp)
+apply clarify
+apply (rotate_tac 5)
+apply (erule_tac x = aa in ballE) defer apply simp
+apply (erule_tac ys = min in postfix_trans)
+apply (erule_tac x = min in ballE) 
+by simp+
+lemma tag_str_star_inj:
+  "tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 x = tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 (y::string) \<Longrightarrow> x \<equiv>L\<^isub>1\<star>\<equiv> y"
+proof -
+  have aux: "\<And> x y z. \<lbrakk>tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 x = tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 y; x @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> y @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
+  proof-
+    fix x y z
+    assume tag_eq: "tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 x = tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 y"
+      and x_z: "x @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
+    show "y @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
+    proof (cases "x = []")
+      case True
+      with tag_eq have "y = []" by (simp add:tag_str_STAR_def split:if_splits, blast)
+      thus ?thesis using x_z True by simp
+    next
+      case False
+      hence not_empty: "{xb. \<exists> xa. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>} \<noteq> {}" using x_z
+        by (simp, rule_tac x = x in exI, rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, simp add:start)
+      have finite_set: "finite {xb. \<exists> xa. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>}"
+        apply (rule_tac B = "{xb. \<exists> xa. x = xa @ xb}" in finite_subset)
+        apply auto
+        apply (induct x, simp)
+        apply (subgoal_tac "{xb. \<exists>xa. a # x = xa @ xb} = insert (a # x) {xb. \<exists>xa. x = xa @ xb}")
+        apply auto
+        by (case_tac xaa, simp+)
+      have comparable: "\<forall> a \<in> {xb. \<exists> xa. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>}. 
+                        \<forall> b \<in> {xb. \<exists> xa. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>}.
+                          ((b >>= a) \<or> (a >>= b))"
+        by (auto simp:postfix_def, drule app_eq_elim, blast)
+      hence "\<exists> min. min \<in> {xb. \<exists> xa. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>} 
+                \<and> (\<forall> xa xb. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<longrightarrow> xb >>= min)"
+        using finite_set not_empty comparable
+        apply (drule_tac min_postfix_exists, simp)
+        by (erule exE, rule_tac x = min in exI, auto)
+      then obtain min xa where x_decom: "x = xa @ min \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
+        and min_not_empty: "min \<noteq> []"
+        and min_z_in_star: "min @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
+        and is_min: "\<forall> xa xb. x = xa @ xb \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> xb \<noteq> [] \<and> xb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<longrightarrow> xb >>= min"  by blast
+      from x_decom min_not_empty have "\<lbrakk>min\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1 \<in> tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 x"  by (auto simp:tag_str_STAR_def)
+      hence "\<exists> yb. \<lbrakk>yb\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1 \<in> tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 y \<and> \<lbrakk>min\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1 = \<lbrakk>yb\<rbrakk>L\<^isub>1" using tag_eq by auto
+      hence "\<exists> ya yb. y = ya @ yb \<and> ya \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> min \<equiv>L\<^isub>1\<equiv> yb \<and> yb \<noteq> [] " 
+        by (simp add:tag_str_STAR_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def split:if_splits, blast)        
+      then obtain ya yb where y_decom: "y = ya @ yb"
+                          and ya_in_star: "ya \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
+                          and yb_not_empty: "yb \<noteq> []"
+                          and min_yb_eq: "min \<equiv>L\<^isub>1\<equiv> yb"  by blast
+      from min_z_in_star min_yb_eq min_not_empty is_min x_decom
+      have "yb @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
+        by (rule_tac x = x and xa = xa in inj_aux, simp+)
+      thus ?thesis using ya_in_star y_decom
+        by (auto dest:star_prop)        
+    qed
+  qed
+  show "tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 x = tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 (y::string) \<Longrightarrow> x \<equiv>L\<^isub>1\<star>\<equiv> y"
+    by (auto intro:aux simp:equiv_str_def)
+lemma quot_star:  
+  assumes finite1: "finite (QUOT L\<^isub>1)"
+  shows "finite (QUOT (L\<^isub>1\<star>))"
+proof (rule_tac f = "(op `) (tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1)" in finite_imageD)
+  show "finite (op ` (tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1) ` QUOT (L\<^isub>1\<star>))"
+    using finite_tag_image tag_str_star_range_finite finite1
+    by auto
+  show "inj_on (op ` (tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1)) (QUOT (L\<^isub>1\<star>))"
+    apply (rule_tac str_inj_imps)
+    by (erule_tac tag_str_star_inj)
+lemma other_direction:
+  "Lang = L (r::rexp) \<Longrightarrow> finite (QUOT Lang)"
+apply (induct arbitrary:Lang rule:rexp.induct)
+apply (simp add:QUOT_def equiv_class_def equiv_str_def)
+by (simp_all add:quot_lambda quot_single quot_seq quot_alt quot_star)  