added two paragraphs to the introduction
Mon, 30 Jan 2012 06:46:47 +0000 (2012-01-30)
changeset 267 83fb18cadd2b
parent 266 800b0e3b4204
child 268 1baf8d0c7093
added two paragraphs to the introduction
--- a/prio/Paper/Paper.thy	Sun Jan 29 09:31:03 2012 +0000
+++ b/prio/Paper/Paper.thy	Mon Jan 30 06:46:47 2012 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 imports CpsG ExtGG LaTeXsugar
 ML {*
-  show_question_marks_default := false;
+  Printer.show_question_marks_default := false;
@@ -11,30 +11,47 @@
 text {*
   Many realtime systems need to support processes with priorities and
-  locking of resources. Locking of resources ensures...  Priorities
-  are needed so that some processes can finish their work within ``hard''
-  deadlines.  Unfortunately both features interact in subtle ways
-  leading to the problem, called Priority Inversion. Suppose three
-  processes with priorities $H$(igh), $M$(edium) and $L$(ow). We would
-  assume that process $H$ cannot be blocked by any process with lower
-  priority. Unfortunately in a naive implementation, this can happen
-  and $H$ even can be delayed indefinitely by processes with lower
-  priorities. For this let $L$ be in the posession of lock for a
-  research which also $H$ needs. $H$ must therefore wait for $L$ to
-  release this lock. Unfortunately, $L$ can in turn be blocked by any
-  process with priority $M$, and so $H$ sits there potentially waiting
-  indefinitely.
+  locking of resources. Locking of resources ensures mutual exclusion
+  when accessing shared data or devices. Priorities allow schedulling
+  of processes that need to finish their work within hard deadlines.
+  Unfortunately, both features can interact in subtle ways leading to a
+  problem, called \emph{Priority Inversion}. Suppose three processes
+  having priorities $H$(igh), $M$(edium) and $L$(ow). We would expect
+  that the process $H$ blocks any other process with lower priority
+  and itself cannot be blocked by a process with lower priority. Alas,
+  in a naive implementation of resource looking and priorities this
+  property can be violated. Even worse, $H$ can be delayed
+  indefinitely by processes with lower priorities. For this let $L$ be
+  in the possession of a lock for a resource that also $H$ needs. $H$
+  must therefore wait for $L$ to release this lock. The problem is that 
+  $L$ might be in turn blocked by any process with priority $M$, and so
+  $H$ sits there potentially waiting indefinitely. Since $H$ is blocked
+  by processes with lower priorities, the problem
+  is called Priority Inversion.
-  If this problem of inversion of priorities is left untreated,
-  systems can become unpredictable and have dire consequences.  The
-  classic example where this happened in practice is the software on
-  the Mars pathfinder project.  This software shut down at irregulare
-  intervals leading to loss of project time (the mission and data was
-  fortunately not lost, because of clever system design). The problem
-  was that a high priority process and could only be restarted the
-  next day.
+  If the problem of Priority Inversion is ignored, realtime systems
+  can become unpredictable and resulting bugs can be hard to diagnose.
+  The classic example where this happened is the software that
+  controlled the Mars Pathfinder mission in 1997.  Once the spacecraft
+  landed, the software shut down at irregular intervals leading to
+  loss of project time, as normal operation of the craft could only
+  resume the next day (the mission and data already collected was
+  fortunately not lost, because of a clever system design).  The
+  problem was that the schedulling software fell victim of Priority
+  Inversion: a low priority task locking a resource prevented a high
+  priority process from running.  Once found, the problem could be
+  rectified by enabling the Priority Inheritance Protocol in the
+  schedulling software.
+  The idea behind the \emph{Priority Inheritance Protocol} (PIP) is to
+  temporarily inherit the low priority process the higher priority
+  until it released the locked resource.
+  However, there are further subtleties: just lowering the priority 
+  of the process $L$ to its low priority, as proposed in ???, is 
+  incorrect.\bigskip
+  \noindent
   Priority inversion referrers to the phenomena where tasks with higher 
   priority are blocked by ones with lower priority. If priority inversion 
   is not controlled, there will be no guarantee the urgent tasks will be 
@@ -156,11 +173,6 @@
 section {* General properties of Priority Inheritance \label{general} *}
-ML {*
-  (*val () = show_question_marks_default := false;*)
 text {*
   The following are several very basic prioprites:
--- a/prio/Paper/document/root.tex	Sun Jan 29 09:31:03 2012 +0000
+++ b/prio/Paper/document/root.tex	Mon Jan 30 06:46:47 2012 +0000
@@ -45,23 +45,23 @@
-In realtime systems with support for resource locking and
-processes involving priorities, one faces the problem of
-priority inversion. This problem can make the behaviour of processes unpredictable
-and the resulting bugs can be hard to find.  The Priority Inheritance
-Protocol is one solution implemented in many systems for
-solving the priority inversion problem, but the correctness of this solution has never
-been formally verified in a theorem prover. The original description
-of the Property Inheritance Protocol presents a ``correctness proof''
-done with pencil-and-paper for an \emph{incorrect} algorithm. This has
-already been pointed out in the literature. In this paper we fix the
-problem of the original proof by making all notions precise and implement a
-variant of a solution proposed earlier. Our formalisation in
-Isabelle/HOL uncovered facts not mentioned in the literature, but also
-shows how to efficiently implement this protocol. Earlier correct
-implementations were criticised as too inefficient. Our formalisation  
-is based on Paulson's inductive approach to verifying 
+In realtime systems with support for resource locking and processes
+involving priorities, one faces the problem of priority
+inversion. This problem can make the behaviour of processes
+unpredictable and the resulting bugs can be hard to find.  The
+Priority Inheritance Protocol is one solution implemented in many
+systems for solving this problem, but the correctness of this solution
+has never been formally verified in a theorem prover. As already
+pointed out in the literature, the original description of the
+Property Inheritance Protocol presents an informal correctness
+``proof'' for an \emph{incorrect} algorithm. In this paper we fix the
+problem of the original proof by making all notions precise and
+implementing a variant of a solution proposed earlier. Our
+formalisation in Isabelle/HOL uncovered facts not mentioned in the
+literature, but also shows how to efficiently implement this
+protocol. Earlier correct implementations were criticised as too
+inefficient. Our formalisation is based on Paulson's inductive
+approach to verifying protocols.\medskip
 {\bf Keywords:} Priority Inheritance Protocol, formal connectness proof, 
 realtime systems
Binary file prio/paper.pdf has changed