# HG changeset patch
# User urbanc
# Date 1298143653 0
# Node ID ece3f197b92b26aa34ed534b11a8eb36010792c3
# Parent  c3fa11ee776e982ebc5296428ef7cb8813b83e94
first two proofs in 2 direction

diff -r c3fa11ee776e -r ece3f197b92b Myhill_2.thy
--- a/Myhill_2.thy	Sat Feb 19 17:10:46 2011 +0000
+++ b/Myhill_2.thy	Sat Feb 19 19:27:33 2011 +0000
@@ -62,46 +62,39 @@
    "=tag= \<equiv> {(x, y) | x y. tag x = tag y}"
-lemma finite_range_image: 
-  assumes "finite (range f)"
-  shows "finite (f ` A)"
-  using assms unfolding image_def
-  by (rule_tac finite_subset) (auto)
 lemma finite_eq_tag_rel:
   assumes rng_fnt: "finite (range tag)"
   shows "finite (UNIV // =tag=)"
 proof -
-  let "?f" =  "op ` tag" and ?A = "(UNIV // =tag=)"
+  let "?f" =  "\<lambda>X. tag ` X" and ?A = "(UNIV // =tag=)"
     -- {* The finiteness of @{text "f"}-image is a consequence of @{text "rng_fnt"} *}
   have "finite (?f ` ?A)" 
   proof -
-    have "\<forall> X. ?f X \<in> (Pow (range tag))" by (auto simp: image_def Pow_def)
-    moreover from rng_fnt have "finite (Pow (range tag))" by simp
-    ultimately have "finite (range ?f)"
-      by (auto simp only:image_def intro:finite_subset)
-    from finite_range_image [OF this] show ?thesis .
+    have "range ?f \<subseteq> (Pow (range tag))" unfolding Pow_def by auto
+    moreover 
+    have "finite (Pow (range tag))" using rng_fnt by simp
+    ultimately 
+    have "finite (range ?f)" unfolding image_def by (blast intro: finite_subset)
+    moreover
+    have "?f ` ?A \<subseteq> range ?f" by auto
+    ultimately show "finite (?f ` ?A)" by (rule rev_finite_subset) 
     -- {* The injectivity of @{text "f"}-image follows from the definition of @{text "(=tag=)"} *}
-  have "inj_on ?f ?A" 
+  have "inj_on ?f ?A"
   proof -
     { fix X Y
       assume X_in: "X \<in> ?A"
         and  Y_in: "Y \<in> ?A"
         and  tag_eq: "?f X = ?f Y"
+      then
+      obtain x y 
+        where "x \<in> X" "y \<in> Y" "tag x = tag y"
+        unfolding quotient_def Image_def image_def tag_eq_rel_def
+        by (simp) (blast)
+      with X_in Y_in 
       have "X = Y"
-      proof -
-        from X_in Y_in tag_eq 
-        obtain x y 
-          where x_in: "x \<in> X" and y_in: "y \<in> Y" and eq_tg: "tag x = tag y"
-          unfolding quotient_def Image_def image_def tag_eq_rel_def
-          by (simp) (blast)
-        with X_in Y_in show "X = Y"
-	  unfolding quotient_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def tag_eq_rel_def
-	  by auto
-      qed
+	unfolding quotient_def tag_eq_rel_def by auto
     } then show "inj_on ?f ?A" unfolding inj_on_def by auto
@@ -146,92 +139,25 @@
 lemma tag_finite_imageD:
-  fixes tag
   assumes rng_fnt: "finite (range tag)" 
-  -- {* Suppose the rang of tagging fucntion @{text "tag"} is finite. *}
-  and same_tag_eqvt: "\<And> m n. tag m = tag (n::string) \<Longrightarrow> m \<approx>Lang n"
-  -- {* And strings with same tag are equivalent *}
-  shows "finite (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang))"
-proof -
-  let ?R1 = "(=tag=)"
-  show ?thesis
-  proof(rule_tac refined_partition_finite [of ?R1])
-    from finite_eq_tag_rel [OF rng_fnt]
-     show "finite (UNIV // =tag=)" . 
-   next
-     from same_tag_eqvt
-     show "(=tag=) \<subseteq> (\<approx>Lang)"
-       by (auto simp:tag_eq_rel_def str_eq_def)
-   next
-     show "equiv UNIV (=tag=)"
-       unfolding equiv_def tag_eq_rel_def refl_on_def sym_def trans_def
-       by auto
-   next
-     show "equiv UNIV (\<approx>Lang)" 
-       unfolding equiv_def str_eq_rel_def sym_def refl_on_def trans_def
-       by blast
-  qed
+  and same_tag_eqvt: "\<And> m n. tag m = tag (n::string) \<Longrightarrow> m \<approx>A n"
+  shows "finite (UNIV // \<approx>A)"
+proof (rule_tac refined_partition_finite [of "=tag="])
+  show "finite (UNIV // =tag=)" by (rule finite_eq_tag_rel[OF rng_fnt])
+  from same_tag_eqvt
+  show "=tag= \<subseteq> \<approx>A" unfolding tag_eq_rel_def str_eq_def
+    by auto
+  show "equiv UNIV =tag="
+    unfolding equiv_def tag_eq_rel_def refl_on_def sym_def trans_def
+    by auto
+  show "equiv UNIV (\<approx>A)" 
+    unfolding equiv_def str_eq_rel_def sym_def refl_on_def trans_def
+    by blast
-text {*
-  A more concise, but less intelligible argument for @{text "tag_finite_imageD"} 
-  is given as the following. The basic idea is still using standard library 
-  lemma @{thm [source] "finite_imageD"}:
-  \[
-  @{thm "finite_imageD" [no_vars]}
-  \]
-  which says: if the image of injective function @{text "f"} over set @{text "A"} is 
-  finite, then @{text "A"} must be finte, as we did in the lemmas above.
-  *}
-  fixes tag
-  assumes rng_fnt: "finite (range tag)" 
-  -- {* Suppose the rang of tagging fucntion @{text "tag"} is finite. *}
-  and same_tag_eqvt: "\<And> m n. tag m = tag (n::string) \<Longrightarrow> m \<approx>Lang n"
-  -- {* And strings with same tag are equivalent *}
-  shows "finite (UNIV // (\<approx>Lang))"
-  -- {* Then the partition generated by @{text "(\<approx>Lang)"} is finite. *}
-proof -
-  -- {* The particular @{text "f"} and @{text "A"} used in @{thm [source] "finite_imageD"} are:*}
-  let "?f" =  "op ` tag" and ?A = "(UNIV // \<approx>Lang)"
-  show ?thesis
-  proof (rule_tac f = "?f" and A = ?A in finite_imageD) 
-    -- {* 
-      The finiteness of @{text "f"}-image is a simple consequence of assumption @{text "rng_fnt"}:
-      *}
-    show "finite (?f ` ?A)" 
-    proof -
-      have "\<forall> X. ?f X \<in> (Pow (range tag))" by (auto simp:image_def Pow_def)
-      moreover from rng_fnt have "finite (Pow (range tag))" by simp
-      ultimately have "finite (range ?f)"
-        by (auto simp only:image_def intro:finite_subset)
-      from finite_range_image [OF this] show ?thesis .
-    qed
-  next
-    -- {* 
-      The injectivity of @{text "f"} is the consequence of assumption @{text "same_tag_eqvt"}:
-      *}
-    show "inj_on ?f ?A" 
-    proof-
-      { fix X Y
-        assume X_in: "X \<in> ?A"
-          and  Y_in: "Y \<in> ?A"
-          and  tag_eq: "?f X = ?f Y"
-        have "X = Y"
-        proof -
-          from X_in Y_in tag_eq 
-          obtain x y where x_in: "x \<in> X" and y_in: "y \<in> Y" and eq_tg: "tag x = tag y"
-            unfolding quotient_def Image_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def image_def
-            apply simp by blast 
-          from same_tag_eqvt [OF eq_tg] have "x \<approx>Lang y" .
-          with X_in Y_in x_in y_in
-          show ?thesis by (auto simp:quotient_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def) 
-        qed
-      } thus ?thesis unfolding inj_on_def by auto
-    qed
-  qed
 subsection {* The proof*}
@@ -334,28 +260,25 @@
   tag_str_ALT :: "lang \<Rightarrow> lang \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> (lang \<times> lang)"
-  "tag_str_ALT L1 L2 \<equiv> (\<lambda>x. (\<approx>L1 `` {x}, \<approx>L2 `` {x}))"
+  "tag_str_ALT A B \<equiv> (\<lambda>x. (\<approx>A `` {x}, \<approx>B `` {x}))"
 lemma quot_union_finiteI [intro]:
   fixes L1 L2::"lang"
-  assumes finite1: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>L1)"
-  and     finite2: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>L2)"
-  shows "finite (UNIV // \<approx>(L1 \<union> L2))"
-proof (rule_tac tag = "tag_str_ALT L1 L2" in tag_finite_imageD)
-  show "\<And>x y. tag_str_ALT L1 L2 x = tag_str_ALT L1 L2 y \<Longrightarrow> x \<approx>(L1 \<union> L2) y"
+  assumes finite1: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>A)"
+  and     finite2: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>B)"
+  shows "finite (UNIV // \<approx>(A \<union> B))"
+proof (rule_tac tag = "tag_str_ALT A B" in tag_finite_imageD)
+  have "finite ((UNIV // \<approx>A) \<times> (UNIV // \<approx>B))" 
+    using finite1 finite2 by auto
+  then show "finite (range (tag_str_ALT A B))"
+    unfolding tag_str_ALT_def quotient_def
+    by (rule rev_finite_subset) (auto)
+  show "\<And>x y. tag_str_ALT A B x = tag_str_ALT A B y \<Longrightarrow> x \<approx>(A \<union> B) y"
     unfolding tag_str_ALT_def 
     unfolding str_eq_def
-    unfolding Image_def 
     unfolding str_eq_rel_def
     by auto
-  have *: "finite ((UNIV // \<approx>L1) \<times> (UNIV // \<approx>L2))" 
-    using finite1 finite2 by auto
-  show "finite (range (tag_str_ALT L1 L2))"
-    unfolding tag_str_ALT_def
-    apply(rule finite_subset[OF _ *])
-    unfolding quotient_def
-    by auto
 subsubsection {* The inductive case for @{text "SEQ"}*}
diff -r c3fa11ee776e -r ece3f197b92b Paper/Paper.thy
--- a/Paper/Paper.thy	Sat Feb 19 17:10:46 2011 +0000
+++ b/Paper/Paper.thy	Sat Feb 19 19:27:33 2011 +0000
@@ -34,8 +34,14 @@
   Setalt ("\<^raw:\ensuremath{\bigplus}>_" [1000] 999) and
   append_rexp2 ("_ \<^raw:\ensuremath{\triangleleft}> _" [100, 100] 100) and
   append_rhs_rexp ("_ \<^raw:\ensuremath{\triangleleft}> _" [100, 100] 50) and
-  uminus ("\<^raw:\ensuremath{\overline{>_\<^raw:}}>" [100] 100)
+  uminus ("\<^raw:\ensuremath{\overline{>_\<^raw:}}>" [100] 100) and
+  tag_str_ALT ("tag\<^isub>A\<^isub>L\<^isub>T _ _" [100, 100] 100) and
+  tag_str_ALT ("tag\<^isub>A\<^isub>L\<^isub>T _ _ _" [100, 100, 100] 100)
+lemma meta_eq_app:
+  shows "f \<equiv> \<lambda>x. g x \<Longrightarrow> f x \<equiv> g x"
+  by auto
@@ -885,23 +891,24 @@
   Our method will rely on some
   \emph{tagging functions} defined over strings. Given the inductive hypothesis, it will 
-  be easy to prove that the range of these tagging functions is finite.
+  be easy to prove that the range of these tagging functions is finite
+  (the range of a function @{text f} is defined as @{text "range f \<equiv> f ` UNIV"}).
   With this we will be able to infer that the tagging functions, seen as a relation,
   give rise to finitely many equivalence classes of @{const UNIV}. Finally we 
   will show that the tagging relation is more refined than @{term "\<approx>(L r)"}, which
   implies that @{term "UNIV // \<approx>(L r)"} must also be finite. 
   A relation @{text "R\<^isub>1"} is said to \emph{refine} @{text "R\<^isub>2"} provided @{text "R\<^isub>1 \<subseteq> R\<^isub>2"}.
-  We also define formally the notion of a \emph{tag-relation} as follows.
+  We formally define the notion of a \emph{tag-relation} as follows.
-  \begin{definition}[Tag-Relation] Given a tag-function @{text tag}, then two strings @{text x}
-  and @{text y} are tag-related provided
+  \begin{definition}[Tagging-Relation] Given a tag-function @{text tag}, then two strings @{text x}
+  and @{text y} are \emph{tag-related} provided
   @{text "x =tag= y \<equiv> tag x = tag y"}
-  In order to establis finiteness of a set @{text A} we shall use the following powerful
+  In order to establish finiteness of a set @{text A} we shall use the following powerful
   principle from Isabelle/HOL's library.
@@ -918,7 +925,14 @@
+  We set in \eqref{finiteimageD}, @{text f} to be @{text "X \<mapsto> tag ` X"}. We have
+  @{text "range f"} to be subset of @{term "Pow (range tag)"}, which we know must be
+  finite by assumption. Now @{term "f (UNIV // =tag=)"} is a subset of @{text "range f"},
+  and so also finite. Injectivity amounts to showing that @{text "X = Y"} under the
+  assumptions that @{text "X, Y \<in> "}~@{term "UNIV // =tag="} and @{text "f X = f Y"}.
+  From the assumption we can obtain a @{text "x \<in> X"} and @{text "y \<in> Y"} with 
+  @{text "tag x = tag y"}. This in turn means that the equivalence classes @{text X}
+  and @{text Y} must be equal.\qed
@@ -946,12 +960,27 @@
-  Stringing Lem.~\ref{finone} and \ref{fintwo} together, means in order to show
+  Chaining Lem.~\ref{finone} and \ref{fintwo} together, means in order to show
   that @{term "UNIV // \<approx>(L r)"} is finite, we have to find a tagging function whose
-  range is finite and whose tagging-relation refines @{term "\<approx>(L r)"}.
+  range can be shown to be finite and whose tagging-relation refines @{term "\<approx>(L r)"}.
+  Let us attempt the @{const ALT}-case.
+  \begin{proof}[@{const "ALT"}-Case] 
+  We take as tagging function 
+  \begin{center}
+  @{thm tag_str_ALT_def[where A="A" and B="B", THEN meta_eq_app]}
+  \end{center}
+  \noindent
+  where @{text "A"} and @{text "B"} are some arbitrary languages.
+  We can show in general, if @{term "finite (UNIV // \<approx>A)"} and @{term "finite (UNIV // \<approx>B)"}
+  then @{term "finite ((UNIV // \<approx>A) \<times> (UNIV // \<approx>B))"} holds. The range of
+  @{term "tag_str_ALT A B"} is a subset of this. It remains to be shown
+  that @{text "=tag\<^isub>A\<^isub>L\<^isub>T="} refines @{text "\<approx>(A \<union> B)"}.
-  @{thm tag_str_ALT_def[where ?L1.0="A" and ?L2.0="B"]}
+  \end{proof}
   @{thm tag_str_SEQ_def[where ?L1.0="A" and ?L2.0="B"]}