author zhang
Mon, 24 Jan 2011 11:29:55 +0000
changeset 30 f5db9e08effc
parent 24 f72c82bf59e5
child 31 b6815473ee2e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Directory [tphols-2011] is added to host the commented version of [Myhill.thy]. Directory [pres] is created to host a build session for logical image [ListP] which is essentially [Main] extended with [List_prefix.thy].

## targets

default: paper
all: slides paper

## global settings

LOG = $(OUT)/log

USEDIR = $(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -v true -t true 

## Slides

session1: Slides/ROOT.ML \
         Slides/document/root* \
	@$(USEDIR) -D generated -f ROOT.ML ListP tphols-2011 

slides: session1 
	rm -f Slides/generated/*.aux # otherwise latex will fall over
	cd Slides/generated ; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) latex -o pdf root.beamer.tex 
	cp Slides/generated/root.beamer.pdf Slides/slides.pdf     

## Paper

session2: tphols-2011/ROOT.ML \
         tphols-2011/document/root* \
	@$(USEDIR) -D generated -f ROOT.ML ListP tphols-2011 

paper: session2 
	rm -f tphols-2011/generated/*.aux # otherwise latex will fall over
	cd tphols-2011/generated ; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) latex -o pdf root.tex 
	cp tphols-2011/generated/root.pdf tphols-2011/myhill.pdf     

## clean

	rm -rf Slides/generated/*
	rm -rf tphols-2011/generated/*