1. Myhill.thy is proved to correct some typos. 2. Some sections are added to the first direction. 3. The small theory of list difference is now separated into Prefix_subtract.thy and the ROOT.ML
## targetsdefault: paperall: slides paper## global settingsSRC = $(ISABELLE_HOME)/srcOUT = $(ISABELLE_OUTPUT)LOG = $(OUT)/logUSEDIR = $(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -v true -t true ## Slidessession1: Slides/ROOT.ML \ Slides/document/root* \ Slides/Slides.thy @$(USEDIR) -D generated -f ROOT.ML ListP tphols-2011 slides: session1 rm -f Slides/generated/*.aux # otherwise latex will fall over cd Slides/generated ; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) latex -o pdf root.beamer.tex cp Slides/generated/root.beamer.pdf Slides/slides.pdf ## Papersession2: tphols-2011/ROOT.ML \ tphols-2011/document/root* \ *.thy @$(USEDIR) -D generated -f ROOT.ML ListP tphols-2011 paper: session2 rm -f tphols-2011/generated/*.aux # otherwise latex will fall over cd tphols-2011/generated ; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) latex -o pdf root.tex cp tphols-2011/generated/root.pdf tphols-2011/myhill.pdf ## cleanclean: rm -rf Slides/generated/* rm -rf tphols-2011/generated/*