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\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{Cambridge, 9 November 2010}
\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
\LARGE A Formalisation of the\\[-3mm]
\LARGE Myhill-Nerode Theorem\\[-3mm]
\LARGE based on Regular Expressions\\[-3mm]
\large \onslide<2>{\alert{or, Regular Languages Done Right}}\\
Christian Urban
joint work with Chunhan Wu and Xingyuan Zhang from the PLA
University of Science and Technology in Nanjing
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\frametitle{In Textbooks\ldots}
\item A \alert{regular language} is one where there is DFA that
recognises it.\pause
\item Pumping lemma, closure properties of regular languages (closed
under ``negation'') etc are all described and proved in terms of DFAs.\pause
\item Similarly the Myhill-Nerode theorem, which gives necessary and sufficient
conditions for a language being regular (also describes a minimal DFA for a language).
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\frametitle{Really Bad News!}
This is bad news for formalisations in theorem provers. DFAs might
be represented as
\item graphs
\item matrices
\item partial functions
All constructions are difficult to reason about.\bigskip\bigskip
Constable et al needed (on and off) 18 months for a 3-person team
to formalise automata theory in Nuprl including Myhill-Nerode. There is
only very little other formalised work on regular languages I know of
in Coq, Isabelle and HOL.}
\only<3>{typical textbook reasoning goes like: ``\ldots if \smath{M} and \smath{N} are any two
automata with no inaccessible states \ldots''
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\frametitle{Regular Expressions}
\ldots are a simple datatype:
rexp & $::=$ & NULL\\
& $\mid$ & EMPTY\\
& $\mid$ & CHR c\\
& $\mid$ & ALT rexp rexp\\
& $\mid$ & SEQ rexp rexp\\
& $\mid$ & STAR rexp
\smath{r} & \smath{::=} & \smath{0} \\
& \smath{\mid} & \smath{[]}\\
& \smath{\mid} & \smath{c}\\
& \smath{\mid} & \smath{r_1 + r_2}\\
& \smath{\mid} & \smath{r_1 \cdot r_2}\\
& \smath{\mid} & \smath{r^\star}
\only<3->{Induction and recursion principles come for free.}
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\frametitle{Semantics of Rexps}
\smath{\mathbb{L}(0)} & \smath{=} & \smath{\varnothing}\\
\smath{\mathbb{L}([])} & \smath{=} & \smath{\{[]\}}\\
\smath{\mathbb{L}(c)} & \smath{=} & \smath{\{[c]\}}\\
\smath{\mathbb{L}(r_1 + r_2)} & \smath{=} & \smath{\mathbb{L}(r_1) \cup \mathbb{L}(r_2)}\\
\smath{\mathbb{L}(r_1 \cdot r_2)} & \smath{=} & \smath{\mathbb{L}(r_1)\; ;\; \mathbb{L} (r_2)}\\
\smath{\mathbb{L}(r^\star)} & \smath{=} & \smath{\mathbb{L}(r)^\star}
\smath{L_1 ; L_2} & \smath{\dn} & \smath{\{ s_1 @ s_2 \mid s_1 \in L_1 \wedge s_2 \in L_2\}}\bigskip\\
\smath{\infer{[] \in L^\star}{}} \hspace{10mm}
\smath{\infer{s_1 @ s_2 \in L^\star}{s_1 \in L & s_2 \in L^\star}}
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\frametitle{\LARGE Regular Expression Matching}
\item Harper in JFP'99: ``Functional Pearl: Proof- Directed Debugging''\medskip
\item Yi in JFP'06: ``Educational Pearl: `Proof-Directed Debugging' revisited
for a first-order version''\medskip
\item Owens et al in JFP'09: ``Regular-expression derivatives re-examined''\bigskip\pause
``Unfortunately, regular expression derivatives have been lost in the
sands of time, and few computer scientists are aware of them.''
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\huge\bf Demo
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\frametitle{\LARGE The Myhill-Nerode Theorem}
\item will help with closure properties of regular languages and
with the pumping lemma.\medskip
\item provides necessary and suf\!ficient conditions for a language being
\smath{x \approx_{L} y \,\dn\, \forall z.\; x @ z \in L \Leftrightarrow y @ z \in L}
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\frametitle{\LARGE The Myhill-Nerode Theorem}
\item \smath{\text{finite}\, (U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_L) \;\Leftrightarrow\; L\; \text{is regular}}
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\frametitle{\LARGE Equivalence Classes}
\item \smath{L = []}
\smath{\Big\{\{[]\},\; U\!N\!IV - \{[]\}\Big\}}
\item \smath{L = [c]}
\smath{\Big\{\{[]\},\; \{[c]\},\; U\!N\!IV - \{[], [c]\}\Big\}}
\item \smath{L = \varnothing}
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\frametitle{\LARGE Regular Languages}
\item \smath{L} is regular \smath{\dn} if there is an automaton \smath{M}
such that \smath{\mathbb{L}(M) = L}\\[1.5cm]
\item Myhill-Nerode:
finite $\Rightarrow$ regular\\
\;\;\;\smath{\text{finite}\,(U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_L) \Rightarrow \exists r. L = \mathbb{L}(r)}\\[3mm]
regular $\Rightarrow$ finite\\
\;\;\;\smath{\text{finite}\, (U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_{\mathbb{L}(r)})}
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\frametitle{\LARGE Final States}
\item \smath{\text{final}_L\,X \dn}\\
\smath{\hspace{6mm}X \in (U\!N\!IV /\!/\approx_L) \;\wedge\; \forall s \in X.\; s \in L}
\item we can prove: \smath{L = \bigcup \{X.\;\text{final}_L\,X\}}
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\frametitle{\LARGE Transitions between\\[-3mm] Equivalence Classes}
\smath{L = \{[c]\}}
\begin{tabular}{@ {\hspace{-7mm}}cc}
\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,auto, ultra thick]
\tikzstyle{state}=[circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=blue!20,minimum size=0mm]
%\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
\node[state,initial] (q_0) {$R_1$};
\node[state,accepting] (q_1) [above right of=q_0] {$R_2$};
\node[state] (q_2) [below right of=q_0] {$R_3$};
\path[->] (q_0) edge node {c} (q_1)
edge node [swap] {$\Sigma-{c}$} (q_2)
(q_2) edge [loop below] node {$\Sigma$} ();
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\smath{U\!N\!IV /\!/\approx_L} produces}\\[4mm]
\smath{R_1}: & \smath{\{[]\}}\\
\smath{R_2}: & \smath{\{[c]\}}\\
\smath{R_3}: & \smath{U\!N\!IV - \{[], [c]\}}\\[6mm]
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\onslide<2->{\smath{X \stackrel{c}{\longrightarrow} Y \dn X ; [c] \subseteq Y}}}
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\frametitle{\LARGE Systems of Equations}
Inspired by a method of Brzozowski\;'64, we can build an equational system
characterising the equivalence classes:
\begin{tabular}{@ {\hspace{-20mm}}c}
\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,auto, ultra thick]
\tikzstyle{state}=[circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=blue!20,minimum size=0mm]
%\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
\node[state,initial] (p_0) {$R_1$};
\node[state,accepting] (p_1) [right of=q_0] {$R_2$};
\path[->] (p_0) edge [bend left] node {a} (p_1)
edge [loop above] node {b} ()
(p_1) edge [loop above] node {a} ()
edge [bend left] node {b} (p_0);
\begin{tabular}{@ {\hspace{-6mm}}ll@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l}
& \smath{R_1} & \smath{\equiv} & \smath{R_1;b + R_2;b \onslide<2->{\alert<2>{+ \lambda;[]}}}\\
& \smath{R_2} & \smath{\equiv} & \smath{R_1;a + R_2;a}\medskip\\
\onslide<3->{we can prove}
& \onslide<3->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<3->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<3->{\smath{R_1; \mathbb{L}(b) \,\cup\, R_2;\mathbb{L}(b) \,\cup\, \{[]\};\{[]\}}}\\
& \onslide<3->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<3->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<3->{\smath{R_1; \mathbb{L}(a) \,\cup\, R_2;\mathbb{L}(a)}}\\
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\begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}ll}
\onslide<1->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<1->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<1->{\smath{R_1; b + R_2; b + \lambda;[]}}\\
\onslide<1->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<1->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<1->{\smath{R_1; a + R_2; a}}\\
& & & \onslide<2->{by Arden}\\
\onslide<2->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<2->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<2->{\smath{R_1; b + R_2; b + \lambda;[]}}\\
\onslide<2->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<2->{\smath{=}}
& \only<2>{\smath{R_1; a + R_2; a}}%
\only<3->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star}}\\
& & & \onslide<3->{by Arden}\\
\onslide<3->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<3->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<3->{\smath{R_2; b \cdot b^\star+ \lambda;b^\star}}\\
\onslide<3->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<3->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<3->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star}}\\
& & & \onslide<4->{by substitution}\\
\onslide<4->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<4->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<4->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star \cdot b \cdot b^\star+ \lambda;b^\star}}\\
\onslide<4->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<4->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<4->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star}}\\
& & & \onslide<5->{by Arden}\\
\onslide<5->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<5->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<5->{\smath{\lambda;b^\star\cdot (a\cdot a^\star \cdot b \cdot b^\star)^\star}}\\
\onslide<5->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<5->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<5->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star}}\\
& & & \onslide<6->{by substitution}\\
\onslide<6->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<6->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<6->{\smath{\lambda;b^\star\cdot (a\cdot a^\star \cdot b \cdot b^\star)^\star}}\\
\onslide<6->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<6->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<6->{\smath{\lambda; b^\star\cdot (a\cdot a^\star \cdot b \cdot b^\star)^\star
\cdot a\cdot a^\star}}\\
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\frametitle{\LARGE A Variant of Arden's Lemma}
{\bf Arden's Lemma:}
If \smath{[] \not\in A} then
\smath{X = X; A + \text{something}}
has the (unique) solution
\smath{X = \text{something} ; A^\star}
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\begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}ll}
\onslide<1->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<1->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<1->{\smath{R_1; b + R_2; b + \lambda;[]}}\\
\onslide<1->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<1->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<1->{\smath{R_1; a + R_2; a}}\\
& & & \onslide<2->{by Arden}\\
\onslide<2->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<2->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<2->{\smath{R_1; b + R_2; b + \lambda;[]}}\\
\onslide<2->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<2->{\smath{=}}
& \only<2>{\smath{R_1; a + R_2; a}}%
\only<3->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star}}\\
& & & \onslide<3->{by Arden}\\
\onslide<3->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<3->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<3->{\smath{R_2; b \cdot b^\star+ \lambda;b^\star}}\\
\onslide<3->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<3->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<3->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star}}\\
& & & \onslide<4->{by substitution}\\
\onslide<4->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<4->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<4->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star \cdot b \cdot b^\star+ \lambda;b^\star}}\\
\onslide<4->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<4->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<4->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star}}\\
& & & \onslide<5->{by Arden}\\
\onslide<5->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<5->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<5->{\smath{\lambda;b^\star\cdot (a\cdot a^\star \cdot b \cdot b^\star)^\star}}\\
\onslide<5->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<5->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<5->{\smath{R_1; a\cdot a^\star}}\\
& & & \onslide<6->{by substitution}\\
\onslide<6->{\smath{R_1}} & \onslide<6->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<6->{\smath{\lambda;b^\star\cdot (a\cdot a^\star \cdot b \cdot b^\star)^\star}}\\
\onslide<6->{\smath{R_2}} & \onslide<6->{\smath{=}}
& \onslide<6->{\smath{\lambda; b^\star\cdot (a\cdot a^\star \cdot b \cdot b^\star)^\star
\cdot a\cdot a^\star}}\\
& & & \onslide<7->{\alert{solved form}}\\
\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,auto, ultra thick, inner sep=1mm]
\tikzstyle{state}=[circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=blue!20,minimum size=0mm]
%\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
\node[state,initial] (p_0) {$R_1$};
\node[state,accepting] (p_1) [right of=q_0] {$R_2$};
\path[->] (p_0) edge [bend left] node {a} (p_1)
edge [loop above] node {b} ()
(p_1) edge [loop above] node {a} ()
edge [bend left] node {b} (p_0);
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\frametitle{\LARGE The Equ's Solving Algorithm}
\item The algorithm must terminate: Arden makes one equation smaller;
substitution deletes one variable from the right-hand sides.\bigskip
\item This is still a bit hairy to formalise because of our set-representation
for equations:
\smath{\big\{ (X, \{(Y_1, r_1), (Y_2, r_2), \ldots\}),}\\
& \smath{\big\}}
They are generated from \smath{U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_L}
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\frametitle{\LARGE Other Direction}
One has to prove
\smath{\text{finite} (U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_{\mathbb{L}(r)})}
by induction on \smath{r}. Not trivial, but after a bit
of thinking (by Chunhan), one can prove that if
\smath{\text{finite} (U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_{\mathbb{L}(r_1)})}\hspace{5mm}
\smath{\text{finite} (U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_{\mathbb{L}(r_2)})}
\smath{\text{finite} (U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_{\mathbb{L}(r_1) \,\cup\, \mathbb{L}(r_2)})}
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\frametitle{\LARGE What Have We Achieved?}
\item \smath{\text{finite}\, (U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_L) \;\Leftrightarrow\; L\; \text{is regular}}
\item regular languages are closed under `inversion'
\smath{U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_L \;\;=\;\; U\!N\!IV /\!/ \approx_{-L}}
\item regular expressions are not good if you look for a minimal
one of a language (DFA have this notion)\pause\bigskip
\item if you want to do regular expression matching (see Scott's paper)
\smath{x \approx_{L} y \,\dn\, \forall z.\; x @ z \in L \Leftrightarrow y @ z \in L}
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\frametitle{\LARGE Conclusion}
\item on balance regular expression are superior to DFAs\bigskip
\item I cannot think of a reason to not teach regular languages
to students this way\bigskip
\item I have never ever seen a proof of Myhill-Nerode based on
regular expressions\bigskip
\item no application, but a lot of fun\bigskip
\item great source of examples