Intuitive definition of "detached" is added to PrioG.thy.
## targets
default: itp
all: session itp
## global settings
LOG = $(OUT)/log
USEDIR = $(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -v true -t true
## Slides
session: ./ROOT.ML ./*.thy
@$(USEDIR) -b -D generated -f ROOT.ML HOL Prio
itp: Paper/*.thy Paper/*.ML
@$(USEDIR) -D generated -f ROOT.ML Prio Paper
rm -f Paper/generated/*.aux # otherwise latex will fall over
cd Paper/generated ; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) latex -o pdf root.tex
cd Paper/generated ; bibtex root
cd Paper/generated ; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) latex -o pdf root.tex
cp Paper/generated/root.pdf paper.pdf