theory Slides1
imports "../CpsG" "../ExtGG" "~~/src/HOL/Library/LaTeXsugar"
notation (latex output)
set ("_") and
Cons ("_::/_" [66,65] 65)
ML {*
open Printer;
show_question_marks_default := false;
notation (latex output)
Cons ("_::_" [78,77] 73) and
vt ("valid'_state") and
runing ("running") and
birthtime ("last'_set") and
If ("(\<^raw:\textrm{>if\<^raw:}> (_)/ \<^raw:\textrm{>then\<^raw:}> (_)/ \<^raw:\textrm{>else\<^raw:}> (_))" 10) and
Prc ("'(_, _')") and
holding ("holds") and
waiting ("waits") and
Th ("T") and
Cs ("C") and
readys ("ready") and
depend ("RAG") and
preced ("prec") and
cpreced ("cprec") and
dependents ("dependants") and
cp ("cprec") and
holdents ("resources") and
original_priority ("priority") and
DUMMY ("\<^raw:\mbox{$\_\!\_$}>")
text_raw {*
\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{London, 28 June 2012}
\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
\Large A Provably Correct Implementation\\[-3mm]
\Large of the Priority Inheritance Protocol\\[0mm]
\small Christian Urban\\
\small joint work with Xingyuan Zhang and Chunhan Wu\medskip \\
\small \mbox{from the PLA University of Science and Technology in Nanjing}
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Isabelle Theorem Prover}
My background:
\item mechanical reasoning about languages with binders (Nominal)\medskip
\item Barendregt's variable convention can lead to \alert{false}\medskip
\item found a bug in a proof by Bob Harper and Frank Pfenning (CMU) on
LF (ACM TOCL, 2005)
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Real-Time OSes}
\item Processes have priorities\\[5mm]
\item Resources can be locked and unlocked
text_raw {*
\alert{H}igh-priority process\\[4mm]
\onslide<2->{\alert{M}edium-priority process}\\[4mm]
\alert{L}ow-priority process\\[4mm]
\item \alert{Priority Inversion} @{text "\<equiv>"} \alert{H $<$ L}
\item<4> avoid indefinite priority inversion
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Mars Pathfinder Mission 1997}
text_raw {*
\alert{Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP):}
\alert{H}igh-priority process\\[4mm]
\textcolor{gray}{Medium-priority process}\\[4mm]
\alert{L}ow-priority process\\[21mm]
{\normalsize (temporarily raise its priority)}
text_raw {*
``Priority inheritance is neither ef$\!$ficient nor reliable.
Implementations are either incomplete (and unreliable)
or surprisingly complex and intrusive.''
``I observed in the kernel code (to my disgust), the Linux
PIP implementation is a nightmare: extremely heavy weight,
involving maintenance of a full wait-for graph, and requiring
updates for a range of events, including priority changes and
interruptions of wait operations.''
text_raw {*
\frametitle{A Correctness ``Proof'' in 1990}
\item a paper$^\star$
in 1990 ``proved'' the correctness of an algorithm for PIP\\[5mm]
\ldots{}after the thread (whose priority has been raised) completes its
critical section and releases the lock, it ``returns to its original
priority level''.
$^\star$ in IEEE Transactions on Computers
text_raw {*
\alert{H}igh-priority process 1\\[2mm]
\alert{H}igh-priority process 2\\[8mm]
\alert{L}ow-priority process
\item Solution: \\Return to highest \alert{remaining} priority
text_raw {*
Create \textcolor{gray}{thread priority}\\
Exit \textcolor{gray}{thread}\\
Set \textcolor{gray}{thread priority}\\
Lock \textcolor{gray}{thread cs}\\
Unlock \textcolor{gray}{thread cs}\\
A \alert{state} is a list of events (that happened so far).
text_raw {*
@{thm preced_def[where thread="th"]}
text_raw {*
%%\draw[step=2mm] (-3,2) grid (1,-1);
\node (A) at (0,0) [draw, rounded corners=1mm, rectangle, very thick] {@{text "th\<^isub>0"}};
\node (B) at (2,0) [draw, circle, very thick, inner sep=0.4mm] {@{text "cs\<^isub>1"}};
\node (C) at (4,0.7) [draw, rounded corners=1mm, rectangle, very thick] {@{text "th\<^isub>1"}};
\node (D) at (4,-0.7) [draw, rounded corners=1mm, rectangle, very thick] {@{text "th\<^isub>2"}};
\node (E) at (6,-0.7) [draw, circle, very thick, inner sep=0.4mm] {@{text "cs\<^isub>2"}};
\node (E1) at (6, 0.2) [draw, circle, very thick, inner sep=0.4mm] {@{text "cs\<^isub>3"}};
\node (F) at (8,-0.7) [draw, rounded corners=1mm, rectangle, very thick] {@{text "th\<^isub>3"}};
\draw [<-,line width=0.6mm] (A) to node [pos=0.54,sloped,above=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}holding} (B);
\draw [->,line width=0.6mm] (C) to node [pos=0.4,sloped,above=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}waiting} (B);
\draw [->,line width=0.6mm] (D) to node [pos=0.4,sloped,below=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}waiting} (B);
\draw [<-,line width=0.6mm] (D) to node [pos=0.54,sloped,below=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}holding} (E);
\draw [<-,line width=0.6mm] (D) to node [pos=0.54,sloped,above=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}holding} (E1);
\draw [->,line width=0.6mm] (F) to node [pos=0.45,sloped,below=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}waiting} (E);
@{thm cs_depend_def}
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Good Next Events}
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_create[where thread=th]}\bigskip
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_exit[where thread=th]}\bigskip
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_set[where thread=th]}
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Good Next Events}
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_P[where thread=th]}\bigskip
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_V[where thread=th]}\bigskip
text_raw {*
\textcolor{gray}{``No indefinite priority inversion''}\bigskip
Theorem:$^\star$ If th is the thread with the highest precedence in state s,
then in every future state @{text "s'"} in which th is still
\item th is blocked by a thread @{text "th'"} that was alive in s
\item @{text "th'"} held a resource in s, and
\item @{text "th'"} is running with the precedence of th.\bigskip
$^\star$ modulo some further assumptions\bigskip\pause
It does not matter which process gets a released lock.
text_raw {*
s $=$ current state; @{text "s'"} $=$ next state\bigskip\bigskip
\alert{Create th prio}, \alert{Exit th}
\item @{text "RAG s' = RAG s"}
\item precedences of descendants stay all the same
text_raw {*
s $=$ current state; @{text "s'"} $=$ next state\bigskip\bigskip
\alert{Set th prio}
\item @{text "RAG s' = RAG s"}
\item we have to recalculate the precedence of the direct descendants
text_raw {*
s $=$ current state; @{text "s'"} $=$ next state\bigskip
\alert{Unlock th cs} where there is a thread to take over
\item @{text "RAG s' = RAG s - {(C cs, T th), (T th', C cs)} \<union> {(C cs, T th')}"}
\item we have to recalculate the precedence of the direct descendants
\alert{Unlock th cs} where no thread takes over
\item @{text "RAG s' = RAG s - {(C cs, T th)}"}
\item no recalculation of precedences
text_raw {*
s $=$ current state; @{text "s'"} $=$ next state\bigskip\bigskip
\alert{Lock th cs} where cs is not locked
\item @{text "RAG s' = RAG s \<union> {(C cs, T th')}"}
\item no recalculation of precedences
\alert{Lock th cs} where cs is locked
\item @{text "RAG s' = RAG s - {(T th, C cs)}"}
\item we have to recalculate the precedence of the descendants
text_raw {*
\item \ldots{}small operating system developed at Stanford for teaching;
written in C\bigskip
\begin{tabular}{|l@ {\hspace{2mm}}|l@ {\hspace{2mm}}|}
{\bf Event} & {\bf PINTOS function} \\
@{text Create} & @{text "thread_create"}\\
@{text Exit} & @{text "thread_exit"}\\
@{text Set} & @{text "thread_set_priority"}\\
@{text Lock} & @{text "lock_acquire"}\\
@{text Unlock} & @{text "lock_release"}\\
text_raw {*
\item surprised how pleasant the experience was\medskip
\item no real specification existed for PIP\medskip
\item general technique (a ``hammer''):\\[2mm]
events, separation of good and bad configurations\medskip
\item scheduler in RT-Linux\medskip
\item multiprocessor case\medskip
\item other ``nails'' ? (networks, \ldots)