author wu
Thu, 27 Jan 2011 17:37:20 +0000
changeset 44 5a7e02dcd3d5
parent 43 cb4403fabda7
child 45 7aa6c20e6d31
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added a recent paper about reg exps and automata

theory Myhill
  imports Myhill_1

section {* Direction: @{text "regular language \<Rightarrow>finite partition"} *}

subsection {* The scheme for this direction *}

text {* 
  The following convenient notation @{text "x \<approx>Lang y"} means:
  string @{text "x"} and @{text "y"} are equivalent with respect to 
  language @{text "Lang"}.

  str_eq :: "string \<Rightarrow> lang \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<approx>_ _")
  "x \<approx>Lang y \<equiv> (x, y) \<in> (\<approx>Lang)"

text {*
  The very basic scheme to show the finiteness of the partion generated by a language @{text "Lang"}
  is by attaching a tag to every string. The set of tags are carfully choosen to be finite so that
  the range of tagging function is finite. If it can be proved that strings with the same tag 
  are equivlent with respect @{text "Lang"}, then the partition given rise by @{text "Lang"} must be finite. 
  The detailed argjument for this is formalized by the following lemma @{text "tag_finite_imageD"}.
  The basic idea is using lemma @{thm [source] "finite_imageD"}
  from standard library:
  @{thm "finite_imageD" [no_vars]}
  which says: if the image of injective function @{text "f"} over set @{text "A"} is 
  finite, then @{text "A"} must be finte.

(* I am trying to reduce the following proof to even simpler principles. But not yet succeed. *)
   f_eq_rel ("\<cong>_")
   "\<cong>(f::'a \<Rightarrow> 'b) = {(x, y) | x y. f x = f y}"

thm finite.induct

lemma finite_range_image: "finite (range f) \<Longrightarrow> finite (f ` A)"
  by (rule_tac B = "{y. \<exists>x. y = f x}" in finite_subset, auto simp:image_def)

lemma "equiv UNIV (\<cong>f)"
  by (auto simp:equiv_def f_eq_rel_def refl_on_def sym_def trans_def)

  assumes rng_fnt: "finite (range tag)"
  shows "finite (UNIV // (\<cong>tag))"
proof -
  let "?f" =  "op ` tag" and ?A = "(UNIV // (\<cong>tag))"
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule_tac f = "?f" and A = ?A in finite_imageD) 
    -- {* 
      The finiteness of @{text "f"}-image is a simple consequence of assumption @{text "rng_fnt"}:
    show "finite (?f ` ?A)" 
    proof -
      have "\<forall> X. ?f X \<in> (Pow (range tag))" by (auto simp:image_def Pow_def)
      moreover from rng_fnt have "finite (Pow (range tag))" by simp
      ultimately have "finite (range ?f)"
        by (auto simp only:image_def intro:finite_subset)
      from finite_range_image [OF this] show ?thesis .
    -- {* 
      The injectivity of @{text "f"}-image is a consequence of the definition of @{text "\<cong>tag"}
    show "inj_on ?f ?A" 
      { fix X Y
        assume X_in: "X \<in> ?A"
          and  Y_in: "Y \<in> ?A"
          and  tag_eq: "?f X = ?f Y"
        have "X = Y"
        proof -
          from X_in Y_in tag_eq 
          obtain x y where x_in: "x \<in> X" and y_in: "y \<in> Y" and eq_tg: "tag x = tag y"
            unfolding quotient_def Image_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def image_def f_eq_rel_def
            apply simp by blast
          with X_in Y_in show ?thesis 
            by (auto simp:quotient_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def f_eq_rel_def) 
      } thus ?thesis unfolding inj_on_def by auto

lemma finite_range_image: "finite (range f) \<Longrightarrow> finite (f ` A)"
  by (rule_tac B = "{y. \<exists>x. y = f x}" in finite_subset, auto simp:image_def)

lemma tag_finite_imageD:
  fixes L :: "lang"
  assumes rng_fnt: "finite (range tag)" 
  -- {* Suppose the range of tagging fucntion @{text "tag"} is finite. *}
  and same_tag_eqvt: "\<And> m n. tag m = tag n \<Longrightarrow> m \<approx>L n"
  -- {* And strings with same tag are equivalent *}
  shows "finite (UNIV // \<approx>L)"
  -- {* Then the partition generated by @{text "\<approx>L"} is finite. *}
proof -
  -- {* The particular @{text "f"} and @{text "A"} used in @{thm [source] "finite_imageD"} are:*}
  let "?f" =  "op ` tag" and ?A = "(UNIV // \<approx>L)"
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule_tac f = "?f" and A = ?A in finite_imageD) 
    -- {* 
      The finiteness of @{text "f"}-image is a simple consequence of assumption @{text "rng_fnt"}:
    show "finite (?f ` ?A)" 
    proof -
      have "\<forall> X. ?f X \<in> (Pow (range tag))" by (auto simp:image_def Pow_def)
      moreover from rng_fnt have "finite (Pow (range tag))" by simp
      ultimately have "finite (range ?f)"
        by (auto simp only:image_def intro:finite_subset)
      from finite_range_image [OF this] show ?thesis .
    -- {* 
      The injectivity of @{text "f"} is the consequence of assumption @{text "same_tag_eqvt"}:
    show "inj_on ?f ?A" 
      { fix X Y
        assume X_in: "X \<in> ?A"
          and  Y_in: "Y \<in> ?A"
          and  tag_eq: "?f X = ?f Y"
        have "X = Y"
        proof -
          from X_in Y_in tag_eq 
          obtain x y where x_in: "x \<in> X" and y_in: "y \<in> Y" and eq_tg: "tag x = tag y"
            unfolding quotient_def Image_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def image_def
            apply simp by blast 
          from same_tag_eqvt [OF eq_tg] have "x \<approx>L y" .
          with X_in Y_in x_in y_in
          show ?thesis by (auto simp:quotient_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def) 
      } thus ?thesis unfolding inj_on_def by auto

subsection {* Lemmas for basic cases *}

text {*
  The the final result of this direction is in @{text "rexp_imp_finite"},
  which is an induction on the structure of regular expressions. There is one
  case for each regular expression operator. For basic operators such as
  @{const NULL}, @{const EMPTY}, @{const CHAR}, the finiteness of their 
  language partition can be established directly with no need of tagging. 
  This section contains several technical lemma for these base cases.

  The inductive cases involve operators @{const ALT}, @{const SEQ} and @{const
  STAR}. Tagging functions need to be defined individually for each of
  them. There will be one dedicated section for each of these cases, and each
  section goes virtually the same way: gives definition of the tagging
  function and prove that strings with the same tag are equivalent.

subsection {* The case for @{const "NULL"} *}

lemma quot_null_eq:
  shows "(UNIV // \<approx>{}) = ({UNIV}::lang set)"
  unfolding quotient_def Image_def str_eq_rel_def by auto

lemma quot_null_finiteI [intro]:
  shows "finite ((UNIV // \<approx>{})::lang set)"
unfolding quot_null_eq by simp

subsection {* The case for @{const "EMPTY"} *}

lemma quot_empty_subset:
  "UNIV // (\<approx>{[]}) \<subseteq> {{[]}, UNIV - {[]}}"
  fix x
  assume "x \<in> UNIV // \<approx>{[]}"
  then obtain y where h: "x = {z. (y, z) \<in> \<approx>{[]}}" 
    unfolding quotient_def Image_def by blast
  show "x \<in> {{[]}, UNIV - {[]}}"
  proof (cases "y = []")
    case True with h
    have "x = {[]}" by (auto simp: str_eq_rel_def)
    thus ?thesis by simp
    case False with h
    have "x = UNIV - {[]}" by (auto simp: str_eq_rel_def)
    thus ?thesis by simp

lemma quot_empty_finiteI [intro]:
  shows "finite (UNIV // (\<approx>{[]}))"
by (rule finite_subset[OF quot_empty_subset]) (simp)

subsection {* The case for @{const "CHAR"} *}

lemma quot_char_subset:
  "UNIV // (\<approx>{[c]}) \<subseteq> {{[]},{[c]}, UNIV - {[], [c]}}"
  fix x 
  assume "x \<in> UNIV // \<approx>{[c]}"
  then obtain y where h: "x = {z. (y, z) \<in> \<approx>{[c]}}" 
    unfolding quotient_def Image_def by blast
  show "x \<in> {{[]},{[c]}, UNIV - {[], [c]}}"
  proof -
    { assume "y = []" hence "x = {[]}" using h 
        by (auto simp:str_eq_rel_def)
    } moreover {
      assume "y = [c]" hence "x = {[c]}" using h 
        by (auto dest!:spec[where x = "[]"] simp:str_eq_rel_def)
    } moreover {
      assume "y \<noteq> []" and "y \<noteq> [c]"
      hence "\<forall> z. (y @ z) \<noteq> [c]" by (case_tac y, auto)
      moreover have "\<And> p. (p \<noteq> [] \<and> p \<noteq> [c]) = (\<forall> q. p @ q \<noteq> [c])" 
        by (case_tac p, auto)
      ultimately have "x = UNIV - {[],[c]}" using h
        by (auto simp add:str_eq_rel_def)
    } ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma quot_char_finiteI [intro]:
  shows "finite (UNIV // (\<approx>{[c]}))"
by (rule finite_subset[OF quot_char_subset]) (simp)

subsection {* The case for @{const SEQ}*}

  tag_str_SEQ :: "lang \<Rightarrow> lang \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> (lang \<times> lang set)"
  "tag_str_SEQ L1 L2 = (\<lambda>x. (\<approx>L1 `` {x}, {(\<approx>L2 `` {x - xa}) | xa.  xa \<le> x \<and> xa \<in> L1}))"

lemma append_seq_elim:
  assumes "x @ y \<in> L\<^isub>1 ;; L\<^isub>2"
  shows "(\<exists> xa \<le> x. xa \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (x - xa) @ y \<in> L\<^isub>2) \<or> 
          (\<exists> ya \<le> y. (x @ ya) \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (y - ya) \<in> L\<^isub>2)"
  from assms obtain s\<^isub>1 s\<^isub>2 
    where "x @ y = s\<^isub>1 @ s\<^isub>2" 
    and in_seq: "s\<^isub>1 \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> s\<^isub>2 \<in> L\<^isub>2" 
    by (auto simp:Seq_def)
  hence "(x \<le> s\<^isub>1 \<and> (s\<^isub>1 - x) @ s\<^isub>2 = y) \<or> (s\<^isub>1 \<le> x \<and> (x - s\<^isub>1) @ y = s\<^isub>2)"
    using app_eq_dest by auto
  moreover have "\<lbrakk>x \<le> s\<^isub>1; (s\<^isub>1 - x) @ s\<^isub>2 = y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> 
                       \<exists> ya \<le> y. (x @ ya) \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (y - ya) \<in> L\<^isub>2" 
    using in_seq by (rule_tac x = "s\<^isub>1 - x" in exI, auto elim:prefixE)
  moreover have "\<lbrakk>s\<^isub>1 \<le> x; (x - s\<^isub>1) @ y = s\<^isub>2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> 
                    \<exists> xa \<le> x. xa \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (x - xa) @ y \<in> L\<^isub>2" 
    using in_seq by (rule_tac x = s\<^isub>1 in exI, auto)
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma tag_str_SEQ_injI:
  "tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 m = tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 n \<Longrightarrow> m \<approx>(L\<^isub>1 ;; L\<^isub>2) n"
  { fix x y z
    assume xz_in_seq: "x @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1 ;; L\<^isub>2"
    and tag_xy: "tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 x = tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 y"
    have"y @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1 ;; L\<^isub>2" 
      have "(\<exists> xa \<le> x. xa \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (x - xa) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>2) \<or> 
               (\<exists> za \<le> z. (x @ za) \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (z - za) \<in> L\<^isub>2)"
        using xz_in_seq append_seq_elim by simp
      moreover {
        fix xa
        assume h1: "xa \<le> x" and h2: "xa \<in> L\<^isub>1" and h3: "(x - xa) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>2"
        obtain ya where "ya \<le> y" and "ya \<in> L\<^isub>1" and "(y - ya) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>2" 
        proof -
          have "\<exists> ya.  ya \<le> y \<and> ya \<in> L\<^isub>1 \<and> (x - xa) \<approx>L\<^isub>2 (y - ya)"
          proof -
            have "{\<approx>L\<^isub>2 `` {x - xa} |xa. xa \<le> x \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1} = 
                  {\<approx>L\<^isub>2 `` {y - xa} |xa. xa \<le> y \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1}" 
                          (is "?Left = ?Right") 
              using h1 tag_xy by (auto simp:tag_str_SEQ_def)
            moreover have "\<approx>L\<^isub>2 `` {x - xa} \<in> ?Left" using h1 h2 by auto
            ultimately have "\<approx>L\<^isub>2 `` {x - xa} \<in> ?Right" by simp
            thus ?thesis by (auto simp:Image_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def)
          with prems show ?thesis by (auto simp:str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def)
        hence "y @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1 ;; L\<^isub>2" by (erule_tac prefixE, auto simp:Seq_def)          
      } moreover {
        fix za
        assume h1: "za \<le> z" and h2: "(x @ za) \<in> L\<^isub>1" and h3: "z - za \<in> L\<^isub>2"
        hence "y @ za \<in> L\<^isub>1"
          have "\<approx>L\<^isub>1 `` {x} = \<approx>L\<^isub>1 `` {y}" 
            using h1 tag_xy by (auto simp:tag_str_SEQ_def)
          with h2 show ?thesis 
            by (auto simp:Image_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def) 
        with h1 h3 have "y @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1 ;; L\<^isub>2" 
          by (drule_tac A = L\<^isub>1 in seq_intro, auto elim:prefixE)
      ultimately show ?thesis by blast
  } thus "tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 m = tag_str_SEQ L\<^isub>1 L\<^isub>2 n \<Longrightarrow> m \<approx>(L\<^isub>1 ;; L\<^isub>2) n" 
    by (auto simp add: str_eq_def str_eq_rel_def)

lemma quot_seq_finiteI [intro]:
  fixes L1 L2::"lang"
  assumes fin1: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>L1)" 
  and     fin2: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>L2)" 
  shows "finite (UNIV // \<approx>(L1 ;; L2))"
proof (rule_tac tag = "tag_str_SEQ L1 L2" in tag_finite_imageD)
  show "\<And>x y. tag_str_SEQ L1 L2 x = tag_str_SEQ L1 L2 y \<Longrightarrow> x \<approx>(L1 ;; L2) y"
    by (rule tag_str_SEQ_injI)
  have *: "finite ((UNIV // \<approx>L1) \<times> (Pow (UNIV // \<approx>L2)))" 
    using fin1 fin2 by auto
  show "finite (range (tag_str_SEQ L1 L2))" 
    unfolding tag_str_SEQ_def
    apply(rule finite_subset[OF _ *])
    unfolding quotient_def
    by auto

subsection {* The case for @{const ALT} *}

  tag_str_ALT :: "lang \<Rightarrow> lang \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> (lang \<times> lang)"
  "tag_str_ALT L1 L2 = (\<lambda>x. (\<approx>L1 `` {x}, \<approx>L2 `` {x}))"

lemma quot_union_finiteI [intro]:
  fixes L1 L2::"lang"
  assumes finite1: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>L1)"
  and     finite2: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>L2)"
  shows "finite (UNIV // \<approx>(L1 \<union> L2))"
proof (rule_tac tag = "tag_str_ALT L1 L2" in tag_finite_imageD)
  show "\<And>x y. tag_str_ALT L1 L2 x = tag_str_ALT L1 L2 y \<Longrightarrow> x \<approx>(L1 \<union> L2) y"
    unfolding tag_str_ALT_def 
    unfolding str_eq_def
    unfolding Image_def 
    unfolding str_eq_rel_def
    by auto
  have *: "finite ((UNIV // \<approx>L1) \<times> (UNIV // \<approx>L2))" 
    using finite1 finite2 by auto
  show "finite (range (tag_str_ALT L1 L2))"
    unfolding tag_str_ALT_def
    apply(rule finite_subset[OF _ *])
    unfolding quotient_def
    by auto

subsection {* The case for @{const "STAR"} *}

text {* 
  This turned out to be the trickiest case. 
  *} (* I will make some illustrations for it. *)

  tag_str_STAR :: "lang \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> lang set"
  "tag_str_STAR L1 = (\<lambda>x. {\<approx>L1 `` {x - xa} | xa. xa < x \<and> xa \<in> L1\<star>})"

lemma finite_set_has_max: 
  "\<lbrakk>finite A; A \<noteq> {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists> max \<in> A. \<forall> a \<in> A. f a <= (f max :: nat))"
proof (induct rule:finite.induct)
  case emptyI thus ?case by simp
  case (insertI A a)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "A = {}")
    case True thus ?thesis by (rule_tac x = a in bexI, auto)
    case False
    with prems obtain max 
      where h1: "max \<in> A" 
      and h2: "\<forall>a\<in>A. f a \<le> f max" by blast
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "f a \<le> f max")
      assume "f a \<le> f max"
      with h1 h2 show ?thesis by (rule_tac x = max in bexI, auto)
      assume "\<not> (f a \<le> f max)"
      thus ?thesis using h2 by (rule_tac x = a in bexI, auto)

lemma finite_strict_prefix_set: "finite {xa. xa < (x::string)}"
apply (induct x rule:rev_induct, simp)
apply (subgoal_tac "{xa. xa < xs @ [x]} = {xa. xa < xs} \<union> {xs}")
by (auto simp:strict_prefix_def)

lemma tag_str_STAR_injI:
  "tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 m = tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 n \<Longrightarrow> m \<approx>(L\<^isub>1\<star>) n"
  { fix x y z
    assume xz_in_star: "x @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
    and tag_xy: "tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 x = tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 y"
    have "y @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>"
    proof(cases "x = []")
      case True
      with tag_xy have "y = []" 
        by (auto simp:tag_str_STAR_def strict_prefix_def)
      thus ?thesis using xz_in_star True by simp
      case False
      obtain x_max 
        where h1: "x_max < x" 
        and h2: "x_max \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>" 
        and h3: "(x - x_max) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>" 
        and h4:"\<forall> xa < x. xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> (x - xa) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> 
                                     \<longrightarrow> length xa \<le> length x_max"
        let ?S = "{xa. xa < x \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star> \<and> (x - xa) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>}"
        have "finite ?S"
          by (rule_tac B = "{xa. xa < x}" in finite_subset, 
                                auto simp:finite_strict_prefix_set)
        moreover have "?S \<noteq> {}" using False xz_in_star
          by (simp, rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, auto simp:strict_prefix_def)
        ultimately have "\<exists> max \<in> ?S. \<forall> a \<in> ?S. length a \<le> length max" 
          using finite_set_has_max by blast
        with prems show ?thesis by blast
      obtain ya 
        where h5: "ya < y" and h6: "ya \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>" and h7: "(x - x_max) \<approx>L\<^isub>1 (y - ya)"
        from tag_xy have "{\<approx>L\<^isub>1 `` {x - xa} |xa. xa < x \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>} = 
          {\<approx>L\<^isub>1 `` {y - xa} |xa. xa < y \<and> xa \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>}" (is "?left = ?right")
          by (auto simp:tag_str_STAR_def)
        moreover have "\<approx>L\<^isub>1 `` {x - x_max} \<in> ?left" using h1 h2 by auto
        ultimately have "\<approx>L\<^isub>1 `` {x - x_max} \<in> ?right" by simp
        with prems show ?thesis apply 
          (simp add:Image_def str_eq_rel_def str_eq_def) by blast
      have "(y - ya) @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>" 
        from h3 h1 obtain a b where a_in: "a \<in> L\<^isub>1" 
          and a_neq: "a \<noteq> []" and b_in: "b \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>" 
          and ab_max: "(x - x_max) @ z = a @ b" 
          by (drule_tac star_decom, auto simp:strict_prefix_def elim:prefixE)
        have "(x - x_max) \<le> a \<and> (a - (x - x_max)) @ b = z" 
        proof -
          have "((x - x_max) \<le> a \<and> (a - (x - x_max)) @ b = z) \<or> 
                            (a < (x - x_max) \<and> ((x - x_max) - a) @ z = b)" 
            using app_eq_dest[OF ab_max] by (auto simp:strict_prefix_def)
          moreover { 
            assume np: "a < (x - x_max)" and b_eqs: " ((x - x_max) - a) @ z = b"
            have "False"
            proof -
              let ?x_max' = "x_max @ a"
              have "?x_max' < x" 
                using np h1 by (clarsimp simp:strict_prefix_def diff_prefix) 
              moreover have "?x_max' \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>" 
                using a_in h2 by (simp add:star_intro3) 
              moreover have "(x - ?x_max') @ z \<in> L\<^isub>1\<star>" 
                using b_eqs b_in np h1 by (simp add:diff_diff_appd)
              moreover have "\<not> (length ?x_max' \<le> length x_max)" 
                using a_neq by simp
              ultimately show ?thesis using h4 by blast
          } ultimately show ?thesis by blast
        then obtain za where z_decom: "z = za @ b" 
          and x_za: "(x - x_max) @ za \<in> L\<^isub>1" 
          using a_in by (auto elim:prefixE)        
        from x_za h7 have "(y - ya) @ za \<in> L\<^isub>1" 
          by (auto simp:str_eq_def str_eq_rel_def)
        with z_decom b_in show ?thesis by (auto dest!:step[of "(y - ya) @ za"])
      with h5 h6 show ?thesis 
        by (drule_tac star_intro1, auto simp:strict_prefix_def elim:prefixE)
  } thus "tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 m = tag_str_STAR L\<^isub>1 n \<Longrightarrow> m \<approx>(L\<^isub>1\<star>) n"
    by (auto simp add:str_eq_def str_eq_rel_def)

lemma quot_star_finiteI [intro]:
  fixes L1::"lang"
  assumes finite1: "finite (UNIV // \<approx>L1)"
  shows "finite (UNIV // \<approx>(L1\<star>))"
proof (rule_tac tag = "tag_str_STAR L1" in tag_finite_imageD)
  show "\<And>x y. tag_str_STAR L1 x = tag_str_STAR L1 y \<Longrightarrow> x \<approx>(L1\<star>) y"
    by (rule tag_str_STAR_injI)
  have *: "finite (Pow (UNIV // \<approx>L1))" 
    using finite1 by auto
  show "finite (range (tag_str_STAR L1))"
    unfolding tag_str_STAR_def
    apply(rule finite_subset[OF _ *])
    unfolding quotient_def
    by auto

subsection {* The main lemma *}

lemma rexp_imp_finite:
  fixes r::"rexp"
  shows "finite (UNIV // \<approx>(L r))"
by (induct r) (auto)
