author urbanc
Mon, 16 Apr 2012 15:16:02 +0000
changeset 343 1687f868dd5e
parent 339 b3add51e2e0f
child 347 73127f5db18f
permissions -rw-r--r--

theory PrioG
imports PrioGDef 

lemma runing_ready: 
  shows "runing s \<subseteq> readys s"
  unfolding runing_def readys_def
  by auto 

lemma readys_threads:
  shows "readys s \<subseteq> threads s"
  unfolding readys_def
  by auto

lemma wq_v_neq:
   "cs \<noteq> cs' \<Longrightarrow> wq (V thread cs#s) cs' = wq s cs'"
  by (auto simp:wq_def Let_def cp_def split:list.splits)

lemma wq_distinct: "vt s \<Longrightarrow> distinct (wq s cs)"
proof(erule_tac vt.induct, simp add:wq_def)
  fix s e
  assume h1: "step s e"
  and h2: "distinct (wq s cs)"
  thus "distinct (wq (e # s) cs)"
  proof(induct rule:step.induct, auto simp: wq_def Let_def split:list.splits)
    fix thread s
    assume h1: "(Cs cs, Th thread) \<notin> (depend s)\<^sup>+"
      and h2: "thread \<in> set (wq_fun (schs s) cs)"
      and h3: "thread \<in> runing s"
    show "False" 
    proof -
      from h3 have "\<And> cs. thread \<in>  set (wq_fun (schs s) cs) \<Longrightarrow> 
                             thread = hd ((wq_fun (schs s) cs))" 
        by (simp add:runing_def readys_def s_waiting_def wq_def)
      from this [OF h2] have "thread = hd (wq_fun (schs s) cs)" .
      with h2
      have "(Cs cs, Th thread) \<in> (depend s)"
        by (simp add:s_depend_def s_holding_def wq_def cs_holding_def)
      with h1 show False by auto
    fix thread s a list
    assume dst: "distinct list"
    show "distinct (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list)"
    proof(rule someI2)
      from dst show  "distinct list \<and> set list = set list" by auto
      fix q assume "distinct q \<and> set q = set list"
      thus "distinct q" by auto

lemma step_back_vt: "vt (e#s) \<Longrightarrow> vt s"
  by(ind_cases "vt (e#s)", simp)

lemma step_back_step: "vt (e#s) \<Longrightarrow> step s e"
  by(ind_cases "vt (e#s)", simp)

lemma block_pre: 
  fixes thread cs s
  assumes vt_e: "vt (e#s)"
  and s_ni: "thread \<notin>  set (wq s cs)"
  and s_i: "thread \<in> set (wq (e#s) cs)"
  shows "e = P thread cs"
proof -
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases e)
    case (P th cs)
    with assms
    show ?thesis
      by (auto simp:wq_def Let_def split:if_splits)
    case (Create th prio)
    with assms show ?thesis
      by (auto simp:wq_def Let_def split:if_splits)
    case (Exit th)
    with assms show ?thesis
      by (auto simp:wq_def Let_def split:if_splits)
    case (Set th prio)
    with assms show ?thesis
      by (auto simp:wq_def Let_def split:if_splits)
    case (V th cs)
    with assms show ?thesis
      apply (auto simp:wq_def Let_def split:if_splits)
    proof -
      fix q qs
      assume h1: "thread \<notin> set (wq_fun (schs s) cs)"
        and h2: "q # qs = wq_fun (schs s) cs"
        and h3: "thread \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set qs)"
        and vt: "vt (V th cs # s)"
      from h1 and h2[symmetric] have "thread \<notin> set (q # qs)" by simp
      moreover have "thread \<in> set qs"
      proof -
        have "set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set qs) = set qs"
        proof(rule someI2)
          from wq_distinct [OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs]
          and h2[symmetric, folded wq_def]
          show "distinct qs \<and> set qs = set qs" by auto
          fix x assume "distinct x \<and> set x = set qs"
          thus "set x = set qs" by auto
        with h3 show ?thesis by simp
      ultimately show "False" by auto

lemma p_pre: "\<lbrakk>vt ((P thread cs)#s)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> 
  thread \<in> runing s \<and> (Cs cs, Th thread)  \<notin> (depend s)^+"
apply (ind_cases "vt ((P thread cs)#s)")
apply (ind_cases "step s (P thread cs)")
by auto

lemma abs1:
  fixes e es
  assumes ein: "e \<in> set es"
  and neq: "hd es \<noteq> hd (es @ [x])"
  shows "False"
proof -
  from ein have "es \<noteq> []" by auto
  then obtain e ess where "es = e # ess" by (cases es, auto)
  with neq show ?thesis by auto

lemma q_head: "Q (hd es) \<Longrightarrow> hd es = hd [th\<leftarrow>es . Q th]"
  by (cases es, auto)

inductive_cases evt_cons: "vt (a#s)"

lemma abs2:
  assumes vt: "vt (e#s)"
  and inq: "thread \<in> set (wq s cs)"
  and nh: "thread = hd (wq s cs)"
  and qt: "thread \<noteq> hd (wq (e#s) cs)"
  and inq': "thread \<in> set (wq (e#s) cs)"
  shows "False"
proof -
  from assms show "False"
    apply (cases e)
    apply ((simp split:if_splits add:Let_def wq_def)[1])+
    apply (insert abs1, fast)[1]
    apply (auto simp:wq_def simp:Let_def split:if_splits list.splits)
  proof -
    fix th qs
    assume vt: "vt (V th cs # s)"
      and th_in: "thread \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set qs)"
      and eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = thread # qs"
    show "False"
    proof -
      from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs]
        and eq_wq[folded wq_def] have "distinct (thread#qs)" by simp
      moreover have "thread \<in> set qs"
      proof -
        have "set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set qs) = set qs"
        proof(rule someI2)
          from wq_distinct [OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs]
          and eq_wq [folded wq_def]
          show "distinct qs \<and> set qs = set qs" by auto
          fix x assume "distinct x \<and> set x = set qs"
          thus "set x = set qs" by auto
        with th_in show ?thesis by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma vt_moment: "\<And> t. \<lbrakk>vt s; t \<le> length s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> vt (moment t s)"
proof(induct s, simp)
  fix a s t
  assume h: "\<And>t.\<lbrakk>vt s; t \<le> length s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> vt (moment t s)"
    and vt_a: "vt (a # s)"
    and le_t: "t \<le> length (a # s)"
  show "vt (moment t (a # s))"
  proof(cases "t = length (a#s)")
    case True
    from True have "moment t (a#s) = a#s" by simp
    with vt_a show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    with le_t have le_t1: "t \<le> length s" by simp
    from vt_a have "vt s"
      by (erule_tac evt_cons, simp)
    from h [OF this le_t1] have "vt (moment t s)" .
    moreover have "moment t (a#s) = moment t s"
    proof -
      from moment_app [OF le_t1, of "[a]"] 
      show ?thesis by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto

(* Wrong:
    lemma \<lbrakk>thread \<in> set (wq_fun cs1 s); thread \<in> set (wq_fun cs2 s)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cs1 = cs2"

lemma waiting_unique_pre:
  fixes cs1 cs2 s thread
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and h11: "thread \<in> set (wq s cs1)"
  and h12: "thread \<noteq> hd (wq s cs1)"
  assumes h21: "thread \<in> set (wq s cs2)"
  and h22: "thread \<noteq> hd (wq s cs2)"
  and neq12: "cs1 \<noteq> cs2"
  shows "False"
proof -
  let "?Q cs s" = "thread \<in> set (wq s cs) \<and> thread \<noteq> hd (wq s cs)"
  from h11 and h12 have q1: "?Q cs1 s" by simp
  from h21 and h22 have q2: "?Q cs2 s" by simp
  have nq1: "\<not> ?Q cs1 []" by (simp add:wq_def)
  have nq2: "\<not> ?Q cs2 []" by (simp add:wq_def)
  from p_split [of "?Q cs1", OF q1 nq1]
  obtain t1 where lt1: "t1 < length s"
    and np1: "\<not>(thread \<in> set (wq (moment t1 s) cs1) \<and>
        thread \<noteq> hd (wq (moment t1 s) cs1))"
    and nn1: "(\<forall>i'>t1. thread \<in> set (wq (moment i' s) cs1) \<and>
             thread \<noteq> hd (wq (moment i' s) cs1))" by auto
  from p_split [of "?Q cs2", OF q2 nq2]
  obtain t2 where lt2: "t2 < length s"
    and np2: "\<not>(thread \<in> set (wq (moment t2 s) cs2) \<and>
        thread \<noteq> hd (wq (moment t2 s) cs2))"
    and nn2: "(\<forall>i'>t2. thread \<in> set (wq (moment i' s) cs2) \<and>
             thread \<noteq> hd (wq (moment i' s) cs2))" by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof -
      assume lt12: "t1 < t2"
      let ?t3 = "Suc t2"
      from lt2 have le_t3: "?t3 \<le> length s" by auto
      from moment_plus [OF this] 
      obtain e where eq_m: "moment ?t3 s = e#moment t2 s" by auto
      have "t2 < ?t3" by simp
      from nn2 [rule_format, OF this] and eq_m
      have h1: "thread \<in> set (wq (e#moment t2 s) cs2)" and
        h2: "thread \<noteq> hd (wq (e#moment t2 s) cs2)" by auto
      have vt_e: "vt (e#moment t2 s)"
      proof -
        from vt_moment [OF vt le_t3]
        have "vt (moment ?t3 s)" .
        with eq_m show ?thesis by simp
      have ?thesis
      proof(cases "thread \<in> set (wq (moment t2 s) cs2)")
        case True
        from True and np2 have eq_th: "thread = hd (wq (moment t2 s) cs2)"
          by auto
        from abs2 [OF vt_e True eq_th h2 h1]
        show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        from block_pre [OF vt_e False h1]
        have "e = P thread cs2" .
        with vt_e have "vt ((P thread cs2)# moment t2 s)" by simp
        from p_pre [OF this] have "thread \<in> runing (moment t2 s)" by simp
        with runing_ready have "thread \<in> readys (moment t2 s)" by auto
        with nn1 [rule_format, OF lt12]
        show ?thesis  by (simp add:readys_def wq_def s_waiting_def, auto)
    } moreover {
      assume lt12: "t2 < t1"
      let ?t3 = "Suc t1"
      from lt1 have le_t3: "?t3 \<le> length s" by auto
      from moment_plus [OF this] 
      obtain e where eq_m: "moment ?t3 s = e#moment t1 s" by auto
      have lt_t3: "t1 < ?t3" by simp
      from nn1 [rule_format, OF this] and eq_m
      have h1: "thread \<in> set (wq (e#moment t1 s) cs1)" and
        h2: "thread \<noteq> hd (wq (e#moment t1 s) cs1)" by auto
      have vt_e: "vt  (e#moment t1 s)"
      proof -
        from vt_moment [OF vt le_t3]
        have "vt (moment ?t3 s)" .
        with eq_m show ?thesis by simp
      have ?thesis
      proof(cases "thread \<in> set (wq (moment t1 s) cs1)")
        case True
        from True and np1 have eq_th: "thread = hd (wq (moment t1 s) cs1)"
          by auto
        from abs2 [OF vt_e True eq_th h2 h1]
        show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        from block_pre [OF vt_e False h1]
        have "e = P thread cs1" .
        with vt_e have "vt ((P thread cs1)# moment t1 s)" by simp
        from p_pre [OF this] have "thread \<in> runing (moment t1 s)" by simp
        with runing_ready have "thread \<in> readys (moment t1 s)" by auto
        with nn2 [rule_format, OF lt12]
        show ?thesis  by (simp add:readys_def wq_def s_waiting_def, auto)
    } moreover {
      assume eqt12: "t1 = t2"
      let ?t3 = "Suc t1"
      from lt1 have le_t3: "?t3 \<le> length s" by auto
      from moment_plus [OF this] 
      obtain e where eq_m: "moment ?t3 s = e#moment t1 s" by auto
      have lt_t3: "t1 < ?t3" by simp
      from nn1 [rule_format, OF this] and eq_m
      have h1: "thread \<in> set (wq (e#moment t1 s) cs1)" and
        h2: "thread \<noteq> hd (wq (e#moment t1 s) cs1)" by auto
      have vt_e: "vt (e#moment t1 s)"
      proof -
        from vt_moment [OF vt le_t3]
        have "vt (moment ?t3 s)" .
        with eq_m show ?thesis by simp
      have ?thesis
      proof(cases "thread \<in> set (wq (moment t1 s) cs1)")
        case True
        from True and np1 have eq_th: "thread = hd (wq (moment t1 s) cs1)"
          by auto
        from abs2 [OF vt_e True eq_th h2 h1]
        show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        from block_pre [OF vt_e False h1]
        have eq_e1: "e = P thread cs1" .
        have lt_t3: "t1 < ?t3" by simp
        with eqt12 have "t2 < ?t3" by simp
        from nn2 [rule_format, OF this] and eq_m and eqt12
        have h1: "thread \<in> set (wq (e#moment t2 s) cs2)" and
          h2: "thread \<noteq> hd (wq (e#moment t2 s) cs2)" by auto
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "thread \<in> set (wq (moment t2 s) cs2)")
          case True
          from True and np2 have eq_th: "thread = hd (wq (moment t2 s) cs2)"
            by auto
          from vt_e and eqt12 have "vt (e#moment t2 s)" by simp 
          from abs2 [OF this True eq_th h2 h1]
          show ?thesis .
          case False
          have vt_e: "vt (e#moment t2 s)"
          proof -
            from vt_moment [OF vt le_t3] eqt12
            have "vt (moment (Suc t2) s)" by auto
            with eq_m eqt12 show ?thesis by simp
          from block_pre [OF vt_e False h1]
          have "e = P thread cs2" .
          with eq_e1 neq12 show ?thesis by auto
    } ultimately show ?thesis by arith

lemma waiting_unique:
  fixes s cs1 cs2
  assumes "vt s"
  and "waiting s th cs1"
  and "waiting s th cs2"
  shows "cs1 = cs2"
using waiting_unique_pre assms
unfolding wq_def s_waiting_def
by auto

(* not used *)
lemma held_unique:
  fixes s::"state"
  assumes "holding s th1 cs"
  and "holding s th2 cs"
  shows "th1 = th2"
using assms
unfolding s_holding_def
by auto

lemma birthtime_lt: "th \<in> threads s \<Longrightarrow> birthtime th s < length s"
  apply (induct s, auto)
  by (case_tac a, auto split:if_splits)

lemma birthtime_unique: 
  "\<lbrakk>birthtime th1 s = birthtime th2 s; th1 \<in> threads s; th2 \<in> threads s\<rbrakk>
          \<Longrightarrow> th1 = th2"
  apply (induct s, auto)
  by (case_tac a, auto split:if_splits dest:birthtime_lt)

lemma preced_unique : 
  assumes pcd_eq: "preced th1 s = preced th2 s"
  and th_in1: "th1 \<in> threads s"
  and th_in2: " th2 \<in> threads s"
  shows "th1 = th2"
proof -
  from pcd_eq have "birthtime th1 s = birthtime th2 s" by (simp add:preced_def)
  from birthtime_unique [OF this th_in1 th_in2]
  show ?thesis .

lemma preced_linorder: 
  assumes neq_12: "th1 \<noteq> th2"
  and th_in1: "th1 \<in> threads s"
  and th_in2: " th2 \<in> threads s"
  shows "preced th1 s < preced th2 s \<or> preced th1 s > preced th2 s"
proof -
  from preced_unique [OF _ th_in1 th_in2] and neq_12 
  have "preced th1 s \<noteq> preced th2 s" by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma unique_minus:
  fixes x y z r
  assumes unique: "\<And> a b c. \<lbrakk>(a, b) \<in> r; (a, c) \<in> r\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> b = c"
  and xy: "(x, y) \<in> r"
  and xz: "(x, z) \<in> r^+"
  and neq: "y \<noteq> z"
  shows "(y, z) \<in> r^+"
proof -
 from xz and neq show ?thesis
   case (base ya)
   have "(x, ya) \<in> r" by fact
   from unique [OF xy this] have "y = ya" .
   with base show ?case by auto
   case (step ya z)
   show ?case
   proof(cases "y = ya")
     case True
     from step True show ?thesis by simp
     case False
     from step False
     show ?thesis by auto

lemma unique_base:
  fixes r x y z
  assumes unique: "\<And> a b c. \<lbrakk>(a, b) \<in> r; (a, c) \<in> r\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> b = c"
  and xy: "(x, y) \<in> r"
  and xz: "(x, z) \<in> r^+"
  and neq_yz: "y \<noteq> z"
  shows "(y, z) \<in> r^+"
proof -
  from xz neq_yz show ?thesis
    case (base ya)
    from xy unique base show ?case by auto
    case (step ya z)
    show ?case
    proof(cases "y = ya")
      case True
      from True step show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      from False step 
      have "(y, ya) \<in> r\<^sup>+" by auto
      with step show ?thesis by auto

lemma unique_chain:
  fixes r x y z
  assumes unique: "\<And> a b c. \<lbrakk>(a, b) \<in> r; (a, c) \<in> r\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> b = c"
  and xy: "(x, y) \<in> r^+"
  and xz: "(x, z) \<in> r^+"
  and neq_yz: "y \<noteq> z"
  shows "(y, z) \<in> r^+ \<or> (z, y) \<in> r^+"
proof -
  from xy xz neq_yz show ?thesis
    case (base y)
    have h1: "(x, y) \<in> r" and h2: "(x, z) \<in> r\<^sup>+" and h3: "y \<noteq> z" using base by auto
    from unique_base [OF _ h1 h2 h3] and unique show ?case by auto
    case (step y za)
    show ?case
    proof(cases "y = z")
      case True
      from True step show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      from False step have "(y, z) \<in> r\<^sup>+ \<or> (z, y) \<in> r\<^sup>+" by auto
      thus ?thesis
        assume "(z, y) \<in> r\<^sup>+"
        with step have "(z, za) \<in> r\<^sup>+" by auto
        thus ?thesis by auto
        assume h: "(y, z) \<in> r\<^sup>+"
        from step have yza: "(y, za) \<in> r" by simp
        from step have "za \<noteq> z" by simp
        from unique_minus [OF _ yza h this] and unique
        have "(za, z) \<in> r\<^sup>+" by auto
        thus ?thesis by auto

lemma depend_set_unchanged: "(depend (Set th prio # s)) = depend s"
apply (unfold s_depend_def s_waiting_def wq_def)
by (simp add:Let_def)

lemma depend_create_unchanged: "(depend (Create th prio # s)) = depend s"
apply (unfold s_depend_def s_waiting_def wq_def)
by (simp add:Let_def)

lemma depend_exit_unchanged: "(depend (Exit th # s)) = depend s"
apply (unfold s_depend_def s_waiting_def wq_def)
by (simp add:Let_def)

lemma step_v_hold_inv[elim_format]:
  "\<And>c t. \<lbrakk>vt (V th cs # s); 
  \<not> holding (wq s) t c; holding (wq (V th cs # s)) t c\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> next_th s th cs t \<and> c = cs"
proof -
  fix c t
  assume vt: "vt (V th cs # s)"
    and nhd: "\<not> holding (wq s) t c"
    and hd: "holding (wq (V th cs # s)) t c"
  show "next_th s th cs t \<and> c = cs"
  proof(cases "c = cs")
    case False
    with nhd hd show ?thesis
      by (unfold cs_holding_def wq_def, auto simp:Let_def)
    case True
    with step_back_step [OF vt] 
    have "step s (V th c)" by simp
    hence "next_th s th cs t"
      assume "holding s th c"
      with nhd hd show ?thesis
        apply (unfold s_holding_def cs_holding_def wq_def next_th_def,
               auto simp:Let_def split:list.splits if_splits)
        proof -
          assume " hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> q = []) \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> q = [])"
          moreover have "\<dots> = set []"
          proof(rule someI2)
            show "distinct [] \<and> [] = []" by auto
            fix x assume "distinct x \<and> x = []"
            thus "set x = set []" by auto
          ultimately show False by auto
          assume " hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> q = []) \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> q = [])"
          moreover have "\<dots> = set []"
          proof(rule someI2)
            show "distinct [] \<and> [] = []" by auto
            fix x assume "distinct x \<and> x = []"
            thus "set x = set []" by auto
          ultimately show False by auto
    with True show ?thesis by auto

lemma step_v_wait_inv[elim_format]:
    "\<And>t c. \<lbrakk>vt (V th cs # s); \<not> waiting (wq (V th cs # s)) t c; waiting (wq s) t c
          \<Longrightarrow> (next_th s th cs t \<and> cs = c)"
proof -
  fix t c 
  assume vt: "vt (V th cs # s)"
    and nw: "\<not> waiting (wq (V th cs # s)) t c"
    and wt: "waiting (wq s) t c"
  show "next_th s th cs t \<and> cs = c"
  proof(cases "cs = c")
    case False
    with nw wt show ?thesis
      by (auto simp:cs_waiting_def wq_def Let_def)
    case True
    from nw[folded True] wt[folded True]
    have "next_th s th cs t"
      apply (unfold next_th_def, auto simp:cs_waiting_def wq_def Let_def split:list.splits)
    proof -
      fix a list
      assume t_in: "t \<in> set list"
        and t_ni: "t \<notin> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list)"
        and eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = a # list"
      have " set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list) = set list"
      proof(rule someI2)
        from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs] and eq_wq[folded wq_def]
        show "distinct list \<and> set list = set list" by auto
        show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set list \<Longrightarrow> set x = set list"
          by auto
      with t_ni and t_in show "a = th" by auto
      fix a list
      assume t_in: "t \<in> set list"
        and t_ni: "t \<notin> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list)"
        and eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = a # list"
      have " set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list) = set list"
      proof(rule someI2)
        from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs] and eq_wq[folded wq_def]
        show "distinct list \<and> set list = set list" by auto
        show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set list \<Longrightarrow> set x = set list"
          by auto
      with t_ni and t_in show "t = hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list)" by auto
      fix a list
      assume eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = a # list"
      from step_back_step[OF vt]
      show "a = th"
        assume "holding s th cs"
        with eq_wq show ?thesis
          by (unfold s_holding_def wq_def, auto)
    with True show ?thesis by simp

lemma step_v_not_wait[consumes 3]:
  "\<lbrakk>vt (V th cs # s); next_th s th cs t; waiting (wq (V th cs # s)) t cs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> False"
  by (unfold next_th_def cs_waiting_def wq_def, auto simp:Let_def)

lemma step_v_release:
  "\<lbrakk>vt (V th cs # s); holding (wq (V th cs # s)) th cs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> False"
proof -
  assume vt: "vt (V th cs # s)"
    and hd: "holding (wq (V th cs # s)) th cs"
  from step_back_step [OF vt] and hd
  show "False"
    assume "holding (wq (V th cs # s)) th cs" and "holding s th cs"
    thus ?thesis
      apply (unfold s_holding_def wq_def cs_holding_def)
      apply (auto simp:Let_def split:list.splits)
    proof -
      fix list
      assume eq_wq[folded wq_def]: 
        "wq_fun (schs s) cs = hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list) # list"
      and hd_in: "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list)
            \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list)"
      have "set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list) = set list"
      proof(rule someI2)
        from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs] and eq_wq
        show "distinct list \<and> set list = set list" by auto
        show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set list \<Longrightarrow> set x = set list"
          by auto
      moreover have "distinct  (hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list) # list)"
      proof -
        from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs] and eq_wq
        show ?thesis by auto
      moreover note eq_wq and hd_in
      ultimately show "False" by auto

lemma step_v_get_hold:
  "\<And>th'. \<lbrakk>vt (V th cs # s); \<not> holding (wq (V th cs # s)) th' cs; next_th s th cs th'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> False"
  apply (unfold cs_holding_def next_th_def wq_def,
         auto simp:Let_def)
proof -
  fix rest
  assume vt: "vt (V th cs # s)"
    and eq_wq[folded wq_def]: " wq_fun (schs s) cs = th # rest"
    and nrest: "rest \<noteq> []"
    and ni: "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)
            \<notin> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)"
  have "(SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<noteq> []"
  proof(rule someI2)
    from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs] and eq_wq
    show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
    fix x assume "distinct x \<and> set x = set rest"
    hence "set x = set rest" by auto
    with nrest
    show "x \<noteq> []" by (case_tac x, auto)
  with ni show "False" by auto

lemma step_v_release_inv[elim_format]:
"\<And>c t. \<lbrakk>vt (V th cs # s); \<not> holding (wq (V th cs # s)) t c; holding (wq s) t c\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> 
  c = cs \<and> t = th"
  apply (unfold cs_holding_def wq_def, auto simp:Let_def split:if_splits list.splits)
  proof -
    fix a list
    assume vt: "vt (V th cs # s)" and eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = a # list"
    from step_back_step [OF vt] show "a = th"
      assume "holding s th cs" with eq_wq
      show ?thesis
        by (unfold s_holding_def wq_def, auto)
    fix a list
    assume vt: "vt (V th cs # s)" and eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = a # list"
    from step_back_step [OF vt] show "a = th"
      assume "holding s th cs" with eq_wq
      show ?thesis
        by (unfold s_holding_def wq_def, auto)

lemma step_v_waiting_mono:
  "\<And>t c. \<lbrakk>vt (V th cs # s); waiting (wq (V th cs # s)) t c\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> waiting (wq s) t c"
proof -
  fix t c
  let ?s' = "(V th cs # s)"
  assume vt: "vt ?s'" 
    and wt: "waiting (wq ?s') t c"
  show "waiting (wq s) t c"
  proof(cases "c = cs")
    case False
    assume neq_cs: "c \<noteq> cs"
    hence "waiting (wq ?s') t c = waiting (wq s) t c"
      by (unfold cs_waiting_def wq_def, auto simp:Let_def)
    with wt show ?thesis by simp
    case True
    with wt show ?thesis
      apply (unfold cs_waiting_def wq_def, auto simp:Let_def split:list.splits)
    proof -
      fix a list
      assume not_in: "t \<notin> set list"
        and is_in: "t \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list)"
        and eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = a # list"
      have "set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list) = set list"
      proof(rule someI2)
        from wq_distinct [OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs]
        and eq_wq[folded wq_def]
        show "distinct list \<and> set list = set list" by auto
        fix x assume "distinct x \<and> set x = set list"
        thus "set x = set list" by auto
      with not_in is_in show "t = a" by auto
      fix list
      assume is_waiting: "waiting (wq (V th cs # s)) t cs"
      and eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = t # list"
      hence "t \<in> set list"
        apply (unfold wq_def, auto simp:Let_def cs_waiting_def)
      proof -
        assume " t \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set list)"
        moreover have "\<dots> = set list" 
        proof(rule someI2)
          from wq_distinct [OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs]
            and eq_wq[folded wq_def]
          show "distinct list \<and> set list = set list" by auto
          fix x assume "distinct x \<and> set x = set list" 
          thus "set x = set list" by auto
        ultimately show "t \<in> set list" by simp
      with eq_wq and wq_distinct [OF step_back_vt[OF vt], of cs, unfolded wq_def]
      show False by auto

lemma step_depend_v:
fixes th::thread
assumes vt:
  "vt (V th cs#s)"
shows "
  depend (V th cs # s) =
  depend s - {(Cs cs, Th th)} -
  {(Th th', Cs cs) |th'. next_th s th cs th'} \<union>
  {(Cs cs, Th th') |th'.  next_th s th cs th'}"
  apply (insert vt, unfold s_depend_def) 
  apply (auto split:if_splits list.splits simp:Let_def)
  apply (auto elim: step_v_waiting_mono step_v_hold_inv 
              step_v_release step_v_wait_inv
              step_v_get_hold step_v_release_inv)
  apply (erule_tac step_v_not_wait, auto)

lemma step_depend_p:
  "vt (P th cs#s) \<Longrightarrow>
  depend (P th cs # s) =  (if (wq s cs = []) then depend s \<union> {(Cs cs, Th th)}
                                             else depend s \<union> {(Th th, Cs cs)})"
  apply(simp only: s_depend_def wq_def)
  apply (auto split:list.splits prod.splits simp:Let_def wq_def cs_waiting_def cs_holding_def)
  apply(case_tac "csa = cs", auto)
  apply(fold wq_def)
  apply(drule_tac step_back_step)
  apply(ind_cases " step s (P (hd (wq s cs)) cs)")
  apply(auto simp:s_depend_def wq_def cs_holding_def)

lemma simple_A:
  fixes A
  assumes h: "\<And> x y. \<lbrakk>x \<in> A; y \<in> A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x = y"
  shows "A = {} \<or> (\<exists> a. A = {a})"
proof(cases "A = {}")
  case True thus ?thesis by simp
  case False then obtain a where "a \<in> A" by auto
  with h have "A = {a}" by auto
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma depend_target_th: "(Th th, x) \<in> depend (s::state) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> cs. x = Cs cs"
  by (unfold s_depend_def, auto)

lemma acyclic_depend: 
  fixes s
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "acyclic (depend s)"
proof -
  from vt show ?thesis
    case (vt_cons s e)
    assume ih: "acyclic (depend s)"
      and stp: "step s e"
      and vt: "vt s"
    show ?case
    proof(cases e)
      case (Create th prio)
      with ih
      show ?thesis by (simp add:depend_create_unchanged)
      case (Exit th)
      with ih show ?thesis by (simp add:depend_exit_unchanged)
      case (V th cs)
      from V vt stp have vtt: "vt (V th cs#s)" by auto
      from step_depend_v [OF this]
      have eq_de: 
        "depend (e # s) = 
            depend s - {(Cs cs, Th th)} - {(Th th', Cs cs) |th'. next_th s th cs th'} \<union>
            {(Cs cs, Th th') |th'. next_th s th cs th'}"
        (is "?L = (?A - ?B - ?C) \<union> ?D") by (simp add:V)
      from ih have ac: "acyclic (?A - ?B - ?C)" by (auto elim:acyclic_subset)
      from step_back_step [OF vtt]
      have "step s (V th cs)" .
      thus ?thesis
        assume "holding s th cs"
        hence th_in: "th \<in> set (wq s cs)" and
          eq_hd: "th = hd (wq s cs)" unfolding s_holding_def wq_def by auto
        then obtain rest where
          eq_wq: "wq s cs = th#rest"
          by (cases "wq s cs", auto)
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "rest = []")
          case False
          let ?th' = "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)"
          from eq_wq False have eq_D: "?D = {(Cs cs, Th ?th')}"
            by (unfold next_th_def, auto)
          let ?E = "(?A - ?B - ?C)"
          have "(Th ?th', Cs cs) \<notin> ?E\<^sup>*"
            assume "(Th ?th', Cs cs) \<in> ?E\<^sup>*"
            hence " (Th ?th', Cs cs) \<in> ?E\<^sup>+" by (simp add: rtrancl_eq_or_trancl)
            from tranclD [OF this]
            obtain x where th'_e: "(Th ?th', x) \<in> ?E" by blast
            hence th_d: "(Th ?th', x) \<in> ?A" by simp
            from depend_target_th [OF this]
            obtain cs' where eq_x: "x = Cs cs'" by auto
            with th_d have "(Th ?th', Cs cs') \<in> ?A" by simp
            hence wt_th': "waiting s ?th' cs'"
              unfolding s_depend_def s_waiting_def cs_waiting_def wq_def by simp
            hence "cs' = cs"
            proof(rule waiting_unique [OF vt])
              from eq_wq wq_distinct[OF vt, of cs]
              show "waiting s ?th' cs" 
                apply (unfold s_waiting_def wq_def, auto)
              proof -
                assume hd_in: "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<notin> set rest"
                and eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = th # rest"
                have "(SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<noteq> []"
                proof(rule someI2)
                  from wq_distinct[OF vt, of cs] and eq_wq
                  show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" unfolding wq_def by auto
                  fix x assume "distinct x \<and> set x = set rest"
                  with False show "x \<noteq> []" by auto
                hence "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<in> 
                                  set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)" by auto
                moreover have "\<dots> = set rest" 
                proof(rule someI2)
                  from wq_distinct[OF vt, of cs] and eq_wq
                  show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" unfolding wq_def by auto
                  show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set rest \<Longrightarrow> set x = set rest" by auto
                moreover note hd_in
                ultimately show "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) = th" by auto
                assume hd_in: "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<notin> set rest"
                and eq_wq: "wq s cs = hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) # rest"
                have "(SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<noteq> []"
                proof(rule someI2)
                  from wq_distinct[OF vt, of cs] and eq_wq
                  show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
                  fix x assume "distinct x \<and> set x = set rest"
                  with False show "x \<noteq> []" by auto
                hence "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<in> 
                                  set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)" by auto
                moreover have "\<dots> = set rest" 
                proof(rule someI2)
                  from wq_distinct[OF vt, of cs] and eq_wq
                  show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
                  show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set rest \<Longrightarrow> set x = set rest" by auto
                moreover note hd_in
                ultimately show False by auto
            with th'_e eq_x have "(Th ?th', Cs cs) \<in> ?E" by simp
            with False
            show "False" by (auto simp: next_th_def eq_wq)
          with acyclic_insert[symmetric] and ac
            and eq_de eq_D show ?thesis by auto
          case True
          with eq_wq
          have eq_D: "?D = {}"
            by (unfold next_th_def, auto)
          with eq_de ac
          show ?thesis by auto
    case (P th cs)
    from P vt stp have vtt: "vt (P th cs#s)" by auto
    from step_depend_p [OF this] P
    have "depend (e # s) = 
      (if wq s cs = [] then depend s \<union> {(Cs cs, Th th)} else 
      depend s \<union> {(Th th, Cs cs)})" (is "?L = ?R")
      by simp
    moreover have "acyclic ?R"
    proof(cases "wq s cs = []")
      case True
      hence eq_r: "?R =  depend s \<union> {(Cs cs, Th th)}" by simp
      have "(Th th, Cs cs) \<notin> (depend s)\<^sup>*"
        assume "(Th th, Cs cs) \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>*"
        hence "(Th th, Cs cs) \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+" by (simp add: rtrancl_eq_or_trancl)
        from tranclD2 [OF this]
        obtain x where "(x, Cs cs) \<in> depend s" by auto
        with True show False by (auto simp:s_depend_def cs_waiting_def)
      with acyclic_insert ih eq_r show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      hence eq_r: "?R =  depend s \<union> {(Th th, Cs cs)}" by simp
      have "(Cs cs, Th th) \<notin> (depend s)\<^sup>*"
        assume "(Cs cs, Th th) \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>*"
        hence "(Cs cs, Th th) \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+" by (simp add: rtrancl_eq_or_trancl)
          moreover from step_back_step [OF vtt] have "step s (P th cs)" .
          ultimately show False
          proof -
            show " \<lbrakk>(Cs cs, Th th) \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+; step s (P th cs)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> False"
              by (ind_cases "step s (P th cs)", simp)
        with acyclic_insert ih eq_r show ?thesis by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by simp
      case (Set thread prio)
      with ih
      thm depend_set_unchanged
      show ?thesis by (simp add:depend_set_unchanged)
    case vt_nil
    show "acyclic (depend ([]::state))"
      by (auto simp: s_depend_def cs_waiting_def 
                      cs_holding_def wq_def acyclic_def)

lemma finite_depend: 
  fixes s
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "finite (depend s)"
proof -
  from vt show ?thesis
    case (vt_cons s e)
    assume ih: "finite (depend s)"
      and stp: "step s e"
      and vt: "vt s"
    show ?case
    proof(cases e)
      case (Create th prio)
      with ih
      show ?thesis by (simp add:depend_create_unchanged)
      case (Exit th)
      with ih show ?thesis by (simp add:depend_exit_unchanged)
      case (V th cs)
      from V vt stp have vtt: "vt (V th cs#s)" by auto
      from step_depend_v [OF this]
      have eq_de: "depend (e # s) = 
                   depend s - {(Cs cs, Th th)} - {(Th th', Cs cs) |th'. next_th s th cs th'} \<union>
                      {(Cs cs, Th th') |th'. next_th s th cs th'}
        (is "?L = (?A - ?B - ?C) \<union> ?D") by (simp add:V)
      moreover from ih have ac: "finite (?A - ?B - ?C)" by simp
      moreover have "finite ?D"
      proof -
        have "?D = {} \<or> (\<exists> a. ?D = {a})" 
          by (unfold next_th_def, auto)
        thus ?thesis
          assume h: "?D = {}"
          show ?thesis by (unfold h, simp)
          assume "\<exists> a. ?D = {a}"
          thus ?thesis by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by simp
      case (P th cs)
      from P vt stp have vtt: "vt (P th cs#s)" by auto
      from step_depend_p [OF this] P
      have "depend (e # s) = 
              (if wq s cs = [] then depend s \<union> {(Cs cs, Th th)} else 
                                    depend s \<union> {(Th th, Cs cs)})" (is "?L = ?R")
        by simp
      moreover have "finite ?R"
      proof(cases "wq s cs = []")
        case True
        hence eq_r: "?R =  depend s \<union> {(Cs cs, Th th)}" by simp
        with True and ih show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        hence "?R = depend s \<union> {(Th th, Cs cs)}" by simp
        with False and ih show ?thesis by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case (Set thread prio)
      with ih
      show ?thesis by (simp add:depend_set_unchanged)
    case vt_nil
    show "finite (depend ([]::state))"
      by (auto simp: s_depend_def cs_waiting_def 
                   cs_holding_def wq_def acyclic_def)

text {* Several useful lemmas *}

lemma wf_dep_converse: 
  fixes s
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "wf ((depend s)^-1)"
proof(rule finite_acyclic_wf_converse)
  from finite_depend [OF vt]
  show "finite (depend s)" .
  from acyclic_depend[OF vt]
  show "acyclic (depend s)" .

lemma hd_np_in: "x \<in> set l \<Longrightarrow> hd l \<in> set l"
by (induct l, auto)

lemma th_chasing: "(Th th, Cs cs) \<in> depend (s::state) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> th'. (Cs cs, Th th') \<in> depend s"
  by (auto simp:s_depend_def s_holding_def cs_holding_def cs_waiting_def wq_def dest:hd_np_in)

lemma wq_threads: 
  fixes s cs
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and h: "th \<in> set (wq s cs)"
  shows "th \<in> threads s"
proof -
 from vt and h show ?thesis
  proof(induct arbitrary: th cs)
    case (vt_cons s e)
    assume ih: "\<And>th cs. th \<in> set (wq s cs) \<Longrightarrow> th \<in> threads s"
      and stp: "step s e"
      and vt: "vt s"
      and h: "th \<in> set (wq (e # s) cs)"
    show ?case
    proof(cases e)
      case (Create th' prio)
      with ih h show ?thesis
        by (auto simp:wq_def Let_def)
      case (Exit th')
      with stp ih h show ?thesis
        apply (auto simp:wq_def Let_def)
        apply (ind_cases "step s (Exit th')")
        apply (auto simp:runing_def readys_def s_holding_def s_waiting_def holdents_def
               s_depend_def s_holding_def cs_holding_def)
        by (fold wq_def, auto)
      case (V th' cs')
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "cs' = cs")
        case False
        with h
        show ?thesis
          apply(unfold wq_def V, auto simp:Let_def V split:prod.splits, fold wq_def)
          by (drule_tac ih, simp)
        case True
        from h
        show ?thesis
        proof(unfold V wq_def)
          assume th_in: "th \<in> set (wq_fun (schs (V th' cs' # s)) cs)" (is "th \<in> set ?l")
          show "th \<in> threads (V th' cs' # s)"
          proof(cases "cs = cs'")
            case False
            hence "?l = wq_fun (schs s) cs" by (simp add:Let_def)
            with th_in have " th \<in> set (wq s cs)" 
              by (fold wq_def, simp)
            from ih [OF this] show ?thesis by simp
            case True
            show ?thesis
            proof(cases "wq_fun (schs s) cs'")
              case Nil
              with h V show ?thesis
                apply (auto simp:wq_def Let_def split:if_splits)
                by (fold wq_def, drule_tac ih, simp)
              case (Cons a rest)
              assume eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs' = a # rest"
              with h V show ?thesis
                apply (auto simp:Let_def wq_def split:if_splits)
              proof -
                assume th_in: "th \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)"
                have "set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) = set rest" 
                proof(rule someI2)
                  from wq_distinct[OF vt, of cs'] and eq_wq[folded wq_def]
                  show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
                  show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set rest \<Longrightarrow> set x = set rest"
                    by auto
                with eq_wq th_in have "th \<in> set (wq_fun (schs s) cs')" by auto
                from ih[OF this[folded wq_def]] show "th \<in> threads s" .
                assume th_in: "th \<in> set (wq_fun (schs s) cs)"
                from ih[OF this[folded wq_def]]
                show "th \<in> threads s" .
      case (P th' cs')
      from h stp
      show ?thesis
        apply (unfold P wq_def)
        apply (auto simp:Let_def split:if_splits, fold wq_def)
        apply (auto intro:ih)
        apply(ind_cases "step s (P th' cs')")
        by (unfold runing_def readys_def, auto)
      case (Set thread prio)
      with ih h show ?thesis
        by (auto simp:wq_def Let_def)
    case vt_nil
    thus ?case by (auto simp:wq_def)

lemma range_in: "\<lbrakk>vt s; (Th th) \<in> Range (depend (s::state))\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> th \<in> threads s"
  apply(unfold s_depend_def cs_waiting_def cs_holding_def)
  by (auto intro:wq_threads)

lemma readys_v_eq:
  fixes th thread cs rest
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and neq_th: "th \<noteq> thread"
  and eq_wq: "wq s cs = thread#rest"
  and not_in: "th \<notin>  set rest"
  shows "(th \<in> readys (V thread cs#s)) = (th \<in> readys s)"
proof -
  from assms show ?thesis
    apply (auto simp:readys_def)
    apply(simp add:s_waiting_def[folded wq_def])
    apply (erule_tac x = csa in allE)
    apply (simp add:s_waiting_def wq_def Let_def split:if_splits)
    apply (case_tac "csa = cs", simp)
    apply (erule_tac x = cs in allE)
    apply(auto simp add: s_waiting_def[folded wq_def] Let_def split: list.splits)
    apply(auto simp add: wq_def)
    apply (auto simp:s_waiting_def wq_def Let_def split:list.splits)
    proof -
       assume th_nin: "th \<notin> set rest"
        and th_in: "th \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)"
        and eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = thread # rest"
      have "set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) = set rest"
      proof(rule someI2)
        from wq_distinct[OF vt, of cs, unfolded wq_def] and eq_wq[unfolded wq_def]
        show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
        show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set rest \<Longrightarrow> set x = set rest" by auto
      with th_nin th_in show False by auto

lemma chain_building:
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "node \<in> Domain (depend s) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> th'. th' \<in> readys s \<and> (node, Th th') \<in> (depend s)^+)"
proof -
  from wf_dep_converse [OF vt]
  have h: "wf ((depend s)\<inverse>)" .
  show ?thesis
  proof(induct rule:wf_induct [OF h])
    fix x
    assume ih [rule_format]: 
      "\<forall>y. (y, x) \<in> (depend s)\<inverse> \<longrightarrow> 
           y \<in> Domain (depend s) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>th'. th' \<in> readys s \<and> (y, Th th') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+)"
    show "x \<in> Domain (depend s) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>th'. th' \<in> readys s \<and> (x, Th th') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+)"
      assume x_d: "x \<in> Domain (depend s)"
      show "\<exists>th'. th' \<in> readys s \<and> (x, Th th') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+"
      proof(cases x)
        case (Th th)
        from x_d Th obtain cs where x_in: "(Th th, Cs cs) \<in> depend s" by (auto simp:s_depend_def)
        with Th have x_in_r: "(Cs cs, x) \<in> (depend s)^-1" by simp
        from th_chasing [OF x_in] obtain th' where "(Cs cs, Th th') \<in> depend s" by blast
        hence "Cs cs \<in> Domain (depend s)" by auto
        from ih [OF x_in_r this] obtain th'
          where th'_ready: " th' \<in> readys s" and cs_in: "(Cs cs, Th th') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+" by auto
        have "(x, Th th') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+" using Th x_in cs_in by auto
        with th'_ready show ?thesis by auto
        case (Cs cs)
        from x_d Cs obtain th' where th'_d: "(Th th', x) \<in> (depend s)^-1" by (auto simp:s_depend_def)
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "th' \<in> readys s")
          case True
          from True and th'_d show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          from th'_d and range_in [OF vt] have "th' \<in> threads s" by auto
          with False have "Th th' \<in> Domain (depend s)" 
            by (auto simp:readys_def wq_def s_waiting_def s_depend_def cs_waiting_def Domain_def)
          from ih [OF th'_d this]
          obtain th'' where 
            th''_r: "th'' \<in> readys s" and 
            th''_in: "(Th th', Th th'') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+" by auto
          from th'_d and th''_in 
          have "(x, Th th'') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+" by auto
          with th''_r show ?thesis by auto

lemma th_chain_to_ready:
  fixes s th
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and th_in: "th \<in> threads s"
  shows "th \<in> readys s \<or> (\<exists> th'. th' \<in> readys s \<and> (Th th, Th th') \<in> (depend s)^+)"
proof(cases "th \<in> readys s")
  case True
  thus ?thesis by auto
  case False
  from False and th_in have "Th th \<in> Domain (depend s)" 
    by (auto simp:readys_def s_waiting_def s_depend_def wq_def cs_waiting_def Domain_def)
  from chain_building [rule_format, OF vt this]
  show ?thesis by auto

lemma waiting_eq: "waiting s th cs = waiting (wq s) th cs"
  by  (unfold s_waiting_def cs_waiting_def wq_def, auto)

lemma holding_eq: "holding (s::state) th cs = holding (wq s) th cs"
  by (unfold s_holding_def wq_def cs_holding_def, simp)

lemma holding_unique: "\<lbrakk>holding (s::state) th1 cs; holding s th2 cs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> th1 = th2"
  by (unfold s_holding_def cs_holding_def, auto)

lemma unique_depend: "\<lbrakk>vt s; (n, n1) \<in> depend s; (n, n2) \<in> depend s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> n1 = n2"
  apply(unfold s_depend_def, auto, fold waiting_eq holding_eq)
  by(auto elim:waiting_unique holding_unique)

lemma trancl_split: "(a, b) \<in> r^+ \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> c. (a, c) \<in> r"
by (induct rule:trancl_induct, auto)

lemma dchain_unique:
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and th1_d: "(n, Th th1) \<in> (depend s)^+"
  and th1_r: "th1 \<in> readys s"
  and th2_d: "(n, Th th2) \<in> (depend s)^+"
  and th2_r: "th2 \<in> readys s"
  shows "th1 = th2"
proof -
  { assume neq: "th1 \<noteq> th2"
    hence "Th th1 \<noteq> Th th2" by simp
    from unique_chain [OF _ th1_d th2_d this] and unique_depend [OF vt]
    have "(Th th1, Th th2) \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+ \<or> (Th th2, Th th1) \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+" by auto
    hence "False"
      assume "(Th th1, Th th2) \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+"
      from trancl_split [OF this]
      obtain n where dd: "(Th th1, n) \<in> depend s" by auto
      then obtain cs where eq_n: "n = Cs cs"
        by (auto simp:s_depend_def s_holding_def cs_holding_def cs_waiting_def wq_def dest:hd_np_in)
      from dd eq_n have "th1 \<notin> readys s"
        by (auto simp:readys_def s_depend_def wq_def s_waiting_def cs_waiting_def)
      with th1_r show ?thesis by auto
      assume "(Th th2, Th th1) \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+"
      from trancl_split [OF this]
      obtain n where dd: "(Th th2, n) \<in> depend s" by auto
      then obtain cs where eq_n: "n = Cs cs"
        by (auto simp:s_depend_def s_holding_def cs_holding_def cs_waiting_def wq_def dest:hd_np_in)
      from dd eq_n have "th2 \<notin> readys s"
        by (auto simp:readys_def wq_def s_depend_def s_waiting_def cs_waiting_def)
      with th2_r show ?thesis by auto
  } thus ?thesis by auto

lemma step_holdents_p_add:
  fixes th cs s
  assumes vt: "vt (P th cs#s)"
  and "wq s cs = []"
  shows "holdents (P th cs#s) th = holdents s th \<union> {cs}"
proof -
  from assms show ?thesis
  unfolding  holdents_def step_depend_p[OF vt] by auto

lemma step_holdents_p_eq:
  fixes th cs s
  assumes vt: "vt (P th cs#s)"
  and "wq s cs \<noteq> []"
  shows "holdents (P th cs#s) th = holdents s th"
proof -
  from assms show ?thesis
  unfolding  holdents_def step_depend_p[OF vt] by auto

lemma finite_holding:
  fixes s th cs
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "finite (holdents s th)"
proof -
  let ?F = "\<lambda> (x, y). the_cs x"
  from finite_depend [OF vt]
  have "finite (depend s)" .
  hence "finite (?F `(depend s))" by simp
  moreover have "{cs . (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s} \<subseteq> \<dots>" 
  proof -
    { have h: "\<And> a A f. a \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> f a \<in> f ` A" by auto
      fix x assume "(Cs x, Th th) \<in> depend s"
      hence "?F (Cs x, Th th) \<in> ?F `(depend s)" by (rule h)
      moreover have "?F (Cs x, Th th) = x" by simp
      ultimately have "x \<in> (\<lambda>(x, y). the_cs x) ` depend s" by simp 
    } thus ?thesis by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by (unfold holdents_def, auto intro:finite_subset)

lemma cntCS_v_dec: 
  fixes s thread cs
  assumes vtv: "vt (V thread cs#s)"
  shows "(cntCS (V thread cs#s) thread + 1) = cntCS s thread"
proof -
  from step_back_step[OF vtv]
  have cs_in: "cs \<in> holdents s thread" 
    apply (cases, unfold holdents_def s_depend_def, simp)
    by (unfold cs_holding_def s_holding_def wq_def, auto)
  moreover have cs_not_in: 
    "(holdents (V thread cs#s) thread) = holdents s thread - {cs}"
    apply (insert wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv], of cs])
    apply (unfold holdents_def, unfold step_depend_v[OF vtv],
            auto simp:next_th_def)
  proof -
    fix rest
    assume dst: "distinct (rest::thread list)"
      and ne: "rest \<noteq> []"
    and hd_ni: "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<notin> set rest"
    moreover have "set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) = set rest"
    proof(rule someI2)
      from dst show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
      show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set rest \<Longrightarrow> set x = set rest" by auto
    ultimately have "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<notin> 
                     set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)" by simp
    moreover have "(SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<noteq> []"
    proof(rule someI2)
      from dst show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
      fix x assume " distinct x \<and> set x = set rest" with ne
      show "x \<noteq> []" by auto
    show "(Cs cs, Th (hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest))) \<in> depend s"
      by auto
    fix rest
    assume dst: "distinct (rest::thread list)"
      and ne: "rest \<noteq> []"
    and hd_ni: "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<notin> set rest"
    moreover have "set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) = set rest"
    proof(rule someI2)
      from dst show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
      show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set rest \<Longrightarrow> set x = set rest" by auto
    ultimately have "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<notin> 
                     set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)" by simp
    moreover have "(SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<noteq> []"
    proof(rule someI2)
      from dst show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
      fix x assume " distinct x \<and> set x = set rest" with ne
      show "x \<noteq> []" by auto
    ultimately show "False" by auto 
  have "holdents s thread = insert cs (holdents (V thread cs#s) thread)"
    by auto
  moreover have "card \<dots> = 
                    Suc (card ((holdents (V thread cs#s) thread) - {cs}))"
  proof(rule card_insert)
    from finite_holding [OF vtv]
    show " finite (holdents (V thread cs # s) thread)" .
  moreover from cs_not_in 
  have "cs \<notin> (holdents (V thread cs#s) thread)" by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add:cntCS_def)

lemma cnp_cnv_cncs:
  fixes s th
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "cntP s th = cntV s th + (if (th \<in> readys s \<or> th \<notin> threads s) 
                                       then cntCS s th else cntCS s th + 1)"
proof -
  from vt show ?thesis
  proof(induct arbitrary:th)
    case (vt_cons s e)
    assume vt: "vt s"
    and ih: "\<And>th. cntP s th  = cntV s th +
               (if (th \<in> readys s \<or> th \<notin> threads s) then cntCS s th else cntCS s th + 1)"
    and stp: "step s e"
    from stp show ?case
      case (thread_create thread prio)
      assume eq_e: "e = Create thread prio"
        and not_in: "thread \<notin> threads s"
      show ?thesis
      proof -
        { fix cs 
          assume "thread \<in> set (wq s cs)"
          from wq_threads [OF vt this] have "thread \<in> threads s" .
          with not_in have "False" by simp
        } with eq_e have eq_readys: "readys (e#s) = readys s \<union> {thread}"
          by (auto simp:readys_def threads.simps s_waiting_def 
            wq_def cs_waiting_def Let_def)
        from eq_e have eq_cnp: "cntP (e#s) th = cntP s th" by (simp add:cntP_def count_def)
        from eq_e have eq_cnv: "cntV (e#s) th = cntV s th" by (simp add:cntV_def count_def)
        have eq_cncs: "cntCS (e#s) th = cntCS s th"
          unfolding cntCS_def holdents_def
          by (simp add:depend_create_unchanged eq_e)
        { assume "th \<noteq> thread"
          with eq_readys eq_e
          have "(th \<in> readys (e # s) \<or> th \<notin> threads (e # s)) = 
                      (th \<in> readys (s) \<or> th \<notin> threads (s))" 
            by (simp add:threads.simps)
          with eq_cnp eq_cnv eq_cncs ih not_in
          have ?thesis by simp
        } moreover {
          assume eq_th: "th = thread"
          with not_in ih have " cntP s th  = cntV s th + cntCS s th" by simp
          moreover from eq_th and eq_readys have "th \<in> readys (e#s)" by simp
          moreover note eq_cnp eq_cnv eq_cncs
          ultimately have ?thesis by auto
        } ultimately show ?thesis by blast
      case (thread_exit thread)
      assume eq_e: "e = Exit thread" 
      and is_runing: "thread \<in> runing s"
      and no_hold: "holdents s thread = {}"
      from eq_e have eq_cnp: "cntP (e#s) th = cntP s th" by (simp add:cntP_def count_def)
      from eq_e have eq_cnv: "cntV (e#s) th = cntV s th" by (simp add:cntV_def count_def)
      have eq_cncs: "cntCS (e#s) th = cntCS s th"
        unfolding cntCS_def holdents_def
        by (simp add:depend_exit_unchanged eq_e)
      { assume "th \<noteq> thread"
        with eq_e
        have "(th \<in> readys (e # s) \<or> th \<notin> threads (e # s)) = 
          (th \<in> readys (s) \<or> th \<notin> threads (s))" 
          apply (simp add:threads.simps readys_def)
          apply (subst s_waiting_def)
          apply (simp add:Let_def)
          apply (subst s_waiting_def, simp)
        with eq_cnp eq_cnv eq_cncs ih
        have ?thesis by simp
      } moreover {
        assume eq_th: "th = thread"
        with ih is_runing have " cntP s th = cntV s th + cntCS s th" 
          by (simp add:runing_def)
        moreover from eq_th eq_e have "th \<notin> threads (e#s)"
          by simp
        moreover note eq_cnp eq_cnv eq_cncs
        ultimately have ?thesis by auto
      } ultimately show ?thesis by blast
      case (thread_P thread cs)
      assume eq_e: "e = P thread cs"
        and is_runing: "thread \<in> runing s"
        and no_dep: "(Cs cs, Th thread) \<notin> (depend s)\<^sup>+"
      from thread_P vt stp ih  have vtp: "vt (P thread cs#s)" by auto
      show ?thesis 
      proof -
        { have hh: "\<And> A B C. (B = C) \<Longrightarrow> (A \<and> B) = (A \<and> C)" by blast
          assume neq_th: "th \<noteq> thread"
          with eq_e
          have eq_readys: "(th \<in> readys (e#s)) = (th \<in> readys (s))"
            apply (simp add:readys_def s_waiting_def wq_def Let_def)
            apply (rule_tac hh, clarify)
            apply (intro iffI allI, clarify)
            apply (erule_tac x = csa in allE, auto)
            apply (subgoal_tac "wq_fun (schs s) cs \<noteq> []", auto)
            apply (erule_tac x = cs in allE, auto)
            by (case_tac "(wq_fun (schs s) cs)", auto)
          moreover from neq_th eq_e have "cntCS (e # s) th = cntCS s th"
            apply (simp add:cntCS_def holdents_def)
            by (unfold  step_depend_p [OF vtp], auto)
          moreover from eq_e neq_th have "cntP (e # s) th = cntP s th"
            by (simp add:cntP_def count_def)
          moreover from eq_e neq_th have "cntV (e#s) th = cntV s th"
            by (simp add:cntV_def count_def)
          moreover from eq_e neq_th have "threads (e#s) = threads s" by simp
          moreover note ih [of th] 
          ultimately have ?thesis by simp
        } moreover {
          assume eq_th: "th = thread"
          have ?thesis
          proof -
            from eq_e eq_th have eq_cnp: "cntP (e # s) th  = 1 + (cntP s th)" 
              by (simp add:cntP_def count_def)
            from eq_e eq_th have eq_cnv: "cntV (e#s) th = cntV s th"
              by (simp add:cntV_def count_def)
            show ?thesis
            proof (cases "wq s cs = []")
              case True
              with is_runing
              have "th \<in> readys (e#s)"
                apply (unfold eq_e wq_def, unfold readys_def s_depend_def)
                apply (simp add: wq_def[symmetric] runing_def eq_th s_waiting_def)
                by (auto simp:readys_def wq_def Let_def s_waiting_def wq_def)
              moreover have "cntCS (e # s) th = 1 + cntCS s th"
              proof -
                have "card {csa. csa = cs \<or> (Cs csa, Th thread) \<in> depend s} =
                  Suc (card {cs. (Cs cs, Th thread) \<in> depend s})" (is "card ?L = Suc (card ?R)")
                proof -
                  have "?L = insert cs ?R" by auto
                  moreover have "card \<dots> = Suc (card (?R - {cs}))" 
                  proof(rule card_insert)
                    from finite_holding [OF vt, of thread]
                    show " finite {cs. (Cs cs, Th thread) \<in> depend s}"
                      by (unfold holdents_def, simp)
                  moreover have "?R - {cs} = ?R"
                  proof -
                    have "cs \<notin> ?R"
                      assume "cs \<in> {cs. (Cs cs, Th thread) \<in> depend s}"
                      with no_dep show False by auto
                    thus ?thesis by auto
                  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  apply (unfold eq_e eq_th cntCS_def)
                  apply (simp add: holdents_def)
                  by (unfold step_depend_p [OF vtp], auto simp:True)
              moreover from is_runing have "th \<in> readys s"
                by (simp add:runing_def eq_th)
              moreover note eq_cnp eq_cnv ih [of th]
              ultimately show ?thesis by auto
              case False
              have eq_wq: "wq (e#s) cs = wq s cs @ [th]"
                    by (unfold eq_th eq_e wq_def, auto simp:Let_def)
              have "th \<notin> readys (e#s)"
                assume "th \<in> readys (e#s)"
                hence "\<forall>cs. \<not> waiting (e # s) th cs" by (simp add:readys_def)
                from this[rule_format, of cs] have " \<not> waiting (e # s) th cs" .
                hence "th \<in> set (wq (e#s) cs) \<Longrightarrow> th = hd (wq (e#s) cs)" 
                  by (simp add:s_waiting_def wq_def)
                moreover from eq_wq have "th \<in> set (wq (e#s) cs)" by auto
                ultimately have "th = hd (wq (e#s) cs)" by blast
                with eq_wq have "th = hd (wq s cs @ [th])" by simp
                hence "th = hd (wq s cs)" using False by auto
                with False eq_wq wq_distinct [OF vtp, of cs]
                show False by (fold eq_e, auto)
              moreover from is_runing have "th \<in> threads (e#s)" 
                by (unfold eq_e, auto simp:runing_def readys_def eq_th)
              moreover have "cntCS (e # s) th = cntCS s th"
                apply (unfold cntCS_def holdents_def eq_e step_depend_p[OF vtp])
                by (auto simp:False)
              moreover note eq_cnp eq_cnv ih[of th]
              moreover from is_runing have "th \<in> readys s"
                by (simp add:runing_def eq_th)
              ultimately show ?thesis by auto
        } ultimately show ?thesis by blast
      case (thread_V thread cs)
      from assms vt stp ih thread_V have vtv: "vt (V thread cs # s)" by auto
      assume eq_e: "e = V thread cs"
        and is_runing: "thread \<in> runing s"
        and hold: "holding s thread cs"
      from hold obtain rest 
        where eq_wq: "wq s cs = thread # rest"
        by (case_tac "wq s cs", auto simp: wq_def s_holding_def)
      have eq_threads: "threads (e#s) = threads s" by (simp add: eq_e)
      have eq_set: "set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) = set rest"
      proof(rule someI2)
        from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv], of cs] and eq_wq
        show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
        show "\<And>x. distinct x \<and> set x = set rest \<Longrightarrow> set x = set rest"
          by auto
      show ?thesis
      proof -
        { assume eq_th: "th = thread"
          from eq_th have eq_cnp: "cntP (e # s) th = cntP s th"
            by (unfold eq_e, simp add:cntP_def count_def)
          moreover from eq_th have eq_cnv: "cntV (e#s) th = 1 + cntV s th"
            by (unfold eq_e, simp add:cntV_def count_def)
          moreover from cntCS_v_dec [OF vtv] 
          have "cntCS (e # s) thread + 1 = cntCS s thread"
            by (simp add:eq_e)
          moreover from is_runing have rd_before: "thread \<in> readys s"
            by (unfold runing_def, simp)
          moreover have "thread \<in> readys (e # s)"
          proof -
            from is_runing
            have "thread \<in> threads (e#s)" 
              by (unfold eq_e, auto simp:runing_def readys_def)
            moreover have "\<forall> cs1. \<not> waiting (e#s) thread cs1"
              fix cs1
              { assume eq_cs: "cs1 = cs" 
                have "\<not> waiting (e # s) thread cs1"
                proof -
                  from eq_wq
                  have "thread \<notin> set (wq (e#s) cs1)"
                    apply(unfold eq_e wq_def eq_cs s_holding_def)
                    apply (auto simp:Let_def)
                  proof -
                    assume "thread \<in> set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)"
                    with eq_set have "thread \<in> set rest" by simp
                    with wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv], of cs]
                    and eq_wq show False by auto
                  thus ?thesis by (simp add:wq_def s_waiting_def)
              } moreover {
                assume neq_cs: "cs1 \<noteq> cs"
                  have "\<not> waiting (e # s) thread cs1" 
                  proof -
                    from wq_v_neq [OF neq_cs[symmetric]]
                    have "wq (V thread cs # s) cs1 = wq s cs1" .
                    moreover have "\<not> waiting s thread cs1" 
                    proof -
                      from runing_ready and is_runing
                      have "thread \<in> readys s" by auto
                      thus ?thesis by (simp add:readys_def)
                    ultimately show ?thesis 
                      by (auto simp:wq_def s_waiting_def eq_e)
              } ultimately show "\<not> waiting (e # s) thread cs1" by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add:readys_def)
          moreover note eq_th ih
          ultimately have ?thesis by auto
        } moreover {
          assume neq_th: "th \<noteq> thread"
          from neq_th eq_e have eq_cnp: "cntP (e # s) th = cntP s th" 
            by (simp add:cntP_def count_def)
          from neq_th eq_e have eq_cnv: "cntV (e # s) th = cntV s th" 
            by (simp add:cntV_def count_def)
          have ?thesis
          proof(cases "th \<in> set rest")
            case False
            have "(th \<in> readys (e # s)) = (th \<in> readys s)"
              apply (insert step_back_vt[OF vtv])
              by (unfold eq_e, rule readys_v_eq [OF _ neq_th eq_wq False], auto)
            moreover have "cntCS (e#s) th = cntCS s th"
              apply (insert neq_th, unfold eq_e cntCS_def holdents_def step_depend_v[OF vtv], auto)
              proof -
                have "{csa. (Cs csa, Th th) \<in> depend s \<or> csa = cs \<and> next_th s thread cs th} =
                      {cs. (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s}"
                proof -
                  from False eq_wq
                  have " next_th s thread cs th \<Longrightarrow> (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s"
                    apply (unfold next_th_def, auto)
                  proof -
                    assume ne: "rest \<noteq> []"
                      and ni: "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<notin> set rest"
                      and eq_wq: "wq s cs = thread # rest"
                    from eq_set ni have "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<notin> 
                                  set (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)
                                  " by simp
                    moreover have "(SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<noteq> []"
                    proof(rule someI2)
                      from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv], of cs] and eq_wq
                      show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
                      fix x assume "distinct x \<and> set x = set rest"
                      with ne show "x \<noteq> []" by auto
                    ultimately show 
                      "(Cs cs, Th (hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest))) \<in> depend s"
                      by auto
                  thus ?thesis by auto
                thus "card {csa. (Cs csa, Th th) \<in> depend s \<or> csa = cs \<and> next_th s thread cs th} =
                             card {cs. (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s}" by simp 
            moreover note ih eq_cnp eq_cnv eq_threads
            ultimately show ?thesis by auto
            case True
            assume th_in: "th \<in> set rest"
            show ?thesis
            proof(cases "next_th s thread cs th")
              case False
              with eq_wq and th_in have 
                neq_hd: "th \<noteq> hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)" (is "th \<noteq> hd ?rest")
                by (auto simp:next_th_def)
              have "(th \<in> readys (e # s)) = (th \<in> readys s)"
              proof -
                from eq_wq and th_in
                have "\<not> th \<in> readys s"
                  apply (auto simp:readys_def s_waiting_def)
                  apply (rule_tac x = cs in exI, auto)
                  by (insert wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv], of cs], auto simp add: wq_def)
                from eq_wq and th_in and neq_hd
                have "\<not> (th \<in> readys (e # s))"
                  apply (auto simp:readys_def s_waiting_def eq_e wq_def Let_def split:list.splits)
                  by (rule_tac x = cs in exI, auto simp:eq_set)
                ultimately show ?thesis by auto
              moreover have "cntCS (e#s) th = cntCS s th" 
              proof -
                from eq_wq and  th_in and neq_hd
                have "(holdents (e # s) th) = (holdents s th)"
                  apply (unfold eq_e step_depend_v[OF vtv], 
                         auto simp:next_th_def eq_set s_depend_def holdents_def wq_def
                                   Let_def cs_holding_def)
                  by (insert wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv], of cs], auto simp:wq_def)
                thus ?thesis by (simp add:cntCS_def)
              moreover note ih eq_cnp eq_cnv eq_threads
              ultimately show ?thesis by auto
              case True
              let ?rest = " (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest)"
              let ?t = "hd ?rest"
              from True eq_wq th_in neq_th
              have "th \<in> readys (e # s)"
                apply (auto simp:eq_e readys_def s_waiting_def wq_def
                        Let_def next_th_def)
              proof -
                assume eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = thread # rest"
                  and t_in: "?t \<in> set rest"
                show "?t \<in> threads s"
                proof(rule wq_threads[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv]])
                  from eq_wq and t_in
                  show "?t \<in> set (wq s cs)" by (auto simp:wq_def)
                fix csa
                assume eq_wq: "wq_fun (schs s) cs = thread # rest"
                  and t_in: "?t \<in> set rest"
                  and neq_cs: "csa \<noteq> cs"
                  and t_in': "?t \<in>  set (wq_fun (schs s) csa)"
                show "?t = hd (wq_fun (schs s) csa)"
                proof -
                  { assume neq_hd': "?t \<noteq> hd (wq_fun (schs s) csa)"
                    from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv], of cs] and 
                    eq_wq[folded wq_def] and t_in eq_wq
                    have "?t \<noteq> thread" by auto
                    with eq_wq and t_in
                    have w1: "waiting s ?t cs"
                      by (auto simp:s_waiting_def wq_def)
                    from t_in' neq_hd'
                    have w2: "waiting s ?t csa"
                      by (auto simp:s_waiting_def wq_def)
                    from waiting_unique[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv] w1 w2]
                    and neq_cs have "False" by auto
                  } thus ?thesis by auto
              moreover have "cntP s th = cntV s th + cntCS s th + 1"
              proof -
                have "th \<notin> readys s" 
                proof -
                  from True eq_wq neq_th th_in
                  show ?thesis
                    apply (unfold readys_def s_waiting_def, auto)
                    by (rule_tac x = cs in exI, auto simp add: wq_def)
                moreover have "th \<in> threads s"
                proof -
                  from th_in eq_wq
                  have "th \<in> set (wq s cs)" by simp
                  from wq_threads [OF step_back_vt[OF vtv] this] 
                  show ?thesis .
                ultimately show ?thesis using ih by auto
              moreover from True neq_th have "cntCS (e # s) th = 1 + cntCS s th"
                apply (unfold cntCS_def holdents_def eq_e step_depend_v[OF vtv], auto)
              proof -
                show "card {csa. (Cs csa, Th th) \<in> depend s \<or> csa = cs} =
                               Suc (card {cs. (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s})"
                  (is "card ?A = Suc (card ?B)")
                proof -
                  have "?A = insert cs ?B" by auto
                  hence "card ?A = card (insert cs ?B)" by simp
                  also have "\<dots> = Suc (card ?B)"
                  proof(rule card_insert_disjoint)
                    have "?B \<subseteq> ((\<lambda> (x, y). the_cs x) ` depend s)" 
                      apply (auto simp:image_def)
                      by (rule_tac x = "(Cs x, Th th)" in bexI, auto)
                    with finite_depend[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv]]
                    show "finite {cs. (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s}" by (auto intro:finite_subset)
                    show "cs \<notin> {cs. (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s}"
                      assume "cs \<in> {cs. (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s}"
                      hence "(Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s" by simp
                      with True neq_th eq_wq show False
                        by (auto simp:next_th_def s_depend_def cs_holding_def)
                  finally show ?thesis .
              moreover note eq_cnp eq_cnv
              ultimately show ?thesis by simp
        } ultimately show ?thesis by blast
      case (thread_set thread prio)
      assume eq_e: "e = Set thread prio"
        and is_runing: "thread \<in> runing s"
      show ?thesis
      proof -
        from eq_e have eq_cnp: "cntP (e#s) th = cntP s th" by (simp add:cntP_def count_def)
        from eq_e have eq_cnv: "cntV (e#s) th = cntV s th" by (simp add:cntV_def count_def)
        have eq_cncs: "cntCS (e#s) th = cntCS s th"
          unfolding cntCS_def holdents_def
          by (simp add:depend_set_unchanged eq_e)
        from eq_e have eq_readys: "readys (e#s) = readys s" 
          by (simp add:readys_def cs_waiting_def s_waiting_def wq_def,
                  auto simp:Let_def)
        { assume "th \<noteq> thread"
          with eq_readys eq_e
          have "(th \<in> readys (e # s) \<or> th \<notin> threads (e # s)) = 
                      (th \<in> readys (s) \<or> th \<notin> threads (s))" 
            by (simp add:threads.simps)
          with eq_cnp eq_cnv eq_cncs ih is_runing
          have ?thesis by simp
        } moreover {
          assume eq_th: "th = thread"
          with is_runing ih have " cntP s th  = cntV s th + cntCS s th" 
            by (unfold runing_def, auto)
          moreover from eq_th and eq_readys is_runing have "th \<in> readys (e#s)"
            by (simp add:runing_def)
          moreover note eq_cnp eq_cnv eq_cncs
          ultimately have ?thesis by auto
        } ultimately show ?thesis by blast
    case vt_nil
    show ?case 
      by (unfold cntP_def cntV_def cntCS_def, 
        auto simp:count_def holdents_def s_depend_def wq_def cs_holding_def)

lemma not_thread_cncs:
  fixes th s
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and not_in: "th \<notin> threads s" 
  shows "cntCS s th = 0"
proof -
  from vt not_in show ?thesis
  proof(induct arbitrary:th)
    case (vt_cons s e th)
    assume vt: "vt s"
      and ih: "\<And>th. th \<notin> threads s \<Longrightarrow> cntCS s th = 0"
      and stp: "step s e"
      and not_in: "th \<notin> threads (e # s)"
    from stp show ?case
      case (thread_create thread prio)
      assume eq_e: "e = Create thread prio"
        and not_in': "thread \<notin> threads s"
      have "cntCS (e # s) th = cntCS s th"
        apply (unfold eq_e cntCS_def holdents_def)
        by (simp add:depend_create_unchanged)
      moreover have "th \<notin> threads s" 
      proof -
        from not_in eq_e show ?thesis by simp
      moreover note ih ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case (thread_exit thread)
      assume eq_e: "e = Exit thread"
      and nh: "holdents s thread = {}"
      have eq_cns: "cntCS (e # s) th = cntCS s th"
        apply (unfold eq_e cntCS_def holdents_def)
        by (simp add:depend_exit_unchanged)
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "th = thread")
        case True
        have "cntCS s th = 0" by (unfold cntCS_def, auto simp:nh True)
        with eq_cns show ?thesis by simp
        case False
        with not_in and eq_e
        have "th \<notin> threads s" by simp
        from ih[OF this] and eq_cns show ?thesis by simp
      case (thread_P thread cs)
      assume eq_e: "e = P thread cs"
      and is_runing: "thread \<in> runing s"
      from assms thread_P ih vt stp thread_P have vtp: "vt (P thread cs#s)" by auto
      have neq_th: "th \<noteq> thread" 
      proof -
        from not_in eq_e have "th \<notin> threads s" by simp
        moreover from is_runing have "thread \<in> threads s"
          by (simp add:runing_def readys_def)
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      hence "cntCS (e # s) th  = cntCS s th "
        apply (unfold cntCS_def holdents_def eq_e)
        by (unfold step_depend_p[OF vtp], auto)
      moreover have "cntCS s th = 0"
      proof(rule ih)
        from not_in eq_e show "th \<notin> threads s" by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis by simp
      case (thread_V thread cs)
      assume eq_e: "e = V thread cs"
        and is_runing: "thread \<in> runing s"
        and hold: "holding s thread cs"
      have neq_th: "th \<noteq> thread" 
      proof -
        from not_in eq_e have "th \<notin> threads s" by simp
        moreover from is_runing have "thread \<in> threads s"
          by (simp add:runing_def readys_def)
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      from assms thread_V vt stp ih have vtv: "vt (V thread cs#s)" by auto
      from hold obtain rest 
        where eq_wq: "wq s cs = thread # rest"
        by (case_tac "wq s cs", auto simp: wq_def s_holding_def)
      from not_in eq_e eq_wq
      have "\<not> next_th s thread cs th"
        apply (auto simp:next_th_def)
      proof -
        assume ne: "rest \<noteq> []"
          and ni: "hd (SOME q. distinct q \<and> set q = set rest) \<notin> threads s" (is "?t \<notin> threads s")
        have "?t \<in> set rest"
        proof(rule someI2)
          from wq_distinct[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv], of cs] and eq_wq
          show "distinct rest \<and> set rest = set rest" by auto
          fix x assume "distinct x \<and> set x = set rest" with ne
          show "hd x \<in> set rest" by (cases x, auto)
        with eq_wq have "?t \<in> set (wq s cs)" by simp
        from wq_threads[OF step_back_vt[OF vtv], OF this] and ni
        show False by auto
      moreover note neq_th eq_wq
      ultimately have "cntCS (e # s) th  = cntCS s th"
        by (unfold eq_e cntCS_def holdents_def step_depend_v[OF vtv], auto)
      moreover have "cntCS s th = 0"
      proof(rule ih)
        from not_in eq_e show "th \<notin> threads s" by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis by simp
      case (thread_set thread prio)
      assume eq_e: "e = Set thread prio"
        and is_runing: "thread \<in> runing s"
      from not_in and eq_e have "th \<notin> threads s" by auto
      from ih [OF this] and eq_e
      show ?thesis 
        apply (unfold eq_e cntCS_def holdents_def)
        by (simp add:depend_set_unchanged)
      case vt_nil
      show ?case
      by (unfold cntCS_def, 
        auto simp:count_def holdents_def s_depend_def wq_def cs_holding_def)

lemma eq_waiting: "waiting (wq (s::state)) th cs = waiting s th cs"
  by (auto simp:s_waiting_def cs_waiting_def wq_def)

lemma dm_depend_threads:
  fixes th s
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and in_dom: "(Th th) \<in> Domain (depend s)"
  shows "th \<in> threads s"
proof -
  from in_dom obtain n where "(Th th, n) \<in> depend s" by auto
  moreover from depend_target_th[OF this] obtain cs where "n = Cs cs" by auto
  ultimately have "(Th th, Cs cs) \<in> depend s" by simp
  hence "th \<in> set (wq s cs)"
    by (unfold s_depend_def, auto simp:cs_waiting_def)
  from wq_threads [OF vt this] show ?thesis .

lemma cp_eq_cpreced: "cp s th = cpreced (wq s) s th"
unfolding cp_def wq_def
apply(induct s rule: schs.induct)
apply(simp add: Let_def cpreced_initial)
apply(simp add: Let_def)
apply(simp add: Let_def)
apply(simp add: Let_def)
apply(subst (2) schs.simps)
apply(simp add: Let_def)
apply(subst (2) schs.simps)
apply(simp add: Let_def)

lemma runing_unique:
  fixes th1 th2 s
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and runing_1: "th1 \<in> runing s"
  and runing_2: "th2 \<in> runing s"
  shows "th1 = th2"
proof -
  from runing_1 and runing_2 have "cp s th1 = cp s th2"
    by (unfold runing_def, simp)
  hence eq_max: "Max ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th1} \<union> dependents (wq s) th1)) =
                 Max ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th2} \<union> dependents (wq s) th2))"
    (is "Max (?f ` ?A) = Max (?f ` ?B)")
    by (unfold cp_eq_cpreced cpreced_def)
  obtain th1' where th1_in: "th1' \<in> ?A" and eq_f_th1: "?f th1' = Max (?f ` ?A)"
  proof -
    have h1: "finite (?f ` ?A)"
    proof -
      have "finite ?A" 
      proof -
        have "finite (dependents (wq s) th1)"
          have "finite {th'. (Th th', Th th1) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+}"
          proof -
            let ?F = "\<lambda> (x, y). the_th x"
            have "{th'. (Th th', Th th1) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+} \<subseteq> ?F ` ((depend (wq s))\<^sup>+)"
              apply (auto simp:image_def)
              by (rule_tac x = "(Th x, Th th1)" in bexI, auto)
            moreover have "finite \<dots>"
            proof -
              from finite_depend[OF vt] have "finite (depend s)" .
              hence "finite ((depend (wq s))\<^sup>+)"
                apply (unfold finite_trancl)
                by (auto simp: s_depend_def cs_depend_def wq_def)
              thus ?thesis by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro:finite_subset)
          thus ?thesis by (simp add:cs_dependents_def)
        thus ?thesis by simp
      thus ?thesis by auto
    moreover have h2: "(?f ` ?A) \<noteq> {}"
    proof -
      have "?A \<noteq> {}" by simp
      thus ?thesis by simp
    from Max_in [OF h1 h2]
    have "Max (?f ` ?A) \<in> (?f ` ?A)" .
    thus ?thesis by (auto intro:that)
  obtain th2' where th2_in: "th2' \<in> ?B" and eq_f_th2: "?f th2' = Max (?f ` ?B)"
  proof -
    have h1: "finite (?f ` ?B)"
    proof -
      have "finite ?B" 
      proof -
        have "finite (dependents (wq s) th2)"
          have "finite {th'. (Th th', Th th2) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+}"
          proof -
            let ?F = "\<lambda> (x, y). the_th x"
            have "{th'. (Th th', Th th2) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+} \<subseteq> ?F ` ((depend (wq s))\<^sup>+)"
              apply (auto simp:image_def)
              by (rule_tac x = "(Th x, Th th2)" in bexI, auto)
            moreover have "finite \<dots>"
            proof -
              from finite_depend[OF vt] have "finite (depend s)" .
              hence "finite ((depend (wq s))\<^sup>+)"
                apply (unfold finite_trancl)
                by (auto simp: s_depend_def cs_depend_def wq_def)
              thus ?thesis by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro:finite_subset)
          thus ?thesis by (simp add:cs_dependents_def)
        thus ?thesis by simp
      thus ?thesis by auto
    moreover have h2: "(?f ` ?B) \<noteq> {}"
    proof -
      have "?B \<noteq> {}" by simp
      thus ?thesis by simp
    from Max_in [OF h1 h2]
    have "Max (?f ` ?B) \<in> (?f ` ?B)" .
    thus ?thesis by (auto intro:that)
  from eq_f_th1 eq_f_th2 eq_max 
  have eq_preced: "preced th1' s = preced th2' s" by auto
  hence eq_th12: "th1' = th2'"
  proof (rule preced_unique)
    from th1_in have "th1' = th1 \<or> (th1' \<in> dependents (wq s) th1)" by simp
    thus "th1' \<in> threads s"
      assume "th1' \<in> dependents (wq s) th1"
      hence "(Th th1') \<in> Domain ((depend s)^+)"
        apply (unfold cs_dependents_def cs_depend_def s_depend_def)
        by (auto simp:Domain_def)
      hence "(Th th1') \<in> Domain (depend s)" by (simp add:trancl_domain)
      from dm_depend_threads[OF vt this] show ?thesis .
      assume "th1' = th1"
      with runing_1 show ?thesis
        by (unfold runing_def readys_def, auto)
    from th2_in have "th2' = th2 \<or> (th2' \<in> dependents (wq s) th2)" by simp
    thus "th2' \<in> threads s"
      assume "th2' \<in> dependents (wq s) th2"
      hence "(Th th2') \<in> Domain ((depend s)^+)"
        apply (unfold cs_dependents_def cs_depend_def s_depend_def)
        by (auto simp:Domain_def)
      hence "(Th th2') \<in> Domain (depend s)" by (simp add:trancl_domain)
      from dm_depend_threads[OF vt this] show ?thesis .
      assume "th2' = th2"
      with runing_2 show ?thesis
        by (unfold runing_def readys_def, auto)
  from th1_in have "th1' = th1 \<or> th1' \<in> dependents (wq s) th1" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    assume eq_th': "th1' = th1"
    from th2_in have "th2' = th2 \<or> th2' \<in> dependents (wq s) th2" by simp
    thus ?thesis
      assume "th2' = th2" thus ?thesis using eq_th' eq_th12 by simp
      assume "th2' \<in> dependents (wq s) th2"
      with eq_th12 eq_th' have "th1 \<in> dependents (wq s) th2" by simp
      hence "(Th th1, Th th2) \<in> (depend s)^+"
        by (unfold cs_dependents_def s_depend_def cs_depend_def, simp)
      hence "Th th1 \<in> Domain ((depend s)^+)" 
        apply (unfold cs_dependents_def cs_depend_def s_depend_def)
        by (auto simp:Domain_def)
      hence "Th th1 \<in> Domain (depend s)" by (simp add:trancl_domain)
      then obtain n where d: "(Th th1, n) \<in> depend s" by (auto simp:Domain_def)
      from depend_target_th [OF this]
      obtain cs' where "n = Cs cs'" by auto
      with d have "(Th th1, Cs cs') \<in> depend s" by simp
      with runing_1 have "False"
        apply (unfold runing_def readys_def s_depend_def)
        by (auto simp:eq_waiting)
      thus ?thesis by simp
    assume th1'_in: "th1' \<in> dependents (wq s) th1"
    from th2_in have "th2' = th2 \<or> th2' \<in> dependents (wq s) th2" by simp
    thus ?thesis 
      assume "th2' = th2"
      with th1'_in eq_th12 have "th2 \<in> dependents (wq s) th1" by simp
      hence "(Th th2, Th th1) \<in> (depend s)^+"
        by (unfold cs_dependents_def s_depend_def cs_depend_def, simp)
      hence "Th th2 \<in> Domain ((depend s)^+)" 
        apply (unfold cs_dependents_def cs_depend_def s_depend_def)
        by (auto simp:Domain_def)
      hence "Th th2 \<in> Domain (depend s)" by (simp add:trancl_domain)
      then obtain n where d: "(Th th2, n) \<in> depend s" by (auto simp:Domain_def)
      from depend_target_th [OF this]
      obtain cs' where "n = Cs cs'" by auto
      with d have "(Th th2, Cs cs') \<in> depend s" by simp
      with runing_2 have "False"
        apply (unfold runing_def readys_def s_depend_def)
        by (auto simp:eq_waiting)
      thus ?thesis by simp
      assume "th2' \<in> dependents (wq s) th2"
      with eq_th12 have "th1' \<in> dependents (wq s) th2" by simp
      hence h1: "(Th th1', Th th2) \<in> (depend s)^+"
        by (unfold cs_dependents_def s_depend_def cs_depend_def, simp)
      from th1'_in have h2: "(Th th1', Th th1) \<in> (depend s)^+"
        by (unfold cs_dependents_def s_depend_def cs_depend_def, simp)
      show ?thesis
      proof(rule dchain_unique[OF vt h1 _ h2, symmetric])
        from runing_1 show "th1 \<in> readys s" by (simp add:runing_def)
        from runing_2 show "th2 \<in> readys s" by (simp add:runing_def) 

lemma create_pre:
  assumes stp: "step s e"
  and not_in: "th \<notin> threads s"
  and is_in: "th \<in> threads (e#s)"
  obtains prio where "e = Create th prio"
proof -
  from assms  
  show ?thesis
    case (thread_create thread prio)
    with is_in not_in have "e = Create th prio" by simp
    from that[OF this] show ?thesis .
    case (thread_exit thread)
    with assms show ?thesis by (auto intro!:that)
    case (thread_P thread)
    with assms show ?thesis by (auto intro!:that)
    case (thread_V thread)
    with assms show ?thesis by (auto intro!:that)
    case (thread_set thread)
    with assms show ?thesis by (auto intro!:that)

lemma length_down_to_in: 
  assumes le_ij: "i \<le> j"
    and le_js: "j \<le> length s"
  shows "length (down_to j i s) = j - i"
proof -
  have "length (down_to j i s) = length (from_to i j (rev s))"
    by (unfold down_to_def, auto)
  also have "\<dots> = j - i"
  proof(rule length_from_to_in[OF le_ij])
    from le_js show "j \<le> length (rev s)" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma moment_head: 
  assumes le_it: "Suc i \<le> length t"
  obtains e where "moment (Suc i) t = e#moment i t"
proof -
  have "i \<le> Suc i" by simp
  from length_down_to_in [OF this le_it]
  have "length (down_to (Suc i) i t) = 1" by auto
  then obtain e where "down_to (Suc i) i t = [e]"
    apply (cases "(down_to (Suc i) i t)") by auto
  moreover have "down_to (Suc i) 0 t = down_to (Suc i) i t @ down_to i 0 t"
    by (rule down_to_conc[symmetric], auto)
  ultimately have eq_me: "moment (Suc i) t = e#(moment i t)"
    by (auto simp:down_to_moment)
  from that [OF this] show ?thesis .

lemma cnp_cnv_eq:
  fixes th s
  assumes "vt s"
  and "th \<notin> threads s"
  shows "cntP s th = cntV s th"
proof -
  from assms show ?thesis
    case (vt_cons s e)
    have ih: "th \<notin> threads s \<Longrightarrow> cntP s th = cntV s th" by fact
    have not_in: "th \<notin> threads (e # s)" by fact
    have "step s e" by fact
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case (thread_create thread prio)
      assume eq_e: "e = Create thread prio"
      hence "thread \<in> threads (e#s)" by simp
      with not_in and eq_e have "th \<notin> threads s" by auto
      from ih [OF this] show ?thesis using eq_e
        by (auto simp:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
      case (thread_exit thread)
      assume eq_e: "e = Exit thread"
        and not_holding: "holdents s thread = {}"
      have vt_s: "vt s" by fact
      from finite_holding[OF vt_s] have "finite (holdents s thread)" .
      with not_holding have "cntCS s thread = 0" by (unfold cntCS_def, auto)
      moreover have "thread \<in> readys s" using thread_exit by (auto simp:runing_def)
      moreover note cnp_cnv_cncs[OF vt_s, of thread]
      ultimately have eq_thread: "cntP s thread = cntV s thread" by auto
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "th = thread")
        case True
        with eq_thread eq_e show ?thesis 
          by (auto simp:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
        case False
        with not_in and eq_e have "th \<notin> threads s" by simp
        from ih[OF this] and eq_e show ?thesis 
           by (auto simp:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
      case (thread_P thread cs)
      assume eq_e: "e = P thread cs"
      have "thread \<in> runing s" by fact
      with not_in eq_e have neq_th: "thread \<noteq> th" 
        by (auto simp:runing_def readys_def)
      from not_in eq_e have "th \<notin> threads s" by simp
      from ih[OF this] and neq_th and eq_e show ?thesis
        by (auto simp:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
      case (thread_V thread cs)
      assume eq_e: "e = V thread cs"
      have "thread \<in> runing s" by fact
      with not_in eq_e have neq_th: "thread \<noteq> th" 
        by (auto simp:runing_def readys_def)
      from not_in eq_e have "th \<notin> threads s" by simp
      from ih[OF this] and neq_th and eq_e show ?thesis
        by (auto simp:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
      case (thread_set thread prio)
      assume eq_e: "e = Set thread prio"
        and "thread \<in> runing s"
      hence "thread \<in> threads (e#s)" 
        by (simp add:runing_def readys_def)
      with not_in and eq_e have "th \<notin> threads s" by auto
      from ih [OF this] show ?thesis using eq_e
        by (auto simp:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)  
    case vt_nil
    show ?case by (auto simp:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)

lemma eq_depend: 
  "depend (wq s) = depend s"
by (unfold cs_depend_def s_depend_def, auto)

lemma count_eq_dependents:
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and eq_pv: "cntP s th = cntV s th"
  shows "dependents (wq s) th = {}"
proof -
  from cnp_cnv_cncs[OF vt] and eq_pv
  have "cntCS s th = 0" 
    by (auto split:if_splits)
  moreover have "finite {cs. (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s}"
  proof -
    from finite_holding[OF vt, of th] show ?thesis
      by (simp add:holdents_def)
  ultimately have h: "{cs. (Cs cs, Th th) \<in> depend s} = {}"
    by (unfold cntCS_def holdents_def cs_dependents_def, auto)
  show ?thesis
  proof(unfold cs_dependents_def)
    { assume "{th'. (Th th', Th th) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+} \<noteq> {}"
      then obtain th' where "(Th th', Th th) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+" by auto
      hence "False"
        assume "(Th th', Th th) \<in> depend (wq s)"
        thus "False" by (auto simp:cs_depend_def)
        fix c
        assume "(c, Th th) \<in> depend (wq s)"
        with h and eq_depend show "False"
          by (cases c, auto simp:cs_depend_def)
    } thus "{th'. (Th th', Th th) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+} = {}" by auto

lemma dependents_threads:
  fixes s th
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "dependents (wq s) th \<subseteq> threads s"
  { fix th th'
    assume h: "th \<in> {th'a. (Th th'a, Th th') \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+}"
    have "Th th \<in> Domain (depend s)"
    proof -
      from h obtain th' where "(Th th, Th th') \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+" by auto
      hence "(Th th) \<in> Domain ( (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+)" by (auto simp:Domain_def)
      with trancl_domain have "(Th th) \<in> Domain (depend (wq s))" by simp
      thus ?thesis using eq_depend by simp
    from dm_depend_threads[OF vt this]
    have "th \<in> threads s" .
  } note hh = this
  fix th1 
  assume "th1 \<in> dependents (wq s) th"
  hence "th1 \<in> {th'a. (Th th'a, Th th) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+}"
    by (unfold cs_dependents_def, simp)
  from hh [OF this] show "th1 \<in> threads s" .

lemma finite_threads:
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "finite (threads s)"
using vt
by (induct) (auto elim: step.cases)

lemma Max_f_mono:
  assumes seq: "A \<subseteq> B"
  and np: "A \<noteq> {}"
  and fnt: "finite B"
  shows "Max (f ` A) \<le> Max (f ` B)"
proof(rule Max_mono)
  from seq show "f ` A \<subseteq> f ` B" by auto
  from np show "f ` A \<noteq> {}" by auto
  from fnt and seq show "finite (f ` B)" by auto

lemma cp_le:
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and th_in: "th \<in> threads s"
  shows "cp s th \<le> Max ((\<lambda> th. (preced th s)) ` threads s)"
proof(unfold cp_eq_cpreced cpreced_def cs_dependents_def)
  show "Max ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th} \<union> {th'. (Th th', Th th) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+}))
         \<le> Max ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)"
    (is "Max (?f ` ?A) \<le> Max (?f ` ?B)")
  proof(rule Max_f_mono)
    show "{th} \<union> {th'. (Th th', Th th) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+} \<noteq> {}" by simp
    from finite_threads [OF vt]
    show "finite (threads s)" .
    from th_in
    show "{th} \<union> {th'. (Th th', Th th) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+} \<subseteq> threads s"
      apply (auto simp:Domain_def)
      apply (rule_tac dm_depend_threads[OF vt])
      apply (unfold trancl_domain [of "depend s", symmetric])
      by (unfold cs_depend_def s_depend_def, auto simp:Domain_def)

lemma le_cp:
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "preced th s \<le> cp s th"
proof(unfold cp_eq_cpreced preced_def cpreced_def, simp)
  show "Prc (original_priority th s) (birthtime th s)
    \<le> Max (insert (Prc (original_priority th s) (birthtime th s))
            ((\<lambda>th. Prc (original_priority th s) (birthtime th s)) ` dependents (wq s) th))"
    (is "?l \<le> Max (insert ?l ?A)")
  proof(cases "?A = {}")
    case False
    have "finite ?A" (is "finite (?f ` ?B)")
    proof -
      have "finite ?B" 
        have "finite {th'. (Th th', Th th) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+}"
        proof -
          let ?F = "\<lambda> (x, y). the_th x"
          have "{th'. (Th th', Th th) \<in> (depend (wq s))\<^sup>+} \<subseteq> ?F ` ((depend (wq s))\<^sup>+)"
            apply (auto simp:image_def)
            by (rule_tac x = "(Th x, Th th)" in bexI, auto)
          moreover have "finite \<dots>"
          proof -
            from finite_depend[OF vt] have "finite (depend s)" .
            hence "finite ((depend (wq s))\<^sup>+)"
              apply (unfold finite_trancl)
              by (auto simp: s_depend_def cs_depend_def wq_def)
            thus ?thesis by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro:finite_subset)
        thus ?thesis by (simp add:cs_dependents_def)
      thus ?thesis by simp
    from Max_insert [OF this False, of ?l] show ?thesis by auto
    case True
    thus ?thesis by auto

lemma max_cp_eq: 
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "Max ((cp s) ` threads s) = Max ((\<lambda> th. (preced th s)) ` threads s)"
  (is "?l = ?r")
proof(cases "threads s = {}")
  case True
  thus ?thesis by auto
  case False
  have "?l \<in> ((cp s) ` threads s)"
  proof(rule Max_in)
    from finite_threads[OF vt] 
    show "finite (cp s ` threads s)" by auto
    from False show "cp s ` threads s \<noteq> {}" by auto
  then obtain th 
    where th_in: "th \<in> threads s" and eq_l: "?l = cp s th" by auto
  have "\<dots> \<le> ?r" by (rule cp_le[OF vt th_in])
  moreover have "?r \<le> cp s th" (is "Max (?f ` ?A) \<le> cp s th")
  proof -
    have "?r \<in> (?f ` ?A)"
    proof(rule Max_in)
      from finite_threads[OF vt]
      show " finite ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)" by auto
      from False show " (\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s \<noteq> {}" by auto
    then obtain th' where 
      th_in': "th' \<in> ?A " and eq_r: "?r = ?f th'" by auto
    from le_cp [OF vt, of th']  eq_r
    have "?r \<le> cp s th'" by auto
    moreover have "\<dots> \<le> cp s th"
    proof(fold eq_l)
      show " cp s th' \<le> Max (cp s ` threads s)"
      proof(rule Max_ge)
        from th_in' show "cp s th' \<in> cp s ` threads s"
          by auto
        from finite_threads[OF vt]
        show "finite (cp s ` threads s)" by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using eq_l by auto

lemma max_cp_readys_threads_pre:
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  and np: "threads s \<noteq> {}"
  shows "Max (cp s ` readys s) = Max (cp s ` threads s)"
proof(unfold max_cp_eq[OF vt])
  show "Max (cp s ` readys s) = Max ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)"
  proof -
    let ?p = "Max ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)" 
    let ?f = "(\<lambda>th. preced th s)"
    have "?p \<in> ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)"
    proof(rule Max_in)
      from finite_threads[OF vt] show "finite (?f ` threads s)" by simp
      from np show "?f ` threads s \<noteq> {}" by simp
    then obtain tm where tm_max: "?f tm = ?p" and tm_in: "tm \<in> threads s"
      by (auto simp:Image_def)
    from th_chain_to_ready [OF vt tm_in]
    have "tm \<in> readys s \<or> (\<exists>th'. th' \<in> readys s \<and> (Th tm, Th th') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+)" .
    thus ?thesis
      assume "\<exists>th'. th' \<in> readys s \<and> (Th tm, Th th') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+ "
      then obtain th' where th'_in: "th' \<in> readys s" 
        and tm_chain:"(Th tm, Th th') \<in> (depend s)\<^sup>+" by auto
      have "cp s th' = ?f tm"
      proof(subst cp_eq_cpreced, subst cpreced_def, rule Max_eqI)
        from dependents_threads[OF vt] finite_threads[OF vt]
        show "finite ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th'} \<union> dependents (wq s) th'))" 
          by (auto intro:finite_subset)
        fix p assume p_in: "p \<in> (\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th'} \<union> dependents (wq s) th')"
        from tm_max have " preced tm s = Max ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)" .
        moreover have "p \<le> \<dots>"
        proof(rule Max_ge)
          from finite_threads[OF vt]
          show "finite ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)" by simp
          from p_in and th'_in and dependents_threads[OF vt, of th']
          show "p \<in> (\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s"
            by (auto simp:readys_def)
        ultimately show "p \<le> preced tm s" by auto
        show "preced tm s \<in> (\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th'} \<union> dependents (wq s) th')"
        proof -
          from tm_chain
          have "tm \<in> dependents (wq s) th'"
            by (unfold cs_dependents_def s_depend_def cs_depend_def, auto)
          thus ?thesis by auto
      with tm_max
      have h: "cp s th' = Max ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)" by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (fold h, rule Max_eqI)
        fix q 
        assume "q \<in> cp s ` readys s"
        then obtain th1 where th1_in: "th1 \<in> readys s"
          and eq_q: "q = cp s th1" by auto
        show "q \<le> cp s th'"
          apply (unfold h eq_q)
          apply (unfold cp_eq_cpreced cpreced_def)
          apply (rule Max_mono)
        proof -
          from dependents_threads [OF vt, of th1] th1_in
          show "(\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th1} \<union> dependents (wq s) th1) \<subseteq> 
                 (\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s"
            by (auto simp:readys_def)
          show "(\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th1} \<union> dependents (wq s) th1) \<noteq> {}" by simp
          from finite_threads[OF vt] 
          show " finite ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)" by simp
        from finite_threads[OF vt]
        show "finite (cp s ` readys s)" by (auto simp:readys_def)
        from th'_in
        show "cp s th' \<in> cp s ` readys s" by simp
      assume tm_ready: "tm \<in> readys s"
      show ?thesis
      proof(fold tm_max)
        have cp_eq_p: "cp s tm = preced tm s"
        proof(unfold cp_eq_cpreced cpreced_def, rule Max_eqI)
          fix y 
          assume hy: "y \<in> (\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({tm} \<union> dependents (wq s) tm)"
          show "y \<le> preced tm s"
          proof -
            { fix y'
              assume hy' : "y' \<in> ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` dependents (wq s) tm)"
              have "y' \<le> preced tm s"
              proof(unfold tm_max, rule Max_ge)
                from hy' dependents_threads[OF vt, of tm]
                show "y' \<in> (\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s" by auto
                from finite_threads[OF vt] 
                show "finite ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)" by simp
            } with hy show ?thesis by auto
          from dependents_threads[OF vt, of tm] finite_threads[OF vt]
          show "finite ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({tm} \<union> dependents (wq s) tm))"
            by (auto intro:finite_subset)
          show "preced tm s \<in> (\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({tm} \<union> dependents (wq s) tm)"
            by simp
        moreover have "Max (cp s ` readys s) = cp s tm"
        proof(rule Max_eqI)
          from tm_ready show "cp s tm \<in> cp s ` readys s" by simp
          from finite_threads[OF vt]
          show "finite (cp s ` readys s)" by (auto simp:readys_def)
          fix y assume "y \<in> cp s ` readys s"
          then obtain th1 where th1_readys: "th1 \<in> readys s"
            and h: "y = cp s th1" by auto
          show "y \<le> cp s tm"
            apply(unfold cp_eq_p h)
            apply(unfold cp_eq_cpreced cpreced_def tm_max, rule Max_mono)
          proof -
            from finite_threads[OF vt]
            show "finite ((\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s)" by simp
            show "(\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th1} \<union> dependents (wq s) th1) \<noteq> {}"
              by simp
            from dependents_threads[OF vt, of th1] th1_readys
            show "(\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` ({th1} \<union> dependents (wq s) th1) 
                    \<subseteq> (\<lambda>th. preced th s) ` threads s"
              by (auto simp:readys_def)
        ultimately show " Max (cp s ` readys s) = preced tm s" by simp

lemma max_cp_readys_threads:
  assumes vt: "vt s"
  shows "Max (cp s ` readys s) = Max (cp s ` threads s)"
proof(cases "threads s = {}")
  case True
  thus ?thesis 
    by (auto simp:readys_def)
  case False
  show ?thesis by (rule max_cp_readys_threads_pre[OF vt False])

lemma eq_holding: "holding (wq s) th cs = holding s th cs"
  apply (unfold s_holding_def cs_holding_def wq_def, simp)

lemma f_image_eq:
  assumes h: "\<And> a. a \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> f a = g a"
  shows "f ` A = g ` A"
  show "f ` A \<subseteq> g ` A"
    by(rule image_subsetI, auto intro:h)
  show "g ` A \<subseteq> f ` A"
   by(rule image_subsetI, auto intro:h[symmetric])
