theory Closures2imports Closures (*Higman*) WQO_Finite_Listsbeginsection {* Closure under @{text SUBSEQ} and @{text SUPSEQ} *}(* compatibility with Higman theory by Stefan *)notation emb ("_ \<preceq> _")declare emb0 [intro]declare emb1 [intro]declare emb2 [intro](*lemma letter_UNIV: shows "UNIV = {A, B::letter}"apply(auto)apply(case_tac x)apply(auto)doneinstance letter :: finiteapply(default)apply(simp add: letter_UNIV)donehide_const Ahide_const Bhide_const R*)(*inductive emb :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<preceq> _")where emb0 [intro]: "emb [] y" | emb1 [intro]: "emb x y \<Longrightarrow> emb x (c # y)" | emb2 [intro]: "emb x y \<Longrightarrow> emb (c # x) (c # y)"*)lemma emb_refl [intro]: shows "x \<preceq> x"by (induct x) (auto)lemma emb_right [intro]: assumes a: "x \<preceq> y" shows "x \<preceq> y @ y'"using a by (induct arbitrary: y') (auto)lemma emb_left [intro]: assumes a: "x \<preceq> y" shows "x \<preceq> y' @ y"using a by (induct y') (auto)lemma emb_appendI [intro]: assumes a: "x \<preceq> x'" and b: "y \<preceq> y'" shows "x @ y \<preceq> x' @ y'"using a b by (induct) (auto)lemma emb_cons_leftD: assumes "a # x \<preceq> y" shows "\<exists>y1 y2. y = y1 @ [a] @ y2 \<and> x \<preceq> y2"using assmsapply(induct x\<equiv>"a # x" y\<equiv>"y" arbitrary: a x y)apply(auto)apply(metis append_Cons)donelemma emb_append_leftD: assumes "x1 @ x2 \<preceq> y" shows "\<exists>y1 y2. y = y1 @ y2 \<and> x1 \<preceq> y1 \<and> x2 \<preceq> y2"using assmsapply(induct x1 arbitrary: x2 y)apply(auto)apply(drule emb_cons_leftD)apply(auto)apply(drule_tac x="x2" in meta_spec)apply(drule_tac x="y2" in meta_spec)apply(auto)apply(rule_tac x="y1 @ (a # y1a)" in exI)apply(rule_tac x="y2a" in exI)apply(auto)donelemma emb_trans: assumes a: "x1 \<preceq> x2" and b: "x2 \<preceq> x3" shows "x1 \<preceq> x3"using a bapply(induct arbitrary: x3)apply(metis emb0)apply(metis emb_cons_leftD emb_left)apply(drule_tac emb_cons_leftD)apply(auto)donelemma emb_strict_length: assumes a: "x \<preceq> y" "x \<noteq> y" shows "length x < length y"using aby (induct) (auto simp add: less_Suc_eq)lemma emb_antisym: assumes a: "x \<preceq> y" "y \<preceq> x" shows "x = y"using a emb_strict_lengthby (metis not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)lemma emb_wf: shows "wf {(x, y). x \<preceq> y \<and> x \<noteq> y}"proof - have "wf (measure length)" by simp moreover have "{(x, y). x \<preceq> y \<and> x \<noteq> y} \<subseteq> measure length" unfolding measure_def by (auto simp add: emb_strict_length) ultimately show "wf {(x, y). x \<preceq> y \<and> x \<noteq> y}" by (rule wf_subset)qedsubsection {* Sub- and Supsequences *}definition "SUBSEQ A \<equiv> {x. \<exists>y \<in> A. x \<preceq> y}"definition "SUPSEQ A \<equiv> {x. \<exists>y \<in> A. y \<preceq> x}"lemma SUPSEQ_simps [simp]: shows "SUPSEQ {} = {}" and "SUPSEQ {[]} = UNIV"unfolding SUPSEQ_def by autolemma SUPSEQ_atom [simp]: shows "SUPSEQ {[c]} = UNIV \<cdot> {[c]} \<cdot> UNIV"unfolding SUPSEQ_def conc_defby (auto) (metis append_Cons emb_cons_leftD)lemma SUPSEQ_union [simp]: shows "SUPSEQ (A \<union> B) = SUPSEQ A \<union> SUPSEQ B"unfolding SUPSEQ_def by autolemma SUPSEQ_conc [simp]: shows "SUPSEQ (A \<cdot> B) = SUPSEQ A \<cdot> SUPSEQ B"unfolding SUPSEQ_def conc_defby (auto) (metis emb_append_leftD)lemma SUPSEQ_star [simp]: shows "SUPSEQ (A\<star>) = UNIV"apply(subst star_unfold_left)apply(simp only: SUPSEQ_union) apply(simp)donedefinition Allreg :: "'a::finite rexp"where "Allreg \<equiv> \<Uplus>(Atom ` UNIV)"lemma Allreg_lang [simp]: shows "lang Allreg = (\<Union>a. {[a]})"unfolding Allreg_def by autolemma [simp]: shows "(\<Union>a. {[a]})\<star> = UNIV"apply(auto)apply(induct_tac x rule: list.induct)apply(auto)apply(subgoal_tac "[a] @ list \<in> (\<Union>a. {[a]})\<star>")apply(simp)apply(rule append_in_starI)apply(auto)donelemma Star_Allreg_lang [simp]: shows "lang (Star Allreg) = UNIV"by simpfun UP :: "'a::finite rexp \<Rightarrow> 'a rexp"where "UP (Zero) = Zero"| "UP (One) = Star Allreg"| "UP (Atom c) = Times (Star Allreg) (Times (Atom c) (Star Allreg))" | "UP (Plus r1 r2) = Plus (UP r1) (UP r2)"| "UP (Times r1 r2) = Times (UP r1) (UP r2)"| "UP (Star r) = Star Allreg"lemma lang_UP: fixes r::"'a::finite rexp" shows "lang (UP r) = SUPSEQ (lang r)"by (induct r) (simp_all)lemma regular_SUPSEQ: fixes A::"('a::finite) lang" assumes "regular A" shows "regular (SUPSEQ A)"proof - from assms obtain r::"'a::finite rexp" where "lang r = A" by auto then have "lang (UP r) = SUPSEQ A" by (simp add: lang_UP) then show "regular (SUPSEQ A)" by autoqedlemma SUPSEQ_subset: shows "A \<subseteq> SUPSEQ A"unfolding SUPSEQ_def by autolemma SUBSEQ_complement: shows "- (SUBSEQ A) = SUPSEQ (- (SUBSEQ A))"proof - have "- (SUBSEQ A) \<subseteq> SUPSEQ (- (SUBSEQ A))" by (rule SUPSEQ_subset) moreover have "SUPSEQ (- (SUBSEQ A)) \<subseteq> - (SUBSEQ A)" proof (rule ccontr) assume "\<not> (SUPSEQ (- (SUBSEQ A)) \<subseteq> - (SUBSEQ A))" then obtain x where a: "x \<in> SUPSEQ (- (SUBSEQ A))" and b: "x \<notin> - (SUBSEQ A)" by auto from a obtain y where c: "y \<in> - (SUBSEQ A)" and d: "y \<preceq> x" by (auto simp add: SUPSEQ_def) from b have "x \<in> SUBSEQ A" by simp then obtain x' where f: "x' \<in> A" and e: "x \<preceq> x'" by (auto simp add: SUBSEQ_def) from d e have "y \<preceq> x'" by (rule emb_trans) then have "y \<in> SUBSEQ A" using f by (auto simp add: SUBSEQ_def) with c show "False" by simp qed ultimately show "- (SUBSEQ A) = SUPSEQ (- (SUBSEQ A))" by simpqed(*lemma Higman_antichains: assumes a: "\<forall>x \<in> A. \<forall>y \<in> A. x \<noteq> y \<longrightarrow> \<not>(x \<preceq> y) \<and> \<not>(y \<preceq> x)" shows "finite A"proof (rule ccontr) assume "infinite A" then obtain f::"nat \<Rightarrow> letter list" where b: "inj f" and c: "range f \<subseteq> A" by (auto simp add: infinite_iff_countable_subset) from higman_idx obtain i j where d: "i < j" and e: "f i \<preceq> f j" by blast have "f i \<noteq> f j" using b d by (auto simp add: inj_on_def) moreover have "f i \<in> A" using c by auto moreover have "f j \<in> A" using c by auto ultimately have "\<not>(f i \<preceq> f j)" using a by simp with e show "False" by simpqed*)definition minimal :: "'a::finite list \<Rightarrow> 'a lang \<Rightarrow> bool"where "minimal x A \<equiv> (\<forall>y \<in> A. y \<preceq> x \<longrightarrow> x \<preceq> y)"lemma main_lemma: fixes A::"('a::finite) list set" shows "\<exists>M. finite M \<and> SUPSEQ A = SUPSEQ M"proof - def M \<equiv> "{x \<in> A. minimal x A}" have "finite M" unfolding M_def minimal_def by (rule Higman_antichains) (auto simp add: emb_antisym) moreover have "SUPSEQ A \<subseteq> SUPSEQ M" proof fix x assume "x \<in> SUPSEQ A" then obtain y where "y \<in> A" and "y \<preceq> x" by (auto simp add: SUPSEQ_def) then have a: "y \<in> {y' \<in> A. y' \<preceq> x}" by simp obtain z where b: "z \<in> A" "z \<preceq> x" and c: "\<forall>y. y \<preceq> z \<and> y \<noteq> z \<longrightarrow> y \<notin> {y' \<in> A. y' \<preceq> x}" using wfE_min[OF emb_wf a] by auto then have "z \<in> M" unfolding M_def minimal_def by (auto intro: emb_trans) with b(2) show "x \<in> SUPSEQ M" by (auto simp add: SUPSEQ_def) qed moreover have "SUPSEQ M \<subseteq> SUPSEQ A" by (auto simp add: SUPSEQ_def M_def) ultimately show "\<exists>M. finite M \<and> SUPSEQ A = SUPSEQ M" by blastqedlemma closure_SUPSEQ: fixes A::"'a::finite lang" shows "regular (SUPSEQ A)"proof - obtain M where a: "finite M" and b: "SUPSEQ A = SUPSEQ M" using main_lemma by blast have "regular M" using a by (rule finite_regular) then have "regular (SUPSEQ M)" by (rule regular_SUPSEQ) then show "regular (SUPSEQ A)" using b by simpqedlemma closure_SUBSEQ: fixes A::"'a::finite lang" shows "regular (SUBSEQ A)"proof - have "regular (SUPSEQ (- SUBSEQ A))" by (rule closure_SUPSEQ) then have "regular (- SUBSEQ A)" by (subst SUBSEQ_complement) (simp) then have "regular (- (- (SUBSEQ A)))" by (rule closure_complement) then show "regular (SUBSEQ A)" by simpqedend