changeset 153 e7e4e490326b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Parsing-Literature/yacc-is-dead-review	Wed Apr 06 08:18:23 2011 +0000
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+-------------- Reviews on submission 104 -------------
+-------------------- review 1 --------------------
+PAPER: 104
+TITLE: Parsing with derivatives
+OVERALL RATING: 4 (OK paper, but I will not champion it.)
+----------------------- REVIEW --------------------
+The paper describes an original approach to the derivation of parsers from grammars. The approach is based on the observation that context-free grammars are closed under Brzozowski derivatives, and such derivatives can be easily computed. The parser described hence parses a string by lazily computing the derivatives of the grammar for each character met. Quite surprisingly, such a parser seems very easy to encode, especially in a language that supports streams and lazy computations, can parse every grammar, and is quite efficient.
+I found the paper very interesting. The studied problem is very important, and is surprising to meet original results in a field that has been explored so much. I enjoyed the first pages of the paper very much, they are extremely crisp and clear. Unfortunately, around page 8, the paper starts getting more and more obscure; chapter 7 end abruptly, and chapter 8, which is probably the most important one, is quite obscure. At the end I still think that the paper should be accepted, but I really hope that the authors will be able to beef section 8 up to the point of making it readable for me.
+Detailed remarks for the authors only
+Example 1: the parse tree is: => the pasre tree of ' () ' is;
+In general: you should write <B||B->\epsilon> rather then <B|B->\epsilon> (this is not quantum theory, after all...)
+The non-deterministic state machine: the language in \Sigma is a language over A', not over A, right? You should say that explicitly.
+In the rules for bra's and ket's, the consequences should look like
+   (L,w) =>^{\bra{n}} (D_{\bra{n}}(L),w)
+I think you forgot the derivative, right?
+The parse-string machine pushed a bra when it meets it, but never pops it. You can easily adjust the last rule of section 7 to pop it, but the real question is: why do you push it?
+The end of section 7 is too abrupt. You have described a nice pair of abstract machines, but now you should tell me something a bit more concrete about the amount of nondetermins involved, how much would that hurt me in practice...
+Page 10: the monotonicity for parser combinators should look like:
+  forall p in \tau_X(w) exists p' in \tau_X(w') such that first p prefix of first p'
+Section 8 is obscure. It is too terse. The equations look right and look convincing, but I was totally unable to create a mental picture about how this machinery actually work. I understand that such a combination of non-determinism and lazyness creates code that tends to work in a mysterious way, but still the section is extremely unsatisfactory, especially.
+Section 9: a bit unreadable, at least for a non-scala programmer.
++ interesting solution for an interesting problem
++ elegant
++ innovative
++ first 8 pages are a pleasure to read
+- crucial sections are almost unreadable
+-------------------- review 2 --------------------
+PAPER: 104
+TITLE: Parsing with derivatives
+OVERALL RATING: 2 (Weak paper, though I will not fight strongly against it.)
+----------------------- REVIEW --------------------
+The authors describe how one can use Brzozowski-style derivatives to
+implement parser combinators. They claim that their technique leads to
+simple implementations, and this seems to be the case. They also claim
+that their implementation is efficient, but give no solid evidence for
+this (they added a special combinator to get decent numbers from their
+single reported experiment). Another claim is that their parser
+combinators can handle left recursion, but they give no evidence for
+The authors seem to be unaware that Danielsson presented essentially
+the same technique at TYPES 2009 ("Mixing Induction and Coinduction").
+However, Danielsson's draft paper does not try to sell the technique,
+only using it as a vehicle to implement provably total parser
+combinators, and he does not address efficiency of parsing, so there
+could be a place for both papers.
+The authors seem to claim that their implementation is a lot more
+efficient than other parser combinator libraries:
+ "[...] they are easy to implement, and easy to implement as
+ libraries (like top-down parsers), yet they are efficient and
+ expressive (like bottom-up parsers)."
+However, they have not made any head-to-head comparisons, and they
+have not cited a single paper discussing efficient parser combinators.
+Generally there is a serious lack of references to related work on
+parser combinators.
+Section 7 discusses another parsing technique (also based on
+derivatives). However, I found this section to be poorly written and
+hard to follow. I suggest that it should be removed.
+If the claims about efficiency had been followed up with substantial
+evidence, then I would have recommended that the paper should be
+published. As it stands I do not make such a recommendation.
+Detailed comments:
+Section 2:
+"This technique was lost to the “sands of time” until [paper from
+2009]" A quick web search will tell you that a large number of papers
+published before 2009 have used Brzozowski derivatives (or
+generalisations), so this comment is incorrect. See for instance the
+work of Rutten, including "Automata and Coinduction; an exercise in
+coalgebra" and "Automata, Power Series, and Coinduction: Taking Input
+Derivatives Seriously".
+Section 6:
+The expansion of D_x(List) would be easier to follow if you added a
+step between the second and third lines.
+"the null string terminal" and "the empty nonterminal" may not exist
+in N, so they may have to be added to N'.
+One could be led to believe that the last "and:" only applies when
+m = 0.
+"The empty nonterminal arises frequently with derivatives, and if this
+reduction is applied aggressively, the grammar will remain a
+manageable size." You give no proper motivation for this statement. In
+fact, your discussion of the "special closure construct" in Section 9
+seems to imply that this statement is false. I suggest that you remove
+this statement.
+Section 7:
+The machine in this section does not make sense to me. First of all
+you do not state what the machine should accomplish; my guess is that
+you intend
+ ((L, s), <>) ->* ((L', <>), <t>)
+to hold iff t is a parse tree which witnesses the membership of s in
+L. Furthermore you give no reason (such as a proof) to believe that
+the machine satisfies this specification. For instance, you push
+nonterminals onto the stack, but you never remove them (I suspect that
+the last rule should remove a nonterminal), and it seems strange that
+the state is unchanged in the rules involving "first".
+I think the paper would be better if Section 7, which is not central
+to the paper, was omitted.
+"This approach is not well suited to typed languages, since a literal
+implementation of the parsing machine must use a generic parse-tree
+type, or else violate type-safety with casts for reductions." I
+suspect that you could do better with a dependently typed language, so
+I suggest that you remove this sentence.
+Example 1: "the parse tree is:" I think you mean "one parse tree is:".
+"The parsing machine demonstrates that, even without reduction rules
+associated with the grammar, we can use derivatives to construct a
+concrete syntax tree." I do not follow this sentence. What kind of
+reduction rules are you referring to?
+Section 8:
+The parser combinators that you give seem quite outdated to me. The
+functional programming community moved away from this set of
+combinators more than a decade ago, in favour of combinators based on
+monads or applicative functors. Please motivate this choice.
+You state two properties that parser combinators must satisfy, but you
+never really make any use of these properties. Are these properties
+necessary for your development? Is your definition of a parser
+combinator a function which satisfies these properties?
+"A parser combinator is monotonic iff..." I assume that the second
+instance of \sqsubseteq should be read pointwise.
+"the meaning of an input expression w <- A^∗ is contained within
+tau_N(w)" In fact it is the one and only (complete) result, right?
+"D_c(c) = eps -> \w.{(c, w)}" This does not make sense, the second
+argument of -> is not a parser.
+Section 9:
+Your parsers accept infinite streams as input. However, parseFull
+clearly fails to terminate for infinite input. Why do you not restrict
+the input to finite lists?
+Your parsers return potentially infinite streams of results. However,
+your parse function uses "append", which (essentially) throws away its
+second argument if the first is infinite. Wouldn't it be better to
+return a fair interleaving of the two streams?
+In internalDerive you seem to have renamed a and b to first and
+second, respectively.
+"the longest possible parse first" Why is this relevant for
+performance? If you return all possible parses, then the order in
+which they are returned should not matter, and for unambiguous parsers
+at most one result is returned anyway. I can imagine that your
+optimisation matters in the (atypical?) case of an ambiguous parse, if
+you are not interested in inspecting all the results, but only want to
+see that there is more than one.
+The sentence before the table seems to be unfinished.
+I assume that "43 m" should be "43 ms".
+"These results suggest that derivative-based parser combinators scale
+well enough to be useful in practice." To me this result suggests that
+I may have to repeatedly add new special-case combinators (like your
+closure operation) to ensure decent performance.
+Section 10:
+"derivative-based parsing defies the classical taxonomies", "Top-down
+methods", "back-tracking"... Are you not aware of parser combinator
+libraries which use breadth-first techniques (which your combinators
+also do)? See, for instance, Claessen's "Parallel Parsing Processes".
+"these methods have not been able to handle left-recursive grammars"
+You should check out Lickman's MSc thesis "Parsing With Fixed Points"
+and "Parser Combinators for Ambiguous Left-Recursive Grammars" by
+Frost et al.
+"Philosophically, neither derivative-based method “feels” like a
+top-down parsing method." To me your combinator implementation does
+feel like a (breadth-first) top-down method.
+You claim (implicitly) that your parser combinators can handle left
+recursive grammars. However, I doubt that you can handle grammars of
+the form "n ::= n". If you can handle such grammars, please explain
+how you do it. Otherwise it would be interesting to know exactly what
+kind of left recursion you support.
+"they are efficient and expressive (like bottom-up parsers)" This
+seems to imply that there is a language which can be parsed using
+bottom-up techniques, but not using top-down techniques. Can you
+verify this claim?
+You may want to cite Frost and Szydlowski, who claim worst-case cubic
+time for parsing ("Memoizing purely functional top-down backtracking
+language processors"). Swierstra's work on efficient parser
+combinators is also relevant (many papers).
+Improve formatting.
++ Simple technique for implementing parser combinators.
+- The technique has been presented before.
+- No substantial evidence for claims of efficiency.
+- Section 7 does not make sense to me (but could be removed).
+-------------------- review 3 --------------------
+PAPER: 104
+TITLE: Parsing with derivatives
+OVERALL RATING: 2 (Weak paper, though I will not fight strongly against it.)
+----------------------- REVIEW --------------------
+The paper proposes a new parsing technique based on "derivatives",
+inspired by the derivatives of regular expressions and extended to the
+derivatives of context free grammars.
+Because context free grammars may be ambiguous, they propose to compute the
+set of all parse trees but using lazy evaluation to share and delay the
+computation. They present their framework and an implementation in Scala.
+They claim that their technique is efficient in practice.
+Parsing techniques are old and well-established, although the current status
+of the theory is still unsatisfactory: grammars are still a burden to write
+and any advance of this topic is welcomed.  However, the topic must be
+addressed very seriously.
+Given this, this work is potentially interesting as a possible way to
+improve the state of the art situation, but not in its current
+presentation, as the paper should not just _claim_ that using derivatives
+for parsing is feasible, but _demonstrate_ that writing grammars with
+combinators is at least both as convenient and as efficient as using
+existing technology.
+The first aspect is not discussed at all in the paper.  As for efficiency,
+which is claimed, the benchmarks are really small, and perhaps probably
+representative of existing grammars, and the results are not compared with
+other parsing techniques.
+Other questions arise: what happens when the grammar is largely ambiguous?
+Do you intend to reject those, or pick the meaning of the things that you
+are parsing at random?
+The overall structure of the paper is not very clear either. You should
+gives us a road map at the beginning and make it clear how the different
+sections fits together.
+Section 7 and 8 are the key sections of the paper to understand your
+proposal. However, I have problems with both.
+I don't understand while your parsing is decomposed into production of an
+intermediate parsing string that is then consumed by the machine that
+produces a syntax tree. Since the parsing string is a linear representation
+of the parsing tree, why can't you work with the parsing tree itself, which
+is more structured than the parsing string? Why can't you directly extract
+a syntax tree from the parsing tree? Could you run the algorithm in Section
+7 on an example?
+In section 8, you compute the derivatives of parser combinators, but you
+could instead compute the grammar defined by the parser combinator and
+compute its derivative in one step. What is this bad/worse than computing it
+- One line above section 2: "could [to<-] modify"
+- Section 2, Line 10: "derivative---[they<-??] critical property"
+- One line above Section 7: "remain [<-of] a manageable size.
+- Computation of the derivative, above theorem 1:
+ You could explain the derivatives, especially for rules n->
+ and perhaps give an example.
+- Last two lines above section 8: "The parsing machine demonstrates...
+ a concrete syntax tree".
+ I don't really understand what you (intend to) mean.
+- Section 8.1, Line 1: "ability [the<-to] combine them"
+- End of section 8.1:
+ you should say and comment on the fact that these definitions are
+ recursive.
+- First line of section 8.4: "to be able [<-to] parse"
+- Section 8.4: How do you use these inequations? Why do you give this list of
+ formulas without any comment?
+- Section 8.5: what are the lambda-terms on the right of --> ?
+-------------------- review 4 --------------------
+PAPER: 104
+TITLE: Parsing with derivatives
+OVERALL RATING: 1 (Serious problems. I will argue to reject this paper.)
+----------------------- REVIEW --------------------
+The paper proposes a basic algorithm for determining whether a sentence s is a
+member of a context-free language L: (i) if the sentence is empty, determine
+whether L contains the empty string (a decidable problem); (ii) if the
+sentence is of the form c.s, determine whether the suffix s is a member of the
+derivative c^{-1}.L. Because the derivative of a context-free language can be
+effectively constructed, this is an algorithm.
+The contribution of the paper is in generalizing this basic algorithm in two
+ways: (i) instead of just determining membership, the parsing algorithm can be
+made to return a concrete syntax tree, or a semantic value; (ii) instead of
+viewing the derivative as an operation that accepts a monolithic grammar and
+produces a monolithic grammar, one can view it as an operation that accepts a
+parser combinator and produces a parser combinator; this means that the
+parsing algorithm is amenable to a modular, combinator-based implementation.
+The introduction of the paper is somewhat irritating, for two reasons. First,
+it promises a lot ("simplicity, feasibility, and ubiquity"), which the paper
+does not clearly deliver. Second, it criticizes the most popular parsing
+methods (LL and LR) on the grounds that the constraints that they impose, in
+order to rule out ambiguous grammars, are difficult to grasp. I can accept
+this criticism. But the authors do not offer any solution to the ambiguity
+problem: their algorithm produces a parse forest. This leaves the programmer
+faced with the task of writing and debugging disambiguation filters, an error
+prone task. At least, an LR parser generator is able (in principle, and some
+implementations actually do this) to accurately explain why the grammar seems
+ambiguous. It can produce a sentence that is a prefix of the fringes of two
+distinct, valid parse trees.
+The first claimed contribution of the paper is the remark that the derivative
+of a context free language can be effectively constructed. (A proof appears in
+section 6.) This is in fact not a contribution. This property of context free
+languages is well-known, at least in the formal language community (perhaps
+not in the programming language community). The derivative of a formal language
+is also known as its left quotient, and written c^{-1}L. See, for instance, the
+following paper, which exploits this property intensively:
+ Jean Berstel and Luc Boasson. Towards an algebraic theory of context-free
+ languages. Fundamentae Informaticae, 25(3):217-239, 1996.
+The remainder of the paper contains two distinct developments. In section 7, a
+version of the derivative-based parsing algorithm is developed, which produces
+concrete syntax trees. Then, in sections 8 and 9, another version is developed,
+which produces programmer-defined semantic values, and is combinator-based.
+It is not clear to me why these two distinct developments co-exist. In my eyes,
+the approach of sections 8 and 9 seems superior, because it is more flexible
+(it is not limited to producing concrete syntax trees) and modular.
+The idea that the notion of a derivative can be generalized to parser
+combinators is interesting, and worthy of thought. To some extent, section 8.2
+is where the paper really begins! Section 8 provides a mathematical view of
+the problem, while section 9 describes part of a Scala implementation.
+This material is interesting, but can be criticized on several grounds:
+1. The complexity analysis of the algorithm is absent. The algorithm seems
+very expensive in the worst case: indeed, the effective construction of a
+derivative in section 6 causes a quadratic blow up of the size of the grammar,
+and this operation is iterated at every character of the input stream! In
+fact, section 9.1 mentions that a naive implementation of the algorithm is
+unusable (exponentially slow), and that special support for the Kleene star
+had to be added. However, there is no argument that this patch is sufficient
+for the algorithm to become useable. A worst-case analysis of the space and
+time complexity is needed, and, if this worst-case complexity is bad (say,
+exponential), then a formal or semi-formal argument is needed why the behavior
+of the algorithm remains tolerable in practice. In light of the efficiency
+claim found in the introduction, this is indispensable!
+2. The description of the implementation could be improved. In particular,
+memoization and sharing seem to play a crucial role. It seems that two
+attempts to compute the derivative of a parser combinator should return the
+same object. This includes the particular case where the second attempt is in
+fact nested within the first one (i.e., it is a recursive call). For instance,
+if the grammar contains the single production L -> LM, a call to L.derive(t)
+will (indirectly) cause another call to L.derive(t). What happens then? By
+which mechanism is non-termination avoided? This is not clearly described.
+The paper contains four lines of text that seem to concern this topic (p.15,
+"It is important to note [...] immediately suspended."), but I find them
+obscure. I note that there seems to be a distinction between derive and
+internalDerive, which is not explained in the paper; my guess is that the
+former may be a memoizing version of the latter, using a table indexed by
+tokens. Is this the case?
+3. The introduction claims "ubiquity", that is, if I understand correctly, it
+claims that the method is very easy to implement as a library. This may be
+true, but the paper lacks a convincing argument why this is so. In particular,
+how is this approach superior to the other parsing combinator libraries in
+existence? The paper lacks a good comparison with other combinator-based
+parsing techniques.
+It seems that there might be a connection between the technique presented in
+the paper and intersection parsing (see e.g. chapter 13 of the excellent book
+"Parsing techniques", by Grune and Jacobs). Computing the derivative of a
+context free language with respect to a terminal symbol c is closely related
+to computing its intersection with the regular language c(.*). Intersection
+parsing, as described by Grune and Jacobs, computes the intersection of the
+grammar with the input (which is a string, so a regular language!) and
+simplifies the resulting grammar, which can then be viewed as a parse
+tree. Could one view the approach presented in the paper as an incremental
+(and modular) way of doing intersection parsing?
+In conclusion, although the paper contains an interesting idea, its
+investigation is not sufficiently thorough, and a clear case in favor
+of this parsing technique is missing.
+The authors state in section 7 that "a literal implementation [...] must use a
+generic parse-tree type, or else violate type safety with casts for
+reductions". Strictly speaking, this depends on which type system one has in
+mind. If the type system is ML, for instance, the claim is probably true. If
+the type system has GADTs, however, it is quite possible that the discipline
+of the parsing machine can be encoded in the types. This has been done, for an
+LR parsing machine, and for an arbitrary but fixed grammar, in the following
+ François Pottier and Yann Régis-Gianas. Towards efficient, typed LR parsers.
+ In ACM Workshop on ML, volume 148(2) of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer
+ Science, pages 155-180, 2006.
+To the best of my knowledge, both Haskell and Scala have GADTs, so the authors
+might wish to check this out.
+p.5, "for any class of decidable languages closed under the derivative,
+derivatives may be used to determine membership". I am not sure what is meant
+by "decidable" here. If it is meant that membership in the language is
+decidable, then this is a tautology. Perhaps one should understand that
+membership *of the empty word* in the language is decidable, since effectively
+that is all that is needed?
+p.5, "the derivative is closed under regular operations": unclear formulation.
+p.7, before theorem 1: please indicate the interval over which the index i
+ranges. My guess is 0 \geq i < m. The particular case where m = 0 seems
+redundant: when m = 0, there is no suitable index i, so no production is
+generated, which means D_c(n) is empty. In fact, the notation \emptyset
+in the right-hand side of a production does not make sense, since the
+right-hand side of a production is supposed to be a sequence of symbols.
+p.7, "the empty nonterminal": this has not been defined. I assume this
+explains the use of \emptyset above. Define it.
+p.8, example 1: "for the grammar [...] of balanced parentheses [...] the parse
+tree is": I assume this should be: "the parse tree for the string '()'".
+p.8, "A parse string is [...] containing both nonterminal markers and
+reduction markers"." Please indicate at this point that a parse string also
+contains elements of the alphabet A. In fact, the definition of the alphabet
+A' should be moved to this point.
+p.8, "we construct a new grammar [...] over parse strings": please change
+this to "a new grammar over the alphabet A'".
+p.8, the definition of \Sigma mentions \mathbb{L}: I guess this should be
+p.9, "a second rule for producing bras": is the rule correct? In the
+right-hand side of the conclusion, instead of L, I would have expected the
+derivative of L with respect to <n|. (The rule, as it stands, clearly causes
+an infinite stream of <n|'s to be produced! Similarly for the third rule.
+p.9, "the parsing machine reduces": one might wish to state the invariant
+of the parsing machine which guarantees that reduction can never fail (by
+lack of material on the stack).
+p.9, "popular as of late": please provide citation(s).
+p.10, the statement of the monotonicity condition is somewhat unclear: the
+assertion \tau_X(w) \sqsubseteq \tau_X(w') compares two sets of pairs. An
+ordering over pairs is defined, but an ordering over sets of pairs is not
+p.11, the authors might want to spend more space explaining the definition of
+the derivative of a parser combinator -- why is the right definition? and how
+does it relate with the definition of the derivative of a formal language?
+Can one recover the latter as a degenerate case of the former?
+p.12, section 8.3: the parser combinator \epsilon is used, but has not been
+defined. What is its type? In particular, what semantic value does it produce?
+(A unit value?) What is the meaning of the notation \lambda\epsilon. ...
+p.12, equation (3): the elegance afforded by the use of \delta in the
+definition of the derivative of a concatenation (p.5) seems to have been lost
+p.13, "in practice, the cost [...] as they are derived". I don't know what
+this means. Please be more precise and include a formal complexity claim.
+p.14, "parse trees of type A" should really be referred to as "semantic
+values", since they may not be trees at all -- they are programmer-defined.
+p.14, "its implementation follows eq.2": actually, eq.2 corresponds only
+to the "else" clause of the code, so the text is badly worded. Same problem
+with eq.1 a few lines later.
+p.15, the distinction between "derive" and "internalDerive" is not explained.
+p.15, the derivative of union "short-circuits if it finds either arm is
+empty": is this important, say, to ensure termination? or is it just a minor
+p.16, the fact that a naïve treatment of the Kleene star required exponential
+time, and the fact that right recursion is significantly more efficient than
+left recursion, are worrisome. These problems are perhaps partially masked by
+the introduction of "the special closure construct", but how do we know that
+they are gone?
+p.16, the test suite consists of just one grammar and a set of randomly
+generated inputs. This seems far from representative of actual usage...
+p.17, "the cost of that compilation is amortized across the entire parsing
+process". I don't know what is meant by "compilation" here, nor do I know
+why its cost is amortized. Please explain.
+p.18, "these combinators are slowly transforming and unfolding the grammar
+itself into a parse tree": this seems to be an interesting intuition. Why
+not try to make it more formal?
+p.2, "could to modify"
+p.2, "they critical"
+p.6, "attempt interpret"
+p.10, "Operations or combinators"
+p.10, "the remainders of the input"
+p.12, "is base case"
+p.13, "able parse"
+p.15, "short-circuiting if the first element is nullable": should this be: "is
+not nullable"?
+p.16, "43 m" -> "43 ms"
+p.16, "surpising"
+p.17, "they extent"
++ interesting and possibly novel idea
+- no time/space complexity analysis
+- implementation not clearly described
+- case in favor of the idea not clearly made
+- comparison with related work should be more thorough
+No specific questions.