changeset 78 77583805123d
parent 73 79de7de104c8
child 99 54aa3b6dd71c
--- a/Myhill.thy	Tue Feb 08 09:51:49 2011 +0000
+++ b/Myhill.thy	Tue Feb 08 12:01:28 2011 +0000
@@ -118,20 +118,34 @@
   partition member $\cls{x}{\approx_\Lang}$ is a state in the DFA $M_\Lang$  constructed to prove 
   lemma \ref{auto_mh_d1} of section \ref{sec_fa_mh}.
-  The basic idea of Brzozowski method is to set aside an unknown for every DFA state and 
-  describe the state-trasition relationship by charateristic equations. 
-  By solving the equational system such obtained, regular expressions 
-  characterizing DFA states are obtained. There are choices of 
-  how DFA states can be characterized.  The first is to characterize a DFA state by the set of 
-  striings leading from the state in question into accepting states. 
-  The other choice is to characterize a DFA state by the set of strings leading from initial state 
-  into the state in question. For the first choice, the lauguage recognized by a DFA can 
-  be characterized by the regular expression characterizing initial state, while 
-  in the second choice, the languaged of the DFA can be characterized by the summation of
-  regular expressions of all accepting states.
+  The basic idea of Brzozowski method is to extract an equational system out of the 
+  transition relationship of the automaton in question. In the equational system, every
+  automaton state is represented by an unknown, the solution of which is expected to be 
+  a regular expresion characterizing the state in a certain sense. There are two choices of 
+  how a automaton state can be characterized.  The first is to characterize by the set of 
+  strings leading from the state in question into accepting states. 
+  The other choice is to characterize by the set of strings leading from initial state 
+  into the state in question. For the second choice, the language recognized the automaton 
+  can be characterized by the solution of initial state, while for the second choice, 
+  the language recoginzed by the automaton can be characterized by 
+  combining solutions of all accepting states by @{text "+"}. Because of the automaton 
+  used as our intuitive guide, the $M_\Lang$, the states of which are 
+  sets of strings leading from initial state, the second choice is used in this paper.
-text {*
+  Supposing the automaton in Fig \ref{fig_auto_part_rel} is the $M_\Lang$ for some language $\Lang$, 
+  and suppose $\Sigma = \{a, b, c, d, e\}$. Under the second choice, the equational system extracted is:
+  \begin{subequations}
+  \begin{eqnarray}
+    X_0 & = & X_1 \cdot c + X_2 \cdot d + \lambda \label{x_0_def_o} \\
+    X_1 & = & X_0 \cdot a + X_1 \cdot b + X_2 \cdot d \label{x_1_def_o} \\
+    X_2 & = & X_0 \cdot b + X_1 \cdot d + X_2 \cdot a \\
+    X_3 & = & \begin{aligned}
+                 & X_0 \cdot (c + d + e) + X_1 \cdot (a + e) + X_2 \cdot (b + e) + \\
+                 & X_3 \cdot (a + b + c + d + e)
+              \end{aligned}
+  \end{eqnarray}
+  \end{subequations} 
@@ -158,10 +172,51 @@
   \path[->,dashed] (ab) edge [loop right] node [midway, right] {$\Sigma$} (ab);
-\caption{The relationship between automata and finite partition}\label{fig_auto_part_rel}
+\caption{An example automaton}\label{fig_auto_part_rel}
-  *}
+  Every $\cdot$-item on the right side of equations describes some state transtions, except 
+  the $\lambda$ in \eqref{x_0_def_o}, which represents empty string @{text "[]"}. 
+  The reason is that: every state is characterized by the
+  set of incoming strings leading from initial state. For non-initial state, every such
+  string can be splitted into a prefix leading into a preceding state and a single character suffix 
+  transiting into from the preceding state. The exception happens at
+  initial state, where the empty string is a incoming string which can not be splitted. The $\lambda$
+  in \eqref{x_0_def_o} is introduce to repsent this indivisible string. There is one and only one
+  $\lambda$ in every equational system such obtained, becasue $[]$ can only be contaied in one
+  equivalent class (the intial state in $M_\Lang$) and equivalent classes are disjoint. 
+  Suppose all unknowns ($X_0, X_1, X_2, X_3$) are  solvable, the regular expression charactering 
+  laugnage $\Lang$ is $X_1 + X_2$. This paper gives a procedure
+  by which arbitrarily picked unknown can be solved. The basic idea to solve $X_i$ is by 
+  eliminating all variables other than $X_i$ from the equational system. If
+  $X_0$ is the one picked to be solved,  variables $X_1, X_2, X_3$ have to be removed one by 
+  one.  The order to remove does not matter as long as the remaing equations are kept valid.
+  Suppose $X_1$ is the first one to remove, the action is to replace all occurences of $X_1$ 
+  in remaining equations by the right hand side of its characterizing equation, i.e. 
+  the $ X_0 \cdot a + X_1 \cdot b + X_2 \cdot d$ in \eqref{x_1_def_o}. However, because
+  of the recursive occurence of $X_1$, this replacement does not really removed $X_1$. Arden's
+  lemma is invoked to transform recursive equations like \eqref{x_1_def_o} into non-recursive 
+  ones. For example, the recursive equation \eqref{x_1_def_o} is transformed into the follwing
+  non-recursive one:
+  \begin{equation}
+     X_1  =  (X_0 \cdot a + X_2 \cdot d) \cdot b^*
+  \end{equation}
+  which, by Arden's lemma, still characterizes $X_1$ correctly. By subsitute 
+  $(X_0 \cdot a + X_2 \cdot d) \cdot b^*$ for all $X_1$ and remove  \eqref{x_1_def_o},
+  we get:
+  \begin{subequations}
+  \begin{eqnarray}
+    X_0 & = & ((X_0 \cdot a + X_2 \cdot d) \cdot b^*) \cdot c + X_2 \cdot d + \lambda \label{x_0_def_1} \\
+    X_2 & = & X_0 \cdot b + ((X_0 \cdot a + X_2 \cdot d) \cdot b^*) \cdot d + X_2 \cdot a \\
+    X_3 & = & \begin{aligned}
+                 & X_0 \cdot (c + d + e) + ((X_0 \cdot a + X_2 \cdot d) \cdot b^*) \cdot (a + e)\\
+                 & + X_2 \cdot (b + e) + X_3 \cdot (a + b + c + d + e)
+              \end{aligned}
+  \end{eqnarray}
+  \end{subequations}  