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+++ b/Journal/Response/root.bib	Wed Dec 12 11:45:04 2012 +0000
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+  author =       {T.~Coquand and V.~Siles},
+  title =        {{A} {D}ecision {P}rocedure for {R}egular {E}xpression {E}quivalence in {T}ype {T}heory},
+  booktitle = {Proc.~of the 1st Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs},
+  pages =     {119--134},
+  year =      {2011},
+  volume =    {7086},
+  series =    {LNCS}
+  author =       {A.~Asperti},
+  title =        {{A} {C}ompact {P}roof of {D}ecidability for {R}egular {E}xpression {E}quivalence},
+  booktitle = {Proc.~of the 3rd International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving},
+  pages =     {283--298},
+  year =      {2012},
+  volume =    {7406},
+  series =    {LNCS}
+  author =       {P.~Lammich and T.~Tuerk},
+  title =        {{A}pplying {D}ata {R}efinement for {M}onadic {P}rograms to {H}opcroft's {A}lgorithm},
+  booktitle = {Proc.~of the 3rd International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving},
+  year =      {2012},
+  volume =    {7406},
+  series =    {LNCS},
+  pages = {166--182}
+  author =       {T.~Braibant},
+  title =        {{K}leene {A}lgebras, {R}ewriting {M}odulo {AC}, and {C}ircuits in {C}oq},
+  school =       {University of Grenoble},
+  year =         {2012}
+  author =       {T.~Nipkow},
+  title =        {{G}auss-{J}ordan {E}limination for {M}atrices {R}epresented as {F}unctions},
+  booktitle =    {The Archive of Formal Proofs},
+  editor =       {G.~Klein and T.~Nipkow and L.~Paulson},
+  publisher =    {\url{}},
+  year =         2011,
+  note =         {Formal proof development},
+  ISSN =         {2150-914x}
+  author = 	 {L.~H.~Haines},
+  title = 	 {{O}n {F}ree {M}onoids {P}artially {O}rdered by {E}mbedding},
+  journal = 	 {Journal of Combinatorial Theory},
+  year = 	 {1969},
+  volume = 	 {6},
+  pages = 	 {94--98}
+  author    = {S.~Berghofer},
+  title     = {{A} {C}onstructive {P}roof of {H}igman's {L}emma in {I}sabelle},
+  booktitle = {In Proc. of the Workshop on Types},
+  year      = {2003},
+  pages     = {66--82},
+  series    = {LNCS},
+  volume    = {3085}
+  author    = {S.~A.~Fenner and W.~I.~Gasarch and B.~Postow},
+  title     = {{T}he {C}omplexity of {F}inding {SUBSEQ(A)}},
+  journal   = {Theory of Computing Systems},
+  volume    = {45},
+  number    = {3},
+  year      = {2009},
+  pages     = {577-612}
+  author = 	 {J.~Shallit},
+  title = 	 {{A} {S}econd {C}ourse in {F}ormal {L}anguages and {A}utomata {T}heory},
+  publisher = 	 {Cambridge University Press},
+  year = 	 {2008}
+  author = 	 {A.~L.~Rosenberg},
+  title = 	 {{A} {B}ig {I}deas {A}pproach to the {T}heory of {C}omputation},
+  note = 	 {Course notes for CMPSCI 401 at the University of Massachusetts},
+  year = 	 {2006}
+  author =       {C.~Wu and X.~Zhang and C.~Urban},
+  title =        {{T}he {M}yhill-{N}erode {T}heorem based on {R}egular {E}xpressions},
+  booktitle =    {The Archive of Formal Proofs},
+  editor =       {G.~Klein and T.~Nipkow and L.~Paulson},
+  publisher =    {\url{}},
+  month =        Aug,
+  year =         2011,
+  note =         {Formal proof development},
+  ISSN =         {2150-914x}
+  author = 	 {F.~Haftmann},
+  title = 	 {{C}ode {G}eneration from {S}pecifications in {H}igher-{O}rder {L}ogic},
+  school = 	 {Technical University of Munich},
+  year = 	 {2009}
+  author    = {R.~Harper},
+  title     = {{P}roof-{D}irected {D}ebugging},
+  journal   = {Journal of Functional Programming},
+  volume    = {9},
+  number    = {4},
+  year      = {1999},
+  pages     = {463-469}
+  author    = {K.~Yi},
+  title     = {{E}ducational {P}earl: `{P}roof-{D}irected {D}ebugging' {R}evisited
+               for a {F}irst-{O}rder {V}ersion},
+  journal   = {Journal of Functional Programming},
+  volume    = {16},
+  number    = {6},
+  year      = {2006},
+  pages     = {663-670}
+  title = 	 {{S}yntax and {S}emantics},
+  author = 	 {A.~M.~Pitts},
+  note = 	 {Part of the documentation for the HOL4 system.}
+  author = {S.~Owens and J.~Reppy and A.~Turon},
+  title = {{R}egular-{E}xpression {D}erivatives {R}e-{E}xamined},
+  journal = {Journal of Functional Programming},
+  volume = 19,
+  number = {2},
+  year = 2009,
+  pages = {173--190}
+  author = 	 {A.~Krauss and T.~Nipkow},
+  title = 	 {{P}roof {P}earl: {R}egular {E}xpression {E}quivalence and {R}elation {A}lgebra},
+  journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning},
+  volume = 49,
+  number = {1},
+  year = 	 {2012},
+  pages = {95--106}
+  author = 	 {D.~Kozen},
+  title = 	 {{A}utomata and {C}omputability},
+  publisher = 	 {Springer Verlag},
+  year = 	 {1997}
+  author =       {J.~B.~Almeida and N.~Moriera and D.~Pereira and S.~M.~de Sousa},
+  title =        {{P}artial {D}erivative {A}utomata {F}ormalized in {C}oq},
+  booktitle =    {Proc.~of the 15th International Conference on Implementation
+                  and Application of Automata},
+  pages =        {59-68},
+  year =         {2010},
+  volume =       {6482},
+  series =       {LNCS}
+  author    = {R.~L.~Constable and
+               P.~B.~Jackson and
+               P.~Naumov and
+               J.~C.~Uribe},
+  title     = {{C}onstructively {F}ormalizing {A}utomata {T}heory},
+  booktitle = {Proof, Language, and Interaction},
+  year      = {2000},
+  publisher = {MIT Press},
+  pages     = {213-238}
+  author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
+  institution = {LIP - ENS Lyon},
+  number = {97--04},
+  title = {{F}inite {A}utomata {T}heory in {C}oq: 
+           {A} {C}onstructive {P}roof of {K}leene's {T}heorem},
+  type = {Research Report},
+  year = {1997}
+  author    = {S.~Owens and K.~Slind},
+  title     = {{A}dapting {F}unctional {P}rograms to {H}igher {O}rder {L}ogic},
+  journal   = {Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation},
+  volume    = {21},
+  number    = {4},
+  year      = {2008},
+  pages     = {377--409}
+ author = {J.~A.~Brzozowski},
+ title = {{D}erivatives of {R}egular {E}xpressions},
+ journal = {Journal of the ACM},
+ volume = {11},
+ number = {4},
+ year = {1964},
+ pages = {481--494},
+ publisher = {ACM}
+ author={T.~Nipkow},
+ title={{V}erified {L}exical {A}nalysis},
+ booktitle={Proc.~of the 11th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics},
+ series={LNCS},
+ volume=1479,
+ pages={1--15},
+ year=1998
+  author={S.~Berghofer and T.~Nipkow},
+  title={{E}xecuting {H}igher {O}rder {L}ogic},
+  booktitle={Proc.~of the International Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs},
+  year=2002,
+  series={LNCS},
+  volume=2277,
+  pages="24--40"
+  author    = {J.~E.~Hopcroft and
+               J.~D.~Ullman},
+  title     = {{F}ormal {L}anguages and {T}heir {R}elation to {A}utomata},
+  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
+  year      = {1969}
+  author    = {S.~Berghofer and
+               M.~Reiter},
+  title     = {{F}ormalizing the {L}ogic-{A}utomaton {C}onnection},
+  booktitle = {Proc.~of the 22nd International
+               Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics},
+  year      = {2009},
+  pages     = {147-163},
+  series    = {LNCS},
+  volume    = {5674}
+  author = 	 {A.~Church},
+  title = 	 {{A} {F}ormulation of the {S}imple {T}heory of {T}ypes},
+  journal = 	 {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
+  year = 	 {1940},
+  volume = 	 {5},
+  number = 	 {2},
+  pages = 	 {56--68}
+    author = {V.~Antimirov},
+    title = {{P}artial {D}erivatives of {R}egular {E}xpressions and 
+     {F}inite {A}utomata {C}onstructions},
+    journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
+    year = {1995},
+    volume = {155},
+    pages = {291--319}
+  author = {J.~A.~Brzozowski},
+  title = {{Q}uotient {C}omplexity of {R}egular {L}anguages},
+  journal = {Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics},
+  volume = {15},
+  number = {1/2}, 
+  pages = {71--89},
+  year = 2010
+  author    = {J.~Sakarovitch},
+  title     = {{E}lements of {A}utomata {T}heory},
+  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+  year      = {2009}
+  author    = {C.~Wu and X.~Zhang and C.~Urban},
+  title     = {{A} {F}ormalisation of the {M}yhill-{N}erode {T}heorem based on {R}egular {E}xpressions
+               ({P}roof {P}earl)},
+  booktitle = {Proc.~of the 2nd International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving},
+  year      = {2011},
+  pages     = {341--356},
+  series    = {LNCS},
+  volume    = {6898}
+  author =	"A.~Okhotin",
+  title =	"{B}oolean {G}rammars",
+  journal =	"Information and Computation",
+  pages =	"19--48",
+  year = 	"2004",
+  number =	"1",
+  volume =	"194"
+  title =	"{W}ell-founded {S}emantics for {B}oolean {G}rammars",
+  author =	"V.~Kountouriotis and C.~Nomikos and P.~Rondogiannis",
+  journal =	"Information and Computation",
+  year = 	"2009",
+  number =	"9",
+  volume =	"207",
+  pages     =   "945--967"
+  author =      {X.~Leroy},
+  title =       {{F}ormal {V}erification of a {R}ealistic {C}ompiler},
+  journal =     {Communications of the ACM},
+  year =        {2009},
+  volume =      {52},
+  number =      {7},
+  pages =       {107--115}
+  title =	"{Y}acc is {D}ead",
+  author =	"M.~Might and D.~Darais",
+  note  =       "To appear in {\it Proc.~of the 16th ACM International Conference on 
+                 Functional Programming (ICFP)}",
+  year =        "2011"
+  author =	"B.~Ford",
+  title =	"{P}arsing {E}xpression {G}rammars: {A} {R}ecognition-{B}ased
+		 {S}yntactic {F}oundation",
+  booktitle =	"Proc.~of the 31st ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)",
+  year = 	"2004",
+  pages =	"111--122"
+  author =	"B.~Ford",
+  title =	"{P}ackrat {P}arsing: : {S}imple, {P}owerful, {L}azy, {L}inear {T}ime,
+                 ({F}unctional {P}earl)",
+  booktitle =	"Proc.~of the 7th ACM International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP)",
+  year = 	"2002",
+  pages  =      "36--47"
+  title =	"{P}ackrat {P}arsers {C}an {S}upport {L}eft {R}ecursion",
+  author =	"A.~Warth and J.~R.~Douglass and T.~D.~Millstein",
+  booktitle =	"Proc. of the {ACM} Symposium on
+		 Partial Evaluation and Semantics-based Program
+		 Manipulation (PEPM)",
+  year = 	"2008",
+  pages =	"103--110"
+  author =	"J.~Earley",
+  title =	"{A}n {E}fficient {C}ontext-{F}ree {P}arsing {A}lgorithm",
+  journal =	"Communications of the ACM",
+  volume =	"13",
+  number =	"2",
+  pages =       "94--102",
+  year = 	"1970"
+  author =	"J.~Aycock and R.~N.~Horspool",
+  title =	"{P}ractical {E}arley {P}arsing",
+  journal =	"The Computer Journal",
+  volume =	"45",
+  number =      "6",
+  pages =       "620--630",
+  year = 	"2002",