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     1 We thank the reviewers for their time and insightful comments.
     2 We have incorporated most comments and if not, then answered them 
     3 below. We also spell-checked the paper. Thanks again for all the 
     6 Reviewer #1
     7 ===========
     9 > Indeed, one of the premise of the paper is that representing automata
    10 > in a theorem prover requires to fight against the theorem prover or
    11 > requires painful amount of details. Therefore, the authors define the
    12 > notion of regular languages as a language generated by a regular
    13 > expression. (This is not an unusual choice from a formalization point
    14 > of view, provided complemented by a proof of Kleene's theorem that
    15 > states such regular languages are exactly the one that are recognized
    16 > by finite automata.)
    18 We concur with the reviewer that our definition of regular languages 
    19 as the ones generated by regular expressions is usual, but the paper is 
    20 unusual in that we do not need to provide a version of Kleene's theorem. 
    21 All results are obtained without formally needing a definition for automata. 
    22 If we would need Kleene's theorem as part of our arguments, then we would
    23 need such a definition. 
    25 To make our intention with the paper more clear, we moved the quote 
    26 by Gasarch from the Conclusion to the Introduction. In this quote he asks 
    27 whether the complementation of regular-expression languages can be proved 
    28 without using automata. In this way we sharpen our motivation by being 
    29 theorem prover related, but also of general interest. See quotations and 
    30 changes right after Definition 2, p. 3. 
    32 > Second, the premise of this article is that formalizing automata
    33 > theory require some fight with the theorem prover, and that several
    34 > other (longer) formalizations from the related work substantiate this
    35 > claim. I am under the impression that this comparison is misleading
    36 > since some of the related work deals not only with regular language
    37 > \emph{theory}, but also regular language \emph{algorithms}: e.g.,
    38 > automata constructions, conversion from NFA to DFA, minimization,
    39 > decision procedures for language equivalence. These algorithms may be
    40 > proved correct, complete, or terminating; and may be more or less
    41 > efficient. Then, these properties dictate some choices of
    42 > representation of the objects of the formalization (and hence have
    43 > consequences on its intricacies). 
    45 Yes, we agree with the reviewer that *if* one is in the business of
    46 proving the correctness of, for example, Hopcroft's algorithm or the
    47 NFA-to-DFA conversion, which are based on "concrete" automata, then yes 
    48 one clearly has to use the usual notion of the automata somewhere, even 
    49 might have to start from it. 
    51 However, we disagree with the interpretation that our comparison is 
    52 misleading.  Our claim that usual `paper' definitions do not translate 
    53 smoothly into formalised definitions is not a claim just by us and
    54 independent of any numbers: We referenced in the paper to a concrete 
    55 problem pointed out already in Slind's email cited on the bottom of 
    56 p. 2. In the context of HOL4, he made the observation 
    58  | A student who is attempting to prove the pumping lemma for regular
    59  | languages came across the following problem. Suppose a DFA is
    60  | represented by a record  <| init ; trans ; accept |> where
    61  |
    62  |         init : 'state
    63  |         trans : 'state -> 'symbol -> 'state
    64  |         accept : 'state -> bool
    65  |
    66  | Execution of a DFA on a string:
    67  |
    68  |    (Execute machine [] s = s)
    69  |    (Execute machine (h::t) s = Execute machine t (machine.trans s h))
    70  |
    71  | Language recognized by a machine  D:
    72  |
    73  |   Lang(D) = {x | D.accept (Execute D x D.init)}
    74  |
    75  | These are all accepted by HOL with no problem. In then trying to define 
    76  | the set of regular languages, namely those accepted by some DFA, the 
    77  | following is natural to try
    78  |
    79  |    Regular (L:'symbol list -> bool) =  ?D. L = Lang(D)
    80  |
    81  | But this fails, since D has two type variables ('state and 'symbol) but
    82  | Regular is a predicate on 'symbol lists. So the principle of definition
    83  | rejects.
    85 We also pointed to comments by Tobias Nipkow which clearly show that
    86 he had to fight the theorem prover. Many formalisations we cited for 
    87 comparison contain statements about having to fight their respective 
    88 theorem prover. 
    90 The conclusion we want the reader to draw from our comparisons is 
    91 that if one is just interested in formalising results from regular language 
    92 theory, not results from automata theory, then regular expressions are 
    93 easier to work with formally. If you look at the numbers (especially the 
    94 ones for Isabelle/HOL), then we hope you agree with us that the startup 
    95 costs are much higher with automata in comparison with regular
    96 expressions. We carefully commented on the examples we have cited in
    97 the Conclusion. Nowhere did we claim that they are one-to-one comparisons with 
    98 our development. We did, for example, say that Braibant agreed with us that 
    99 *if* he had done just Myhill-Nerode using his library, he estimates our 
   100 development is more concise (see his comment in the Conclusion, p. 25).  
   102 > In this article, the authors choose
   103 > to do the converse: avoid the notion of automata altogether, and see
   104 > how far it goes. I find this choice a bit peculiar.
   106 At first sight, our choice/approach might seem peculiar, since
   107 we are not primarily verifying an algorithm. However, we are not
   108 the only ones who pondered about this approach (we mentioned Gasarch). 
   109 We showed that this is indeed a choice that can lead you quite far 
   110 with regular language theory and lead to a relatively smooth
   111 formalisation. We did not make the claim that regular expressions are 
   112 a substitute for automata in all situations. See our paragraph
   113 in the Conclusion starting with "While regular expressions are 
   114 convenient, they have some limitations."
   116 > Third, I wonder to what extent some of the proofs presented in this
   117 > article are a rephrasing of standard proofs (that go through
   118 > automata), inlining the notion of automata, e.g., the construction
   119 > depicted in Section 3. Also, the notions of derivatives and partial
   120 > derivatives underly some automata constructions: for instance, from my
   121 > point of view, Section 5 is actually building a DFA (with transition
   122 > relation $\delta$ and initial state ${r}$)from a regular expression
   123 > without saying so; and it suffices to take as a tag function the
   124 > expression $\lambda x.\delta({r},x)$ (which is a right invariant
   125 > equivalence relation between strings, and of finite index since there
   126 > finitely many states in the automaton). The authors take care to note
   127 > the proximity of their arguments with existing ones when due (that
   128 > often rely on automata), but they seem very close to the existing one
   129 > in any case, with enough inlining. (Yet, I found the proof based on
   130 > tagging functions quite elegant: it avoids the explicit construction
   131 > of an automata--because automata are difficult to formalize in
   132 > HOL--while being close to the intuitive automata constructions, even
   133 > if they are not mentionned.)
   135 We agree "that underlying our arguments are automata proofs", but 
   136 we argued without constructing automata explicitly. This is the very point 
   137 and contribution of the paper. If we construct automata explicitly, the 
   138 formalised proof of Myhill-Nerode theorem will become much larger as  
   139 can be seen in existing work. By abandoning automata and relying only on 
   140 regular  expressions, we get a much simpler formalised proof of MN theorem.
   142 > To sum up, I think there is a significant value to come up with fresh
   143 > arguments that makes it easier to formalize existing pen-and-paper
   144 > proofs and textbooks. Yet, the arguments presented in this paper are
   145 > not really new (they look like inlinings, even if the authors chose
   146 > not to see it). And I am not convinced by the idea of side stepping an
   147 > elegant tool, the notion of automata, because it is hard to
   148 > formalize. I would rather improve on the underlying tools, or develop
   149 > new ways to formalize this notion.
   151 We disagree in that we should not take the opportunity of using 
   152 regular expressions when they lead to simpler formalisations
   153 in regular language theory. We have already found that many structural 
   154 inductions that only regular expressions afford are good learning 
   155 tools for students in order to come to grips with formal reasoning. 
   158 > - Lemma 21 already appears in Brzozowski (1964) who attributes it to
   159 >  Arden. I think there is little value in distinguishing the two
   160 >  versions of Arden's lemma, since their proofs and statement are parallel.
   162 We agree that Brzozowski (1964) gives the statement of Arden's lemma, but 
   163 no proof, for which he refers to Arden (1960). Unfortunately, we do not have 
   164 access to this book and guess that this applies to many contemporary readers.
   165 Our reference to Sakarovitch is motivated by the fact that he gives 
   166 explicitly a proof (XXX CHECK). 
   168 > - I am puzzled by the one-character transition relation between
   169 >   equivalence classes (p. 6). The $X_i$ correspond to the states of
   170 >   the minimal automaton that recognizes $L$ (and you even agree with
   171 >   that in the Related Work section!). Therefore, I disagree with your
   172 >   sentence stating that this construction does not build an
   173 >   automaton. 
   175 We deleted this comment since it also confused the second reviewer. 
   176 What we wanted to express is that we have not defined a transition 
   177 relation between states in the usual automata sense.
   179 >  Then, it would follow that the initial system would be better
   180 >  presented as a DFA (that is, associating to each equivalence class,
   181 >  a mapping from atoms to equivalence classes with the atoms being
   182 >  disjoint), even if you do not want to introduce the notion of
   183 >  automaton. I fail to see the advantages of the current presentation
   184 >  of the initial system. Then, I think that it would be easier to
   185 >  understand your presentation if you used a more involved language
   186 >  (like (ab + a)) as a running example. This would produce the
   187 >  equivalence classes
   188 >
   189 >  X1 = {[]}
   190 >  X2 = {[a]}
   191 >  X3 = {[ab]}
   192 >  X4 = {univ - {[], [a], [ab]}}
   193 >
   194 >  and the equational system
   195 >
   196 >  X1 = LAMBDA(ONE)
   197 >  X2 = (X1,a)
   198 >  X3 = (X2,b)
   199 >  X4 = (X1,b) + (X2,a) + (X3,a) + (X3,b) 
   200 > 
   202 We have modified the example as you suggest. But note that assuming
   203 we only have characters a and b in an alphabet, the equation for
   204 X4 must be
   206     X4 = (X1,b) + (X2,a) + (X3,a) + (X3,b) + (X4,a) + (X4,b)
   209 >  (It could be worth saying that it is a left-linear context free
   210 >  grammar in any case). Having built this example, I wonder why you
   211 >  chose to set up the equationnal system the way you did. In the RW
   212 >  section, you argue that the differences with Brzozowski's are subtle
   213 >  and impact the presentation of , but I fail to see what would go
   214 >  wrong if you chose this presentation too. 
   216 The difference is from where we start: In Brzozowski's algebraic 
   217 method, the start is an automaton from which this method calculates
   218 a regular expression. Therefore Brzozowski annotates the final
   219 states with lambdas and `propagates' them to the single initial
   220 state. From there he can read off a (single) regular expression recognising
   221 the same language as the automaton. We, on the other hand, start with a 
   222 set of equivalence classes, for all of which we want to calculate a 
   223 regular expression. In this way we have to annotate the lambda to the 
   224 initial state (containing only []) and `propagate' it to all other 
   225 equivalence classes. Once there, we can read off the regular expressions
   226 for each equivalence class. There seems to be no convenient way to set 
   227 up the equational system the original Brzozowski-way. However, it does 
   228 mean that we have to use the reversed version of Arden's lemma in order to 
   229 solve our equational systems. 
   231 > - p. 11 "There exists a regular expression" this is not clear, unless
   232 >   one has a look at your formal proof: it should be made clear that
   233 >  the definition "regular A" is defined as exists r, A = lang r. 
   235 We clarified this sentence according to your suggestion. 
   237 > - Top of p. 12: it is stated that this algorithm provides a method to
   238 >  compute a regexp for the complement of a language and that this
   239 >  construction is similar to the construction of the complement
   240 >  automaton. I agree with this statement, because I am under the
   241 >  impression (maybe wrongly) that the construction in this section
   242 >  boils down to "automata with states indexed by the equivalences
   243 >  classes" to "regular expression". What I am uncertain of is, under
   244 >  what conditions I could use your formalization to compute this
   245 >  regular expression. (Note that I am not speaking about complexity
   246 >  issues here.)
   248 We are not 100% sure whether we are correctly interpreting your
   249 question: If you are after an informal "black board" calculation method 
   250 of this regular expression in front of students, then you can use our
   251 algorithm. We have done this already. If you are asking whether 
   252 our formalisation is "constructive" enough in order to directly
   253 extract an algorithm, then no we cannot do this. We use a theorem
   254 prover based on classical logic. We, for example, did not make
   255 explicit how a single regular expression can be constructed from
   256 a set of regular expressions, still recognising the same language.
   257 However, we do not like to open the "can-of-worms" about constructive
   258 and unconstructive arguments and how to extract explicit algorithms.
   259 In theory we can, in practice we cannot. Unfortunately, we do not have
   260 a better answer for this at the moment and think this is besides
   261 the main point of the paper. 
   263 > - It seems that the purpose of the tagging functions here is to build
   264 >  right invariant equivalence relations that refines the Myhill-Nerode
   265 >  relation (Lemma 43). Maybe you should start by that. Also, any such
   266 >  right invariant relation naturally gives rise to an automaton, and
   267 >  you build such later on. Maybe you could phrase it out at the very
   268 >  beginning of this section. 
   270 We added a long remark at the end of the section that spells
   271 out the automata inspiration behind the tagging functions (see p. 17).
   273 > - p. 13 In the definition of the tagging function for the plus case,
   274 >  isn't there a typo (replacing the \cdot by a comma) ? 
   276 No. Our formalisation uses this definition. 
   278 > - p. 14 There is an "x" missing on the left-hand side of the definition of
   279 >   x tag A B. 
   281 Yes. Corrected.
   283 > - The structure of section 4 is a bit difficult to follow, because the
   284 >   proof of Theorem 31 is interleaved with the statement of many
   285 >   intermediate lemmas. Could you separate the definition of the
   286 >   tagging functions from the proof? 
   288 We have added a figure at the beginning of the proof and included
   289 appropriate references.
   291 >   I think it would also be
   292 >   interesting to point out that the type of the codomain the tag
   293 >   functions are not the same through the section.  Again, I am under
   294 >   the impression that the tagging functions defined in this section
   295 >   define states of an automaton that is not built explicitly, with the
   296 >   result of the tag function being a particular state in a suitably
   297 >   built automaton.  
   299 We added a relatively lengthy remark after the proof about 
   300 how the tagging functions can be seen as constructing particular
   301 automata - see p. 17.
   304 >   Yet, it could be worth pointing out that this use
   305 >   of polymorphism for the tag functions does not have the same
   306 >   problems as the one encountered when one try to formalize
   307 >   automata. This is in a sense contradiction with your statement
   308 >   p. 24 that you sidestep the composition of automata (this automaton
   309 >   is not explicitly built). 
   311 We have modified the statement on p. 24.
   313 > - p. 18: you mention the fact that it is painful to formalize
   314 >   Brzozowski's argument stating that there are only finitely many
   315 >   dissimilar derivatives. Is this because it requires to build part of
   316 >   the equationnal theory of regular expressions that you avoided so
   317 >   far? Could you comment on what Coquand and Siles did in the paper
   318 >   you cite?  
   320 Coquand and Siles first spend 3 pages of their 16-pages paper
   321 developing a theory of inductively finite sets in type theory.
   322 This theory uses "discrete sets" where the equality needs to 
   323 be decidable. They then view the ACI-properties as rewrite rules 
   324 leading to a decidable equality over regular expressions. This 
   325 shows (although they left out the details in their paper) that the 
   326 set of derivatives is inductively finite. 
   328 In our opinion, Coquand and Siles' development strongly justifies our 
   329 comment about formalisation of Brzozowski's argument being painful.
   330 If you like to add this as a reference in the paper, we are happy
   331 to do so. 
   333 > - Section 6, p20, previous to last paragraph: you say that the
   334 >   construction of the complement regular expression involves several
   335 >   transformations: you could shave off the construction of the
   336 >   non-deterministic automaton, since it can be avoided using
   337 >   Antimirov's construction of a DFA (as you do).
   339 We feel that our sequence adequately represents procedure
   340 that is used by informed outsiders and that is usually 
   341 taught to students. Antimirov's construction using partial
   342 derivatives is unfortunately not widely known, which we hope
   343 we can help to change with this paper.
   345 > - (27) are properties, not definitions, isn't it? 
   347 Corrected. 
   349 > - A question. On the one hand, Isabelle/HOL features a classical
   350 >   logic, with the law of the excluded middle and the Hilbert's epsilon
   351 >   operator. On the other hand, in Coq, it is often involved to prove
   352 >   decidability results, which may make it more difficult to formalize
   353 >   some of the arguments you are using. Is it possible in Isabelle/HOL
   354 >   to track what are the uses of classical logic that you use? 
   356 In theory there is a way to track all classical uses in Isabelle,
   357 but this can be practically unfeasible, since proof terms can be 
   358 gigantic (therefore the Isabelle/HOL follows the LCF approach 
   359 where only theorems need to be recorded for correctness). Having 
   360 said that there is one obvious place in our proof where we used 
   361 a "classical" shortcut by using + for generating a single regular 
   362 expression from a finite set of expressions. This would need better 
   363 "explanation" in a constructive proof. There are no other inherent
   364 classical shortcuts in the proof. But as said before opening we
   365 think opening this can-of-worms is beside the focus of the paper.
   368 >  In particular, I am worried about the last sentence on page 24: how do
   369 >  you make these sets computational? 
   371 We wrote:
   373  However, since partial derivatives use sets of regular expressions, one 
   374  needs to carefully analyse whether the resulting algorithm is still 
   375  executable. Given the infrastructure for executable sets introduced by 
   376  Haftmann (2009) in Isabelle/HOL, it should.
   378 Does this allay your fears?
   380 > - I think a word of caution should be added to the comparison with
   381 >   related works in terms of formalization size: there is a huge gap in
   382 >   the scope of these formalizations efforts, especially when one
   383 >   defines algorithms. For instance, an usual corollary of the
   384 >   Myhill-Nerode theorem is an algorithm that minimize automata: could
   385 >   you provide, for instance, an algorithm that compute the number of
   386 >   equivalences classes of your Myhill-Nerode relation?  
   388 We have attempted to be very careful with our comments about the
   389 formalisation sizes from other works. Our intention is only to draw
   390 attention to the somewhat surprising point, namely that formalisation
   391 using automata (either out of choice or being forced) led to 
   392 formalisations where the people in question had to fight their
   393 theorem prover. On the other hand, our formalisation could rely
   394 on the fact that regular expressions are inductive datatypes which
   395 are generally well-supported by theorem prover reasoning. We hope
   396 to have "balanced the picture" by saying that regular expressions
   397 are not good for everything (see paragraph in the Conclusion
   398 "While regular expressions are convenient, they have some 
   399 limitations...").
   401 We have not thought about an algorithm to compute the number of
   402 equivalence classes. 
   404 > - There has been several work that uses matrices in Coq, in the
   405 >   context of the ssreflect dialect. For instance, you may have a look
   406 >   at Dénès M, Mörtberg A, Siles V.  2012.  A refinement-based approach
   407 >   to computational algebra in COQ. ITP 2012. It does not seem that
   408 >   there is a particular problem with the use of matrices. 
   410 We relied completely on the comment by (expert formaliser in Coq) Braibant 
   411 from his thesis which explicitly states 
   413   | Note that while they [Wu, Zhang, Urban] justify their work by the fact  
   414   | that formalising automata ``can be a real hassle in HOL-based provers'', 
   415   | and that neither Isabelle/HOL nor HOL4 nor HOL-light support matrices and 
   416   | graphs with libraries, we did not encounter such difficulties in Coq 
   417   | (omitting the **intrinsic difficulty** of working with **rectangular matrices** 
   418   | at some points).
   420 The emphasis added by us. As far as we know Braibant also uses ssreflect.
   424 Reviewer #2
   425 =========== 
   427 > This is a very nice paper, at least in terms of its content, and it
   428 > should certainly be published in some shape or form.  It's based on an
   429 > ITP conference paper from 2011, but seems to me to include sufficient
   430 > new content to justify republication in a journal.  To be specific,
   431 > the new material is: the second of the two proofs showing the
   432 > implication that if a language is regular it has a finite number of
   433 > Myhill-Nerode equivalence classes (using partial derivatives), and all
   434 > of the closure properties.  Both new contributions are very appealing.
   436 We agree with your observations.
   438 > Really, I have only a slew of minor criticisms about the paper, and
   439 > these almost all have to do with minor presentation issues.  I started
   440 > to list some of these in the "Minor things" section below, but I
   441 > eventually decided that I should simply say that 1. the English is
   442 > sometimes less than perfect; 2. a spell-checker should be used; 3. the
   443 > typography is occasionally dubious; and that 4. it all needs to be
   444 > re-read with more care.
   446 We have improved the paper. Please let us know if we
   447 overlooked any more errors.
   449 > Finally, the conclusion and related work sections are reasonable.  I
   450 > think the conclusion could usefully discuss the executability of the
   451 > algorithm in the first half of the M-N proof.  
   453 Informally, the algorithm is clearly executable. But we have not 
   454 attempted this with our formalisation. 
   456 > Also, the conclusion discusses the Brzozowski's algebraic method in 
   457 > this context, and argues that the equational constraints that appear 
   458 > in this paper are not quite the same as a minimal automaton. It's 
   459 > clear that, yes, they are a little different, but it still seems to 
   460 > me that the initial state of the constraint set is isomorphic to the 
   461 > automaton.  Given that, I was very surprised to read (on p6) that 
   462 > "Note that we do not define an automaton here".  
   464 Yes, we agree, behind our equational system lurks a minimal automaton. What 
   465 we wanted to clear up is that we have not defined a transition relation 
   466 between states in the usual automata sense. Despite best intentions, we 
   467 have deleted this remark, as it clearly misled the reviewers.
   469 > Appendix: this seems unnecessary. If it's interesting enough to be in
   470 > the main text, it should be there. Otherwise refer the reader to the
   471 > online formalisation. In this case, the appendix is so small that it
   472 > seems particularly silly to have one.
   474 We deleted the appendix.