changeset 372 2c56b20032a7
equal deleted inserted replaced
371:48b231495281 372:2c56b20032a7
     1 % latex2e by nr 7/3/96
     2 % acmtrans.cls revised 4/19/96
     3 %              revised again 31-JAN-1996 (see end of file)
     4 %              revised 5-14-1997 :
     5 %                       Don't use sans-serif font in categories and descriptors
     6 %                       include latexsym by default
     7 %                       Define longpage and shortpage
     8 % Adjusted from the acmtrans2e.cls file to the needs of ACM TOCL by
     9 % Marco Aiello on June 14, 2000.
    10 % Further changes made by Frederic Goualard on Sep. 27, 2000
    11 % to take care of the indentation problem in the bibliography 
    12 % arising without the use of the hyperref package.
    13 % Modularization to adapt to the needs of ALL Transactions of the ACM, 
    14 % and the Journal of the ACM, by Marco Aiello on June and October 2001.
    15 % Here is the basic framework that is needed to convert your paper 
    16 % into ACM Transactions format and bibliographic format.  For a tutorial
    17 % introduction, see ``instructions.tex'' (compile it with LaTeX) that
    18 % accompanies the distribution of this style file.
    19 %
    20 %  -> \documentclass{acmtrans2m}
    21 %  -> \markboth{}{}
    22 %         takes 2 arguments and it is for the left- and right-page headers:
    23 %         the first set of braces is assigned for author's name(s) 
    24 %         and
    25 %         the second set of braces is assigned for the title 
    26 %             (if the title is too long, contraction may be needed
    27 %  -> \title{}
    28 %         if the title is too long, it can be separated by \\
    29 %  -> \author{}
    30 %         author1 \\ author1 affiliation
    31 %         \and
    32 %         author2 \\ author2 affiliation
    33 %  -> \begin{abstract}
    34 %  -> \end{abstract}
    35 %
    36 %  -> \category{}{}{}
    37 %         takes 3 arguments for the Computing Reviews Classification Scheme.
    38 %         ex: \category{D.3.3}{Programming Languages}{Language Constructs and 
    39 %                   Features}[data types and structures]
    40 %                   the last argument, in square brackets, is optional.
    41 %  -> \terms{} (ex: \terms{Human Factors, Languages})
    42 %  -> \keywords{} (in alphabetical order \keywords{document processing, sequences, 
    43 %                      string searching, subsequences, substrings})
    44 %  -> \begin{document}
    45 %
    46 %  -> \begin{bottomstuff}
    47 %          similar to \thanks     
    48 %          for authors' addresses; research/grant statements
    49 %  -> \end{bottomstuff}
    50 %  -> \maketitle
    51 %
    52 %     Now you can start the body of the paper; your figures, tables and 
    53 %          use all the latex constructs.
    54 %
    55 %  -> \begin{acks}
    56 %          acknowledgements
    57 %  -> \end{acks}
    58 %
    59 %  -> \bibliographystyle{acmtrans}
    60 %  -> \bibliography{mybib_file}
    61 %
    62 %     ****
    63 %     If your paper has been accepted with a separate (electronic only)
    64 %        appendix, you need to add the following control sequence:
    65 %
    66 %
    67 %       body of appendix 
    68 %!!!!!! \appendixhead has be cut into two: \appendixhead and \elecappendix
    69 %!!!!!! See end of file. (jtb)
    70 %
    71 %  -> \end{document}
    72 %
    73 % Do not worry about the other definitions in this style file
    74 % Remember to compile: latex, bibtex, latex latex
    75 %
    76 % Bibliographic cite forms needed:
    77 %
    78 %  \cite{key}
    79 %    which produces citations with author list and year.
    80 %    eg. [Brown 1978; Jarke, et al. 1985]
    81 %  \citeA{key}
    82 %    which produces citations with only the author list.
    83 %    eg. [Brown; Jarke, et al.]
    84 %  \citeN{key}
    85 %    which produces citations with the author list and year, but
    86 %    can be used as nouns in a sentence; no brackets appear around
    87 %    the author names, but only around the year.
    88 %      eg. Shneiderman [1978] states that......
    89 %    \citeN should only be used for a single citation.
    90 %    \citeNN{refkey1,refkey2} for author [ref1year; ref2year]
    91 %    \citeyear{key}
    92 %        which produces the year information only, within brackets.
    93 %
    94 % Abbreviated author lists use the ``et al.'' construct.
    95 %
    96 % The above are examples of required ACM bibliographic cite formats needed.
    97 % *******************
    98 % Here is the complete list of cite forms from the chicago bibliographic style
    99 %
   100 %  \cite{key}
   101 %    which produces citations with abbreviated author list and year.
   102 %  \citeNP{key}
   103 %    which produces citations with abbreviated author list and year.
   104 %  \citeA{key}
   105 %    which produces only the abbreviated author list.
   106 %  \citeANP{key}
   107 %    which produces only the abbreviated author list.
   108 %  \citeN{key}
   109 %    which produces the abbreviated author list and year, with only the
   110 %    year in parentheses. Use with only one citation.
   111 %  \citeyear{key}
   112 %    which produces the year information only, within parentheses.
   113 %  \citeyearNP{key}
   114 %    which produces the year information only.
   115 %
   116 % Abbreviated author lists use the ``et al.'' construct.
   117 %
   118 % `NP' means `no parentheses' 
   119 %
   121 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
   122 \ProvidesClass{acmtrans2m} [1996/07/03 ACM Transactions class based on <23 April 96>]
   123 \RequirePackage{latexsym}
   124 %aiellom{
   125 \RequirePackage{url}
   127 % Do not change the following! Use the appropriate acmtocl, acmtods, ... 
   128 % options in the .tex file
   129 \def\@acmVolume{V} %the volume
   130 \def\@acmNumber{N} %the number
   131 \def\@acmYear{YY}  %the last two digits of the year, 
   132 \def\@acmMonth{0}  %the month number
   133 \def\@journalName{ACM Journal Name} %the name of the ACM journal
   134 \def\@journalNameShort{jn} %the acronym of the ACM journal
   135 \def\@permissionCodeOne{0000-0000} %the permission code of the ACM journal
   136 \def\@permissionCodeTwo{\acmMonthCode} %the permission code of the ACM journal part 2
   137 \def\@pageCode{\acmPageCode} %the first page of the article in 4 digits
   139 \newif\if@acmnow \newif\if@acmjacm \newif\if@acmcsur
   140 \newif\if@acmtissec \newif\if@acmtochi \newif\if@acmtocl
   141 \newif\if@acmtocs \newif\if@acmtodaes \newif\if@acmtods
   142 \newif\if@acmtogs \newif\if@acmtois \newif\if@acmtoit
   143 \newif\if@acmtomacs \newif\if@acmtoms \newif\if@acmtoplas
   144 \newif\if@acmtosem
   146 \DeclareOption{acmnow}{
   147   \typeout{Directly generating the Month and Year for footers from the clock.}
   148   \def\@acmYear{\yearTwoDigits}  
   149   \def\@acmMonth{\the\month}  
   150 }
   152 \DeclareOption{acmjacm}{
   153   \typeout{}
   154   \typeout{Using ACM JACM option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   155   \typeout{}
   156   %\global\@acmjacmfalse
   157   \global\@acmcsurfalse \global\@acmtissecfalse \global\@acmtochifalse
   158   \global\@acmtoclfalse \global\@acmtocsfalse \global\@acmtodaesfalse
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   161   \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse 
   162   \global\@acmjacmtrue
   163   \def\@journalName{Journal of the ACM} 
   164   \def\@journalNameShort{jacm}
   165   \def\@permissionCodeOne{0004-5411} 
   166 }
   168 \DeclareOption{acmcsur}{
   169   \typeout{}
   170   \typeout{Using ACM CSUR option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   171   \typeout{}
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   173   \global\@acmtissecfalse \global\@acmtochifalse \global\@acmtoclfalse
   174   \global\@acmtocsfalse \global\@acmtodaesfalse \global\@acmtodsfalse
   175   \global\@acmtogsfalse \global\@acmtoisfalse \global\@acmtoitfalse
   176   \global\@acmtomacsfalse \global\@acmtomsfalse
   177   \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   178   \global\@acmcsurtrue
   179   \def\@journalName{ACM Computing Surveys}
   180   \def\@journalNameShort{csur}        
   181   \def\@permissionCodeOne{0360-0300} 
   182 }
   184 \DeclareOption{acmtissec}{
   185   \typeout{}
   186   \typeout{Using ACM TISSEC option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   187   \typeout{}
   188   \global\@acmjacmfalse \global\@acmcsurfalse %\global\@acmtissecfalse
   189   \global\@acmtochifalse \global\@acmtoclfalse \global\@acmtocsfalse
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   192   \global\@acmtomsfalse \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   193   \global\@acmtissectrue
   194   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Information Systems and Security}
   195   \def\@journalNameShort{tissec}        
   196   \def\@permissionCodeOne{1094-9224} 
   197 }
   199 \DeclareOption{acmtochi}{
   200   \typeout{}
   201   \typeout{Using ACM TOCHI option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   202   \typeout{}
   203   \global\@acmjacmfalse \global\@acmcsurfalse \global\@acmtissecfalse
   204   %\global\@acmtochifalse
   205   \global\@acmtoclfalse \global\@acmtocsfalse \global\@acmtodaesfalse
   206   \global\@acmtodsfalse \global\@acmtogsfalse \global\@acmtoisfalse
   207   \global\@acmtoitfalse \global\@acmtomacsfalse \global\@acmtomsfalse
   208   \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   209   \global\@acmtochitrue
   210   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction}
   211   \def\@journalNameShort{tochi}        
   212   \def\@permissionCodeOne{1073-0516} 
   213 }
   215 \DeclareOption{acmtocl}{ 
   216   \typeout{} 
   217   \typeout{Using ACM TOCL option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}  
   218   \typeout{}
   219   \global\@acmjacmfalse \global\@acmcsurfalse \global\@acmtissecfalse
   220   \global\@acmtochifalse  %\global\@acmtoclfalse
   221   \global\@acmtocsfalse \global\@acmtodaesfalse \global\@acmtodsfalse
   222   \global\@acmtogsfalse \global\@acmtoisfalse \global\@acmtoitfalse
   223   \global\@acmtomacsfalse \global\@acmtomsfalse
   224   \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse 
   225   \global\@acmtocltrue
   226   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Computational Logic}
   227   \def\@journalNameShort{tocl}        
   228   \def\@permissionCodeOne{1529-3785} 
   229 }
   231 \DeclareOption{acmtocs}{
   232   \typeout{}
   233   \typeout{Using ACM TOCS option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   234   \typeout{}
   235   \global\@acmjacmfalse \global\@acmcsurfalse \global\@acmtissecfalse
   236   \global\@acmtochifalse \global\@acmtoclfalse
   237   %\global\@acmtocsfalse
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   240   \global\@acmtomsfalse \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   241   \global\@acmtocstrue
   242   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Computer Systems}
   243   \def\@journalNameShort{tocs}        
   244   \def\@permissionCodeOne{0734-2071} 
   245 }
   247 \DeclareOption{acmtodaes}{
   248   \typeout{}
   249   \typeout{Using ACM TODAES option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   250   \typeout{}
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   252   \global\@acmtochifalse \global\@acmtoclfalse \global\@acmtocsfalse
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   256   \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   257   \global\@acmtodaestrue
   258   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems}
   259   \def\@journalNameShort{todaes}        
   260   \def\@permissionCodeOne{1084-4309} 
   261 }
   263 \DeclareOption{acmtods}{
   264   \typeout{}
   265   \typeout{Using ACM TODS option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   266   \typeout{}
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   272   \global\@acmtomacsfalse \global\@acmtomsfalse
   273   \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   274   \global\@acmtodstrue
   275   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Database Systems}
   276   \def\@journalNameShort{tods}        
   277   \def\@permissionCodeOne{0362-5915} 
   278 }
   280 \DeclareOption{acmtogs}{
   281   \typeout{}
   282   \typeout{Using ACM TOGS option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   283   \typeout{}
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   285   \global\@acmtochifalse \global\@acmtoclfalse \global\@acmtocsfalse
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   289   \global\@acmtomsfalse \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   290   \global\@acmtogstrue
   291   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Graphics}
   292   \def\@journalNameShort{togs}        
   293   \def\@permissionCodeOne{0730-0301} 
   294 }
   296 \DeclareOption{acmtois}{
   297   \typeout{}
   298   \typeout{Using ACM TOIS option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   299   \typeout{}
   300   \global\@acmjacmfalse \global\@acmcsurfalse \global\@acmtissecfalse
   301   \global\@acmtochifalse \global\@acmtoclfalse \global\@acmtocsfalse
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   303   %\global\@acmtoisfalse
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   305   \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   306   \global\@acmtoistrue
   307   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Information Systems}
   308   \def\@journalNameShort{tois}        
   309   \def\@permissionCodeOne{1046-8188} 
   310 }
   312 \DeclareOption{acmtoit}{
   313   \typeout{}
   314   \typeout{Using ACM TOIT option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   315   \typeout{}
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   317   \global\@acmtochifalse \global\@acmtoclfalse \global\@acmtocsfalse
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   322   \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   323   \global\@acmtoittrue
   324   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Internet Technology}
   325   \def\@journalNameShort{toit}        
   326   \def\@permissionCodeOne{1533-5399} 
   327 }
   329 \DeclareOption{acmtomacs}{
   330   \typeout{}
   331   \typeout{Using ACM TOMACS option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   332   \typeout{}
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   337   %\global\@acmtomacsfalse
   338   \global\@acmtomsfalse \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   339   \global\@acmtomacstrue
   340   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation}
   341   \def\@journalNameShort{tomacs}        
   342   \def\@permissionCodeOne{1049-3301} 
   343 }
   345 \DeclareOption{acmtoms}{
   346   \typeout{}
   347   \typeout{Using ACM TOMS option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   348   \typeout{}
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   353   %\global\@acmtomsfalse
   354   \global\@acmtoplasfalse \global\@acmtosemfalse
   355   \global\@acmtomstrue
   356   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software}
   357   \def\@journalNameShort{toms}        
   358   \def\@permissionCodeOne{0098-3500} 
   359 }
   361 \DeclareOption{acmtoplas}{
   362   \typeout{}
   363   \typeout{Using ACM TOPLAS option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   364   \typeout{}
   365   \global\@acmjacmfalse \global\@acmcsurfalse \global\@acmtissecfalse
   366   \global\@acmtochifalse \global\@acmtoclfalse \global\@acmtocsfalse
   367   \global\@acmtodaesfalse \global\@acmtodsfalse \global\@acmtogsfalse
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   369   \global\@acmtomsfalse
   370   %\global\@acmtoplasfalse
   371   \global\@acmtosemfalse
   372   \global\@acmtoplastrue
   373   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems}
   374   \def\@journalNameShort{toplas}        
   375   \def\@permissionCodeOne{0164-0925} 
   376 }
   378 \DeclareOption{acmtosem}{
   379   \typeout{}
   380   \typeout{Using ACM, TOSEM option: 2001/06/01 by Marco Aiello et al.}
   381   \typeout{}
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   383   \global\@acmtochifalse \global\@acmtoclfalse \global\@acmtocsfalse
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   386   \global\@acmtomsfalse \global\@acmtoplasfalse
   387   %\global\@acmtosemfalse
   388   \global\@acmtosemtrue
   389   \def\@journalName{ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology}
   390   \def\@journalNameShort{tosem}        
   391   \def\@permissionCodeOne{1049-331X} 
   392 }
   393 %}aiellom
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   437 \DeclareOption{11pt}{\ClassError{acmtrans}{11pt style not supported}
   438                         {ACM transactions documents can be set in 10pt only}}
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   440                         {ACM transactions documents can be set in 10pt only}}
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   470 \ProcessOptions
   472 %{aiellom to automatize the issue specific data
   473 \def\acmVolume#1{\def\@acmVolume{#1}}
   474 \def\acmNumber#1{\def\@acmNumber{#1}}
   475 \if@acmnow\else
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   477 \def\acmMonth#1{\def\@acmMonth{#1}}
   478 \fi
   479 \def\@acmMonthName{\ifnum\@acmMonth=1 January\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=2 February\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=3 March\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=4 April\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=5 May\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=6 June\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=7 July\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=8 August\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=9 September\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=10 October\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=11 November\fi\ifnum\@acmMonth=12 December\fi}
   483 % Command to get the year from the system and display the last two digits
   484 \newcommand{\ignoretwo}[2]{}
   485 \newcommand{\yearTwoDigits}{\expandafter\ignoretwo\the\year}
   486 % overright the \@setref definition, so that if a reference is undefined 
   487 % then it returns a number 0 and then the usual double boldface 
   488 % question marks ??
   489 % this is necessary for the \acmPageCode command, otherwise it gives an error 
   490 % everytime the aux file is not there
   491 \def\@setref#1#2#3{%
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   493     \number 0\relax
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   505 }
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   640   \fi
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   644       #6{%
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   683 \newcounter{secnumbookdepth}
   684 \setcounter{secnumbookdepth}{3}
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   690 \newcommand{\elecappendix}{
   691 }
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   707  \setcounter{subsection}{0}
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   710         \def\theHsection{\Alph{section}}}
   714 \labelsep 5pt
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   716 \settowidth{\leftmarginii}{(b)} \addtolength\leftmarginii\labelsep
   717 \leftmarginiii \leftmarginii
   718 \leftmarginiv \leftmarginii 
   719 \leftmarginv \leftmarginii 
   720 \leftmarginvi \leftmarginii 
   721 \leftmargin\leftmargini
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   726 \@listi 
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   736  \itemsep \parsep}
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   750  {\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}{\usecounter
   751  {\@enumctr}\def\makelabel##1{##1\hss}}\fi}
   752 \def\longenum{\ifnum \@enumdepth >3 \@toodeep\else
   753  \advance\@enumdepth \@ne 
   754  \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}\list
   755  {\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}{\usecounter
   756  {\@enumctr}\labelwidth\z@}\fi}
   757 %\leftmargin\z@ \itemindent\parindent}\fi} - this indents each item in enumerate
   758 \let\endlongenum\endlist
   759 %%--------------------CHANGED: always roman parentheses. dave ---------------%%
   760 \def\labelenumi{{\rm (}\arabic{enumi}\/{\rm )}} 
   761 \def\theenumi{\arabic{enumi}} 
   762 \def\labelenumii{{\rm (}\alph{enumii}\rm{)}}
   763 \def\theenumii{\alph{enumii}}
   764 \def\p@enumii{\theenumi}
   765 \def\labelenumiii{\roman{enumiii}.}
   766 \def\theenumiii{\roman{enumiii}}
   767 \def\p@enumiii{\theenumi{\rm (}\theenumii{\rm )}}
   768 \def\labelenumiv{\Alph{enumiv}.}
   769 \def\theenumiv{\Alph{enumiv}} 
   770 \def\p@enumiv{\p@enumiii\theenumiii}
   772 \def\p@enumiv{\p@enumiii\theenumiii}
   774 \def\itemize{\list{---\hskip -\labelsep}{\settowidth
   775  {\leftmargin}{---}\labelwidth\leftmargin
   776  \addtolength{\labelwidth}{-\labelsep}}}
   777 \let\enditemize\endlist
   778 \def\longitem{\list{---}{\labelwidth\z@
   779  \leftmargin\z@ \itemindent\parindent \advance\itemindent\labelsep}}
   780 \let\endlongitem\endlist
   781 \def\verse{\let\\=\@centercr 
   782  \list{}{\leftmargin 2pc 
   783  \itemindent -1.5em\listparindent \itemindent 
   784  \rightmargin\leftmargin\advance\leftmargin 1.5em}\item[]}
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   787  \itemindent\listparindent
   788  \rightmargin\leftmargin \parsep 0pt plus 1pt}\item[]}
   789 \let\endquotation=\endlist
   790 \def\quote{\list{}{\leftmargin 2pc \rightmargin\leftmargin}\item[]}
   791 \let\endquote=\endlist
   793 \def\description{\list{}{\listparindent\parindent\labelwidth\z@
   794  \leftmargin\z@ \itemindent\parindent\advance\itemindent\labelsep
   795  \def\makelabel##1{\it ##1.}}}
   796 \let\enddescription\endlist
   798 \def\describe#1{\list{}{\listparindent\parindent\settowidth{\labelwidth}{#1}\leftmargin
   799  \labelwidth\addtolength\leftmargin\labelsep\def\makelabel##1{##1\hfil}}}
   800 \let\enddescribe\endlist
   802         \def\program{\ifx\@currsize\normalsize\small \else \rm \fi\tabbing}
   803         \let\endprogram\endtabbing
   804          \def\@begintheorem#1#2{\trivlist \item[\hskip 10pt\hskip 
   805          \labelsep{\sc{#1}\hskip 5pt\relax #2.}] \itshape}
   806         % aiellom{: this is what makes the theorem environment with names 
   807         % ABOVE #1 is the word example, corollary, etc.
   808         %            #2 is the number
   809         % \def\@opargbegintheorem#1#2#3{\trivlist
   810         % \item[\hskip 10pt \hskip \labelsep{\sc #1\savebox\@tempboxa{#3}\ifdim 
   811         % \wd\@tempboxa>\z@ \hskip 5pt\relax \box\@tempboxa\fi.}] \itshape}
   812         %  is been changed to
   813         % #1 is the word theorem, lemma, etc.
   814         % #2 is the number
   815         % #3 is the name of the theorem, lemma, etc.
   816         \def\@opargbegintheorem#1#2#3{\trivlist
   817         \item[\hskip 10pt \hskip 
   818 \labelsep{\sc{#1}\savebox\@tempboxa{\sc{#3}}\ifdim 
   819         \wd\@tempboxa>\z@ \hskip 5pt\relax \sc{#2}  \box\@tempboxa\fi.}]
   820 \itshape}
   821         % aiellom} 
   825 \newif\if@qeded\global\@qededfalse
   826 \def\proof{\global\@qededfalse\@ifnextchar[{\@xproof}{\@proof}}
   827 \def\endproof{\if@qeded\else\qed\fi\endtrivlist}
   828 \def\qed{\unskip\kern 10pt{\unitlength1pt\linethickness{.4pt}\framebox(6,6){}}
   829 \global\@qededtrue}
   830 \def\@proof{\trivlist \item[\hskip 10pt\hskip 
   831  \labelsep{\sc Proof.}]\ignorespaces}
   832 \def\@xproof[#1]{\trivlist \item[\hskip 10pt\hskip 
   833  \labelsep{\sc Proof #1.}]\ignorespaces}
   835 \def\newdef#1#2{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
   836 {\@definecounter{#1}\expandafter\xdef\csname
   837 the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}\global
   838  \@namedef{#1}{\@defthm{#1}{#2}}\global
   839  \@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
   840 \def\@defthm#1#2{\refstepcounter
   841  {#1}\@ifnextchar[{\@ydefthm{#1}{#2}}{\@xdefthm{#1}{#2}}}
   842 \def\@xdefthm#1#2{\@begindef{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}\ignorespaces}
   843 \def\@ydefthm#1#2[#3]{\trivlist \item[\hskip 10pt\hskip 
   844  \labelsep{\it #2\savebox\@tempboxa{#3}\ifdim 
   845  \wd\@tempboxa>\z@ \ \box\@tempboxa\fi.}]\ignorespaces}
   846 \def\@begindef#1#2{\trivlist \item[\hskip 10pt\hskip 
   847  \labelsep{\it #1\ \rm #2.}]}
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   861 \newcounter{part}
   862 \newcounter{section}
   863 \newcounter{subsection}[section]
   864 \newcounter{subsubsection}[subsection]
   865 \newcounter{paragraph}[subsubsection]
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   884  {\large \bf \leavevmode #1\hfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}}\par
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   889  \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth 
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   893 \def\l@subsubsection{\@dottedtocline{3}{3.8em}{3.2em}}
   894 \def\listoffigures{\section*{List of Figures\@mkboth
   895  {LIST OF FIGURES}{LIST OF FIGURES}}\@starttoc{lof}}
   896 \def\l@figure{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}
   897 \def\listoftables{\section*{List of Tables\@mkboth
   898  {LIST OF TABLES}{LIST OF TABLES}}\@starttoc{lot}}
   899 \let\l@table\l@figure
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   903 \@ucheadfalse
   904 \@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{16pt plus 2pt minus 
   905         1pt}{2pt}{\sf}*{REFERENCES}%
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   935 } 
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   955 to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil} 
   956  \fi}
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  1006  \@parboxrestore
  1007  \@atmakecap{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par}}
  1008 \def\@atnocap{\egroup \refstepcounter\@captype 
  1009  \setbox\@nfcapbox\vbox {\hsize \wd\@nfigbox
  1010  \hbox to\hsize{\hfil \footnotesize Table \thetable\hfil}}}
  1012 %
  1013 %% Narrow figures
  1014 %
  1015 \def\narrowfig#1{\@narrowfig #1\relax
  1016  \let\caption\@nfcap \let\nocaption\@nfnocap
  1017  \def\@tmpnf{}\@ifnextchar[{\@xnfig}{\@nfig}}
  1018 \def\endnarrowfig{\hbox to \textwidth{\if@nfeven
  1019  \box\@nfcapbox\hfil\box\@nfigbox
  1020  \else \box\@nfigbox\hfil\box\@nfcapbox\fi}\end@float}
  1021 \def\@xnfig[#1]{\def\@tmpnf{[#1]}\@nfig}
  1022 \def\@nfig{\expandafter\figure\@tmpnf
  1023  \setbox\@nfigbox\vbox\bgroup
  1024  \hsize \@narrowfig \@parboxrestore}
  1025 \def\@nfmakecap #1#2{\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#1.\hskip 1em\relax #2}
  1026  \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize \sloppy #1.\hskip 1em\relax #2 \par \else \hbox
  1027 to\hsize{\if@nfeven\else\hfil\fi\box\@tempboxa\if@nfeven\hfil\fi}
  1028  \fi}
  1029 \def\@nfcap{\par\egroup\refstepcounter\@captype 
  1030  \@dblarg{\@nfcapx\@captype}}
  1031 \long\def\@nfcapx#1[#2]#3{\@seteven
  1032  \setbox\@nfcapbox\vbox to \ht\@nfigbox
  1033  {\hsize \textwidth \advance\hsize -2pc \advance\hsize -\wd\@nfigbox
  1034  \@parboxrestore
  1035  \vfil 
  1036  \@nfmakecap{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
  1037  \vfil}}
  1038 \def\@nfnocap{\egroup \refstepcounter\@captype \@seteven
  1039  \setbox\@nfcapbox\vbox to \ht\@nfigbox
  1040  {\hsize \textwidth \advance\hsize -2pc \advance\hsize -\wd\@nfigbox
  1041  \@parboxrestore
  1042  \vfil 
  1043  \hbox to\hsize{\if@nfeven\else\hfil\fi 
  1044  \footnotesize Figure \thefigure
  1045  \if@nfeven\hfil\fi}
  1046  \vfil}}
  1047 \def\@seteven{\@nfeventrue 
  1048    \@ifundefined{r@@nf\thefigure}{}{%
  1049       \edef\@tmpnf{\csname r@@nf\thefigure\endcsname}%
  1050       \edef\@tmpnf{\expandafter\@getpagenum\@tmpnf}%
  1051       \ifodd\@tmpnf\relax\@nfevenfalse\fi}%
  1052 \label{@nf\thefigure}\edef\@tmpnfx{\if@nfeven e\else o\fi}
  1053 \edef\@tmpnf{\write\@unused {\noexpand\ifodd \noexpand\c@page 
  1054  \noexpand\if \@tmpnfx e\noexpand\@nfmsg{\thefigure} \noexpand\fi
  1055  \noexpand\else 
  1056  \noexpand\if \@tmpnfx o\noexpand\@nfmsg{\thefigure}\noexpand\fi 
  1057  \noexpand\fi }}\@tmpnf}
  1058 \def\@nfmsg#1{Bad narrowfig: Figure #1 on page \thepage}
  1060 \newdimen\@narrowfig
  1061 \newbox\@nfigbox
  1062 \newbox\@nfcapbox
  1063 \newif\if@nfeven 
  1065 \def\and{\\ and\\}
  1066 \def\maketitle{\newpage \thispagestyle{titlepage}\par
  1067  \begingroup \lineskip = \z@\null \vskip -30pt\relax 
  1068  \parindent\z@ \LARGE {\raggedright \hyphenpenalty\@M
  1069  %\sf \@title \par
  1070   \@title \par
  1071  \global\firstfoot %aiellom
  1072  \global\runningfoot %aiellom
  1073 }
  1074 \label{@firstpg}
  1075 { \vskip 13.5pt\relax \normalsize \sf %vskip 13.5pt between title and author
  1076  \begingroup \addtolength{\baselineskip}{2pt}
  1077  \@author\par \vskip -2pt 
  1078  \endgroup }
  1079  {\ifx \@categories\@empty 
  1080  \else 
  1081  \baselineskip 17pt\relax
  1082  \if@acmjacm\else\hbox{\vrule height .2pt width 30pc}\fi%to eliminate the lines for jacm
  1083  }
  1084  \vskip 8.5pt \footnotesize \box\@abstract \vskip 4pt\relax %vskip8.5 space above abstract
  1085  {\def\and{\unskip\/{\rm ; }}
  1086  Categories and Subject Descriptors: \@categories \fi}\par\vskip 4pt\relax
  1087  \box\@terms \vskip 4pt\relax
  1088  \box\@keywords \par 
  1089  {\baselineskip 14pt\relax 
  1090  \@abstractbottom
  1091  }
  1092  \vskip 23pt\relax
  1093  \endgroup
  1094 \let\maketitle\relax
  1095  % \gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}
  1096  \gdef\@categories{}}
  1099 \newbox\@abstract
  1100 \newbox\@terms
  1101 \newbox\@keywords
  1102 \def\abstract{\global\setbox\@abstract=\vbox\bgroup \everypar{}
  1103  \footnotesize \hsize 30pc \parindent 10pt \noindent 
  1104  \rule{0pt}{10pt}\ignorespaces}
  1105 \def\endabstract{\egroup}
  1107 \def\terms#1{\setbox\@terms=\vbox{\everypar{}
  1108  \footnotesize \hsize 30pc \parindent 0pt \noindent 
  1109  General Terms: \ignorespaces #1}}
  1110 \def\keywords#1{\setbox\@keywords=\vbox{\everypar{}
  1111  \footnotesize \hsize 30pc \parindent 0pt \noindent 
  1112  Additional Key Words and Phrases: \ignorespaces #1}
  1113 }
  1115 \def\category#1#2#3{\@ifnextchar
  1116  [{\@category{#1}{#2}{#3}}{\@xcategory{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
  1117 \def\@category#1#2#3[#4]{\edef\@tempa{\ifx \@categories\@empty 
  1118  \else ; \fi}{\def\protect{\noexpand\protect
  1119  \noexpand}\def\and{\noexpand\and}\xdef\@categories{\@categories\@tempa #1
  1120 [{\bf #2}]: 
  1121  #3\kern\z@---\hskip\z@{\it #4}}}}
  1122 \def\@xcategory#1#2#3{\edef\@tempa{\ifx \@categories\@empty \else ;
  1123 \fi}{\def\protect{\noexpand\protect\noexpand}\def\and{\noexpand
  1124  \and}\xdef\@categories{\@categories\@tempa #1 [{\bf #2}]: #3}}}
  1125 \def\@categories{}
  1126 \def\bottomstuff{\global\@topnum\z@ \global\@botroom \textheight \begin{figure}
  1127 \parindent\z@
  1128 \hbox{}
  1129 \vskip -\textfloatsep
  1130 \vskip 10pt
  1131 \hrule height .2pt width 30pc
  1132 \vskip 2pt\rule{0pt}{10pt}\ignorespaces}
  1133 \def\endbottomstuff{\permission\end{figure}\gdef\permission{}}
  1135 \newenvironment{ackslike}[1]
  1136   {\par \footnotesize 
  1137    \@ucheadfalse
  1138    \@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{-16pt plus -2pt minus -1pt}{2pt}{\sf}*
  1139    {\uppercase{#1}}\par\normalsize
  1140    \pdfbookmark{Acknowledgments}{Ack}
  1141         }
  1142   {\par}
  1143 \newenvironment{acks}{\begin{ackslike}{ACKNOWLEDGMENTS}}{\end{ackslike}}
  1145 \def\received{\par\footnotesize\addvspace{18pt plus 0pt minus
  1146 4pt}\parindent\z@}
  1147 %the line below replaced by the line that follows (K.R. Apt, July 11, 2000
  1148 %\def\endreceived{\label{@lastpg}\hskip-2pt\par}
  1149 \def\endreceived{\label{@lastpg}\hskip-2pt\par\normalsize}
  1151 \mark{{}{}} 
  1153 \def\ps@myheadings{\let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo
  1154 \def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\hfill \small\sf \rightmark\hskip
  1155 19pt{\Large$\cdot$}\hskip 17pt\mypage}
  1156 \def\@oddfoot{\hbox{}\hfill\tiny\@runningfoot}
  1157 \def\@evenhead{\small\sf\mypage \hskip 17pt{\Large$\cdot$}\hskip 19pt\leftmark\hfill \hbox{}}
  1158 \def\@evenfoot{\tiny\@runningfoot\hfill\hbox{}}
  1159 \def\sectionmark##1{}\def\subsectionmark##1{}}
  1160 \def\@runningfoot{}
  1161 \def\runningfoot{\def\@runningfoot{\@journalName, Vol.\ \@acmVolume, No.\ \@acmNumber, \@acmMonthName\ 20\@acmYear.}}
  1162 \def\@firstfoot{}
  1163 \def\firstfoot{\def\@firstfoot{\@journalName, Vol.\ \@acmVolume, No.\ \@acmNumber, \@acmMonthName\ 20\@acmYear, Pages \pages.}}
  1164 \def\ps@titlepage{\let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo
  1165 \def\@oddhead{}\def\@oddfoot{\hbox{}\hfill
  1166 \tiny\@firstfoot}\def\@evenhead{}\def\@evenfoot{\tiny\@firstfoot\hfill\hbox{}}}
  1168 \def\today{\ifcase\month\or
  1169  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  1170  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
  1171  \space\number\day, \number\year}
  1172 \def\@marrayclassiv{\@addtopreamble{$\displaystyle \@nextchar$}}
  1173 \def\@marrayclassz{\ifcase \@lastchclass \@acolampacol \or \@ampacol \or
  1174  \or \or \@addamp \or
  1175  \@acolampacol \or \@firstampfalse \@acol \fi
  1176 \edef\@preamble{\@preamble
  1177  \ifcase \@chnum 
  1178  \hfil$\relax\displaystyle\@sharp$\hfil \or $\relax\displaystyle\@sharp$\hfil 
  1179  \or \hfil$\relax\displaystyle\@sharp$\fi}}
  1180 \def\marray{\arraycolsep 2.5pt\let\@acol\@arrayacol \let\@classz\@marrayclassz
  1181  \let\@classiv\@marrayclassiv \let\\\@arraycr\def\@halignto{}\@tabarray}
  1182 \def\endmarray{\crcr\egroup\egroup}
  1185 \ps@myheadings \pagenumbering{arabic} \onecolumn 
  1187 %-----------------------BIBLIOGRAPHY STUFF-------------------------
  1188 % this is adapted (November 1993) by Andrew Appel and Rebecca Davies from
  1189 % 
  1190 %%%     filename        = "chicago.sty",
  1191 %%%     version         = "4",  % MODIFIED!
  1192 %%%     date            = "31 August 1992",
  1193 %%%     time            = "09:42:44 199",
  1194 %%%     author          = "Glenn Paulley",
  1195 %%%     address         = "Data Structuring Group
  1196 %%%                        Department of Computer Science
  1197 %%%                        University of Waterloo
  1198 %%%                        Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
  1199 %%%                        N2L 3G1",
  1200 %%%     telephone       = "(519) 885-1211",
  1201 %%%     FAX             = "(519) 885-1208",
  1202 %%%     email           = "",
  1204 %%% ====================================================================
  1205 %
  1206 % this file: Modification of chicago.sty for new ACM bibliography
  1207 % style, which is similar (but not identical) to the ``Chicago'' style.
  1208 %
  1209 % chicago.sty: Style file for use with bibtex style chicago.bst, for
  1210 % bibliographies formatted according to the 13th Edition of the Chicago
  1211 % Manual of Style.
  1212 %
  1213 % 'newapa.bst' was made from 'plain.bst', 'named.bst', and 'apalike.bst',
  1214 % with lots of tweaking to make it look like APA style, along with tips
  1215 % from Young Ryu and Brian Reiser's modifications of 'apalike.bst'.
  1216 % newapa.sty formed the basis of this style, chicago.sty. Author-date
  1217 % references in newapa.bst formed the basis for chicago.bst. Chicagoa.bst
  1218 % supports annotations.
  1219 %
  1220 % Version 4 (August, 1992):
  1221 % - fixed chicago.bst and chicagoa.bst to handle long author lists in
  1222 %   sorting
  1223 % - fixed chicago.bst and chicagoa.bst so that missing page numbers in
  1224 %   ``article'' entries are handled correctly
  1225 % - modified chicago.sty to format entries with 2nd and subsequent lines
  1226 %   indented.
  1227 %
  1228 %   Citation format: (author-last-name year)
  1229 %             (author-last-name and author-last-name year)
  1230 %             (author-last-name et al. year)
  1231 %             (author-last-name)
  1232 %             author-last-name
  1233 %             author-last-name (year)
  1234 %             (author-last-name and author-last-name)
  1235 %             (author-last-name et al.)
  1236 %             (year) or (year,year)
  1237 %             year or year,year
  1238 %
  1239 %   Reference list ordering: alphabetical by author or whatever passes
  1240 %    for author in the absence of one.
  1241 %
  1242 % This BibTeX style has support for abbreviated author lists and for
  1243 %    year-only citations.  This is done by having the citations
  1244 %    actually look like
  1245 %
  1246 %    \citeauthoryear{full-author-info}{abbrev-author-info}{year}
  1247 %
  1248 % The LaTeX style has to have the following (or similar)
  1249 %
  1250 %     \let\@internalcite\cite
  1251 %     \def\fullcite{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##1, ##3}\@internalcite}
  1252 %     \def\fullciteA{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##1}\@internalcite}
  1253 %     \def\shortcite{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2, ##3}\@internalcite}
  1254 %     \def\shortciteA{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2}\@internalcite}
  1255 %     \def\citeyear{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##3}\@internalcite}
  1256 %
  1257 %
  1258 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1259 %
  1260 % Citation macros.
  1261 %
  1262 \let\@internalcite\cite
  1264 \def\cite{\def\@citeseppen{-1000}%
  1265     \def\@cite##1##2{[##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi]}%
  1266     \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2 ##3}\@internalcite}
  1267 \def\citeXNP#1#2{%
  1268   \def\@cite@label{#2}%
  1269   \def\@cite##1##2{##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi}%
  1270   \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\@cite@label}\@internalcite{#1}}
  1271 % \def\@citeseppen{-1000}%
  1272 %    \def\@cite@label{#1}
  1273 %    \def\@cite##1##2{\if@tempswa ##2\fi}%
  1274 %    \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2 ##3}\@internalcite}
  1275 \def\citeNP{\def\@citeseppen{-1000}%
  1276     \def\@cite##1##2{##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi}%
  1277     \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2 ##3}\@internalcite}
  1278 \def\citeN{\def\@citeseppen{-1000}%
  1279     \def\@cite##1##2{##1\if@tempswa , ##2]\else{]}\fi}%
  1280     \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2 [##3}\@citedata}
  1281 \def\shortcite#1{\citeyear{#1}}
  1282 \def\citeS#1{[\citeANP{#1} \citeyearNP{#1}]}
  1283 \def\citeNS#1{\citeANP{#1} \citeyear{#1}}
  1284 \def\citeNPS#1{\citeANP{#1} \citeyearNP{#1}}
  1285 %testing year,year
  1286 \def\citeNN{\def\@citeseppen{-1000}%
  1287     \def\@cite##1##2{[##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi]}%
  1288     \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##3}\@citedata}
  1290 \def\citeA{\def\@citeseppen{-1000}%
  1291     \def\@cite##1##2{[##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi]}%
  1292     \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2}\@internalcite}
  1293 \def\citeANP{\def\@citeseppen{-1000}%
  1294     \def\@cite##1##2{##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi}%
  1295     \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2}\@internalcite}
  1297 \def\citeyear{\def\@citeseppen{-1000}%
  1298     \def\@cite##1##2{[##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi]}%
  1299     \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##3}\@citedata}
  1300 \def\citeyearNP{\def\@citeseppen{-1000}%
  1301     \def\@cite##1##2{##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi}%
  1302     \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##3}\@citedata}
  1304 %
  1305 % \@citedata and \@citedatax:
  1306 %
  1307 % Place commas in-between citations in the same \citeyear, \citeyearNP,
  1308 % or \citeN command.
  1309 % Use something like \citeN{ref1,ref2,ref3} and \citeN{ref4} for a list.
  1310 %
  1311 \def\@citedata{%
  1312         \@ifnextchar [{\@tempswatrue\@citedatax}%
  1313                                   {\@tempswafalse\@citedatax[]}%
  1314 }
  1316 \def\@citedatax[#1]#2{%
  1317 \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{#2}}\fi%
  1318   \def\@citea{}\@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do%
  1319     {\@citea\def\@citea{; }\@ifundefined% by Young
  1320        {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}%
  1321        \@warning{Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
  1322 {\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}%
  1324 % don't box citations, separate with ; and a space
  1325 % also, make the penalty between citations negative: a good place to break.
  1326 %
  1327 \def\@citex[#1]#2{%
  1328 \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{#2}}\fi%
  1329   \def\@citea{}\@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do%
  1330     {\@citea\def\@citea{; }\@ifundefined% by Young
  1331        {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}%
  1332        \@warning{Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
  1333 {\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}%
  1335 % (from apalike.sty)
  1336 % No labels in the bibliography.
  1337 %
  1338 \def\@biblabel#1{}
  1340 % (from apalike.sty)
  1341 % Set length of hanging indentation for bibliography entries.
  1342 %
  1343 \newlength{\bibhang}
  1344 \setlength{\bibhang}{2em}
  1346 % Indent second and subsequent lines of bibliographic entries. Stolen
  1347 % from openbib.sty: \newblock is set to {}.
  1349 \newdimen\bibindent
  1350 \bibindent=1em
  1351 \@ifundefined{refname}%
  1352    {\@ifundefined{chapter}%
  1353      {\newcommand{\refname}{\footnotesize REFERENCES}}%
  1354      {\newcommand{\refname}{\footnotesize BIBLIOGRAPHY}}%
  1355    }%
  1356    {}%
  1357 \@ifundefined{chapter}%
  1358  {\def\thebibliography#1{\footnotesize \section*{\refname\@mkboth 
  1359    {\uppercase{\refname}}{\uppercase{\refname}}}\list
  1360    {[\arabic{enumi}]}{
  1361    \settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}
  1362    \leftmargin\labelwidth
  1363    \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
  1364    \advance\leftmargin\bibindent
  1365    \itemindent -\bibindent
  1366    \listparindent \itemindent
  1367    \parsep \z@
  1368    \usecounter{enumi}}
  1369    \def\newblock{}
  1370    \sloppy
  1371    \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}}
  1372  {\def\thebibliography#1{\footnotesize \chapter*{\refname\@mkboth 
  1373    {\uppercase{\refname}}{\uppercase{\refname}}}\list
  1374    {[\arabic{enumi}]}{\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}
  1375    \leftmargin\labelwidth
  1376    \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
  1377    \advance\leftmargin\bibindent
  1378    \itemindent -\bibindent
  1379    \listparindent \itemindent
  1380    \parsep \z@
  1381    \usecounter{enumi}}
  1382    \def\newblock{}
  1383    \sloppy
  1384    \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}}
  1386 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1388 % fixes to acm trans macro package
  1389 % 31-JAN-1996
  1390 % John Tang Boyland
  1392 % newdef need to take the optional parameters of newtheorem
  1393 \def\newdef#1{\@ifnextchar[{\@xnewdef{#1}}{\@ynewdef{#1}}}
  1394 \def\@xnewdef#1[#2]#3{\newtheorem{italic@#1}[#2]{{\em #3}}\@newdef{#1}}
  1395 \def\@ynewdef#1#2{\@ifnextchar[{\@xynewdef{#1}{#2}}{\@yynewdef{#1}{#2}}}
  1396 \def\@xynewdef#1#2[#3]{\newtheorem{italic@#1}{{\em #2}}[#3]\@newdef{#1}}
  1397 \def\@yynewdef#1#2{\newtheorem{italic@#1}{{\em #2}}\@newdef{#1}}
  1398 % and now fix up definition, to change body to use roman font:
  1399 \def\@newdef#1{\newenvironment{#1}{\@ifnextchar[{\@xstartdef{#1}}{\@ystartdef{#1}}}{\end{italic@#1}}}
  1400 %changed by K.R. Apt on Sep. 27, 2000. It was: \def\@xstartdef#1[#2]{\begin{italic@#1}[#2]\rm}
  1401 \def\@xstartdef#1[#2]{\begin{italic@#1}[{\em #2}]\rm}
  1402 \def\@ystartdef#1{\begin{italic@#1}\rm}
  1404 % footers produced too small (vpt), when ACM typsets them at 7.5pt (!).
  1405 % A better compromise is viipt.
  1406 \def\@oddfoot{\hbox{}\hfill\scriptsize\@runningfoot}
  1407 \def\@evenfoot{\scriptsize\@runningfoot\hfill\hbox{}}
  1409 % first footer was set to (vpt), when ACM typesets them at 6.5pt (!).
  1410 % A better compromise is vipt.
  1411 \def\firstfootsize{\@setsize\firstfootsize{7pt}\vipt\@vipt}
  1412 \def\ps@titlepage{\let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo
  1413 \def\@oddhead{}\def\@oddfoot{\hbox{}\hfill\firstfootsize\@firstfoot}%
  1414 \def\@evenhead{}\def\@evenfoot{\firstfootsize\@firstfoot\hfill\hbox{}}}
  1416 % new permission statement
  1417 \long\def\permission{\par
  1418 % linebreaks added to conform to the current style
  1419 Permission to make digital/hard copy of all or part of this material without
  1420 fee 
  1421 for personal or classroom use
  1422 provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit
  1423 or commercial advantage, the ACM copyright/server notice, the title of the
  1424 publication, and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by
  1425 permission of the ACM, Inc.  To copy
  1426 otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists
  1427 requires prior specific 
  1428 permission and/or a fee.\par
  1429 \copyright\ 20\@acmYear\ 
  1430 ACM \@permissionCodeOne/\@acmYear/\@permissionCodeTwo-\@pageCode\$5.00 % aiellom
  1431 }
  1433 % make sure \permission doesn't get trashed
  1434 \def\endbottomstuff{\permission\end{figure}}
  1436 % alternate way of using citeyear
  1437 %  \def\shortcite#1{\citeyear{#1}
  1438 % enumerations and longenums are wrong
  1439 % 1. the second line in a paragraph of an enumerations in theorems
  1440 %  (or other trivlists) doesn't line up under the first
  1441 % 1. the second line of a longenum doesn't properly wrap around
  1442 %  back to the left margin.
  1444 % the original definition of \@listI doesn't set labelwidth
  1445 \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini
  1446  \labelwidth\leftmargini\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
  1447  \parsep 0pt plus 1pt
  1448  \topsep 6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
  1449  \itemsep 2pt plus 1pt minus .5pt}
  1450 \let\@listi\@listI
  1451 \@listi 
  1453 % add set of \labelwidth and \itemindent
  1454 \def\longenum{\ifnum \@enumdepth >3 \@toodeep\else
  1455  \advance\@enumdepth \@ne 
  1456  \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}\list
  1457  {\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}{\usecounter
  1458  {\@enumctr}\labelwidth\z@\leftmargin\z@
  1459  \itemindent\parindent \advance\itemindent\labelsep}\fi}
  1461 % split electronic appendix into two parts:
  1464 %aiellom{
  1465 \def\appendixhead#1{\appendix
  1466 \section*{ELECTRONIC APPENDIX}
  1467 The electronic appendix for this article can be accessed in
  1468   the ACM Digital Library by visiting the following URL:$\;$ 
  1469   \url{}{\tt \@journalNameShort /20\@acmYear-\@acmVolume-\@acmNumber/p\pageref{@firstpg}-#1}.
  1470 % \quad \href{}{{\small} }
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