# HG changeset patch
# User Christian Urban
# Date 1679313193 0
# Node ID 1ef1771f30d7b11a387b3f7ecb464ec3bd686420
# Parent a831d431425c2db77e6f665757f3c01e1fa3a254
diff -r a831d431425c -r 1ef1771f30d7 Nominal/main.html
--- a/Nominal/main.html Mon Mar 20 11:48:07 2023 +0000
+++ b/Nominal/main.html Mon Mar 20 11:53:13 2023 +0000
@@ -85,87 +85,6 @@
establishing strong normalisation of cut-elimination in classical logic. Other
people have used Nominal Isabelle too - see our list of users and projects
-Jesper Bengtson
-and Joachim Parrow
-used Nominal Isabelle to verify the theory of the
-pi-calculus. They formalised the proof that bisimulation is a congruence (both
-for late and early operational semantics) available
-here. Moreover they formalised the proof
-that all late bisimilar processes are early bisimilar. The corresponding
-papers were presented at FOSSACS'07 and SOS'07. They also used Nominal Isabelle
-to formalise their work on Psi-calculi, available
-here. This was
-presented at LICS 2009 and LICS 2010.
-Jesper finished his PhD about this in 2010 with a large formalisation in Nominal Isabelle.
-He also formalised CCS (here).
-All formalisations are part of the AFP.
-Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, a student
-of Matthias Felleisen, used
-Nominal Isabelle to formalise their work on Typed Scheme. This was presented at POPL'08.
-Lucas Dixon,
-Alan Smaill and Alan Bundy used Nominal Isabelle to formalise
-proof terms of ILL and studied proof planning with this formalisation
-Temesghen Kahsai
-and Marino Miculan formalised
-the spi-calculus using our work - see
-Ayesha Yasmeen, a student of
-Elsa Gunter,
-formalised an extension of the ambient calculus using Nominal Isabelle. This
-was presented in the Emerging Trends section of TPHOLs'08.
-Christian Doczkal,
-a student of Gert Smolka,
-finished in 2009 his
-master thesis
-at Saarbrücken University using
-Nominal Isabelle. He formalised the TT-lifting technique in order to prove
-strong normalisation of Moggi's computational metalanguage. This is part of
-the AFP repository.
-Armin Heller finished his master thesis at the TU Munich in 2010 with a simple compiler verification
-using Nominal Isabelle.
-James Cheney
-formalised a number of properties of the meta-theory of mini-XQuery in Nominal Isabelle.
-The plan is to extend this work to full XQuery. The preliminary results appeared at CPP'11.
-Cezary Kaliszyk
-with input from Henk Barendregt formalised the second fixed point theorem
-of the lambda calculus using Nominal Isabelle 2. This work appeared at CPP'11.
-Joachim Breitner
-used Nominal2 for formalising Launchbury's natural semantics for lazy evaluation. This is part
-of the AFP.
-Larry Paulson
-formalised Gödel's Incompletness Theorems using Nominal2. This work
-appeared in the Journal of Automated Reasoning in 2015.
-Joachim Breitner
-proved the correctness of a GHC compiler transformation using Nominal2.
-This work appeared at the
-Haskell Symposium 2015.