Christian gives a talk at RTA (15 - 17 July, Hagenberg, Austria)
Christian gives a talk at LICS (24 - 27 June, Pittsburgh)
Andreas Abel and Christian organise the LFMTP'08 workshop
Christian gives a talk in Swansea (1 April)
Christian presents a poster at TTVSI (25 - 26 March, London)
Stefan gives a talk at TYPES conference (26 - 29 March, Torino, Italy)
Christian gives a talk at the CANS meeting (10 March, King's College London)
Christian gives a talk at Imperial College, London (6. March)
Matthew Lakin (Ph.D. student of Andy Pitts, Cambridge, 18. - 22. February)
- visits the nominal group,
- slides [pdf]
Peter Chapman (Ph.D. student of Roy Dyckhoff, St Andrews)
- visits the nominal group (11. - 15. February,
- slides [pdf])
Christian gives a talk at Yale University, New Haven (24. January)
Christian gives a talk at Northeastern University, Boston (22. January)
Christian gives two talks at Indiana University, Bloomington (16. and 18. January)
Christian has a look what the competition is up to at the POPL workshop on Coq (8. January)
Version 0.14 of Nominal Isabelle (7. January)
Christian gives two talks in Saarbrücken (13. and 14. December)
Jesper Bengtson (Ph.D. student of Joachim Parrow, Uppsala) visits the nominal group
- (1. - 9. December, slides [pdf])
James Cheney from LFCS Edinburgh visits the nominal group (29. October - 15. November)
Version 0.13 of Nominal Isabelle (12. Oktober)
Talk by Christian at WMM'07 (4. October)
Randy Pollack from LFCS Edinburgh visits the nominal group (25. - 29. September, slides:
- [pdf])
Jeremy Dawson from NICTA Australia visits the nominal group (15. - 25. September)
Version 0.12 of Nominal Isabelle (18. September)
Michael Norrish form NICTA Australia visits the nominal group (5. - 9. September, slides:
- [pdf])
Julien received a lectureship at the University of Strasbourg - the members of the
- nominal group say congratulation and thanks for the excellent work he has done in
- the past year (1. September)
Temesghen Kahsai from the University of Swansea visits us
- and tells us about his work on formalising the spi-calculus done
- under the supervision of Marino Miculan (13. - 16. August)
Talk by Christian at LFMTP and CADE; talk by Stefan at the Isabelle
- Workshop (Bremen, 15. - 20. July)