author Christian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Mon, 07 Oct 2013 15:50:43 +0100
changeset 246 eafee76fa5e2
parent 239 9510d268d157
child 258 cb7f2f627278
permissions -rw-r--r--

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<H2>Talks and Travel Plans</H2>
<ul class="striped">
<li> Talk in the Theory Seminar at QMUL (host: Dr Nikos Tzevelekos, 3 October)
<li> Talk at Dagstuhl Workshop on Nominal Computation Theory (13 - 16 October)
<li> Talk at CPP'13 in Melbourne (11 - 13 December)



<ul class="striped">
<li> POPL in Rome (23 - 25 January)
<li> Visit at NASA Research Center in Langley (10 - 21 June, hosts: Dr Cesar Munoz and Dr Mahyar Malekpour)
<li> Talk at ITP'13 in Rennes (23 - 26 July)
<li> Pierre-Louis Curien Meeting in Venice (9 - 12 September)


<ul class="striped">
<li> Talk at the Nominal Sets Meet Automata Theory Workshop (Warsaw, 9 - 10 February)
<li> Talk in Edinburgh (21 February, host: Dr James Cheney)
<li> Talk at ITP'12, Princeton (13 - 15, August)
<li> Talk at Wessex Theory Seminar at Imperial (29 August, host: Dr Dirk Patinson)
<li> ICFP (9 - 12 September, Copenhagen)
<li> Talk in Leicester (7 December, host: Dr Alexander Kurz)


<ul class="striped">
<li> Talk at Nominal Workshop in Leicester (23 November)
<li> Talk at Dyckhoff Fest (18 - 19 November)
<li> Talk at ITP'11 (22 - 25 August, Nijmegen)
<li> Talk at ITU, Copenhagen (15 August, host: Prof. Lars Birkedal)
<li> Talk at Tsinghua (28 April - 8 May, host: Prof. Jean-Pierre Jouannaud) 
<li> Talk at ECNU, Shanghai (8 - 28 April, host: Prof. Jifeng He)
<li> Talk at ESOP'11 (26 - 30 March, Saarbr&uuml;cken)
<li> Talk at Uppsala University (3 March, host: Prof. Joachim Parrow)
<li>  One-day <A HREF="">tutorial</A> 
      on Nominal Isabelle at <A HREF="" target="_top">POPL 2011</A>
      (21 January, Austin)

<ul class="striped">
<li> Isabelle/Isar tutorial at University Paris Sud (22 - 23 November, host: Dr Markus Wenzel)
<li> Talk about regular expressions and Myhill-Nerode in Cambridge (9 November)
<li> Talk at the University of Sussex (3 November, host: Dr Martin Berger)
<li> Invited Talk at WMM'10 (25 September)
<li> Talk at the Jiao Tong University (20 September, host: Prof. Kenny Zhu)
<li> Course on Isabelle Programming at the University of Nanjing 
     (host: Prof. Xingyuan Zhang, 1st - 31st August)
<li> Talk at ITP (Edinburgh, 11 - 14 July)
<li> Invited Talk at UNIF'10 (14 July)
<li> Larry Paulson and Christian organise the <A href="">Isabelle Developers Workshop</A> (Cambridge, 17 and 18 June)
<li> Talk in the Automated Reasoning Group in Cambridge (8 June)
<li> On the thesis committee of Clement Houtmann (Nancy, 12 March) 
<li> Talk in the Automated Reasoning Group in Cambridge (16 February)
<li> POPL (20th - 22nd January) 

<ul class="striped">
<li> Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar (4th - 9th October)
<li> visit to Dr James Cheney and ICFP & WMM (Edinburgh, 26th August - 5th September)
<li> Talk at Tsinghua University (22 May, host: Prof. Jean-Pierre Jouannaud)
<li> Isabelle course at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing (May/June, hosts: Prof. Huimin Lin 
  and Prof. Yongjian Li)
<li> Talk at Darmstadt (21 April, host: Prof. Helmut Veith)
<li> TAASN (PC member, 22 March, York)
<li> POPL (18th - 24th January)

<ul class="striped">
<LI> Research visit to Princeton University (15th September - 13th December, host: Prof. Andrew Appel)
<LI> <A HREF=";id=2053">Talk</A> 
     at MIT (21th November, hosts Prof. Martin Rinard and Dr Cameron Freer)
<LI> Talk at NYU (10th November, host Prof. Benjamin Goldberg)
<LI> Kick-off meeting of the 
     <A HREF="" target="_top">PUMA Doctoral Programme</A>
     (28 September - 3 October, Spitzingsee)
<LI> Invited Talk at LSFA (26th August, Salvador, Brazil)
<LI> Talk (with Berghofer) at TPHOLs (18 - 21 August, Montreal, Canada)
<LI> <A HREF="">Nominal Isabelle</A> 
     at <A HREF="" target="_top">IJCAR'08</A> tutorial
     (11 August, Sydney)
<LI> A course on Nominal Isabelle at the
<A HREF="">Oregon Summer School 
on Logic and Theorem Proving in Programming Languages</A> (22 - 30 July, Eugene, 4h,
   [<A HREF="">Slides 1</A>],
   [<A HREF="">Slides 2</A>],
   [<A HREF="">Slides 3</A>],
   [<A HREF="">Video 1</A>],
   [<A HREF="">Video 2</A>],
   [<A HREF="">Video 3</A>])
<LI> Talk at RTA (15 - 17 July, Hagenberg, Austria)
<LI> Talk at LICS (24 - 27 June, Pittsburgh)
<LI> Talk in Swansea (1 April, hosts: Prof. Roger Hindley, Dr Ulrich Berger)
<LI> Poster at TTVSI (25 - 26 March, London)
<LI> Talk at the CANS meeting (10 March, King's College London)
<LI> Talk at Imperial College London (6 March, host: Dr Philippa Gardner)
<LI> Talk at Yale University (24 January, New Haven, host: Prof. Zhong Shao)
<LI> Talk at Northeastern University (22 January, Boston, host: Prof. Mitchell Wand)
<LI> Invited Researcher at the Indiana University (January, Bloomington, host: Prof. Daniel Friedman)
<LI> POPL (7 - 12 January, San Francisco)

<ul class="striped">
<LI> Talks at the Saarbr&uuml;cken University (13 - 14 December, host: Prof. Gerd Smolka)
<LI> Thesis examination of Dragisa Zunic (21. December, Lyon)
<LI> Talk at Workshop on Mechanizing Metatheory (Freiburg, 1 - 4 October)
<LI> TPHOLs (Kaiserslautern, 10 - 13 September)
<LI> Talks at CADE and LFMTP in Bremen (15 - 20 July)
<LI> Lecture course at the International School on Rewriting in Nancy (2 - 6 July)
<LI> Talk at LFCS in Edinburgh (29th May, host: Randy Pollack)
<LI> Talk at ICMS Workshop on Substitution and Naming in Computer Science 
     (26 - 28 May, Edinburgh)
<LI> Invited Researcher at the NICTA Institute in Canberra (5 - 24 May, host: Dr Michael Norrish) 
<LI> Talk at St Andrews University (13th February, host: Dr Roy Dyckhoff)
<LI> CANS-workshop (19th March, London)

<ul class="striped">
<LI> Talk at the CANS-workshop (26th October, host: Prof. Andrew Pitts)
<LI> Talk in London (1st November, host: Prof. Edmund Robinson)
<LI> Talk in Amsterdam (15th Setptember, hosts: Prof. Jan Klop and Dr Femke van Raamsdonk)
<LI> visit to Prof. Henk Barendregt in Nijmegen (26th September)
<LI> Talk at IJCAR-Conference (16 - 21 August, Seattle)
<LI> Talk at LFMTP workshop (15th August, Seattle)
<LI> Meeting of all Emmy-Noether Fellows (21 - 24 July, Potsdam)
<LI> Talk at the CL&amp;C Workshop (15 July, Venice)
<LI> Talk at the University of Frankfurt (22 June, host: Prof. Schmidt-Schauss)
<LI> Nominal-Sets Meeting in Cambridge (26 April)
<LI> Talk at the Types Workshop in Nottingham (18 - 21 April)
<LI> Winterh&uuml;tte vom Lehrstuhl Broy (27 - 29 March)
<LI> Talk at PoplMark-Workshop (Charleston, South Carolina, 13 - 16 January)

<ul class="striped">
<LI> Talk in Edinburgh (25 January, host: Ian Stark)
<LI> Talk in Leicester (28 January, host: Neil Ghani)
<LI> Talk at King's College London (2 February, host: Maribel Fernandez)
<LI> Talk at RISC in Linz (3 March, host: Bruno Buchberger)
<LI> Talk at PPS in Paris (8 March, host: Pierre-Louis Curien)
<LI> Oberwolfach workshop on Proof Theory, Type Theory and Constructive Mathematics 
     (Germany, 20-26 March 2005)
<LI> Talk at Arbeitstagung Venedig (28 March - 2 April)
<LI> Talk at TLCA'05 in Nara (Japan, 21-23 April)
<LI> Talk at JAIST about Binding (Japan, 24 - 25 April, host: Rene Vestergaard)
<LI> Talk in Vienna on Cut-Elimination (4 - 6 July, host: Matthias Baaz)
<LI> Talk at CADE-20 in Tallinn (24 - 27 July)
<LI> Talk at MERLIN-3 in Tallinn (30 September)
<LI> Talk at Carnegie Mellon University (11 November, host: Frank Pfenning)
<LI> Course at University of Pennsylvania (9 - 21 November, hosts: Benjamin Pierce and Steve Zdancewic)
<LI> Course in Cambridge (5 - 8 December)
<LI> Talk at the Workshop on Computational Applications of 
     Nominal Sets in London (CANS, 6 December, hosts: Andrew Pitts and Maribel Fernandez)

<ul class="striped">
<LI> Talk on Binding in Isabelle/HOL (Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1 - 2 November, host: Henk Barendregt)
<LI> visit to Prof. Dale Miller in Paris (France, 28 September)
<LI> Talk (with Jeney) at ICLP in St Malo (France, 5 - 10 September) 
<LI> SOS workshop in London (30 August)
<LI> Course at <A href=""
      target="other">ESSLLI 2004 - The 16th European Summer School in 
                     Logic, Language and Information</A>
     Advanced Course on Nominal Reasoning (Nancy, France, 9-20 August)
     Slides of
     [<A HREF="">Day 1</A>] 
     [<A HREF="">Day 2</A>] 
     [<A HREF="">Day 3</A>] 
     [<A HREF="">Day 4</A>] 
     [<A HREF="">Day 5</A>]
<LI> visit to Dr Claudia Faggian in Padova (Italy, 24 March) 

<ul class="striped">
<LI> Talk in Oxford (24 November, host: Luke Ong)
<LI> Talk in the theory seminar at the University of Kent (13 October, host: Stefan Kahrs)
<LI> Talk at CSL & KGC 2003 Colloquium (Vienna, Austria, 22 - 30 August)
<LI> Talk (with Cheney) at UNIF 2003 workshop (Valencia, Spain, 7-13 June)
<LI> Talk at the festive <A HREF="">TeReSe-Bookday</A> 
     (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 - 6 June, host: Jan Willem Klop, slides 
     [<A HREF="">ps</A>] 
     [<A HREF="">pdf</A>])
<LI> Talk in Nijmegen (the Netherlands, 14 April, host: Henk Barendregt)
<LI> Talk in St Andrews (1 April, host: Roy Dyckhoff)
<LI> Talk at Workshop on Proof Theory and Algorithms (Edinburgh, 23 - 29 March)
<LI> Talk at LMU (Munich, 20 January, host: Helmut Schwichtenberg)

<ul class="striped"> 
<LI> Talk at <A HREF="">BLC</A>
(Birmingham, 12-14 September)
<LI> <A HREF="">Automath Workshop</A>
(Edinburgh, 10-13 April)
<LI> <A HREF="">Logic & Interaction Weeks</A>
(Marseille, 10 - 23 February)

<ul class="striped"> 
<LI> Linear Meeting in Bertinoro, Italy (22 - 25 April) 
<LI> Talk at the <A HREF="">TLCA 2001</A> 
     (Krakow, 2 - 5 May) 
<LI> Talk at the Natural Deduction meeting in Rio de Janeiro (30 June - 7 July,
     slides [<A HREF="">ps.gz</A>]) 
<LI> Summer School 
<A HREF="">Marktoberdorf</A> 
(24 July - 5 August)

<ul class="striped"> 
<LI> Talk in the
     <A HREF="">Preuves, Programmes et Syst&egrave;mes Seminar</A>
     in Paris (13 January, host: Pierre-Louis Curien)   
<LI> Talk at LAMA in Chamb&eacute;ry, France (31 March)
<LI> <A HREF="">
     Talk at the Linear Meeting in Oxford</a> (15 - 18 April)
<LI> Linear Working Meeting in Tende, France (10 - 14 June)
<LI> <A HREF="">Linear Summer School Azores</A>, Portugal
             (30 August - 7 September)
<LI> <A HREF="">APPSEM Summer School Caminha</A>,
             Portugal (9 - 15 September)
<LI> Talk at the <A HREF="">AMB Workshop</A> 
     in M&uuml;nchen, (21 - 22 December, host: Helmut Schwichtenberg) 

<ul class="striped">
<LI>  Talk in the Joint Theory Seminar of Imperial and QMW (London, 20 January, host: David Pym)   
<LI>  Proof and Computation Workshop in Leeds (12 - 13 February) 
<LI>  Talk at the <A HREF ="">
      Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications Conference (TLCA '99)</A>
      in L'Aquila, Italy (7 - 9 April) 
<LI>  Linear Meeting in Edinburgh (3 - 7 June)
<LI>  Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar:  
      <A HREF="">
      Linear Logic and Applications</A> (Germany, 22 - 27 August)
<ul class="striped">
<LI>  Talk at the <A HREF ="">
      Linear Logic and Typed Lambda-Calculus Workshop</A> in Marseille (6 - 10 April)  
<LI>  Talk at the TABLEAUX'98 Conference in Tilburg, the Netherlands (5 - 8 May)
<LI>  Mathfit Workshop on Concurrency in London (9 - 11 June)  
<LI>  Talk in the Theory Seminar in St Andrews (July, host: Roy Dyckhoff)
<LI>  Talk at the Linear Meeting in Tende, France (8 - 11 September)    
<LI>  <A HREF =""> Talk at the AI Dep. in Dresden</A> 

<ul class="striped">
<LI>  Talk at the 
      <A HREF="">
      Graduate College</A> Meeting held by the University in Dresden
      (Reinhartsdorf/S&auml;chsische Schweiz, 17 - 21 February)
<LI>  <A HREF="">Summer School 
      Marktoberdorf on Computational Logic</A> (29 July - 10 August)  
<LI>  Problems and Advances in the Semantics of Linear Logic 
      (Utrecht, the Netherlands, 28 - 29 November)   

<ul class="striped">
<LI>  ELP'96 in Leipzig (Germany, 28 - 30 March) 
<LI>  BCTCS 12 in Canterbury (1 - 4 April) 
<LI>  Research visit to the UPenn (Philadelphia, 9 May - 3 June)
<LI>  Meeting with 
      <A HREF ="">Dr Gavin Bierman</A> and
      Dr Martin Hyland in Cambridge (6 - 7 June)
<LI>  KI'96 in Dresden (17 - 19 September)

<ul class="striped"> 
<LI>  Linear Logic and Applications Meeting in Cambridge (16 - 18 October) 

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