author Christian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Sun, 10 Apr 2016 20:46:30 +0100
changeset 427 ca3a6f5c88ab
parent 418 18a6039148df
permissions -rw-r--r--




  {\bf\LARGE Hands-On Introduction to Nominal Isabelle}\medskip\\
  {\bf\Large One-Day Tutorial at POPL}\bigskip\\
  {\bf \large Date: 23rd January 2011}

{\bf Overview:}
Dealing with binders, renaming of bound variables, capture-avoid\-ing
substitution, etc., is very often a major problem in formal proofs about the
lambda-calculus and programming language theory. Nominal Isabelle provides an
infrastructure for reasoning conveniently about bound variables and
alpha-equivalence classes in the proof assistant Isabelle. The aim of the
tutorial is to give participants a reading knowledge of nominal
techniques and allow them to start using Nominal Isabelle in their
own work.  The tutorial will be hands-on and therefore participants are 
encouraged to bring their own laptop.

{\bf Programme:}
Session I: &
 basics, alpha-equivalence, 
 substitution lemma,\\
 & Isar proof-language\\ 

Session II: &
 strong induction principles, contexts with holes,\\ 
 & beta-reduction\\ 

Session III: &
 variable convention, evaluation relations, CK-machines\\
Session IV: &
 functions, type-preservation, progress lemma\\ 

{\bf Target audience:} Researchers and doctoral students who want to use
Nominal Isabelle to formalise proofs from the lambda-calculus, from programming 
language theory or from proof theory, such as type soundness, Church Rosser, 
strong normalisation and so on. The tutorial is designed for people who 
have not necessarily used Isabelle before, nor have used any other proof 

{\bf More Information:} See\hspace{2mm} {\tt}



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