author Christian Urban <>
Mon, 24 Sep 2018 11:59:58 +0100
changeset 553 72bc90a6df8c
parent 415 f1be8028a4a9
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<title>TPHOLs 2009</title>
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<TABLE WIDTH="100%" 

<!-- left column -->

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/marienplatz.jpg">
<img src="pictures/marienplatz_small.jpg" alt="Marienplatz" border=0></a>
<small>Marienplatz (city centre)</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/englischer_garten.jpg">
<img src="pictures/englischer_garten_small.jpg" alt="Englischer Garten" border=0></a>
<small>The English Garden</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/chinesischer_turm.jpg">
<img src="pictures/chinesischer_turm_small.jpg" alt="Chinesischer Turm" border=0></a>
<small>Chinese Tower (famous beer garden)</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/cs_building.jpg">
<img src="pictures/cs_building_small.jpg" alt="Computer science building" border=0></a>
<br><small>The Computer Science building of the TUM</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/magistrale.jpg">
<img src="pictures/magistrale_small.jpg" alt="Main hall of the computer science building" border=0></a>
<small>The main hall in the CS-building</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/isar.jpg">
<img src="pictures/isar_small.jpg" alt="The river Isar" border=0></a>
<small>The Isar river</small><br>

<p align=center>
<A HREF="pictures/tphols09_poster.jpg">
<IMG ALT="poster" SRC="pictures/tphols09_poster_small.jpg" align="top"></A>
<small>The conference poster</small><br>


<!-- right column -->
<TD><H1>TPHOLs will be in Munich from 17 to 20 August 2009</H1></TD>
<TD align="right" valign="top"><img src="TUM-Logo-102.png" alt="TUM" align="top"></TD>
TPHOLs is a series of international conferences that started in 1988 and 
brings together researchers working in all areas of interactive theorem proving.
The Theorem Proving Group at the Technische Universit&auml;t M&uuml;nchen
is pleased to host the 22nd TPHOLs. 

[<a href="index.html#dates">Important Dates</a>]
[<a href="index.html#committees">Committees</a>]
[<a href="index.html#venue">Venue</a>]
[<a href="index.html#programme">Programme</a>]
[<a href="index.html#workshops">Workshops</a>]
[<a href="index.html#travel">Local Information</a>]
[<a href="index.html#registration">Hotel Booking</a>]
[<a href="index.html#support">Our Sponsors</a>]
[<a href="history.html">History</a>]

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td><IMG SRC="new.gif" ALT="" style="" align="left"></td>
<td><A HREF="">Pictures of the conference are now available</A></td>

<H3><A NAME="dates"></A>Important Dates</H3>
Submission for main proceedings: Now closed.<BR>
Submission for the emerging trends: Now closed.<BR>
Registration: Now closed<BR>
Conference: 17-20 August 2009<BR>

<H3><A NAME="committees"></A>Committees and Invited Speakers</H3>

<H5>Invited Speakers:</H5>

<TR><TD><A HREF="">David Basin</A></TD>
    <TD>ETH Zurich, Switzerland</TD>
    <TD><A HREF="basin.html">title/abstract</A></TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">John Harrison</A></TD>
    <TD>Intel, USA</TD>
    <TD><A HREF="harrison.html">title/abstract</A></TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Wolfram Schulte</A>&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD>Microsoft Research, USA</TD>

<H5>Invited Tutorials about/by:</H5>

<TR><TD><A HREF="">Twelf</A></TD>
    <TD><A HREF="">Carsten Sch&uuml;rmann</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">HOL Light</A>&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD><A HREF="">John Harrison</A></TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Agda</A></TD>
    <TD><A HREF="">Ulf Norell</A></TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Mizar</A></TD>
    <TD><A HREF="">Adam Naumowicz</A></TD>

<H5>Programme Committee:</H5>

<TR><TD><A HREF="">Thorsten Altenkirch</A></TD>
    <TD>Nottingham University, United Kingdom</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">David Aspinall</A></TD>
    <TD>Edinburgh University, United Kingdom</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Jeremy Avigad</A></TD>
    <TD>Carnegie Mellon University, USA</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Gilles Barthe</A></TD>
    <TD>IMDEA, Spain</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Christoph Benzm&uuml;ller</A></TD>
    <TD>Saarland University, Germany</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Peter Dybjer</A></TD>
    <TD>Chalmers University, Sweden</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Jean-Christophe Filli&acirc;tre</A></TD>
    <TD>CNRS, France</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Georges Gonthier</A></TD>
    <TD>Microsoft Research, United Kingdom</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Mike Gordon</A></TD>
    <TD>Cambridge University, United Kingdom</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Jim Grundy</A></TD>
    <TD>Intel, USA</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Reiner H&auml;hnle</A></TD>
    <TD>Chalmers University, Sweden</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Joe Hurd</A></TD>
    <TD>Galois, USA</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Gerwin Klein</A></TD>
    <TD>NICTA, Australia</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Xavier Leroy</A></TD>
    <TD>INRIA, France</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Pete Manolios</A></TD>
    <TD>Northeastern University, USA</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">C&#233;sar Mu&#241;oz</A></TD>
    <TD>NASA, USA</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Tobias Nipkow</A> (co-chair)</TD>
    <TD>TU M&uuml;nchen, Germany</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Michael Norrish</A></TD>
    <TD>NICTA, Australia</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Sam Owre</A></TD>
    <TD>SRI International, USA</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Larry Paulson</A></TD>
    <TD>Cambridge University, United Kingdom</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Frank Pfenning</A></TD>
    <TD>Carnegie Mellon University, USA</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Randy Pollack</A></TD>
    <TD>Edinburgh University, United Kingdom</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Sofi&egrave;ne Tahar</A></TD>
    <TD>Concordia University, Canada</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Laurent Th&eacute;ry</A></TD>
    <TD>INRIA, France</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Christian Urban</A> (co-chair)&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD>TU M&uuml;nchen, Germany</TD>
<TR><TD><A HREF="">Freek Wiedijk</A></TD>
    <TD>Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands</TD>

<H5>Workshop Chair:</H5>
<A HREF="">Makarius Wenzel</A>

<H5>Local Organisation:</H5> 

<A HREF="">Tobias Nipkow</A>,
<A HREF="">Makarius Wenzel</A>,
<A HREF="">Stefan Berghofer</A>,
<A HREF="">Christian Urban</A>

<H3><A NAME="programme"></A>Programme</H3>

The LNCS number of the proceedings will be 5674. You can find the
accepted papers <A HREF="accepted.html">here</A>. The programme
is <A HREF="programme.html">elsewhere</A>. If you are an author and
prepare your slides, please note that the contributed talks in the 
main conference are limited to 25 minutes (including time for 
questions). The talks in the poster session are limited to 7 minutes.
The proceedings of the poster session is 
<A HREF="">here</A>.

<H3><A NAME="workshops"></A>Workshops</H3>

<li> <A HREF="">PLMMS</A> (21 August)
<li> <A HREF="">Coq Workshop</A> (21 August)
<li> <A HREF="">Isabelle Developers Workshop</A> (13 - 15 August; 
     no registration fee; if you want to participate, please contact the organiser)

<H3><A NAME="venue"></A>Venue and Travelling</H3>

The conference will take place in the 
<A HREF="">Novotel</A>
which is near the river Isar and close to the city centre. There are a number of  
<A HREF="">beer gardens</A> near the hotel.

<H3><A NAME="travel"></A>Local Information</H3>

<A HREF="">Munich</a> is situated
at the heart of Europe.

<div id="map_canvas" style="width: 400px; height: 178px"></div>

<a href="">Munich's
airport</a> is an important European hub for international flights from
around the world.

<A HREF="">Novotel</A>
is close to the central station and in easy reach from the airport by public transportation.
More detailed local information can be downloaded for

<li> the main conference and the workshops on August 21 
     <A HREF="">[pdf]</A> 
<li> the Isabelle Developers Workshop on August 13 - 15
     <A HREF="">[pdf]</A> 

<H3><A NAME="registration"></A>Hotel Booking</H3>

The registration deadline for the conference has passed. You can still book
your hotel:

  <li><A HREF="hotel.html">Hotel Booking</A></li>

<H3><A NAME="support"></A>Our Sponsors</H3> 

We are very grateful for the support provided by:

<li>Microsoft Research Redmond
<li><A HREF="">Verisoft XT</A>
<li>Validas AG
<a href="pictures/validas.png">
<img src="pictures/validas.png" alt="Validas AG" border=0></a>
<li><A HREF="">DFG doctorate programme Puma</A>


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