author Christian Urban <>
Fri, 18 Aug 2017 11:09:00 +0100
changeset 475 274546f0c5dc
parent 415 f1be8028a4a9
permissions -rw-r--r--

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>TPHOLs 2009</title>

<BODY TEXT="#000000" 

<TABLE WIDTH="100%" 

<!-- left column -->

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/marienplatz.jpg">
<img src="pictures/marienplatz_small.jpg" alt="Marienplatz" border=0></a>
<small>Marienplatz (city centre)</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/englischer_garten.jpg">
<img src="pictures/englischer_garten_small.jpg" alt="Englischer Garten" border=0></a>
<small>The English Garden</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/chinesischer_turm.jpg">
<img src="pictures/chinesischer_turm_small.jpg" alt="Chinesischer Turm" border=0></a>
<small>Chinese Tower (famous beer garden)</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/cs_building.jpg">
<img src="pictures/cs_building_small.jpg" alt="Computer science building" border=0></a>
<br><small>The Computer Science building of the TUM</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/magistrale.jpg">
<img src="pictures/magistrale_small.jpg" alt="Main hall of the computer science building" border=0></a>
<small>The main hall in the CS-building</small><br>

<p align=center>
<a href="pictures/isar.jpg">
<img src="pictures/isar_small.jpg" alt="The river Isar" border=0></a>
<small>The Isar river</small><br>

<p align=center>
<A HREF="pictures/tphols09_poster.jpg">
<IMG ALT="poster" SRC="pictures/tphols09_poster_small.jpg" align="top"></A>
<small>The conference poster</small><br>


<!-- right column -->

[<a href="index.html#dates">Important Dates</a>]
[<a href="index.html#committees">Committees</a>]
[<a href="index.html#venueandprogramme">Venue and Programme</a>]
[<a href="index.html#workshops">Workshops</a>]
[<a href="index.html#travel">Travel Informations</a>]
[<a href="index.html#registration">Registration</a>]
[<a href="index.html#support">Our Sponsors</a>]

<H3>Conference Fee</H3>

The early registration deadline is 5th July. The fees for the
conference and workshop are as follows:

<B>early registration</B><BR>

<li> conference fee: &#8364;350 (for students &#8364;245)
<li> conference plus workshop: &#8364;415 (for students &#8364;310)
<li> workshop only: &#8364;80 (no discount for students)
<li> extra ticket for conference dinner and excursion: &#8364;70 (no discount for students) 

<B>late registration</B><BR>

<li> conference fee: &#8364;455 (for students &#8364;320)
<li> conference plus workshop: &#8364;520 (for students &#8364;385)
<li> workshop only: &#8364;80 (no discount for students)
<li> extra ticket for conference dinner and excursion: &#8364;70 (no discount for students)  

Students must confirm their student status by sending a fax (to +49&nbsp;89&nbsp;289&nbsp;17307) of their student card
or a letter from their institutions certifying that they are enrolled in an academic
program in 2008-2009 or 2009-2010. If in doubt whether you are eligible for a student 
discount, check with the organizers before paying the registration fee.

<b><span style="color: #ff0000">
Note that the conference registration fee already includes the
excursion and dinner on the 19th of August, so there is no need to
buy an extra excursion and dinner ticket unless you are accompanied by
someone who has not registered for the conference.

<b>To provide you with the service of
paying by credit card, we use an external website that is available 
only in German. We will give below instructions that help you with filling
out the forms. <span style="color: #ff0000">Read carefully the instructions! If you have problems
email us at <script language="JavaScript">site='';user='tphols';document.write('<a href=\"mailto:'+user+'@'+site+'\">');document.write(user+'@'+site+'</a>');</script></span>.

<H3><A HREF="fee2.html">Go To the Registration Page</A></H3>

<H4>Cancellation policy</H4>

If cancellation of your registration is necessary, you may email us at
<script language="JavaScript">site='';user='tphols';document.write('<a href=\"mailto:'+user+'@'+site+'\">');document.write(user+'@'+site+'</a>');</script>. Cancellations made by August 2, 
2009, will be accepted. However the handling fees and bank charges cannot be refunded.
Registrants who do not attend the conference or who cancel after August 2, 2009 are 
responsible for the entire registration fee. Substitutions, however, may be made at 
any time.


Receipts will be provided at the conference. 


<!-- Created:  Thu Feb 28 19:21:12 CET 2008 -->
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Last modified: Thu Jul  2 10:56:58 CEST 2009
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