CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS: TPHOLs 2009The 22th International Conference onTheorem Proving in Higher Order Logics17 - 20 August 2009 (main conference)21 August 2009 (workshops)in Munich, Germany ****************************** * * ******************************TPHOLs is a series of international conferences that started in 1988and brings together researchers working in all areas of interactivetheorem proving. The main conference will be held on 17 through 20August 2009 in Munich. There will be an extra day for associatedworkshops: 21 August 2009.Workshop proposals------------------Workshops to be proposed here as an associated event to TPHOLs 2009should be related to the general theme of interactive theorem provingor some of its application areas. See also the call for papers of themain conference to get an idea about the topics covered there.Both well-established workshops and newer ones are welcome. The basicformat will be that of a one day event on 21 August 2009, after themain conference. Workshop proceedings can be published as a technicalreport of TU München, if required.Proposals or any further questions should be sent by e-mail to theTPHOLs 2009 workshop chair: Makarius Wenzel <>Please include the following information in particular: * Workshop name and abbreviation * Names and affiliations of organizers * Topics covered by the workshop, possibly with some links to websites of earlier instances of the workshop.Important Dates---------------Submission of proposals: 1 February 2009Notification: 15 Febrary 2009Workshops: 21 August 2009