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+<FONT COLOR="#800000"><B>Warning:</B></FONT> 
+Currently not all papers are available from this page. 
+Please email me for copies of the papers you cannot find.    
+<p><B>Mechanizing the Metatheory of Mini-XQuery.</B> 
+     (with Cheney) To appear at CPP 2011. 
+     [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]     
+<p><B>A Formalisation of the Myhill-Nerode Theorem based on Regular Expressions.</B> 
+      (with Wu and Zhang) Journal version. Submitted.
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>General Bindings and Alpha-Equivalence in Nominal Isabelle.</B> 
+      (with Kaliszyk) Journal version. Submitted.
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>How to Prove False using the Variable Convention.</B> 
+     Appears as a poster at TTVSI, 1 page. 
+     [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+     [<A HREF="">poster</A>]
+<p><B>Strong Induction Principles in the Locally Nameless 
+      Representation of Binders (Preliminary Notes).</B> (with Pollack) A shorter version 
+      of this paper was accepted at WMM'07. 
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>General Bindings and Alpha-Equivalence in Nominal Isabelle.</B> 
+      (with Kaliszyk) 
+      In Proceedings of the 20th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2011).
+      In Volume 6602 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 480-500.
+      &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>A Formalisation of the Myhill-Nerode Theorem based on Regular Expressions (Proof
+      Pearl).</B> 
+      (with Wu and Zhang) 
+      In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2011).
+      In Volume 6898 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 341-356.
+      &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Quotients Revisited for Isabelle/HOL.</B> 
+      (with Kaliszyk) In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied
+      Computing (SAC 2011), Software Verification and Testing track,
+      Pages 1639-1644.
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Proof Pearl: A New Foundation for Nominal Isabelle.</B> (with Huffman) 
+      In Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2010).
+      In Volume 6172 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 35-50.
+      &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Mechanizing the Metatheory of LF.</B> (with Cheney and Berghofer) 
+      In <A HREF="">
+      ACM Transactions on Computational Logic</A>, Vol 12(2), Pages 15:1 - 15:42, 2011. 
+      [<A HREF="">technical report</A>] 
+<p><B>Nominal Unification Revisited.</B> 
+      (invited paper) In Proceedings of the 24th Workshop on Unification (UNIF 2010).
+      In Volume 42 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. Pages 1-11, 2010.
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Nominal Formalisations of Typical SOS Proofs.</B> 
+     (with Narboux) In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Logical and Semantic 
+     Frameworks with Applications (LFSA'08). Electronic
+     Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 247, Pages 139-155, 2009.  
+     [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]. 
+<p><B>Proceedings of Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs'09).</B> 
+     (with Berghofer, Nipkow and Wenzel) Volume 5674 of Lecture Notes in
+      Computer Science, 2009.  
+      &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+<p><B>Nominal Verification of W.</B> (with Nipkow)
+      From Semantics to Computer Science, Essays in Honour of Gilles Kahn, 
+      edited by Bertot, Huet, Levy and Plotkin. Cambridge
+      University Press, 2009. Pages 363-382.
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>] 
+<p><B>Mechanizing the Metatheory of LF.</B> (with Cheney and Berghofer) In Proceedings of the
+      23rd IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2008), IEEE Computer Society,
+      June 2008. Pages 45-56.
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>] More
+      information is <A HREF="">elsewhere</A>.
+<p><B>Nominal Inversion Principles.</B> (with Berghofer) 
+      In Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Theorem Proving in
+      Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs'08). In Volume 5170 of Lecture Notes in
+      Computer Science. Pages 71-85.
+      &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]<BR><BR>
+      (Note that the proof in figure 3 is chosen as an illustrative example to
+      show how to use inversion principles (the main topic of the paper). If one
+      does the induction on the beta-reduction relation, instead of the typing
+      relation, then the proof is almost trivial and can be found automatically
+      by Isabelle only using some very standard inversion principles for the
+      typing relation.)
+<p><B>Mechanising a Proof of Craig's Interpolation Theorem for Intuitionistic Logic in 
+      Nominal Isabelle.</B> (with Chapman and McKinna) 
+      In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
+      and Symbolic Computation (AISC'08). In Volume 5144 of Lecture Notes in
+      Artificial Intelligene. Pages 38-52.
+      &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+<p><B>Revisiting Cut-Elimination: One Difficult Proof is Really a Proof.</B> (with Zhu) 
+      In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques
+      and Applications (RTA 2008). In Volume 5117 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
+      Pages 409-424. 
+      &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]<BR><BR>
+      (This paper corrects some lemmas in my PhD-thesis. The errors were found by formalising
+       the proof in Nominal Isabelle.)		  
+<p><B>Barendregt's Variable Convention in Rule Inductions.</B>
+      (with Berghofer and Norrish) In Proceedings of the 21th 
+      Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 2007). In volume 4603 
+      of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Bremen, Germany. 
+      July 2007. Pages 35-50.
+      &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+      [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+      <BR><BR>This paper supersedes the MERLIN-paper from 2005.
+<p><B>Nominal Techniques in Isabelle/HOL.</B> In
+      Journal of Automatic Reasoning, 2008, Vol. 40(4), 327-356.
+      [<A HREF="">ps</A>]  
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Formalising in Nominal Isabelle Crary's Completeness Proof for Equivalence Checking.</B> 
+      (with Narboux) In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and 
+      Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice (LFMTP 2007). Electronic Notes in
+      Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 196. Pages 3-18.
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]<BR><BR>
+      (There is a minor problem in the statement on page 4 where we write that alpha-renamings
+      are required in order to show the equivalence of Q-Beta and Q-Beta': While the equivalence 
+      can be proved using alpha-renamings, it can also be proved by a careful analysis of the 
+      available freshness-constraints.)			
+<p><B>Nominal Logic Programming.</B> (with Cheney)
+      In <A HREF="">
+      ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems</A>, 
+      2008, Vol. 30(5), Article 26, pages 1-47.
+<p><B>Proof Theory of Classical Propositional Calculus.</B> 
+     (with Hyland, Bellin and Robinson) In Theoretical Computer 
+     Science 2006. Vol. 364(2). Pages 143-170.
+     [<A HREF="">ps</A>] 
+<p><B>A Recursion Combinator for Nominal Datatypes 
+      Implemented in Isabelle/HOL.</B> (with Berghofer) In Proceedings of the 3rd 
+      International Joint Conference on Automated Deduction (IJCAR 2006). 
+      Seattle, USA. In volume 4130 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 
+      Pages 498-512.
+    &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+    [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+<p><B>Classical Logic is better than Intuitionistic Logic:
+      A Conjecture about Double-Negation Translations.</B> (with Ratiu) In Proceedings
+      of the 1st International Workshop on Classical Logic and Computation (CL & C 2006). 
+      Venice, Italy. 20pp.
+      [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+<p><B>A Head-to-Head Comparison of de Bruijn Indices and Names.</B> (with Berghofer) 
+      In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and 
+      Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice (LFMTP 2006). Electronic Notes in
+      Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 174(5). Pages 53-67.
+      [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+<p><B>A Formal Treatment of the Barendregt Variable Convention in Rule Inductions.</B> (with Norrish) 
+      In Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Mechanized Reasoning about Languages with Variable
+      Binding and Names (MERLIN 2005). Tallinn, Estonia. September 2005. Pages 25-32. &copy ACM, Inc.
+      [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+      (There was a small typo in the definition of permutation equality, which has been corrected
+      in the versions above. This paper received favourable comments on the 
+      <A HREF="">FOM</A> mailing-list.)
+<p><B>Nominal Techniques in Isabelle/HOL.</B> (with Tasson) In Proceedings of the 20th 
+      Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 2005). In volume 3632 of Lecture Notes in Artificial
+      Intelligence. Tallinn, Estonia. July 2005. Pages 38-53.
+    &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+    [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+<p><B>Avoiding Equivariance in Alpha-Prolog.</B> (with Cheney) In Proceedings of the 7th
+      International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA 2005). 
+      In Volume 3461 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Nara, Japan. April 2005. Pages 401-416.
+    &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+    [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+<p><B>Nominal Unification.</B> (with Pitts and Gabbay) In Theoretical Computer Science
+      2004. Vol. 323(1-3). Pages 473-497.
+      [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Nominal Techniques for Reasoning about Formal Languages.</B> Reader for an advanced 
+      course at the ESSLLI summer school. 26 Pages. Appeared as LORIA technical report.
+<p><B>Alpha-Prolog: A Logic Programming Language with Names, Binding and Alpha-Equivalence.</B> 
+      (with Cheney) In Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic Programming
+      (ICLP 2004).  In Volume 3132 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. St-Malo, France. 
+      September 2004. Pages 269-283. 
+    &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+    [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+<p><B>Nominal Unification.</B> (with Pitts and Gabbay) 
+      In Proceedings of the Computer Science Logic and 8th Kurt G&ouml;del Colloquium
+      (CSL & KGC 2003).  In Volume 2803 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vienna, Austria. 
+      August 2003. Pages 513-527.
+   &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+   [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+<p><B>System Description: Alpha-Prolog, a Fresh Approach to Logic Programming Modulo 
+      Alpha-Equivalence.</B> (with Cheney) In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on
+      Unification, UNIF'03. Valencia, Spain. June 2003. Technical Report
+      DSIC-II/12/03, Departamento de Sistemas Informaticos y Computacion,
+      Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, 2003. Pages 15-19.
+      [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+<p><B>Work in Progress: Logic Programming with Names and Binding.</B> (with Cheney) 
+      CoLogNet Newsletter No. 4, 2003. Pages 25-28. 
+      [<A HREF="">ps</A>]
+<p><B>Strong Normalisation of Herbelin's Explicit Substitution Calculus with 
+      Substitution Propagation.</B> 
+      (with Dyckhoff) Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume 13, No 5, Pages 689-706.
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Revisiting Zucker's Work on the Correspondence Between Cut-Elimination and 
+      Normalisation.</B>  Accepted for publication in the proceedings of the natural deduction meeting in 
+      Rio de Janeiro (will appear in the Advances in Natural Deduction volume published by Kluwer).-->
+<p><B>Strong Normalisation of Cut-Elimination in Classical Logic.</B> (with Bierman) 
+      Fundamenta Informaticae, 45(1-2), January 2001, Pages 123-155. 
+      [<A HREF="">ps.gz</A>]
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Strong Normalisation of Herbelin's Explicit Substitution Calculus with 
+      Substitution Propagation.</B> (with Dyckhoff) In Proceedings of the 4th 
+      Workshop on Explicit Substitutions Theory and Applications (WESTAPP'01).
+      Logic Group Preprint series No 210. Utrecht, the Netherlands. May 2001. Pages 26-45.
+      [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Strong Normalisation for a Gentzen-like Cut-Elimination Procedure.</B> 
+      In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and 
+      Applications (TLCA 2001). In Volume 2044 of Lecture Notes in
+      Computer Science. Krakow, Poland. May 2001. Pages 415-429.
+    &copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+    [<A HREF="">ps.gz</A>]
+    [<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B>Classical Logic and Computation.</B>  
+Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge. Supervised by Dr Gavin Bierman. October 2000.
+Some details are <A HREF="">elsewhere</A>. 
+[<A HREF="">ps.gz</A>]
+<p><B> Strong Normalisation of Cut-Elimination in Classical Logic.</B>
+(with Bierman) In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Typed
+Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA 1999). In Volume 1581 of Lecture Notes in
+Computer Science. L'Aquila, Italy. April 1999. Pages 365-380. 
+&copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+[<A HREF="">ps.gz</A>]
+[<A HREF="">pdf</A>]
+<p><B> Implementation of Proof Search in the Imperative Programming Language Pizza.</B>
+In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with
+Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABELAUX 1998). In Volume 1397 of Lecture Notes in
+Artificial Intelligence. Oisterwijk, the Netherlands. May 1998. Pages 313-319.
+&copy <A HREF="">Springer Verlag</A>
+[<A HREF="">ps.gz</A>]
+<p><B> Forum and Its Implementation.</B>
+M.Phil. Thesis, University of St Andrews. Supervised by Dr Roy Dyckhoff. April 1996.
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