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+<A HREF="">Home</A><BR>
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+<A HREF="">Recent Talks</A><BR>
+<A HREF="">My Research Group</A>
+<B>Handy Information</B><BR>
+<A HREF="">People in Logic</A><BR> 
+<A HREF="">Programming Languages</A><BR> 
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+<H1>Christian Urban </H1>
+urbanc <I>at</I> in tum de<BR>
+<A HREF="">Institute for Computer Science</A> 
+at the TU Munich (IV), Boltzmannstrasse 3, D-85748 Garching, Germany. 
+<B>Fax</B> +49 89 289 17307 
+<TD align="right" valign="top"> 
+<A HREF=""><IMG ALT="" SRC="picture-small.jpg" align="top"></A>
+<IMG SRC="new.gif" ALT="" style="" align="left"><A HREF="" target="_top">Isabelle Documentation Project</A> (contains now a draft of a 200-page tutorial on Isabelle programming)<BR>
+<B>Current Position</B> 
+I have been awarded an 
+<A HREF="">Emmy-Noether</A> 
+<A HREF="">fellowship</A>
+to head an independent <A HREF="">research group</A> in 
+the Computer Science Department at the 
+<A HREF="">TU Munich</A>. This group co-operates
+with the <A HREF="">Theorem Proving Group</A> 
+chaired by <A HREF="">Prof. Tobias Nipkow</A> and
+is accommodated by the institute of 
+<A HREF="">Prof. Manfred Broy</A>.
+<B>Past Positions</B> 
+Between September 2008 and February 2009, I was an invited research fellow in 
+the <A HREF="">Department of Computer Science</A> in Princeton.
+In 2004/05 I was an Alexander-von-Humboldt fellow in Munich and 
+from 2000 until 2004 I was awarded a Research Fellowship in Cambridge. Before that
+I did my PhD in Cambridge.
+<B>Research Interests</B> theorem provers, programming languages, compilers, 
+algorithms, proof theory, type systems, concurrency, lambda calculus, unification, 
+regular expressions, computability, complexity, functional and logic  programming.
+<A HREF="">UNIF'06</A> (member of PC), 
+<A HREF="">LFMTP'07</A> (member of PC), 
+<A HREF="">LFMTP'08</A> (PC co-chair), 
+<A HREF="">WMM'08</A> (member of PC),
+<A HREF="">LSFA'08</A> (invited speaker),
+<A HREF="">TAASN'09</A> (member of PC),
+<A HREF="">LSFA'09</A> (member of PC),
+<A HREF="">IDW'09</A> (organiser),
+<A HREF="">WMM'09</A> (PC chair),
+<A HREF="">TPHOLs'09</A> (PC co-chair),
+<A HREF="">Automatheo'10</A> (member of PC),
+<A HREF="">ITP'10</A> (member of PC),
+<A HREF="">UNIF'10</A> (invited speaker),
+<A HREF="">WMM'10</A> (invited speaker),
+<A HREF="">IDW'10</A> (co-organiser),
+<A HREF="">CPP'11</A> (member of PC),
+<A HREF="">RTA'11</A> (member of PC),
+<A HREF="">LFMTP'11</A> (member of PC)
+<B>Nominal Isabelle</B> 
+I currently work on Nominal 
+<A HREF="">Isabelle</A>. This is joint work with 
+<A HREF="">Dr Stefan Berghofer</A>,
+<A HREF="">Dr Markus Wenzel</A>,
+<A HREF="">Dr Cezary Kaliszyk</A> and 
+the Isabelle-team in Munich.
+Many of the theoretical ideas originate from the nominal logic project - a wonderful project headed 
+by <A HREF="">Prof. Andrew Pitts</A>.  
+The aim of my work is to make formal reasoning involving binders as simple as 
+on paper and the hope is to lure  
+<A HREF="">masses</A> to automated
+theorem proving. My funding for this work was provided in 2004 and 2005 by a research 
+fellowship from the 
+<A HREF="">Alexander-von-Humboldt</A>
+<A HREF="">foundation</A>. During this time I was a visitor in the group of 
+<A HREF="">Prof. Helmut Schwichtenberg</A>.
+Since 2006 this work is supported by an
+<A HREF="">Emmy-Noether</A> 
+<A HREF="">fellowship</A>.
+There is a <A HREF="">webpage</A> and a
+<A HREF="">mailing list</A> 
+about Nominal Isabelle. It also includes a list of projects that use Nominal Isabelle.
+Users of Nominal Isabelle had their papers appearing at LICS, POPL, FOSSACS, SOS, TPHOLs and CPP.
+<B>Myhill-Nerode and Regular Expressions</B> 
+Out of frustration of having to teach inductions in theorem provers using worn-out examples like
+fib and even/odd, we implemented a large part of regular language theory in Isabelle/HOL.
+This <A HREF="">implementation</A> 
+gives rise to much more interesting examples, as shown 
+<A HREF="">here</A> and 
+<A HREF="">here</A>. It turns out that
+formalisations of automata theory are a huge 
+<A HREF="">pain</A> 
+in theorem provers, especially in those that are HOL-based. 
+We therefore went against the 
+<A HREF=";pg=PA14&amp;source=gbs_toc_r&amp;cad=4#v=onepage&amp;q&amp;f=false">mainstream</A> 
+and used in our formalisation regular expressions exclusively,
+because they are much more convenient for formal reasoning. The results we
+formalised include: the Myhill-Nerode theorem, the closure of regular languages
+under complementation, finiteness of derivatives of regular expressions and a surprising 
+result about Subseq, which according to 
+<A HREF="">blog</A> 
+should be better known. This is joint work with Prof. Xingyuan
+Zhang and his student Chunhan Wu from the 
+<A HREF="">PLA University of Science and Technology</A> in Nanjing. 
+My funding for this work came from the 
+<A HREF="">Chinese-German Research Centre</A>. 
+<B>Nominal Unification and Alpha-Prolog</B> 
+<A HREF="">Nominal unification</A> is one outcome of 
+my involvement in the nominal logic project in Cambridge. Another is the logic programming language 
+alpha-Prolog (joint work with <A HREF="">Dr James Cheney</A>), 
+which uses nominal unification - click for details 
+<A HREF="">here</A>.
+The nominal unification algorithm has been 
+<A HREF="">formally verified</A> in Isabelle. This 
+was possible  since this unification algorithm is formulated in a simple first-order language 
+(unlike other algorithms for higher-order unification). 
+<A HREF="">Prof. Daniel Friedman</A> and his group use nominal 
+unification in their alpha-Kanren system implemented in Scheme. 
+<A HREF="">Prof. Maribel Fernandez</A> and her student
+improved the nominal unification algorithm to be quadratic. 
+My funding for this work was provided through a research fellowship from 
+<A HREF="">Corpus Christi College</A>, Cambridge. 
+<B>Classical Logic</B>
+I was Ph.D. student in the University of Cambridge 
+<A HREF="">Computer Laboratory</A>
+and for three years 
+called Gonville and Caius College my home. I was very lucky to have   
+<A HREF="">Dr Gavin Bierman</A>
+as supervisor. My research in Cambridge was also very  much influenced by 
+<A HREF="">Prof. Martin Hyland</A>.
+Some details on my thesis "Classical Logic and Computation" are 
+<A HREF="">elsewhere</A>, including
+a <A HREF="">Java Applet</A> that 
+'visualises' some of the results from the thesis. I completed the writing of
+the thesis in  <A HREF="">Marseille</A> in the group of 
+<A HREF="">Prof. Jean-Yves Girard</A>. My study in 
+Cambridge was funded by two <A HREF="">scholarships</a> 
+from the German government; my year in Marseille by a TMR-fellowship from the EU. 
+My PhD was also one starting point for the EPSRC Project on the Semantics of Classical 
+Proofs. The strong normalisation result in the PhD has recently been used by 
+<A HREF="">Prof. Claude Kirchner</A> and his 
+students to prove consistency for their superdeduction system lemuridae.
+I implemented Forum, a programming language based on classical linear logic, 
+as my M.Phil. thesis. This was joint work with 
+<A HREF="">Dr Roy Dyckhoff</A>. 
+Details can be found  
+<A HREF="">here</A> and
+<A HREF="">here</A>. During my
+M.Phil study I spent one month in Philadelphia invited by 
+<A HREF="">Prof. Dale Miller</A>.
+<B>G4ip</B> An implementation of G4ip using the imperative language Pizza can be found 
+<A HREF="">here</A>.
+<A HREF="">Pizza</A> is a conservative 
+extension of Java and a precursor of Scala. The implementation illustrates the technique of success 
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