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+<title>TPHOLs 2009</title>
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+<p align=center>
+<a href="pictures/marienplatz.jpg">
+<img src="pictures/marienplatz_small.jpg" alt="Marienplatz" border=0></a>
+<small>Marienplatz (city centre)</small><br>
+<p align=center>
+<a href="pictures/englischer_garten.jpg">
+<img src="pictures/englischer_garten_small.jpg" alt="Englischer Garten" border=0></a>
+<small>The English Garden</small><br>
+<p align=center>
+<a href="pictures/chinesischer_turm.jpg">
+<img src="pictures/chinesischer_turm_small.jpg" alt="Chinesischer Turm" border=0></a>
+<small>Chinese Tower (famous beer garden)</small><br>
+<p align=center>
+<a href="pictures/cs_building.jpg">
+<img src="pictures/cs_building_small.jpg" alt="Computer science building" border=0></a>
+<br><small>The Computer Science building of the TUM</small><br>
+<p align=center>
+<a href="pictures/magistrale.jpg">
+<img src="pictures/magistrale_small.jpg" alt="Main hall of the computer science building" border=0></a>
+<small>The main hall in the CS-building</small><br>
+<p align=center>
+<a href="pictures/isar.jpg">
+<img src="pictures/isar_small.jpg" alt="The river Isar" border=0></a>
+<small>The Isar river</small><br>
+<p align=center>
+<A HREF="pictures/tphols09_poster.jpg">
+<IMG ALT="poster" SRC="pictures/tphols09_poster_small.jpg" align="top"></A>
+<small>The conference poster</small><br>
+<!-- right column -->
+<H2>Preliminary Programme</H2>
+<H3>Pre-Conference Workshop (August 13-15)</H3>
+<A HREF="http://tphols.in.tum.de/idw.html">Isabelle Developers Workshop</A>
+<H3>Sunday, August 16</H3>
+<TR> <TD>18:00-20:00 RECEPTION and REGISTRATION</TD></TR>
+<H3>Monday, August 17</H3>
+<TR> <TD>8:00-9:00</TD> <TD>REGISTRATION</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>9:00-10:00</TD> <TD>INVITED TALK 1 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>David Basin. Let's Get Physical: Models and Methods for
+ Real-World Security Protocols<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>10:00-10:30</TD> <TD>COFFEE</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>10:30-12:10</TD> <TD>SESSION 1 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Assia Mahboubi, Georges Gonthier, Laurence Rideau and François Garillot.
+ Packaging Mathematical Structures<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Andrea Asperti, Wilmer Ricciotti, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen and Enrico
+ Tassi. Hints in unification<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Ioana Pasca and Nicolas Julien. Formal verification of exact
+ computations using Newton's method<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Osman Hasan, Sanaz Khan Afshar and Sofiene Tahar. Formal Analysis of
+ Optical Waveguides in HOL<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>12:10-13:40</TD> <TD>LUNCH</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>13:40-15:20</TD> <TD>SESSION 2 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Wouter Swierstra. Proof pearl: The Hoare State Monad<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Keiko Nakata and Tarmo Uustalu. Trace-based coinductive operational
+ semantics for While: Big-step and small-step, functional and relational styles<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Andreas Lochbihler. Formalising FinFuns - Generating Code for Functions
+ as Data from Isabelle/HOL<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Stephane Le Roux. Acyclic preferences and existence of sequential Nash
+ equilibria: a formal and constructive equivalence<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>15:20-15:50</TD> <TD>COFFEE</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>15:50-17:30 </TD> <TD>SESSION 3 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Jesper Bengtson and Joachim Parrow. Psi-calculi in Isabelle<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Jeremy E. Dawson and Alwen Tiu. Formalising Observer Theory for
+ Environment-Sensitive Bisimulation<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Brian Huffman. A Purely Definitional Universal Domain<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Nick Benton, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming. Some Domain Theory and
+ Denotational Semantics in Coq<TD></TR>
+<H3>Tuesday, August 18</H3>
+<TR> <TD>8:00-9:00</TD> <TD>INVITED TUTORIAL 1 (Session Chair: )</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>John Harrison. HOL Light: an overview<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>9:00-10:00</TD> <TD>INVITED TALK 2 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Ernie Cohen, Markus Dahlweid, Mark Hillebrand, Dirk Leinenbach, Michal Moskal,
+ Thomas Santen, Wolfram Schulte and Stephan Tobies. VCC: A Practical System
+ for Verifying Concurrent C<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>10:00-10:30</TD> <TD>COFFEE</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>10:30-12:10</TD> <TD>SESSION 4 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Rene Thiemann and Christian Sternagel. Certification of Termination
+ Proofs using CeTA<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Jinshuang Wang, Xingyuan Zhang and Huabing Yang. Liveness Reasoning with
+ Isabelle/HOL/Isar<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Dabrowski Frederic and David Pichardie. A Certified Data Race Analysis
+ for a Java-like Language<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Stefan Berghofer, Lukas Bulwahn and Florian Haftmann. Turning inductive
+ into equational specifications<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>12:10-13:40</TD> <TD>LUNCH</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>13:40-15:20</TD> <TD>POSTER SESSION <TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>15:20-16:00</TD> <TD>COFFEE</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>16:00-17:00</TD> <TD>BUSINESS MEETING<TD></TR>
+<H3>Wednesday, August 19</H3>
+<TR> <TD>8:00-9:00</TD> <TD>INVITED TUTORIAL 2 (Session Chair: )</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Adam Naumowicz. A Brief Overview of Mizar<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>9:00-10:00</TD> <TD>INVITED TALK 3 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>John Harrison. Without Loss of Generality<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>10:00-10:30</TD> <TD>COFFEE</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>10:30-11:45</TD> <TD>SESSION 5 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Rafal Kolanski and Gerwin Klein. Types, Maps and Separation Logic<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Andrew McCreight. Practical Tactics for Separation Logic<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Thomas Tuerk. A Formalisation of Smallfoot in HOL<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>11:45-13:00</TD> <TD>LUNCH</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>13:00-23:00</TD> <TD>EXCURSION<TD></TR>
+<H3>Thursday, August 20</H3>
+<TR> <TD>8:00-9:00</TD> <TD>INVITED TUTORIAL 3 (Session Chair: )</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Ana Bove, Ulf Norell and Peter Dybjer. A Brief Overview of Agda
+ - A Functional Language with Dependent Types <TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>9:00-10:00</TD> <TD>INVITED TUTORIAL 4 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Carsten Schürmann. The Twelf Proof Assistant<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>10:00-10:30</TD> <TD>COFFEE</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>10:30-12:10</TD> <TD>SESSION 6 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Scott Owens, Susmit Sarkar and Peter Sewell. A better x86 memory model:
+ x86-TSO<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Magnus O. Myreen and Mike Gordon. Verified LISP implementations on ARM,
+ x86 and PowerPC<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Javier de Dios and Ricardo Pena. Formal Certification of a
+ Resource-Aware Language Implementation<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Simon Winwood, Gerwin Klein, Thomas Sewell, June Andronick, David Cock
+ and Michael Norrish. Mind the Gap: A Verification Framework for Low-Level C<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>12:10-13:40</TD> <TD>LUNCH</TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>13:40-15:20</TD> <TD>SESSION 7 (Session Chair: )<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Peter Homeier. The HOL-Omega Logic<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Chad Brown and Gert Smolka. Extended First-Order Logic<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Alexander Schimpf, Stephan Merz and Jan-Georg Smaus. Construction of
+ Büchi Automata for LTL Model Checking Verified in Isabelle/HOL<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD></TD> <TD>Stefan Berghofer and Markus Reiter. Formalizing the Logic-Automaton
+ Connection<TD></TR>
+<TR> <TD>15:20-15:50 </TD> <TD>COFFEE</TD></TR>
+<H3>Post-Conference Workshops (Friday, August 21)</H3>
+<A HREF="http://plmms09.cse.tamu.edu/">PLMMS</A><BR>
+<A HREF="http://coq.inria.fr/coq-workshop/">Coq Workshop</A>
+<!-- Created: Thu Feb 28 19:21:12 CET 2008 -->
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+Last modified: Mon Aug 10 16:43:44 CEST 2009
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