changeset 96 907b1fff5637
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Prover/	Thu Mar 15 10:07:28 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+package G4ip;
+import java.util.*;
+import pizza.lang.Pair;
+import G4ip.Form.*;
+import G4ip.Token.*;
+public class Token {
+  public static final int AND = 0;
+  public static final int OR  = 1;
+  public static final int IMP = 2;
+  public static final int EQU = 3;
+  /** End-of-Input */
+  public case EOI();             // end-of-input
+  public case LPAREN();
+  public case RPAREN();
+  public case ID(String id);
+  public case FALSE();
+  public case BINOP(int op);     // binary operation
+  public case COMMA();
+/** A left-to-right, rightmost-derivation parser.<p> 
+  * The following grammar is implemented:<p>
+  * <dl>
+  * <dd><u>Formula</u> ::= <u>Id</u>                             </dd>
+  * <dd><code>| false</code>                                     </dd>
+  * <dd><code>|</code> ( <u>Formula</u> )                        </dd>         
+  * <dd><code>|</code> <u>Formula</u> <u>Binop</u> <u>Formula</u></dd>  
+  * </dl><p>
+  * <dl>
+  * <dd><u>Id</u> is a string of lower case letters</dd>
+  * </dl><p>
+  * <dl>
+  * <dd><u>Binop</u> is either <code>&, v, -></code> or <code><-></code></dd>
+  * </dl><p>
+  * <dl>
+  * <dd><u>FormulaList</u> ::=  <em>empty</em></dd>
+  * <dd><code>|</code> [ <u>FormulaList</u> ,]* <u>Formula</u></dd>
+  * <dl><p>
+  * The parser uses a stack where two actions are performed:
+  * <dl>
+  * <dd><b>shift</b> moves the next token to the top of the stack (getNextToken)</dd>
+  * <dd><b>reduce</b> chooses a grammar rule, X -> A B C; pops A, B, C from the 
+  *                   top of the stack and pushes X onto the stack  
+  * </dl>
+  * @author      Christian Urban
+  */       
+public class Parser {
+  final Pair<String,Token> keywords[] = 
+          { new Pair("(",    LPAREN()),
+	    new Pair(")",    RPAREN()),
+	    new Pair(",",    COMMA()),
+	    new Pair("&",    BINOP(Token.AND)),
+	    new Pair("v ",   BINOP(Token.OR)),
+	    new Pair("->",   BINOP(Token.IMP)),
+            new Pair("<->",  BINOP(Token.EQU)),
+	    new Pair("false",FALSE()) };
+  String in;     // string to be parsed
+  int index;     // position of the current input
+  Stack stack;   // stack for the left-to-right parser 'LR(0)'
+  public Parser(String init_in){
+    index = 0;
+    in = init_in;
+    stack = new Stack();
+  }
+  /** tokens are: identifiers<code>( ) , & v -> <-> false</code> 
+    *             and <code>EOI</code> <em>(end of input)</em> 
+    */
+  public Token getNextToken() throws Exception {
+    while ( index < in.length() && Character.isSpace(in.charAt(index)) ) 
+          { index++; }                                //delete  white-spaces  
+    if (index == in.length()) { return EOI(); }       //end-of-string  
+    for (int i=0;i<keywords.length;i++)               //keywords
+      { if (in.startsWith(keywords[i].fst,index)) {
+	   index=index+keywords[i].fst.length();
+	   return keywords[i].snd;
+        }
+      }
+    if (Character.isLowerCase(in.charAt(index)) || Character.isDigit(in.charAt(index))) 
+      {     //reads identifiers
+      String s = ""; 
+      while ( index < in.length() && 
+              (    Character.isLowerCase(in.charAt(index))
+                || Character.isDigit(in.charAt(index))
+              ) 
+            ) 
+	{ s=s.concat(in.substring(index,index+1)); 
+          index++;
+        }
+      return ID(s);
+    }
+    throw new Exception("Syntax error at: '" + in.charAt(index)  + "'");   
+               // no match at all: probably an unknown character
+    return null;
+  }
+  /** Implements the grammar rules. */
+  public void reduce()
+    { boolean again = false;
+      /*   ID  -> Atm(string)  */
+      if (stack.size() > 0 && 
+	 (stack.elementAt(stack.size()-1) instanceof ID))
+	    { ID id = (ID)stack.pop();
+	      stack.push(Atm(;
+	      again = true;
+	    } 
+      /*  FALSE -> False()   */
+      if (stack.size() > 0 && 
+	  (stack.elementAt(stack.size()-1) instanceof FALSE))
+	    { stack.pop();
+	      stack.push(False());
+	      again = true;
+	    } 
+      /*   ( Formula )  -> Formula  */ 
+      if (stack.size() > 2 &&
+	  (stack.elementAt(stack.size()-3) instanceof LPAREN) &&
+	  (stack.elementAt(stack.size()-2) instanceof Form)   &&
+	  (stack.elementAt(stack.size()-1) instanceof RPAREN))
+	    {  stack.pop();
+               Form form = (Form)stack.pop(); 
+               stack.pop();
+               stack.push(form);
+               again = true;
+            }   
+      /*   Formula BINOP Formula  -> Formula  */
+      if (stack.size() > 2 &&
+	  (stack.elementAt(stack.size()-3) instanceof Form)  &&
+	  (stack.elementAt(stack.size()-2) instanceof BINOP) &&
+	  (stack.elementAt(stack.size()-1) instanceof Form))
+	    {  Form  c2 = (Form)stack.pop();
+               BINOP op = (BINOP)stack.pop();
+               Form  c1 = (Form)stack.pop(); 
+               switch(op.op) {
+	       case Token.AND: stack.push(new And(c1,c2)); again = true;break;
+               case Token.OR:  stack.push(new Or(c1,c2));  again = true;break; 
+	       case Token.IMP: stack.push(new Imp(c1,c2)); again = true;break;
+               case Token.EQU: stack.push(new And(Imp(c1,c2),Imp(c2,c1))); again = true;break;
+	       }
+            }  
+      if (again == true) { reduce(); }  // do as many "reduces" as possible 
+    }
+  /** parses a single formula
+    */
+  public Form parseFormula() throws Exception {
+    Token tok;
+    while (!((tok = getNextToken()) instanceof EOI)) {
+      stack.push(tok);
+      reduce();
+    }
+    if (stack.size() == 1 &&
+       (stack.elementAt(stack.size()-1) instanceof Form))
+       { return (Form)stack.pop(); } 
+    else throw new Exception("Grammar error");
+    return null;  
+  }
+  /** parses a list of formulae separated by commas
+    */
+  public Context parseFormulae() throws Exception {
+    Token tok;
+    Context erg = new Context();
+    while (!((tok = getNextToken()) instanceof EOI)) {
+      stack.push(tok);
+      reduce();
+    }
+    if (stack.empty()) return erg;  // LHS can be empty  !!
+    stack.push(new COMMA());
+    for(int i=0;i<stack.size()-1;i=i+2){
+      if (stack.elementAt(i)  instanceof Form)
+	{ erg.addElement(stack.elementAt(i));
+	}  else throw new Exception("Grammar error");
+      if (stack.elementAt(i+1) instanceof COMMA)
+        {} else throw new Exception("Grammar error");
+    }
+    return erg;
+  }