--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Prover/G4ip.mod Thu Mar 15 10:07:28 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+% An Implementation of G4ip for Terzo
+% author: Christian.Urban@cl.cam.ac.uk
+% some solvable sample queries:
+% prove (nil |- p imp p).
+% prove (nil |- (p imp p) imp (p imp p)).
+% prove (nil |- ((((p imp q) imp p) imp p) imp q) imp q).
+% prove (nil |- (a imp (b imp c)) imp ((a imp b) imp (a imp c))).
+% prove (nil |- (a or (a imp b)) imp (((a imp b) imp a) imp a)).
+% two non-solvable queries
+% prove (nil |- a or (a imp false)).
+% prove (nil |- ((a imp b) imp a) imp a).
+module G4ip.
+% atomic formulae
+kind form type.
+type p form.
+type q form.
+type a form.
+type b form.
+type c form.
+type isatomic form -> o.
+isatomic p.
+isatomic q.
+isatomic a.
+isatomic b.
+isatomic c.
+% logical operators
+type false form.
+type and form -> form -> form.
+type or form -> form -> form.
+type imp form -> form -> form.
+infixr and 9.
+infixr or 9.
+infixr imp 9.
+% sequent constructor; sequents are of the form: (list |- formula)
+kind seq type.
+type |- list form -> form -> seq.
+infixl |- 4.
+% prove predicate; prints "solvable" if seq is provable, otherwise "no"
+type prove seq -> o.
+prove (Gamma |- G) :- ( membNrest P Gamma Gamma',
+ left (P::Gamma' |- G) );
+ right (Gamma |- G).
+% rightrules
+type right seq -> o.
+right (Gamma |- B and C) :- prove (Gamma |- B), %% and-R
+ prove (Gamma |- C).
+right (Gamma |- B imp C) :- prove (B::Gamma |- C). %% imp-R
+right (Gamma |- B or C) :- prove (Gamma |- B); %% or-R
+ prove (Gamma |- C).
+% leftrules
+type left seq -> o.
+left (false :: Gamma |- G). %% false-L
+left (A :: Gamma |- A) :- isatomic A. %% axiom
+left (B and C::Gamma |- G) :- prove (B::C::Gamma |- G). %% and-L
+left (B or C::Gamma |- G) :- prove (B::Gamma |- G), %% or-L
+ prove (C::Gamma |- G).
+left (A imp B::Gamma |- G) :- %% imp-L1
+ isatomic A, ismember A Gamma, prove (B::Gamma |- G).
+left ((B and C) imp D::Gamma |- G) :- %% imp-L2
+ prove (B imp (C imp D)::Gamma |- G).
+left ((B or C) imp D::Gamma |- G) :- %% imp-L3
+ prove (B imp D::C imp D::Gamma |- G).
+left ((B imp C) imp D::Gamma |- G) :- %% imp-L4
+ prove (C imp D::Gamma |- B imp C),
+ prove (D::Gamma |- G).
+% returns a member and the remainder of a list
+type membNrest A -> list A -> list A -> o.
+membNrest X (X::Rest) Rest.
+membNrest X (Y::Tail) (Y::Rest) :- membNrest X Tail Rest.
+% succeeds only once if A is element in the list
+type ismember A -> list A -> o.
+ismember X (X::Rest) :- !.
+ismember X (Y::Tail) :- ismember X Tail.