--- a/bsc-projects-18.html Mon Sep 24 11:07:21 2018 +0100
+++ b/bsc-projects-18.html Mon Sep 24 11:59:58 2018 +0100
@@ -174,10 +174,39 @@
<li> <H4>[CU5] Grammars and Derivative-Based Parsing Algorithms</H4>
+Parsing is an old nut. Generations of software developers need to do parsing of data or text.
+There are zillions of links, tools, papers and textbooks about parsing. One particular
+<A HREF="https://dickgrune.com/Books/PTAPG_1st_Edition/BookBody.pdf">book</A> contains something
+like 700 different algorithm, nicely analysed and described. Surely, parsing must be a solved problem. Or is it?
+Laurie Tratt has a blog <A HREF="https://tratt.net/laurie/blog/entries/parsing_the_solved_problem_that_isnt.html">post</A>
+about <i>Parsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't</i>. IMHO parsing is still a wide open field and not solved at all.
+PEG parsing, error reporting, error correction, runtime to name just a few are aspects that seem to cause headaches
+to developers, and to researchers.</p>
+A recent <A HREF="https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jdy22/papers/a-typed-algebraic-approach-to-parsing.pdf">paper</A>
+(not even published yet) follows an idea for regular expressions: it adapts the notion of
+derivatives of regular expressions to grammars. The idea is to implement in a functional programming language
+the parsing algorithm proposed in this paper and to try it out with some sample data.
<B>Literature:</B> <A HREF="https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jdy22/papers/a-typed-algebraic-approach-to-parsing.pdf">paper</A>
+<B>Skills:</B> See [CU1].
<li> <H4>[CU6] Webassembly Interpreter / Compiler</H4>
+Webassembly is a recently agreed standard for speeding up web applications in browsers. In this
+project the aim is to implement an interpreter or compiler for webassembly. There are already
+<A HREF="https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/tree/master/interpreter">reference interpreters</A>,
+but people take different views, for example implement a
+<A HREF="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.forth/CvNrP_AOmmw">Forth</A> language on top of webassembly.
+What is good about webassembly is that is a rather simple format, which can be generated quite
+easily, unlike Java class files, which need some head-standing when you generate them.
<A HREF="https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/tree/master/interpreter">Reference Interpreter</A>
<li> <H4>[CU2] A Compiler for a small Programming Language</H4>