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4 <title>TPHOLs 2009</title> |
5 <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=ABQIAAAAPK7aMC4FDjV_GNRHDThC1BTTdYAvEcsK2WWznOVPgLglzb1KQhR1cqhbUMaTXEN7XtSXuQxbViAeQg" |
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45 <p align=center> |
46 <a href="pictures/marienplatz.jpg"> |
47 <img src="pictures/marienplatz_small.jpg" alt="Marienplatz" border=0></a> |
48 <br> |
49 <small>Marienplatz (city centre)</small><br> |
50 </p> |
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52 <p align=center> |
53 <a href="pictures/englischer_garten.jpg"> |
54 <img src="pictures/englischer_garten_small.jpg" alt="Englischer Garten" border=0></a> |
55 <br> |
56 <small>The English Garden</small><br> |
57 </p> |
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59 <p align=center> |
60 <a href="pictures/chinesischer_turm.jpg"> |
61 <img src="pictures/chinesischer_turm_small.jpg" alt="Chinesischer Turm" border=0></a> |
62 <br> |
63 <small>Chinese Tower (famous beer garden)</small><br> |
64 </p> |
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66 <p align=center> |
67 <a href="pictures/cs_building.jpg"> |
68 <img src="pictures/cs_building_small.jpg" alt="Computer science building" border=0></a> |
69 <br><small>The Computer Science building of the TUM</small><br> |
70 </p> |
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72 <p align=center> |
73 <a href="pictures/magistrale.jpg"> |
74 <img src="pictures/magistrale_small.jpg" alt="Main hall of the computer science building" border=0></a> |
75 <br> |
76 <small>The main hall in the CS-building</small><br> |
77 </p> |
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79 <p align=center> |
80 <a href="pictures/isar.jpg"> |
81 <img src="pictures/isar_small.jpg" alt="The river Isar" border=0></a> |
82 <br> |
83 <small>The Isar river</small><br> |
84 </p> |
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86 <p align=center> |
87 <A HREF="pictures/tphols09_poster.jpg"> |
88 <IMG ALT="poster" SRC="pictures/tphols09_poster_small.jpg" align="top"></A> |
89 <BR> |
90 <small>The conference poster</small><br> |
91 </p> |
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100 <TD><H1>TPHOLs will be in Munich from 17 to 20 August 2009</H1></TD> |
101 <TD align="right" valign="top"><img src="TUM-Logo-102.png" alt="TUM" align="top"></TD> |
102 </TR> |
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104 <BR> |
105 TPHOLs is a series of international conferences that started in 1988 and |
106 brings together researchers working in all areas of interactive theorem proving. |
107 The Theorem Proving Group at the Technische Universität München |
108 is pleased to host the 22nd TPHOLs. |
109 |
110 <HR> |
111 <CENTER> |
112 [<a href="index.html#dates">Important Dates</a>] |
113 [<a href="index.html#committees">Committees</a>] |
114 [<a href="index.html#venue">Venue</a>] |
115 [<a href="index.html#programme">Programme</a>] |
116 [<a href="index.html#workshops">Workshops</a>] |
117 [<a href="index.html#travel">Local Information</a>] |
118 [<a href="index.html#registration">Hotel Booking</a>] |
119 [<a href="index.html#support">Our Sponsors</a>] |
120 [<a href="history.html">History</a>] |
121 </CENTER> |
122 <HR><p> |
123 |
124 <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> |
125 <tr> |
126 <td><IMG SRC="new.gif" ALT="" style="" align="left"></td> |
127 <td><A HREF="http://tphols.in.tum.de/conference_pictures/">Pictures of the conference are now available</A></td> |
128 </tr> |
129 </table> |
130 |
131 <H3><A NAME="dates"></A>Important Dates</H3> |
132 Submission for main proceedings: Now closed.<BR> |
133 Submission for the emerging trends: Now closed.<BR> |
134 Registration: Now closed<BR> |
135 Conference: 17-20 August 2009<BR> |
136 |
137 <H3><A NAME="committees"></A>Committees and Invited Speakers</H3> |
138 |
139 <H5>Invited Speakers:</H5> |
140 |
141 <TABLE> |
142 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/basin/">David Basin</A></TD> |
143 <TD>ETH Zurich, Switzerland</TD> |
144 <TD><A HREF="basin.html">title/abstract</A></TD> |
145 </TR> |
146 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/">John Harrison</A></TD> |
147 <TD>Intel, USA</TD> |
148 <TD><A HREF="harrison.html">title/abstract</A></TD> |
149 </TR> |
150 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://research.microsoft.com/~schulte/">Wolfram Schulte</A> </TD> |
151 <TD>Microsoft Research, USA</TD> |
152 </TR> |
153 </TABLE> |
154 |
155 <H5>Invited Tutorials about/by:</H5> |
156 |
157 <TABLE> |
158 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://twelf.plparty.org">Twelf</A></TD> |
159 <TD><A HREF="http://www.itu.dk/~carsten">Carsten Schürmann</TD> |
160 </TR> |
161 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/hol-light/">HOL Light</A> </TD> |
162 <TD><A HREF="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/">John Harrison</A></TD> |
163 </TR> |
164 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/agda/">Agda</A></TD> |
165 <TD><A HREF="http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~ulfn/">Ulf Norell</A></TD> |
166 </TR> |
167 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://mizar.org/">Mizar</A></TD> |
168 <TD><A HREF="http://alioth.uwb.edu.pl/cgi-bin/adamn/hello.pl">Adam Naumowicz</A></TD> |
169 </TR> |
170 </TABLE> |
171 |
172 <H5>Programme Committee:</H5> |
173 |
174 <TABLE> |
175 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~txa/">Thorsten Altenkirch</A></TD> |
176 <TD>Nottingham University, United Kingdom</TD> |
177 </TR> |
178 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/da/">David Aspinall</A></TD> |
179 <TD>Edinburgh University, United Kingdom</TD> |
180 </TR> |
181 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/avigad/">Jeremy Avigad</A></TD> |
182 <TD>Carnegie Mellon University, USA</TD> |
183 </TR> |
184 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www-sop.inria.fr/everest/Gilles.Barthe/">Gilles Barthe</A></TD> |
185 <TD>IMDEA, Spain</TD> |
186 </TR> |
187 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~chris/">Christoph Benzmüller</A></TD> |
188 <TD>Saarland University, Germany</TD> |
189 </TR> |
190 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~peterd/">Peter Dybjer</A></TD> |
191 <TD>Chalmers University, Sweden</TD> |
192 </TR> |
193 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/">Jean-Christophe Filliâtre</A></TD> |
194 <TD>CNRS, France</TD> |
195 </TR> |
196 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://research.microsoft.com/~gonthier/">Georges Gonthier</A></TD> |
197 <TD>Microsoft Research, United Kingdom</TD> |
198 </TR> |
199 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mjcg/">Mike Gordon</A></TD> |
200 <TD>Cambridge University, United Kingdom</TD> |
201 </TR> |
202 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://cs.anu.edu.au/~Jim.Grundy/">Jim Grundy</A></TD> |
203 <TD>Intel, USA</TD> |
204 </TR> |
205 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~reiner/">Reiner Hähnle</A></TD> |
206 <TD>Chalmers University, Sweden</TD> |
207 </TR> |
208 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.gilith.com/">Joe Hurd</A></TD> |
209 <TD>Galois, USA</TD> |
210 </TR> |
211 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~kleing/">Gerwin Klein</A></TD> |
212 <TD>NICTA, Australia</TD> |
213 </TR> |
214 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/">Xavier Leroy</A></TD> |
215 <TD>INRIA, France</TD> |
216 </TR> |
217 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/pete/">Pete Manolios</A></TD> |
218 <TD>Northeastern University, USA</TD> |
219 </TR> |
220 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://research.nianet.org/~munoz/">César Muñoz</A></TD> |
221 <TD>NASA, USA</TD> |
222 </TR> |
223 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www4.in.tum.de/~nipkow/">Tobias Nipkow</A> (co-chair)</TD> |
224 <TD>TU München, Germany</TD> |
225 </TR> |
226 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://nicta.com.au/people/norrishm">Michael Norrish</A></TD> |
227 <TD>NICTA, Australia</TD> |
228 </TR> |
229 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.csl.sri.com/users/owre/">Sam Owre</A></TD> |
230 <TD>SRI International, USA</TD> |
231 </TR> |
232 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~lp15/">Larry Paulson</A></TD> |
233 <TD>Cambridge University, United Kingdom</TD> |
234 </TR> |
235 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/">Frank Pfenning</A></TD> |
236 <TD>Carnegie Mellon University, USA</TD> |
237 </TR> |
238 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rpollack/">Randy Pollack</A></TD> |
239 <TD>Edinburgh University, United Kingdom</TD> |
240 </TR> |
241 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://users.encs.concordia.ca/~tahar/">Sofiène Tahar</A></TD> |
242 <TD>Concordia University, Canada</TD> |
243 </TR> |
244 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www-sop.inria.fr/marelle/Laurent.Thery/me.html">Laurent Théry</A></TD> |
245 <TD>INRIA, France</TD> |
246 </TR> |
247 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www4.in.tum.de/~urbanc/">Christian Urban</A> (co-chair) </TD> |
248 <TD>TU München, Germany</TD> |
249 </TR> |
250 <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/">Freek Wiedijk</A></TD> |
251 <TD>Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands</TD> |
252 </TR> |
253 </TABLE> |
254 |
255 <H5>Workshop Chair:</H5> |
256 |
257 <A HREF="http://www4.in.tum.de/~wenzelm/">Makarius Wenzel</A> |
258 |
259 <H5>Local Organisation:</H5> |
260 |
261 <A HREF="http://www4.in.tum.de/~nipkow/">Tobias Nipkow</A>, |
262 <A HREF="http://www4.in.tum.de/~wenzelm/">Makarius Wenzel</A>, |
263 <A HREF="http://www4.in.tum.de/~berghofe/">Stefan Berghofer</A>, |
264 <A HREF="http://www4.in.tum.de/~urbanc/">Christian Urban</A> |
265 |
266 <H3><A NAME="programme"></A>Programme</H3> |
267 |
268 The LNCS number of the proceedings will be 5674. You can find the |
269 accepted papers <A HREF="accepted.html">here</A>. The programme |
270 is <A HREF="programme.html">elsewhere</A>. If you are an author and |
271 prepare your slides, please note that the contributed talks in the |
272 main conference are limited to 25 minutes (including time for |
273 questions). The talks in the poster session are limited to 7 minutes. |
274 The proceedings of the poster session is |
275 <A HREF="http://tphols.in.tum.de/emerging-trends-TUM-I0916.pdf">here</A>. |
276 |
277 <H3><A NAME="workshops"></A>Workshops</H3> |
278 |
279 <ul> |
280 <li> <A HREF="http://plmms09.cse.tamu.edu/">PLMMS</A> (21 August) |
281 <li> <A HREF="http://coq.inria.fr/coq-workshop/">Coq Workshop</A> (21 August) |
282 <li> <A HREF="http://tphols.in.tum.de/idw.html">Isabelle Developers Workshop</A> (13 - 15 August; |
283 no registration fee; if you want to participate, please contact the organiser) |
284 </ul> |
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286 <H3><A NAME="venue"></A>Venue and Travelling</H3> |
287 |
288 The conference will take place in the |
289 <A HREF="http://www.novotel.com/gb/hotel-3280-novotel-muenchen-city/index.shtml">Novotel</A> |
290 which is near the river Isar and close to the city centre. There are a number of |
291 <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_garden">beer gardens</A> near the hotel. |
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 <H3><A NAME="travel"></A>Local Information</H3> |
296 |
297 <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich">Munich</a> is situated |
298 at the heart of Europe. |
299 <center> |
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301 <p> |
302 <div id="map_canvas" style="width: 400px; height: 178px"></div> |
303 </center> |
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305 <p> |
306 <a href="http://www.munich-airport.de/en/consumer/index.jsp">Munich's |
307 airport</a> is an important European hub for international flights from |
308 around the world. |
309 |
310 <p> |
311 <A HREF="http://www.novotel.com/gb/hotel-3280-novotel-muenchen-city/index.shtml">Novotel</A> |
312 is close to the central station and in easy reach from the airport by public transportation. |
313 More detailed local information can be downloaded for |
314 |
315 <ul> |
316 <li> the main conference and the workshops on August 21 |
317 <A HREF="http://tphols.in.tum.de/conference_info.pdf">[pdf]</A> |
318 <li> the Isabelle Developers Workshop on August 13 - 15 |
319 <A HREF="http://tphols.in.tum.de/isabelle-workshop.pdf">[pdf]</A> |
320 </ul> |
321 |
322 <H3><A NAME="registration"></A>Hotel Booking</H3> |
323 |
324 The registration deadline for the conference has passed. You can still book |
325 your hotel: |
326 |
327 <p> |
328 <ul> |
329 <li><A HREF="hotel.html">Hotel Booking</A></li> |
330 </ul> |
331 |
332 |
333 <H3><A NAME="support"></A>Our Sponsors</H3> |
334 |
335 We are very grateful for the support provided by: |
336 |
337 <ul> |
338 <li>Microsoft Research Redmond |
339 <li>Galois |
340 <li><A HREF="http://www.verisoftxt.de/">Verisoft XT</A> |
341 <li>Validas AG |
342 <center> |
343 <a href="pictures/validas.png"> |
344 <img src="pictures/validas.png" alt="Validas AG" border=0></a> |
345 </center> |
346 <li><A HREF="http://puma.in.tum.de/wiki/Doctorate_Program_PUMA">DFG doctorate programme Puma</A> |
347 </ul> |
348 |
349 </TD> |
350 </TR> |
351 </TABLE> |
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356 Last modified: Wed Oct 21 17:59:37 CEST 2009 |
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