changeset 96 907b1fff5637
equal deleted inserted replaced
95:345dd18f020e 96:907b1fff5637
     1 package G4ip;
     4 import pizza.util.Hashtable;
     5 import java.util.Vector;
     6 import G4ip.Form.*;
     7 import G4ip.ProofDisplay.*;
     8 import G4ip.Sequent.*;
    11 /** The Gi4p prover.<p>
    12   * The prover is a thread in order to suspend the proof search
    13   * after one proof is found and to let the user make a choice 
    14   * of whether to stop or to continue with the proof search.
    15   * @author Christian Urban
    16   */
    17 public class Prover extends Thread
    18 { ProverApplet  parent;  // the parent of the prover;
    19   boolean once;          // if true then at least one proof was found
    20   Sequent sequ;          // the root sequent to be proved
    21   Vector  frames;        // to record all frames which have been opened
    22   int index ;
    23   Hashtable<int,Sequent> proof;      // keeps a record of the proof
    26   /** The constructor creates a prover which proves a specific sequent.<p>
    27     * The parameter parent is for access to the applet buttons.
    28     */
    29   public Prover(Sequent init_sequ, ProverApplet init_parent) {
    30     super("Prover");
    31     parent = init_parent;
    32     once   = false;
    33     sequ   = new Sequent(init_sequ);
    34     frames = new Vector();
    35     index  = 1;
    36     proof  = new Hashtable();
    37   }
    39   /** Starts the thread; calls prove and stops the thread when 
    40     * the proof search is finished.
    41     */
    42   public void run()
    43     { prove(1,sequ,initial_sc); 
    44       if (once == true) { 
    45 	parent.messages.setText("No more proofs.");
    46 	parent.messages.repaint();
    47 	parent.repaint();
    48       }
    49       else { 
    50 	parent.messages.setText("Not provable.");
    51 	parent.messages.repaint();
    52         parent.repaint();	
    53       }
    54       parent.switch_into_input_mode();
    55       this.stop();     // everything is done, stop the thread
    56     } 
    58   /** Closes all frames which have been opened.
    59     */
    60   public void finalize() { 
    61     for (int i=0; i<frames.size();i++) { 
    62       if (frames.elementAt != null) 
    63 	{ ((ProofDisplay)frames.elementAt(i)).dispose(); }
    64     }
    65   }
    67   /** The tactic of the proof search.<p>
    68     * Method prove first enumerates all formulae on the LHS        
    69     * as being the principal formula and attempts to apply left-rules,  
    70     * subsequently it analyses the goal formula.                     
    71     */ 
    72   public void prove(int index, Sequent is,(() -> void) sc)  {
    73     Form principal;
    74     proof.put(index,new Sequent(is));      // add sequence to proof
    75     rightrules(index,is,sc);
    76     for (int i=0;i<is.Gamma.size();i++) {
    77       principal = (Form)is.Gamma.elementAt(i);
    78       is.Gamma.removeElement(principal);       // Gamma minus principal formula
    79       leftrules(index,principal,is,sc);
    80       is.Gamma.insertElementAt(principal,i);   // put principal formula
    81     }                                          // back into Gamma 
    82     //rightrules(index,is,sc);
    83     proof.remove(index);                   // remove sequence from proof
    84   }
    86   /** Analyses the goal formula. 
    87     */
    88   public void rightrules(int index, Sequent sequ,(()  -> void) sc)  {
    89     Context Gamma = sequ.Gamma;
    90     switch(sequ.G) { 
    91                           /** And-R
    92 			    *  Gamma => A    Gamma => B  
    93 			    * --------------------------   
    94 			    *      Gamma => A and B     
    95 			    */
    96     case And(Form A,Form B): 
    97       prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma,A),
    98             fun() -> void { prove(2*index+1,new Sequent(Gamma,B),sc); }  ); 
    99       break;
   101                           /** Imp-R  
   102 			    *   Gamma,A => B   
   103 			    * ----------------- 
   104 			    *  Gamma => A imp B     
   105 			    */ 
   106     case Imp(Form A,Form B):
   107       prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma.add(A),B),sc); break;
   109                            /** Or-R 
   110 			     *   Gamma  => A           Gamma => B   
   111 			     * ----------------- or -----------------  
   112 			     *  Gamma => A or B      Gamma => A or B   
   113 			     */
   114     case Or(Form A,Form B):
   115       prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma,A),sc);
   116       prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma,B),sc); break;
   118                            /** Equ-R
   119 			     *  Gamma => A -> B  Gamma => B -> A 
   120 			     * -------------------------------- 
   121 			     *          Gamma => A <-> B         
   122 			     */ 
   123     }
   124   }
   126   /** Analyses the principal formula on the LHS. 
   127     */
   128   public void leftrules(int index,Form principal,Sequent sequ,(() -> void) sc){
   129     Context Gamma = sequ.Gamma;
   130     Form    G     = sequ.G;
   131     switch(principal) {
   132                           /** false-L
   133 			    * --------------------  
   134                             *  false, Gamma => G     
   135 			    */
   136     case False():  sc(); break;
   138                            /** Axiom
   139       			     *  ---------------                  
   140       			     *   Gamma, G => G     G being atomic 
   141       			     */
   142     case Atm(String c):
   143       if (G instanceof Atm) {
   144 	if (((Atm)G).c.compareTo(c) == 0) { sc(); }
   145       }
   146       break;
   148                           /** And-L
   149 			    *   Gamma, A, B => G    
   150                             * -------------------- 
   151                             *  Gamma, A and B => G     
   152 			    */
   154     case And(Form A, Form B): 
   155       prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma.add(A,B),G),sc); break;
   157                           /** Or-R
   158 			    *  Gamma, A => G   Gamma, B => G 
   159                             * ------------------------------- 
   160                             *      Gamma, A or B => G      
   161 			    */ 
   162     case Or(Form A, Form B):
   163       prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma.add(A),G),
   164 	    fun() -> void {prove(2*index+1,new Sequent(Gamma.add(B),G),sc);});
   165       break;
   167                           /** Imp-L 2         
   168 			    *  Gamma, A imp (B imp C) => G  
   169                             * ------------------------------
   170                             *  Gamma, (A and B) imp C => G    
   171                             */
   172     case Imp(And(Form A, Form B), Form C):
   173       prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma.add(Imp(A,Imp(B,C))),G),sc); break; 
   176                           /** Imp-L 3       
   177                             *  Gamma, (A imp C), (B imp C) => G 
   178                             * ----------------------------------
   179                             *   Gamma, (A or B) imp C => G       
   180 			    */
   181     case Imp(Or(Form A, Form B), Form C):  
   182       prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma.add(Imp(A,C),Imp(B,C)),G),sc); break; 
   184                           /** Imp-L 4 
   185 			    *  Gamma, (B imp C) => (A imp B)    Gamma, C => G 
   186                             * ------------------------------------------------
   187                             *         Gamma, (A imp B) imp C => G                
   188 			    */
   189     case Imp(Imp(Form A, Form B), Form C): 
   190       prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma.add(Imp(B,C)),Imp(A,B)),
   191 	    fun() -> void { prove(2*index+1,new Sequent(Gamma.add(C),G),sc);});
   192       break;  
   193                           /** Imp-L 1         
   194 			    *   Gamma(A), B => G          A being atomic       
   195                             * ------------------------    Gamma(A) means:
   196                             *  Gamma(A), A imp B => G     Gamma contains A
   197 			    */ 
   198     case Imp(Form A, Form B):
   199       if (A instanceof Atm) { 
   200 	if (Gamma.includes(A)) {
   201 	  { prove(2*index,new Sequent(Gamma.add(B),G),sc); }
   202 	}
   203       }
   204       break;    
   205     }
   207   }
   210   /** The initial success continuation. 
   211     * Suspends the thread when a proof is found. 
   212     */
   213   public void initial_sc()  {  
   214     once = true;
   215     ProofDisplay p = new ProofDisplay(proof);
   216     frames.addElement(p);       // keep a record for later disposal
   217     try {                       // suspend the proof search, 
   218     suspend(); }           // it might be resumed later on  by the user
   219     catch(SecurityException sec_exc)
   220       { /* this catch is neccessary for Netscape 3.0 (Linux) */ }
   221   }  
   223 }