2016-01-27 zhangx CpsG.thy restored. It was deleted. But now restored as a temporary holder of PIPBasics.thy.
2016-01-27 zhangx CpsG.thy retrofiting almost completed. An important mile stone.
2016-01-17 zhangx Still improving CpsG.thy
2016-01-16 zhangx Merged with 77
2016-01-16 zhangx CpsG.thy updated. It is a copy of PIPBasics.thy under drastic improvement.
2016-01-15 Christian Urban some small changes to the paper
2016-01-14 Christian Urban updated paper
2016-01-13 zhangx Moment.thy further simplified.
2016-01-13 zhangx Moment.thy further improved.
2016-01-13 Christian Urban another simplification
2016-01-13 Christian Urban some small change
2016-01-13 Christian Urban further simplificaton of Moment.thy
2016-01-13 Christian Urban simplified Moment.thy
2016-01-12 zhangx Before retrofiting PIPBasics.thy
2016-01-09 zhangx Correctness simplified a great deal.
2016-01-07 zhangx Some small improvements in Correctness.thy.
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