2016-01-28 zhangx Slightly modified ExtGG.thy and PrioG.thy.
2016-01-28 zhangx Merged back ExtGG.thy and PrioG.thy.
2016-01-28 zhangx Tracking ExtGG.thy etc., so that a update to 83 is possible.
2016-01-27 zhangx Added PrioG.thy as a parallel copy of Correctness.thy
2016-01-06 zhangx ExtGG.thy finished, but more comments are needed.
2015-12-22 zhangx In the middle of retrofiting ExtGG.thy.
2014-05-22 Christian Urban added a bit more text to the paper and separated a theory about Max
2014-05-06 Christian Urban made some modifications.
2012-12-06 Christian Urban added
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